Yes, I’d like to clear up several false talking points of the left. One is that McCabe will not – he will receive his pension. He just won’t receive advanced benefits. The other is that for a federal employee to be fired, it’s almost like an act of Congress. The person that fired him had 14 years in that job in the office of professional responsibility. Trump and Sessions had absolutely nothing to do with that. This case was reviewed. They found enough evidence to terminate him, and they fired him. Let’s talk about the three Democratic Congress people who’ve stepped forward knowing that this man has fully violated public trust and are offering him a job. What does that say about the Democratic Party?
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This is actually directed to Mr. Editor. I called in a week or so ago about the Second Amendment and assault rifles, and your response with editor’s note: None of the recent mass shootings has been done with an assault rifle. Well, the Las Vegas shooting was done with a bump stock, which effectively turned the rifle into a rifle that would shoot repeatedly like an assault rifle. And they say an assault rifle by any other name is still an assault rifle. And you missed the point entirely. If our forefathers were here now, the ones that wrote the Second Amendment, I would bet that they would outlaw it. Because back then how long did it take you to load a gun? By the time you loaded a gun and shot one person, the whole school would be all over you if you are at a school. So, just – you miss the point.
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Well, you know, this week is Howard Coble’s birthday. If he was alive today, he would be – if I remember correctly, 87 years old. I actually went to the Remembering Howard Coble Birthday Party that they had the first of the week. It’s always right after St. Patrick’s Day. It’s a good way to remember it. Believe it or not, there were 40 – how many people were there? He says 47, but I think it’s 42 – showed up to celebrate Howard Coble’s birthday. It’s interesting. The man’s gone and they’re still remembering him.
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Publix wants to move to Greensboro. I wonder what the Greensboro City Council would do to mess up and lose them with all their rules and regulations and just lack of brains. Goodbye.
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I heard about Guilford County raging a war on opioid overdoses and deaths. Probably using our tax dollars. This is all well and good, except that our great and wonderful mayor wants to make Greensboro into a sanctuary city. Sanctuary cities are known to harbor criminals. And the worst criminals we’ve got coming up and down the interstate are the drug dealers. I mean, you can’t have it both ways. Let’s think about everybody needs to get up in arms about making Greensboro a sanctuary city. We need to get rid of drug dealers. Did you see about the ones in Denver where the big drug lords, about three months ago, they arrested five of them? All five had been deported multiple times.
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Yeah, for your unwitting Trump supporters, which means you’re easily influenced. You keep forgetting about the 19 indictments from Trump buddies, four guilty pleas. Keep forgetting about that. You still think Trump is so innocent, huh? Well, let’s add to collusion. Let’s also add money laundering, tax invasion. Let’s add a lot of that. Use your head. Think it out. Figure it up. Four guilty pleas, singing like little girls all about Trump. Any information coming out for the FBI and the CIA and all that, it’s come from Trump’s little buddies that are singing like little girls to Robert Mueller. But you still think your man is innocent. I can’t wait for that fool to be taken down.
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This message is for Scott Yost. A couple of weeks ago he wrote an article about Stormy Daniels, and he didn’t know what pornography was, and he didn’t even know how to pronounce pornography. At 40 years old, this fool knows what pornography is. He ain’t never heard of it. But, of course, he just likes to hear himself talk. And now I’m looking at it from, what, March 15? And he’s already in tune with how much hush money Stormy Daniels is trying to get from Donald Trump. You know, Scott Yost gets on my last nerve. But I’ve got to give him credit. He gets me riled up. And he gets you thinking. But I wish he would just hush up, because he’s annoying. He acts foolish. He must get paid by the word, because he just babbles on.
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Hello. This call is to all the Democrats that are standing behind all these Democrats that are connected to Louis Farrakhan. I’d like to say this to them. Why are you not calling out these eight Democrats that have been connected to Louis Farrakhan that is the most racist man that there ever has been? Why are you standing – not calling them to denounce this man when that Charlottesville thing come out, everybody was like talking about Trump, how racist he was and how much a bigot he was. But you don’t hear nobody calling out these eight Democrats like Keith Ellison, Maxine Waters, and all these other Democrat senators up there that are connected to Louis Farrakhan. You don’t hear none of them being called to the floor to denounce this man that is calling all these Jews and white people all these names.
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Noticed in the Rhino not long ago someone complaining about an area neighborhood trying to reinforce their covenants. All I can say, no wonder they try to reinforce covenants. People moving into neighborhoods love the homes when they buy them. They’re beautiful, well-maintained, yards beautiful, house painted. Looking great. But they don’t keep them up. They let the yards go. The shrubbery grows up over the house. Why did they move in these homes that have to be kept up? I don’t disagree with trying to reinforce covenants and having homeowners if the people that live in these neighborhoods do not keep their homes up, when most of the people that live here do.
