In response to the worker at the Coliseum who called in calling about losing hours because of the cancellations caused by HB2, maybe he should blame those who cancelled, not the bill itself. For instance, Bruce Springsteen, who claims to be the champion of the working man, yet he put a lot of working people out of work when he canceled at the Coliseum. While he and his band members are wallowing in their millions, they uncaringly put a lot of people out of work.
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Hello. In the March 9, 2017 edition of the Rhino Times, the Under the Hammer column was so incredible that I started underlining all of the great points with red ink. By the time I was finished, it looks like I had spilled the can of red paint on pages 32, 33 and 35. Check it out if you haven’t seen it. Thank you.
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A day without women was held on March 8 nationwide. And for a lot of men, that was really a national holiday. I mean, come on, golf, beer, basketball, guitars, whiskey, poker, cigars, girly magazines, hunting, fishing, motorcycles, sports cars, sleeping late, grilling steaks and no mother-in-laws.
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I was reading the letters to the editor in the March 2 issue. And the one letter in there, “Nose in the Tent,” by Alan Marshall, talking about these people coming off of the Delta planes from San Francisco being searched – not searched but asked for their ID. Reason they had to ask for everybody’s ID, I think, is to keep from being brought up on charges of racial profiling. They knew exactly who they were looking for, and if they only checked those people that matched that description that would be racial profiling. Thank you. Bye.
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European Commission President and general fool Jean-Claude Juncker said that the British will one day rejoin the boat of the European Union. Nigel Farage replied that the boat will have sunk by then. Good one, Nigel.
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CNN, CBS, ABC, MSNBC really should get their act together. They keep talking about the 46 attorney generals that they just let go. Told them to turn in their resignation. They think it’s absolutely awful. Then when they get to checking, Janet Reno for Bill Clinton got rid of 92 in the same day, double the amount. They need to go back and check their history. But they would be better if they would go off the air. If I was a Democrat, and act the way they act, I’d quit watching it.
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Russia, Russia, Russia. Don’t forget that all this quote, Russian business, end quote, originated with the Hillary camp, was embellished by the Democrats deflecting the stunning historical defeat and has been the opposition narrative of choice ever since. It’s 100-percent crud. Russia affected our elections? Russia may have exposed some emails, but the emails have never been disputed. The actual details of the emails have never been disputed. Russia didn’t hack our election, folks. The Democrats just don’t have any better argument.
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About two weeks ago, Mr. Yost wrote an excellent article about global warming. It was clever and funny, but it effectively drew attention to this crucially important issue. Thank you, Mr. Yost, for your clear-eyed honesty.
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It’s funny how Jeff Sessions lied when he was trying to be confirmed for his cabinet position about talking to the Russians like he didn’t know he talked to some Russians. It was just a complete lie. But, anyway, he’s in kind of some hot water being questioned over it, being asked to remove himself from his new position. And, then, what does Trump do? He just throws a big fat lie out there to deflect and get the pressure off of his buddy, Jeff Sessions. Obama wiretapped me at Trump Plaza during the election. What a big fat lie. We have got a fool for a president. Hope y’all know that, whoever voted for this fool.
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George W. Bush was a moral and intellectual zenith of the Republican Party in general, conservativism in particular.
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Over the past years, I have been a very complimentary of the Greensboro trail system, dash, until recently. Paragraph. I often hike the trail off of Church Street, period. Previously, you could park your car, take a few steps and be on the trail, period. Now they’ve closed that off with concrete, gravel and posts, period. Now you must go back towards Greensboro about 100 yards to a fairly large paved lot on the other side of the street, but normally there are only a few cars. To exit this lot is not safe due to partially blocked vision. There are no signs for my trail. You have to cross the street where a biker was recently killed to get to the trail. Paragraph. On the trail, they have placed white brown, about two-inch diameter plastic stickers every 100 paces or so, period.
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This is the Blue-Eyed Devil. I think the current governor of North Carolina should be brought up on charges of treason.
