My property was damaged in the rear of the 1300 block of Elwell Avenue, which abuts to the playground of Peeler Recreation Center. Several males have come by there and pulled one of the boards of the wooden privacy fence off, breaking it in half, stuck a paint gun through my fence and fired several rounds of paintball material, striking things inside of my yard in the rear. They also fired the paintball projectiles against my wooden fence causing damage. Then they went to the side of the rec center by the pool and fired several shots with the paintball up against the brick portion of the building.
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Even the liberation theologist liberal pope cannot bring himself to acknowledge such an absurdity as homosexual marriage, deigning to allow only some sort of vague civil union. So as Australians participate in a mail-in referendum on whether to legalize gay marriage, let’s hope that their elites don’t overturn what I predict will be an overwhelming rejection of the charade, as our US judiciary did. The Aussies aren›t stupid. Even their dogs are intelligent enough to recognize a contradiction in terms when they see one. So a deafening silence is as absurd as a vegetarian carnivore, a square circle and homosexual marriage. Just sign me off as An Independent Thinker.
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If an individual can start a business and offer a product cheaper, and abide by all the commercial regulations and fees, and still put everybody else out of business because their product is better, more power to them. I can say they’ve done something. But in the case of Uber, they started a business and dodged all the legal regulations and legal requirements that everybody else has to operate under. And since they do this, they’re able to offer a product cheaper. That’s the only way they’ve been able to put people out of business. They dodge all the commercial requirements, commercial regulations. The whole company is built on lies and deceit. That’s how they’ve overtaken the competition.
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I read somewhere that of all immigrants the British have the lowest rate on naturalization as US citizens, and I can understand why. I am British and I love America (much more than some who have naturalized) but for me and my compatriots to be born British is to have won the lottery of life, at least from the starting gate. It’s not something that can be explained in a 60 second beep, but if you’re willing to spend 98 minutes in a movie theatre, go see Dunkirk and you will perhaps begin to understand what it is to be British, and why we find it impossible to renounce our citizenship. It would feel like a betrayal of all that is good and right and decent and true. Just sign me off as An Independent Thinker.
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Our great past president, Barack Hussein Obama said, if you remember, when they put out a clenched fist, I’ll put out a handshake. Well, I understand that North Korea has just made a hydrogen bomb. It’s time for him to go over there and start shaking hands. Do what you said you’d do, Barack. Save us.
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Investors in Guilford County, listen up, please. There’s people in this community that need your help. There’s people that are very low-wage earners that need a nice neighborhood to live in. Would you, please, go into nice areas and buy large acres of tracts of land and put up low-income housing, low-income apartments or income-restricted apartments? You’re guaranteed return on your money by the federal government. There’s people that need your help in this county. Would you, please, do something for them? Anybody who is on disability looking for a place to live to try to get in the apartments they can afford, there’s a two- or three-year waiting list.
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I believe with all the stressful things going on in the horrific aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, threats from North Korea and their lunatic, quote, leader, as well as controversy on going over Confederate monuments, it would be refreshing to mention something more lighthearted. I have researched the question inquiring minds have wanted to know the answer to for quite some time now. I can officially announce that in a tight race Billy Bob, skirt-chasing Clinton has beat out Camelot, aka John F. Kennedy, as the biggest womanizer president of all time to date. This may be his lasting legacy more so than signing NAFTA into law during his presidency, because inquiring minds want to know.
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There’s a big monument down there at the side of Atlanta on Stone Mountain, with three Confederate figures on that. I’m sure that the liberal crowd and the minority group will want to get rid of that. There’s a group overseas somewhere in the Mid East called ISIS, I’m sure, would be glad to come over and help you get rid of it.
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Hello. Why is it acceptable or OK to try and wipe out one race’s history and replace it with another? Just wondering. Southern Guilford here.
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Good old Barack Obama sure knows how to make a mess out of a country, doesn’t he? Thanks, Dems.
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With all the destruction we’re seeing in Texas and Louisiana, our country should immediately suspend all foreign aid to countries that hate us anyway, suspend it all and send it all to rehabilitate all the destruction and everything in Texas. The Scriptures say, start in Jerusalem, start at home first before you start moving out and doing other things. If you think this is true, call your congressman, or write him, or write the president. Get rid of all foreign aid and keep it in the United States until we get everything back to normal. It’s a shame our taxpayer money is going to people who hate us. Love your paper.
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Is Harvey’s flood God’s way of showing that his world will not be ruled by evil and separating the wheat from the tares? Goodbye.
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Hi, I’d like to make a comment about the, I guess it’s the state DOT. They’ve gone around a lot of these concrete paved highways, specifically 85 around the south side of Greensboro. They’ve gone through and ground the top of the surface down to make it smoother, which was nice. But then they came back and dug up sections of it and repaved part of it and left it really rough, rougher than it was before. And I’m just curious how long they plan on leaving that. That was a really smart way of wasting taxpayers’ money. You’d think if there was a bad section they would have fixed it before they ground the surface down. Then it would all be finished and smooth. But that’s the way our tax dollars are wasted.