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If that buffoon president keeps firing the Republicans, who’s going to be left to kiss his behind?
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Hi, John. Just reading your current Under the Hammer, and in my opinion, US would have better foreign relations if it sent average Americans from small cities and towns to represent it overseas rather than the group we choose. We do. We have Peace Corps volunteers from all over the United States serving all over the world. So, we do that already. Thank you.
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Keep on the mega hats and the Trumpie bears. Got to pay off the porn stars. Got to hire lawyers.
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Yes, I just watched Eric Holder make a short speech. And he was lecturing Jeff Sessions on what he should say to the president of the United States. He should be the one saying no. And, you know, if memory serves me right. He took the Fifth Amendment during the Fast and Furious situation. And, then, of course, second attorney general under Obama, she met on the tarmac with Bill Clinton. So I don’t think anybody in the Obama administration, particular Holder, should be lecturing Jeff Sessions on what he should or shouldn’t do. This man has very questionable morals. He may have also been involved in the Hillary Clinton situation as well as the FISA warrant. Certainly Loretta Lynch was.
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Remember, the man from the NRA that everybody hates so much said what stops a bad man with a gun is a good man with a gun.
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This is a thank you to Sheriff BJ Barnes for always being there for Guilford County, especially now for our children. Thank you, Sheriff.
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Here’s a little message to all those media people bashing Trump about things that happened long before he ran for president. And the message is also for members of Congress and those others in Washington. Quite simply, let he who is without sin cast the first stone. I don’t recall reading where the media were after Franklin Delano Roosevelt or John F. Kennedy about any of their private affairs. So why have they decided to beat on Trump all the time? And Bill Clinton pretty much got a pass.
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Here we are a year later. And the Democrats still profess that Russia is behind their loss and Hillary Clinton’s loss of the election. Well, go to the front of The New York Times article it says 50 million Facebook users were snookered by Cambridge Analytica and Zuckerberg handing over their data for political purposes. Let me refer you back to the original quote by Mark Zuckerberg, 2004. Quote, if you ever need any information about anyone at Harvard, just ask. I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, Social Security numbers. And the response was, what? How did you manage that one? Zuckerberg, people just submitted it. I don’t know why. They trust me, end quotes. That is no embellishment. That is a direct quote from 2004.
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The very idea that they would consider moving the Civil War monuments down at the State Capitol is idiotic. Anybody that the third grade was their senior year knows that the only reason Gov. Cooper will go along with moving them, he knows who will vote for him. He knows that without a doubt. And, so, he’s going to go along with anything asked to get him more votes and make the Democrat Party more political, more stronger. They should leave them where they’re at. They’re not hurting one soul. To move them down to Bentonville where they had the Civil War battles, nobody is going to see them. They see them there. We can’t hide from the Civil War. It happened. It’s all over. We had a black president for eight years. Looks like to me they’ve overcome pretty good.
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I was reading your article about the school systems and how they want to protect the kids and have guns or cameras, whatever, what BJ Barnes said. They’re all a bunch of liars. They’re not going to protect them kids. They don’t care. They won’t even protect trying to get to school, or when they get to school. They don’t check the school zones. I went through two this morning on Summit and Yanceyville, three really, counting Aycock. And they’re flying through them school zones, and nobody protects the kids there. If they’re getting on the bus, they don’t stop for the buses when the signs is out. So, the Police Department is so sorry, and the Sheriff’s Department. They don’t protect the people on the streets. And they’re talking about taking care of these kids?
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Yeah, I just wish big boss man Roy Carroll could put his new distribution center over in the Rock Creek Park area instead of tearing up a pretty good clear patch of land. That’s just what I think.
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I saw on the news where people are calling Uber instead of calling an ambulance. If they have a medical emergency, and they need to go the hospital, they are calling Uber instead of calling the paramedics. And it’s my understanding now that the paramedics are in uproar about it. What’s the matter? What’s the problem? Whenever taxicab jobs were being eliminated by Uber, nobody said a word. But now when it’s a governmental job, now there’s a big uproar. What’s next? If you need the fire department, don’t call them, call Uber? If you need a policeman, don’t call the police, call Uber? Is that coming next? If you need an attorney, don’t call an attorney, call Uber. Maybe someday somebody in some governmental position will do something about this unregulated mess they call Uber. Maybe somebody will. Thank you.
