I am a big fan of the Rhino Times. Uncle Orson Reviews Everything sometimes has something of interest to me and frequently I’m not interested at all. But this last week’s article from the Sept 14 edition, Third Places in American Life was spot on and one more fantastic article. I think it ought to be required reading in all sorts of different educational venues. Great job, Uncle Orson. Thank you.
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President Trump and the members of Congress need to consult their dictionary for the word illegal. Taxpaying citizens of the US do not owe illegals in this country anything. They are all lawbreakers, no matter what age. The children are the responsibility of their parents, not the US citizens. We paid for their education and their health care. Let him go back to their own country and help their own people with their education. America first; time to help our own. Candidate Trump said repeal and replace, build the wall, no amnesty, no DACA. So far we’ve gotten nothing. He’s about to lose a whole lot of votes.
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Why would anyone make a contribution to help renovate a theater when so many of our American friends in the southeast are in such dire need.
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I wonder if the Dreamers are doing themselves any good by protesting and shouting down the hand that feeds them. I don’t think Nancy Pelosi’s going to like that too much. And from what I gather she’s a pretty vengeful lady. And the only thing I can say is, carry on Democrats.
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In another example of the casual mendacity of NPR, their reporter just now repeated the statistic of a million immigrants taken into Germany over the last couple of years. That number is partially correct, but only as a net immigration number bcause about a million Germans have emigrated during the same period, while two million immigrants have entered Germany. A female spokesperson for Alternative for Germany recently pointed out on the BBC World Service that Germany has actually taken in over two million illegal immigrants or refugees, but she was quickly cut off by the presenter. And that is how the BBC and NPR prevent you from learning the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Just sign me off as An Independent Thinker.
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Hey, love your paper. I was watching an old Matlock movie this morning, and I noticed in the courtroom behind the judge was the Confederate flag, and I was wondering how long it’s going to be before this movie will be taken off of television. Thank you.
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Yes, I’m just curious. Do the naive Trump supporters also think the hurricanes and earthquakes are fake news? And they don’t believe in the Russian stuff with all the evidence coming out, they still don’t believe. They say it’s all fake. So the tornadoes, the hurricanes, the earthquakes, is that fake news or is it just stuff about Trump that’s fake.
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I don’t know why Equifax waited two months to tell people they’d been hacked. They knew it in July. They waited until September to tell everybody. Cisco told them in March to put the patch on. They knew something was wrong. They didn’t do it. Now people have their information made public. That’s not good business. They should have told them right away. Thank you.
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Fox News is reporting that Donald Trump has recommended that Chinese banks stop doing business with North Korea. The Democrats who the fifth grade was their senior year, do you not understand that’s the kind of language, talking about eliminating North Korea, that’s the kind of language they need to hear? The man said he would turn this country into ashes, and one Trump talks about obliterating North Korea, ignorant people like Hillary Clinton and some of the rest of them, they thought that’s just awful to do something like that. That’s a kind of language that man understands. He might shoot a missile over here and put our power out, but if it does it’ll be the last one he’ll shoot. We need a leader. Barack Obama didn’t do anything.
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I live in District 4, the low-income part off of South Holden Gate City Boulevard. We’re also known as a people Nancy Hoffmann couldn’t care less about. Recently I drove through the Starmount neighborhood and there were Hoffmann political signs on many yards. Guess what. Not in my neighborhood. They say she walks her district streets. Funny, I’ve never seen her walk down my street. I doubt she even will because she only supports her rich constituents. I bet she’s afraid to be seen with lower income, high crime area people. Goodbye.
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When Mayor Vaughan and the rest of the City Council we’re forced off the dais by a bunch of punks, that was absolute solid proof she does not have what it takes to be mayor of Greensboro. For a much needed change, vote John Brown for Greensboro mayor.
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I can’t believe that in the times that we live in, when there’s very few people you can trust. I can’t believe there’s anybody with the mentality or IQ so low That they would dial up a taxi with their cellphone, give the person their credit card number their address, their cellphone number and their address, just so they could save a few bucks. And keep in mind you’re giving this information to someone who’s deceitful. Because if these people told the insurance company they were using their personal cars as a taxi, the insurance company would cancel them immediately. And we all know what service I’m referring to. Would anybody use that service? I just don’t understand it. Thank you.
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Editor’s Note: That’s not how the service works.
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Yes, in reference to the person that called in, beginning their statement as, build that wall, build that wall, where they don’t want the wall built. Yes, please do build the wall, Mr. Trump, because I’m sick and tired of going to the grocery store, counting my pennies, while I watch the illegals stand in line with three or four kids and two baskets full of groceries with food stamps. That’s our tax dollars paying for them here, ruining this country, costing us billions. So yes, build that wall, build that wall. Because we need to stop this immediately. If you want to live in our country, do it legally. Stop living off our tax dollars. Thank you so much. I love the Beep.
