I just now read this week’s issue, and I run into John Hammer’s Under the Hammer on the back page. I absolutely think that this should be moved to the front page and more people should be able to see it and realize what’s going on in this country. Thank you.
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Yeah, I just want people to know that there is a – Trump was on David Letterman in 2013 talking about meeting Putin. Now that’s a video. If you need proof, there you go. Plus, he’s on a talk show, another one, Mike Savage, saying the same thing. And I sure would like to know why he’s so scared of the Russians. What do they have on him?
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Editor’s Note: Trump does not deny ever meeting Putin. He denies colluding with Putin to fix the presidential election.
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Yeah, I was just wondering, since Trump released the JFK files, did it prove Ted Cruz’s father is the one that killed JFK? Trump is such a fool. Did it prove it or disprove it? It’s just all in his head.
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Well, once, again, great Americans. We have blood on the Obama’s hands and Clinton’s hands once again. Seems like the guy that killed all those people in New York, mowing them down with a Home Depot truck, he was let in the country by none other than the Obama administration, and Hillary Clinton was secretary of state at the time he got a diversity visa to come in to this racist country. More blood on their hands. Are you kidding me? As if we are not diverse enough. And you’ve got the gall to sit there and tell Trump and his supporters that we are all racists in this country because you don’t want a vetting process.
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This message is to all Democrats that work, bought a home, got a car and a pickup truck, sent one child through college, got their home paid for, they’re 65 or 70 years old and they live a decent life. If you did vote for Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton wanted open borders. She wanted a man like the man with the truck that run over the people on bicycles Tuesday in New York, which everybody knows about by now. She wanted where all these people could come in. And if you can go back in the archives and find it, she said that she wanted open borders. And that’s exactly what it meant. She tried to walk it down like she did when she said she was going to bunch of coal companies and coal miners out of business. She meant that, too, at the time she said it. But that’s the person you voted for if you keep on voting the Democrat ticket, that’s what it is.
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Hey, Beep, quick question for you. Why don’t black baseball players kneel during the anthem? Why is it only football players? And isn’t ironic that they have a black woman singing the national anthem for game six of the World Series. And guess what? She’s a policeman, a black policeman. I wonder what Black Lives Matter thinks about that. OK.
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Concerning medical prices, why do doctors charge $500, $600 dollars an hour for visits? For an operation, the charge can be $5,000 to $10,000 an hour. Why do drug prices average 30,000 to 50,000 percent over the ingredient prices?
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Good morning, Beep. You know, I really, really can’t understand why the American people are putting up with Bill and Hillary. They were thieves before they came out of Arkansas. They had done nothing for the American people. The only thing they’ve done is press their own agenda. And I don’t know whether they’ll ever get their rewards until they’re taking a long dirt nap. Have a great week.
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Hey, you know what? I went through Kernersville today and got pulled over by some cops. But, anyway, I did not identify myself. I just kept myself quiet. And I saw him – I was sitting there thinking, wait a minute. This is one of them – this isn’t a rookie cop. This is a senior cop. A lot of senior cops have a bad habit of walking around to the driver’s door asking for your ID. And, then, they sometimes will look at your windshield in the front. Because they’re so used to looking for that inspection sticker. You know, we used to have the square sticker on the window for years? Well, they’ve gotten so many of these cops out there – I’m guilty, too, of same thing of just checking the window. But I think it’s so hilarious that a lot of officers and company police and stuff on sight that’s been ex-cops, when they pull a vehicle over on location, or they pull – a highway patrol or something pulls you over, watch your officer. See if he doesn’t by habit stare at the front window.
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Yeah, this is for the person that called in about Cone. I was raised in White Oak Mill Village. The Cones took care of their people. They gave them a place to stay. I think our rent was like $1.50 a month for an old two-story house. Then they started selling them, and you could buy a house through Cone. They would take like $7,000 for a brand-new home. They gave you a ham and a turkey at the holidays. They had company stores you could go to and get your groceries and whatever, clothes, stuff you needed. The Cones took care of their people. I don’t know who said that they had four generations. You wasn’t in my generation. The Cones took care of my family and everybody else. I can’t remember anybody in the mill village being on welfare. They got up and they went to work for a living every day. Because that’s the way you had to do it. And you still should have to do it. But, now, people live on welfare because they’re too sorry to work. They’d never made it back then, because they’re too sorry. But the Cones took care of their people, and I would like you to print that so everybody can read it.
