I know I will not read this because I do not do computers. There are a lot of us out here that are going to really miss particularly the Beep and going to miss the Rhino Times.Some of us just do not do computers. I’m sorry that something couldn’t have been done to keep this paper in circulation because those of us who really care and used the Rhino to keep track of what is going on in government right here in town and in the state and the country are going to be hurt. I don’t know what the answer is. I would have taken a subscription or whatever to keep the Rhino going and I hopesomething can be worked out. But I’ve enjoyed it all of these years. We’ve got to have something. There’s no good paper now from Winston-Salem all the way to Raleigh and,of course, not Charlotte. But thank you for what you have done. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everybody. Bye-bye.

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BJ Barnes has high moral values and integrity. He is a professional law officer who has kept us safe for many years. He has obeyed the laws of our state and nation. He has prepared his officers to be professional using only the force that is needed and to be just. He has provided professional training for all in his department and is a credit to Guilford County. He is a fair and just man. I respect BJ and think he has every right to speak freely about the fact that we need a state law to prevent any criminal from running to serve as an officer of the law. An officer of the law should have lived an exemplary life. If you break the law you should never be involved in law enforcement. The community should be aghast, as should the City Council and County Commissioners. The final insult to the taxpayers of Guilford County is to fire people that we have spent tax money preparing the best way to provide safety to all Guilford County citizens. Every time someone in my neighborhood has called the sheriff the officers came quickly, treated citizens with respect and resolved the issues. Thank you,Sheriff Barnes,for your leadership skills, strong values and being an example to every child in Guilford County. Let’s get the law written; representatives of Guilford County, it will pass. Thank you.

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This is Joe from Archdale. I’m a 66-year-old retired gentleman and I have health problems. Three men, two black and one white stopped and helped me dig my car out today on Springfield and Main and I want to expressly thank these men for being good neighbors. I’m so proud of them and I’m just grateful that we’ve got good people living in the state of North Carolina. Thank you very much. Goodbye.

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Twenty-thousandor “About 20,000”- when a number is the first word in a sentence it is always written outyears ago when half of the northern hemisphere was covered in ice, where did the global warming come from that melted that ice? It certainly did not come from burning fossil fuel. Thank you.

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Hello, I just have to vent my frustration. During the snowstorm the news channels are showing their reporters, some are actually driving a car and talking to the camera at the same time. There was one in particular  a woman with News 2 who even took her hands off of the steering wheel several times using hand gestures to talk. That’s ridiculous. It is distracted driving. It’s dangerous to other folks on the road. They tell us to stay off the road and then they’re out there all over the place. What was that all about? You know what I’m saying. Anyway, thanks,Beep,and be safe.

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Donald Trump has done more for this country in two years than the last four presidents combined.

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What happened to Under the Hammer? The last time I saw it was in written form. Are you going to do it in the future? Please let us know.


Editor’s Note:  Under the Hammer was taking a break while we made the transition to an online publication.  However, there is a new post today and there should be frequent new posts in the future.

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Hillary Clinton, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, Harry Reid and the rest of the ranking Democratic members and the entire DemocraticParty, these people are all Satan’s army. Satan has recruited them to head up his army. Thinkabout it. Look who they recruit:the poor, the uneducated, the vulnerable and the young. These people are terrible. They stand for every evil that this world has to offer. They’re in favor,the Democratic Party is the army of the devil. The Republican Party, who stands for God’s word,God’s beliefs, keeping the TenCommandments in our schools, keeping prayer in our schools and keeping Christ in Christmas. This is God’s army. Which army will you join? There is going to be a daywhenyou are going to have to pick a side. I know what side I’m on. I’m on God’s team. Nothing will ever change that. I welcome you to join my team. Thank you.