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John Hammer, you’re a man of character and integrity and I appreciate you for filling your pledge by using the president’s full name. I know, also noticed you did not say former President Barack Hussein Obama. You indicated Barack Obama. You’re a man of integrity and character and I appreciate it. Thanks.
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President Trump has to face evil every day of his life. He confronts it and conquers it every day. His opponents, constantly lying, cheating, anything they can do to bring him down, but everything they do seems to blow up right in their face. Can’t they see, and can’t America, see this man was put in the White House by God to straighten up this country. God knew we needed somebody in this country to lead us back on the right path, and he picked Donald Trump to do it. He was placed there by God almighty and people need to realize this. This is a good man. He’s not perfect, but God used imperfect people all through the Bible to carry out his will.
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I’m calling in regards to the animal shelter and their failure to take in food, toys and other items because of the lack of personnel that should be in charge. At the animal shelter. Number one Clarence Grier. Grier is an assistant county manager, so why is he in charge. The fish start smelling bad from the head down. I just can’t understand. And then we’re going to spend $100 plus million to build a new animal shelter. I think we need to keep the same animal shelter and not spend that money cause it ain’t going to be anything different. It’s dogs. Can’t save the world with dogs.
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An article titled “Harvard Faculty, Alumni in Revolt over Snubs of Michelle Jones and Chelsea Manning.” Michelle Jones beat to death her 4-year-old son and was admitted to the Ph.D. program. Bradley Manning, who cross dresses under the name Chelsea, is famous for selling out America, selling out our intelligence agencies. A petition signed by 150 Harvard professors, says, quote, petition demands that the university not discriminate based on the criminal history, invest in prison reform research, invite Manning to speak on LGBTQRSXYZ issues at the institution. I exaggerate. Well, I mean Hitler was a fantastic painter and he brought his country out of the Great Depression. Should we not ignore his criminal history and give similar such individuals an equal shot at Harvard?
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Recently a neighbor of mine, who is overall an OK person, with his only true flaw being a flaming liberal, said that Donald Trump was not a veteran. I reminded him that his two idols, Billy Bob skirt chasing Bill Clinton and Barack hope and change Hussein Obama never served a day in any branch of the service, or any service either, needless to say that ended that conversation real quick.
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Blue Cross Blue Shield just canceled my grandfather’s health insurance policy and gives me the single option of going into the exchanges for a deductible of $3,000 plus to $7,000 plus, in and out of market. You know what Obama’s legacy is, it’s take American health care, American health insurance market and turned it into a third world political quagmire. That is the legacy of Obama.
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A little bit of a revelation over the last couple years. It isn’t the slippery slope of conservatives following down the ever faster slope of nationalism and conservatism ordering a white right wing. No, it’s not, it’s not a cascade of that. It’s this avalanche of liberalism that seeks to abrogate almost every aspect of life. That’s healthcare, to take a stable healthcare environment and deconstruct it into some poorly ham-fisted limited healthcare. It’s not gay rights and gay marriage, it’s transgender issues in grade school. It’s not Black Lives Matter, and actually all lives matter, it’s white people are inherently racist and white people are racist and that minorities can never be racist. It’s not citizenship for Americans and for immigrants, it’s that all people regardless of legal status are citizens and can vote and, in fact you don’t even have to be a citizen to vote, you can just be an illegal alien with a driver’s license.
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Hello, this is my first time calling, but I just couldn’t resist. I just got through reading the article about the animal shelter’s refusal of the wonderful donations that First Baptist Church in High Point tried to give them. You know, it just makes me so thankful that I don’t live in Guilford County because it’s obviously run by a bunch of fools, ingrates and ne’er do wells. Thankfully. I live in the wonderful County of Randolph and will continue to, but I will continue to read the Rhino because that’s the only way you can get accurate news in this area. Thanks for tolerating my call.
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I’m calling about John McCain not voting to fix affordable health care. I think it’s time that he stepped down. He’s got cancer and he’s in bad shape, and he’s mad because he didn’t get the presidency when he ran against Obama. And I think that it’s time he stepped down. He needs to give his seat up. He needs to go home and recuperate, and I think that he needs to go away. He’s not a Republican anymore. He’s a Democrat, because he’s just up they’re, just resisting whatever the GOP is trying to do, and whatever Trump is trying to do. He’s resisting Trump at every angle. And I think that he needs to step down and let somebody that’s in good health, that’s got a good mind, and that’s for American people, take his seat. I think it’s time that he goes away. And I would like to tell him, thank you for what you’ve done, but it’s now time for you to leave.