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Yes, in continuation. And my first job was at Revolution Mill. Thank you. I enjoyed it. Thank you.
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Hello. I’m calling about Alma Adams getting on TV. She wasn’t on TV, she just wrote in about Paul Manafort, you know, being accused of something with Russia. And I’d like to say this. You know, where is she at about Hillary Clinton, and her colluding with Russia, and her selling Uranium One to the Russians. Where are any of these Democrats on that other saying it ain’t true? You know? That’s not right. She wants to come out and say that it’s about the campaign and everything. It’s not about no campaign. Trump did not collude with any of the Russians. It’s been proven that, because they haven’t come up with anything yet. And I’d like to say this, if you got something to say about Trump’s campaign, you know, you need to forget it. Because they haven’t got any – not no – not no, none, zilch. They have none, zero information about Trump colluding with Russia. It’s been a year, and they have nothing on Trump at all.
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I got home late last night wanting to see what happened with the indictments turned down in Washington. I turned on Fox News and listened to Hannity talk a while about how this thing was ridiculous and had blown up in the Democrats’ face, and they must be beside themselves with grief and embarrassment. How terrible it was. They went on and on about how this was nothing, and now it’s terrible for the Democrats. My wife insinuated that I was crazy for listening to them. I turned on CNN to see how they were spinning it. They had four of the happiest people in the world talking about how terrible this was for the Republican Party, and it was only a matter of time until Trump was impeached, and it was terrible, and how the Republicans are totally idiots for believing anything else. It was like, how can it be both ways?
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Hi. I was just sitting here watching Tucker Carlson, and he had on Leslie Marshall, who is a very elite liberal Democrat from California. And they was talking about immigration and why they bring them in because of what happened in New York. And she was talking about, that they don’t have enough people to fill the agriculture down in California, and they need immigrants to come in and pull fruit. Well, you know, this is the thing. They’re marching because they want McDonald’s, Burger King and all these fast food places to pay $15 an hour. Well, tell me something to all you elite liberals out there. Why can’t these people pay for these agricultural people, why can’t they pay American people to pick the fruit? You know, they say because American people won’t do it, because of the money. Well, if you want at McDonald’s and Burger King, and all these fast food places to pay $15 an hour, what’s the difference?
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The Democrats were running a fraudulent ad showing a Republican senator chasing people down in a pickup truck. The ad was fraudulent and untrue, but they still ran it. People watched it on their television. And what happened? Someone in New York did that exact same thing. But this time it wasn’t fraudulent. A terrorist run over innocent people, killing eight and wounding 20. Do you think this ad might have sparked this terrorist to do this? The Democrats must think so; because when it happened, they yanked their ad. The Democrats have never been any good for this country and they never will be. An hour after this attack, they were still supporting the diversity immigration program and, also, the diversity visa program.
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Do the members of Congress think because we’re in the lowest tax bracket or because we’re old that we don’t know taxes raised to 12 percent from 10 percent is an increase? And you still tax 85 percent of our Social Security? You give tax credits to families with children, which means they’re going to pay a lot less tax. They’re not going to pay tax on all that. And those of us in our ’70s and ’80s, raised our kids without tax credits, without free kindergarten and all the giveaways. And now you treat us this way. You’re still taxing 85 percent of our Social Security, and you’re going to raise the rates to 12 percent on our other income. That’s no way to treat old people. And if this happens, election time we will remember. Don’t forget. A new election coming up.
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Editor’s Note: They say that because of the increased exemption, those now paying 10 percent will pay less in taxes at 12 percent, but we’ll have to wait and see.
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Hey, I’m a son of the South. I was born and raised here. I got here in 1607 through my ancestors. And, look, there’s something I want to know. Hey, what side of the fence are you on? Let’s let our president do his job. Don’t impede him, and, please, there are a lot of things I want to say, but I’m too inebriated to say them now. But, look, there’s something that this man has to do for our country, which is to bring it back. You Democrats need to go cleanse yourselves of your sins, because your sins are great. I’m sorry.