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Guilford County parents, be aware that your daughters are going to fund NCCJ, a left-wing political group out at North Carolina A&T is getting the taxpayers’ dollars to fund their agenda at Guilford County Schools when they need money for everything else at the school, they’re giving it away to these left-wing groups that are teaching white privilege and racist theories to our children as if we live in 1950. This is not 1950. This is 2018. And we don’t have those issues anymore. If you want to teach history, teach history. But NCCJ teaches that today’s world is that of 1950, and that our kids are being oppressed and held down because of the color of their skin, and that’s just not true.
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To the people who believed Winston Cup Racing is real and not rigged, I have some wrestling tickets for sale for Friday night’s event that I’ll sell you real cheap. Unbelievable.
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Yeah, you know what, I heard these politicians, these senators, the ones reading this paper for exact, people, the senators, congressmen, representatives are reading this paper. Y’all are fools. And I’m going to tell you why. They’re all complaining about China stealing our technology. China is stealing the technology. That’s baloney. McDonnell Douglas, Boeing, all these fighter jets, where do you think they outsource to get their planes and their parts and components and everything made? Everything’s coming from China. Our stocks for our weapons. All types of stuff. They’re not stealing. We’re sending them blueprints to design and build these components. And, then, when they make a couple of extra, and decide to give it to their nation’s military, or everything – you got to remember, every business over there, the military has a percentage into those companies. It ain’t like the US.
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Hi. I’m calling about something that’s in the Beep about this person saying she wished there weren’t no men. She’s going to get her wish about having no men, because Isaiah 4:1 says that seven women to one man in that day. Isaiah 13:12 says, I’ll make the worth of a man a five-gold wedge. Just sit back. Jesus said as it were in the days of light so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man. Put two and two together and figure it out.
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John Hammer has said on more than one occasion that it is not an assault weapon. I can say that if it is a rifle that can fire hundreds of rounds rapidly killing 17 people in a very few minutes, it is an assault weapon. I would not call it a popgun nor a peashooter. Civilians have no right whatsoever to have a weapon of this type. Only law enforcement and military forces should be allowed to have a weapon of this nature. Thank you.
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It’s Friday at 8 o’clock in the morning, just for the heck of it, I went over to MSNBC. They really should be put off the air. This makes no difference whether you are a Democrat or Republican. They said that John Bolton, the man that Trump has just put on his staff, has talked about a preemptive strike on Iran and North Korea. Now, how would you feel if you was in Iran and the United States is talking about a preemptive strike on you? They might decide to strike us first. That’s all they’re trying to do. The opposite of success is failure. And they want Trump to fail. They don’t care if it’s a depression. They don’t care if people lose their homes. Anything that happens just to get rid of Trump. They got people at Butner that will never get out that’s got more sense than them people running MSNBC.
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Hillary, the only deplorables in the 2016 election were you, your ill-moral, so-called, husband, Barack Hussein Obama, Eric, yes-man, Holder, Loretta Lynch, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and the entire morally bankrupt Democratic Party. All of you are a pathetic national disgrace and should reside in a sewer because your liberal warped ideology permeates the airwaves like a landfill on a windy day. Ride off into the sunset and leave us decent citizens of this country alone. I’m sick of all of you.
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This concerns our darling mayor. The other day she said she would like to eliminate the gun show coming up in August at the Coliseum, but the laws of her state, here in the city, don’t allow her to dismiss it. However, she kind of threw the ball over to Matt Brown at the Coliseum. I don’t know what his views are about guns or whatnot. But this upcoming show, they’ll have it in August. But I’ll guarantee, whatever way he’s looking at it, if he doesn’t go ahead and try to curtail all the upcoming ones after August, Matt Brown will be out of job over at the Coliseum or she’ll find some way in the City Council to route him out.
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Both Rhino editor and a Beep caller said elections are term limits. There is an elected position that limits the time a person can hold it. It’s called president of the United States.
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Hello, Beep. Otis made me realize something. We could spend the rest of our lives trying to solve the world’s problems, or we can simply figure out how to fix stupid.
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Hello, folks. Southern Guilford here. I build bluebird houses and put them out in April and May. This year the bluebirds showed up in early March wanting to know what the holdup was. Evidently their timeframe is not the same as mine, or maybe it’s the weather. That would explain why the baby garter snake was on my front porch last week. Keep on keeping on, Rhino. Otis says hello.
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All these cable news companies, all they keep talking about is Trump having sex. So far, he hasn’t had any sex in the Oval Office. I rest my case.