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Yes, I live in High Point. And I think you and the readers should know what’s really going on with this stadium. It’s not just baseball. It’s also going to be a football field. It’s obvious that king Nido Qubein of High Point University, the king of the city, is having the citizens, the taxpayers, pay for a football stadium for the football team High Point University will be adding in the next two or three years. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out it’s all about High Point University wanting a free football field. And they’ll pay a little bit for naming rights to call it High Point University field. That’s what’s really going on with this stadium in High Point.
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Hello. I’m calling about these Dreamers. And Obama, he’s done put his two cents in there saying it would be a shame to end his program. Well, and now Lindsey Graham and Dick Durbin is on the TV stating that they’re all for the Dreamers. What about the American people? I mean, you’ve got all these people that come over here and broke the law. And the American people are getting shafted. It’s like they don’t care about us. All these Congress people up there in Washington, they do not care about the American people. They care about these illegal immigrants. That’s all they care about. They have more rights than the American people do. I think that the Congress needs to get a grip on it. And they need to realize who’s paying them. We, the taxpayers. We’ve been here all of our life.
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Hello, Beep. If all the celebrities and sports announcers wearing those Harvey ribbons would spin them 180 degrees, then tape the ends that are pointing up now, just taper them a little bit, and add an eye or two, it’d look just like a rabbit.
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Where are we going? I don’t know. But it seems to me that we’re going in the wrong direction. If you can’t get along with each other, there’s definitely going to be a problem.
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I don’t like identity politics because, in my opinion, it seeks to separate us based on our differences rather than unite us based on the many things we have in common as Americans. I like to say that I am an American who happens to be black. I’m not offended by the Confederate statues or memorials that have been around for all these years. The Confederacy is a part of our history. Taking down statues and memorials won’t change history. Everything about our history is not pleasant and shouldn’t be revised. I’m free. And statues and memorials can’t hurt me any more than a large oak tree in the middle of a square on Main Street. There are more important things that offend me, like high black-on-black crime, the high unemployment rate among blacks, and increasingly intrusive federal government that tries to present itself as our savior.
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I see everybody is raising cane about the DACA situation. You can lay all that at the feet of the beloved Obama. And if you expect Congress to do anything, good luck with that. They’ve not done anything in – I can’t remember when. None of the people’s wishes have they taken care of.
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If there’s an estimated 800,000 Dreamers, when you add in their parents, and the undocumented Dreamers, you can have a possible 1.5 million to 2 million illegals in this country. This surely doesn’t say much about our border protection.
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Southern Poverty Law Center has been in the news, I think, now for about 30 years. And I know initially when they came on the scene it was interesting to look up their hate map where they identify groups around the country and regionally. And, then, it’s disconcerting. But it’s probably informative. Well, of all the news, and of all the groups that think the Southern Poverty Law Center has an agenda, I went to the website. And I typed in every configuration of MS13 and it is not listed in the Southern Poverty Law Center’s database. And I went to three or four different areas trying to find it.
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The number one Hispanic Latino organized crime group responsible for multiple murders in New York, Long Island, LA County, Guilford County, North Carolina, Charlotte, MS13, is not listed on the Southern Poverty Center Law Center’s website. That alone tells me they have their own agenda and are not to be paid attention to. How atrocious. How atrocious.
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Hey, Beep peeps. Higher taxes, the crime is up. Where are the jobs, Nancy? Vote for new leadership. Vote John Brown.
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Let me get this right. The good people of Summerfield were protesting against an apartment complex opening up in their area because they were against the expansion of any kind of business. But these same people overwhelmingly voted and passed a bond that would allow a liquor store. Well, just as long as they got their priorities in order, right? Thank you.
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I saw that photo you had in there with Nancy Vaughan and her non-distinguished citizens dedicating some highway to somebody. While she was out sunning, why didn’t she go around Bessemer Avenue and look at those chop-chop and those junkyards that’s got thousands of cars over there disassembled? It’s ruined Greensboro over there. It used to be a nice neighborhood, clean. Why didn’t she go look around? They ain’t got time for the stuff that matters, just some road that don’t mean nothing to nobody. She needs to get out and look to see what she’s done to Greensboro. Because she’s sure ruined it. And her non-distinguished friends, along with her. They should have Skip Alston out there, they’d have the whole bunch.
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Sometime last month I called into the Beep. One of my finest compositions ever. It referred to cigarette filters, grass seed and chicken manure. Three issues of the Rhino Times have come out since I sent that in, and it has not been included. And I find that difficult, indeed, to understand. Take another look at it. Thank you.
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