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Hi, I just got released from Moses Cone Hospital, from the cardiovascular division. And I want to let you know that they have the most wonderful awesome personnel I have ever run into. They are they’re constantly taking care of you. Another thing I want to compliment on is the food. Absolutely awesome. People complain of hospital food, but believe me, there’s nothing to complain about with this food. It is the best I have tasted in a long time, even in a restaurant. I just wanted to let people know that Cone Hospital is one of the top places to go for anything. I loved it. I enjoyed it and they took care of me, and I’m home and I’m well. May God bless them all.
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Yes, I’d like to thank you for staying on top of the situation with the pathetic excuse for an animal shelter we have in Guilford County. It seems to be ignored by other media in the triad for some odd reason. I was shocked when I read that once again cruel and underhanded shenanigans we’re going on out there after what we had to suffer with a previous director. So now that the latest one resigned and we have even worse behavior from our public officials. It is absolutely sickening how greed and petty political games are wreaking havoc and suffering on these animals, not to mention the poor volunteers who tried desperately to help in every way they can. But they’re not allowed and they are cut off at the knees, again. I say get rid of the entire circus and let them who actually care run the shelter. We as taxpayers demand accountability and complete transparency
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The Democratic Party is so weak right now that they don’t hardly control anything. They’re what they call a coastal party. They just control a few states on each coast. That’s about it. If you look at the electoral map. it’s 75 percent to 80 percent red. They’re just gone. In the next election, Republicans, please get out and vote and let’s completely do away with this party while we have the chance. They’re un-American. They’re unpatriotic. They are nothing but a nuisance. Let’s get rid of them once and for all. We’ve got about we got them on the ropes. Let’s not give up. Republicans get out and vote in the next election. Just listen to Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. If you don’t believe me just listen to them. Could they be anymore awful?
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I understand that John McCain is going to vote against the House bill on health. The thing of it is, I understand he is from Arizona, and the rate out there on Obamacare is up over 100 percent. So this’ll be the last time that we’ll have to put up with him in Washington, I would think. I hate the fact that he was a prisoner of war all those years and was wounded. I understand that and I’m sorry for it. But the thing of it is, he’s in the wrong job. He needs a job selling insurance or something of that nature.
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In the August 24 Rhino Times, there were two people that called in. One said how could you not like Trump because everything he says is the truth, and it’s a breath of fresh air. That is the best joke I have heard in a while. All this man does is lie. And the other thing was why are all these anti-Trump people so angry and hateful. Have you read The Sound of the Beep lately and read the angry and hateful comments that the Republicans are calling you in and saying? Another joke.
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If that buffoon in office, why is he not investigation the Russian crud? Why is he not doing something about it? Is he their buddies? He’s president of the US. How come he’s not investigating it? So evidently he is part of it.
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Quit mouthing about the Russians spying on us. Of course they’re spying, as well as the Chinese, the British, the Germans and every smart spy in the world. They know more about us then the ones in Washington know.
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Well, I guess I was wrong about Angela Merkel. It seems to me the whole country is crazy. They voted her back in for another time. Good luck to him.
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To all those out there who would say that these statues that are being torn down are history, the individual that is in the statue might have a historic story but the statue itself is not history. If you really want to be smart and know what you’re talking about when it comes to history, you’ll do your learning from a book or from something other than a statue. That kind of explains the stupidity of some of these people.
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I’m calling about Roger Goodell coming out against Trump because he said something about the NFL and the NBA, about them taking a knee. I am all about Trump saying something about that because I think it’s totally disrespectful taking a knee when you’re out there on the field playing football. I think it’s not right. Not only that, look at the servicemen that go over there and fight for our freedoms and these men are taking a knee, and they’re making millions of dollars and our service men are not even making $40,000 a year and these NFL players are making millions of dollars per game. I think that is really dirty and I think Goodell needs to do something about the NFL because if he doesn’t, there’s not going to be no NFL. The fans or getting tired of it. We’re tired of the NFL players taking a knee and disrespecting not only our country but our flag and the service men that are given their lives for these millionaires to be on that field.
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Hi. I’m calling about the GTA and their bus drivers. My husband went to catch the bus and the driver berated him because he was short one penny, and my veteran husband was trying to get downtown to the veterans step down. Even though he got on the bus, once the driver got toward the Depot, there was another man that was standing at the bus stop trying to catch the bus. He was disheveled and the driver proceeded to pass them up. My husband stood up and said, if you don’t stop this bus and get that man and pick him up you will never drive another GTA bus ever. So the driver stopped, thank goodness, and all the passengers applauded. I don’t think these drivers are fair to do what they’re doing, stereotyping and profiling all these passengers. The GTA director need be investigated. Scott Yost and John Hammer, y’all need investigate GTA and the bus drivers and their shenanigans. The bathroom stalls in the women’s bathroom, the handicapped spot, is always broken. Somebody needs to fix this.