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I just saw the ACC honors on TV a little while ago, and Justin Jackson is Player of the Year, which he deserved. When they gave Coach of the Year to Josh Pastner of Georgia Tech – Roy Williams has been at Carolina for 14 years. Out of that 14 years, he has won the ACC Championship eight times. This year by two games. Sure, Georgia Tech beat us earlier in the year, but I guarantee you, if we were to play Georgia Tech right now, we would massacre them. That was on the road. It’s tough to win on the road in the ACC. It’s absolutely ridiculous that Roy Williams did not get Coach of the Year. He’s my coach.
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My suggestion for getting an excellent national health plan: Terminate the coverage of members of Congress now have and let it be known that they will be put in whatever plan they adopt to replace Obamacare.
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This is the Blue-Eyed Devil. I think the current governor of North Carolina should be brought up on charges of treason.
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John Hammer, tell your president, not my president, to stop reading those fake news resources that he has been getting his news, from like Rush Limbaugh and Fox News and those other fake news resources that I can’t recall the name right now that he’s been getting his information from. The president – the former president did not eavesdrop on his phone conversation. So he needs to stop blaming Obama for spying on his phone calls that he claims that he did during the election time. He has been telling a lot of lies. And that’s why he don’t like CNN.
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I see where North Korea is trying out some missiles and shot them all the way over to the Sea of Japan. And, of course, Iran is still shooting missiles and running up near our ships. What we need to do is find out from Barack Obama, he’s still in politics, if he can find some more money to give Iran. He did not give them enough with $150 billion in cash. He needs to try to find some more because they told him and gave him their word that they weren’t going to do anything with that money but just make power.
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I’d like to get a Republican headquarters open on 311 Main St. And maybe pick a party chair for High Point. Right now, it seems like Greensboro is dominating the Republican Party. The only headquarters that we have is in Greensboro. The party chair is in Greensboro. And it seems like High Point is being forgotten. And a lot of us would like to go in and create a Republican Party office in the High Point downtown area and actually pick us a party chair separate from Greensboro. Because Greensboro really doesn’t communicate much with High Point, and High Point doesn’t really communicate much with Greensboro. And Greensboro has got City Council races coming up this year coming in 2017. So High Point has got the 2018 race to focus on.
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Anyone who wants immigrants and illegals here should sign up to be totally responsible for them. Others should not have to pay their tax money for what you want.
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I find it quite interesting that in the News & Record Idea Section, March 4, about Joseph Graves, a Ph.D. at A&T and UNC, trying to – well, I knew before I was halfway through reading it that he was going to throw blame over on Trump about the education system. Let’s face it. The education system has gone to pot here in the US for a long, long time. All we do is throw money at it, which is the same thing we do right here in Greensboro. But to say things are not done in a liberal way in the colleges, he must be drinking Kool-Aid, the wrong kind of Kool-Aid, or something, because the column by Walter Williams hits the nail right on the head. I mean, and we know people who have been put down and scrutinized because of their feelings in the classroom in colleges. Thank you for your time, and keep up the good work. We need you.
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I find it quite interesting, a few weeks ago I was kind of chastised because I wrote that the Obama administration was trying to take over the networks for news, whether it was paper, TV, radio or whatever, and then the fellow brings up, just look at Russia and China. That’s exactly what I’m getting at. When the good media, and I mean the honest media, is taken away from us, this is when chaos sets in and this is what Obama’s administration was trying to do. And, then, what do we have today? On the front page on the main part of the paper of the News & Record, we’ve got to have about basketball on the front page. This just goes to show where your papers are headed and what this country is headed for if things don’t get turned around soon. All I can say is, Rhino Times, I don’t care if you start charging, I’ll be number one on your list to buy your paper, because we need a good name in this town.
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Logical Dan, here. I’ve got something to stimulate your thinking. I saw a television commercial for mobile phones advertising lines, not phone numbers, on mobile phones or radios, which use radio waves, not lines.