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Well, unfortunately, I was thumbing through the channels and I caught a little bit of the March on Washington with the crybaby high school kids crying about the gun laws. I don’t know which is the most painful, listening to them or listening to Jennifer Hudson try to sing at the very end. I don’t know which was the most painful. Both of them were pretty bad. So the high school kids are mad because the gun laws have allowed one of their own to get a gun and kill some of them. Maybe they shouldn’t ostracize people and discriminate against people because they don’t quite dress as well as some of them, or act like some of them, or don’t belong in their little clique. Maybe they shouldn’t do that to people. Have they ever thought about that? The gun laws are not the problem. It’s the attitude in the country of no respect for human life. That’s what our problem is. The bang-‘em-up, shoot-‘em-up movies in Hollywood, abortion running rampant.
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Good morning. Welcome to America. This is my country. This is your country. I notice every spring how the robins, the male and the female, together prepare a home for their offspring. I wonder why humans don’t follow suit. We all have the same creator. Thank you, Rhino Times, for this freedom of the press. The Son of a Legal Russian Immigrant.
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To the residents of Forest Oaks. This week you were sent out opt-out forms. These forms were to opt-out of the homeowners’ association proposed by the neighborhood alliance. Some people act as though they don’t know what to do with them. If you don’t want to be in the neighborhood alliance homeowners’ association and signing over your property rights and paying ever-increasing dues, then sign them and send it in. That notifies them you opt out. You can do nothing. But this neighborhood alliance needs to receive a strong message from each of you that you have no intentions to pay dues for a homeowners’ management firm to harass your neighbors. I understand these people ride the neighborhood every two weeks looking for problems. And if you think they are just to enforce the covenants, you will find soon. Remember, their job is to find problems in our neighborhood. And they will find problems, yours or your neighbors. So I urge each one of you to send that form in.
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Hi. This is the Irish balladeer. And I wanted to thank the generous people who put coins and greenbacks in my guitar case as I sang traditional Irish songs in downtown Greensboro on St. Patrick’s Day. And a special thanks to the kind gentleman who tipped me $10. May the luck of the Irish be with you all. Thank you.
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Oh, yes. About all this bullying. Every time you turn on the news, another child has been bullied to the point that they want to commit suicide. Our schools claim to have zero tolerance on bullying. Yet it continues. Is somebody doing anything about it? Suspending never works. You’re giving a kid time off from school. It doesn’t work. The first offense for bullying should be some community service right there at their school. Let them help take out the trash, and I don’t mean one afternoon of it either, a week or two’s worth. Second offense, let them do some real true community service for about a month. If that doesn’t work, then off to juvenile for a couple of months. It’s got to stop somewhere. I think community service for some of these bullies would keep them too tired and too busy to bully anyone.
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Oh, yes, about the bullying again. That also goes for the bully’s friends that want to jump in on it when someone’s being bullied. Some of their community service should be done during school hours so all the people in the school can see them sweeping and mopping, and this is what’s going to happen if you bully. Again, something else needs to be done. This suspension just does not work. It never has.
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This is for Scott Yost. I notice in your March 18 column that you didn’t know who Stormy Daniels was. Well, I’m going to invite you to watch 60 Minutes this Sunday on March 25 and get the sides of both stories. Who are you going to believe, Pinocchio or a porn star? Well, you watch me and let me know. Bye-bye.
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Hi. I’m calling about child support. I want to know something. Why is it that men have to pay so much child support? I understand that they’re supposed to keep their children up. I get that part. I was one of the women that never got any child support from my ex-husband for my children. But I keep hearing all these stories about these women getting an exorbitant amount of child support. And these men that are just barely making ends meet have to pay $800, $900 a month in child support. I don’t really get that. And they’re left with hardly anything to live on, you know, for the rest of the month. These judges are not ruling right. I think it’s a shame that a woman gets all this child support every month, and the man has to just do whatever he has to do.
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Hi, I just called about the child support. I didn’t get through. I was just wanting to say this. It’s not fair that a man can go to jail for not paying child support. He gets behind a month or two, and he’s in jail. But a woman that gets behind in child support don’t go to jail. They never put her jail. I don’t think that’s fair. And I think, like I said, I think these judges need to revisit this child support system, and they need to stop this overcharging these men for child support. Men have to live, too. Just like women do. If a woman has to pay child support, it should be fair. And so should it be for a man. It’s getting ridiculous what women are asking for. I understand if men are making $500,000 a year. I get that. I get that. But if a man is only making $50,000 a year or $30,000 a year, which is not much money, they should not have to pay astronomical amounts of child support a month.
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Yes, I would like to ask you to publish the phone numbers and the office addresses of our representatives, state and national, so that we may communicate with them. Appreciate your help. Have a good day.