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Word to Nancy Pelosi. Nancy, you’ve got to read that tax bill. You’ve got to sign it first. And, then, read it. And to all of the Democrats, the liberals, the socialists, the leftists, I don’t think you could bail all that water out of that sinking Democratic Party ship before it goes completely under. Go, Democrats, go. Fantastic job you’re doing.
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The opiod addiction in this country has really gotten out of hand. And everybody wonders how can it be this way? How could this happen? Stop and think. It starts in elementary school, middle school and high school putting these kids on Ritalin and all these ADHD drugs, and all these ridiculous made-up illnesses. Do you think maybe that’s got something to do with it when you have a large percentage of the students on some sort of drug, Ritalin or Adderall? Do you think it has something to do with it? Stop and think about it. Just think about it. Thank you.
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You know, these days I really miss Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Mikhail Gorbachev, Nelson Mandela and Matt Dillon.
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Republicans, listen up. We’ve got them on the ropes. We’ve got the White House. We’ve got the House and we’ve got the Senate. Do not let up. In the mid-terms go and vote for your Republican that is running. If we can finish them off and we get them to lose enough seats, and we gain seats, they’ll never be able to worm their way back in. Get out there and vote straight Republican, and let’s get the majority in the House and the Senate that is so overwhelmingly so far ahead that they will never catch up. Listen up, Republicans, get out there and vote. We’ve got them on the ropes. We cannot let up now. Thank you.
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I think these television stations are having these emergency broadcast tests done more than once a week, and more than once a month. Some said they’re required monthly, and some say they’re required weekly. And they’re doing it more than once a month and more than once a week in some cases. And I think they’re interrupting things on the news that they don’t want us to hear.
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I see on the news where Sgt. Bergdahl is not going to get any time at all. I’ll bet you if we had a way of knowing, that he thinks our great ex-leader, Barack Hussein Obama, was the greatest president we ever had. You can figure out what kind of politics the man has for yourself.
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It’s like I said before, there’s too much tension in the air. You can almost cut it with a butter knife. And while we, as adults, are mostly to blame; I understand the statement, suffer the little children better than I ever have. Otis says hello.
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Hello. As long as I can remember, Americans were more settled when the government was more settled. No mystery there. Southern Guilford here. Have a peaceful day.
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When I was in service, the penalty for desertion was going in front of the firing squad. They have really – this judge that turned Bergdahl loose Friday has really made a laughing stock out of the US Army. I don’t know who appointed him judge, but they need to take it away. He shouldn’t be able to judge anybody from now on. I’m sure that pleased Barack Hussein Obama. I’m sure he loved that and all the Democrats. But a Democrat that fought in the Vietnam War or possibly the Korean War does not like it. And he knew they wouldn’t like it whenever he done it. But he didn’t care. That is the Democrat way. Hooray for me. To heck with you.
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I’ve been reading the papers. Bernie, can you feel the burn now?
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Well, your self-proclaimed logical thinking has gone amiss again. In the first segment of your Nov. 2 Under the Hammer, you say presidents do not get reelected if the economy is doing poorly. Yet, in the next sentence, you say Obama did not get anything done again. But he did get reelected, didn’t he?
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Editor’s Note: According to the mainstream media, the economy was doing well under Obama.
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The News & Record, if they’d fire Susan Ladd, put events like President Donald Trump’s visit on the front page rather than page 5, and if they’d restore the full number of pages for the comics, for the funnies, then maybe I wouldn’t be cancelling my subscription to the dang News & Record. The most liberal daily wipe I’ve ever seen in my life. Seriously. Overheard at Your House at breakfast.
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I just received one of those bulk letters asking for donations for the Hospice Support Fund, which has a P.O. box address in Merrifield, Virginia. If you search on the internet, you will find an alert for this company. Hospice care is available to any terminal patient who needs personal care, and it’s fully paid for by the United States government under Medicaid. All their services are free, whether at one of their facilities or assisting the family with home care. So anyone asking for donations for hospice is tricking you.