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I’m calling about our school buses. I was going home Friday afternoon, I think it was March 3. It was at 4:18. I got to Lees Chapel-Yanceyville. The light turned green. I stopped. The light turned green. When the light turned green, I went out in the street. Here comes a school bus. After the light was red, I was in the road. Run the stoplight. Now, I was going to call the school system, but they won’t do a thing about it. Well, I just called in some parents. They should call in and say something about a school bus drivers running red lights, speeding and running stop signs. It’s wrong. I don’t want no kids get hurt. I don’t have any kids in school that young anymore. But I just think something ought to be done about it.
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I’ll be 82 years old in just a few days. If you want a mess made out of something, get the US government to do it for you. This Obamacare was a bunch of stuff to start with. And what they’re working on now is just as bad. If this government wants to help the people, they could set up six or seven places across this state. If you didn’t have money to go to the doctor, you’d go there and the government would pay for it. How much trouble is that? I tied my shoes this morning by myself, and I got a North Carolina driver’s license. And I’ve got enough sense to understand that. They’re making the biggest deal out of this. The only reason why there’s Obamacare, Obama wanted his name carried on. He wants his head on Mount Rushmore, but I don’t believe he’ll get it. But this is the biggest mess I’ve ever heard of. They need stop and think, make the VA work right. If they can make this work right, with what I said.
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All ACC games are being played in New York. Last I heard, the ACC offices are in Greensboro. So we can’t have any games played in North Carolina because of that terrible HB2. Do you suppose he allows men in the women’s restrooms at their office? Doubt it.
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Since the ACC commissioner decided to move everything up to New York, I think they ought to boycott every game if they come back next season, whatever, because of the HB2. That’s baloney. Quit going to their games, and they’ll change their attitude.
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Another comment about that ACC moving to New York. In 2020, keep them out of Greensboro. Let them play in New York and Atlanta. After all the support through the years of the ACC, if that’s the way they’re going to do us, two can play that game. Boycott them. Thank you.
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This is about the school bus again. Saw one go through a school zone. Wasn’t 25 miles an hour. Saw one yesterday through a stop sign. I’m telling you, these parents, if you’ve got a kid that rides the school bus, if you think anything of your children, you need to follow that bus at least one time, maybe twice, and watch these bus drivers. They’re going through school zones, where’s the police officers at? Sitting at Biscuitville or McDonald’s? Why don’t they have a police officer at school zones? They used to. Well, I’m telling you, somebody better look after these kids, because the school bus people don’t look after them, and the school system don’t look after them, and the Police Department don’t look after them. So, something needs to be done. You need to look after your kids.
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So it’s OK for an artist to display a Jesus Christ crucifix in a bucket of urine but a historic statue of a Civil War general is offensive and must be taken down? Is the US judiciary system being overrun by fools?
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The Donald, regular as clockwork, 5:30 a.m. toilet tweets are the fireside chats of the 20th century. I’m just smiling.
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When will these people learn that nothing in life is free? Nothing. So, thanks for all the donations to the Say Yes, free college tuition. I knew it was a joke when they was trying to conjure up money. All they wanted was your money. And now they have it, or they spent it. Now Say Yes is saying no. That’s what I figured.
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John, your last week’s comment was way off target. Your concern was that the government was not prosecuting illegals using other people’s Social Security numbers. This is the main reason why both parties need and want all illegals in this country. What is the number of illegals using the same Social Security number? At least five, probably much more. This money going in helps keep the Ponzi scheme of the Social Security afloat. All this money in and none taken out. Great idea to keep it afloat.
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I would love for the Rhino Times to investigate who’s paying for the Save My Care Bus Tour. That might be an interesting little vacation there to go on a bus tour that they’re going to take all around the country. Wonder who’s paying for it.
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Moses could have brought the Republican healthcare plan down from the mountaintop, carved on stone tablets and the Democrats would writhe and moan and complain.
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You know, after listening to Jim Boeheim’s testimonial to Greensboro, I had to laugh at his narrowminded, misguided, one-way street approach to intelligent monologue. I thought to myself, I’ve heard this borish drivel over and over and over again. We’ve got Susan Ladd. Go beat your horses, Susan, and enjoy your day.