As we watch Jeff Sessions testify in front of these fools in Congress again, we’re watching a witch hunt. We’re watching the same things that’s been going on ever since these Democrats lost the election. I remember what happened to the smooth transition, Hillary begging for a smooth transition. That was when she had it in her pocket and was going to win. Now that she hasn’t won, everyone is crying and left-wing Liberal fools are out and doing all kinds of crazy stuff. If they’d done the things that this fool Kathy Griffin done, of getting out there and holding a head up portraying she cut Trump’s head off, or this so-called play they just had where they’re showing them stabbing Trump, if that had been done when Obama was in office, there would have been an outrage that had ever been heard.

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Hello, Rhino. I think it’s a sad day when a homeowner can’t buy a small-to-moderate-size swimming pool and put it in their back yard without having to pay outrageous county fees. Before you buy, do some research. In some cases, you’re looking at $235 in county permits. That doesn’t include the cost of the pool or maintenance. Southern Guilford and Otis here. The river is looking better and better.

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Hello. Republican lives matter.

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To those who witnessed the auto collision on Tuesday, June 6, at the corner of West Friendly Avenue and Westridge Road with a dark blue Honda CRV and a white Chevy Suburban, please, give me 15 minutes of your time to testify which vehicle ran the red light. We’ll reimburse you for your time. Thank you.

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Hi, Mr. Beep. If you’re wondering where all the police officers are, go to Barber Park. Go to Curtis meat packing. Go somewhere shady and you’ll see two or three or four or five of them just sitting there doing nothing. So that’s where your police officers are. Doing nothing.

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Editor’s Note: Police officers get breaks like other people, and they have a lot of paperwork to do. Why shouldn’t they park in the shade?

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Will the Democrats, please, stop with their hate? Please, stop. You have created such a hate-filled environment that now you’re causing people to be shot. Will you, please, stop with it? Your hate for the Republicans and Donald Trump has gotten out of hand. So will the Democrats, please, stop with their hate? We know that you are the party of hate and you are hate mongers and you hate anyone that doesn’t believe like you do. But you need to get over it. Please, stop with your hate. You’re at the point now where people are getting shot because of the hate-filled environment you have created. So, please, just stop. Enough is enough.

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How come 12 Democratic operatives sent out by Harry Reid in the 2016 election got arrested and registered hundreds, hundreds of illegal voters, and the media never mentioned it, yet worries about Russian interference in our election, which hasn’t shown that one single vote was obliviated by the Russians. Another thing is, the man who founded the Weather Channel disputed everything, basically, Al Gore has said in all the climate change craziness that has gone on. While 31,000 scientists call it a hoax. And there were none of them. There was no dissenting voices allowed at the Paris Climate Change Conference when Obama went. So, again, another amazing thing. Al Gore filmed a polar bear, I remember this, on an iceberg. It was very common for polar bears, who swim almost 60 miles, to sun themselves on an iceberg.

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If liberals are the people who care, for they wear fake compassion on their sleeves as a badge of saintliness, why are they so intolerant and violent?

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To the editor.  Would you, please, ponder and take the time to answer this question for me?  Why, after 100 years the Supreme Court has only had one black person on the court?  Key word, ponder.  Thanks.

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Editor’s Note: Actually the Supreme Court has had two Justice Thurgood Marshall and now Justice Clarence Thomas.  Neither Bill Clinton nor Barack Obama appointed any black Supreme Court Justices although they both had the opportunity. 

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The Democrats and the media are after Donald Trump. Every word they speak is something derogatory about him. They have launched an attack against this president like no one has ever seen before. They’re like a bunch of crybabies that didn’t get their way. All I can say is, America is watching. America can see the way they’re behaving and they do not approve of their behavior. This will cost the Democrats dearly at the polls. They are so spoiled when they don’t get their way, they can’t hardly take it. They have proven that they don’t believe in Democracy. The belief system that the Democrats operate under is unbelievable. When I hear the Democrats speak, I think to myself, I’ve never seen depravity on such a large scale.

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Hello, Beep. Here’s one for the record book. I just got through sitting at the stop light at Bessemer and Summit. And a police officer sitting in the middle lane of Summit Avenue going towards town just eased out there, turned and run the red light in the middle lane. Now he just turned and went down Bessemer Avenue toward Church Street. Ain’t chasing nobody, nothing. Just easing out along. Now you tell me how he got by with that. And I was on the west side of town the other day, right off Friendly, in that area at Junction Road, and it’s like being in a different city. People halfway obey the laws. They don’t run red lights. I didn’t see anybody run red lights and stuff. Matter of fact, I’ve seen two people getting a ticket, or they got stopped. But you get on the east side of town, and it’s like you’re in a zoo. People don’t know how to act. They don’t know how to drive, that’s for sure. Because the City Council won’t let the police officers do anything about it.

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I see where there has been a random shooting around Washington. If CBS and MSNBC and NBC and all of them will keep on dividing this country like they’re doing, pitting Democrats against Republicans, and the Greensboro news is the worst in this part of the country of doing it, that will continue. And I think that’s what they want. And somehow or another, they’ll try their best to blame it on Donald Trump. While we’re over here fighting and shooting one another, the people overseas – North Korea, Iran and possibly China and Russia – are figuring out a way to take us off of this globe. And nobody has got enough sense to know that.

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Yes, this is your former immigration specialist, Foreign Service guy. I had lunch today with a good friend of mine of 30 years. And he’s a staunch dyed-in-the-wool Democrat, as I think most of the South was. But he continues, and his family continues, to their credit. But over lunch, and I haven’t seen the guy for weeks, we had this debate. And he said in the aftermath of this attempted assassination of a Republican congressman in DC, he said, that’s what you get. Like, that’s what you get? What are you talking about? He said, that’s what you get when someone like Trump is so divisive. And I said, hold on just a second. Eight years of Obama has set back race relations and political discourse 40 years.

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Yes, I would like to know what is wrong with the telephone service in Glenwood. Every time it rains, the phones go dead. We didn’t have this kind of problem over here until that college moved into our neighborhood. Now, we got all kinds of problems over here. People running up and down the streets. I saw two cars …

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Yes, I’d like the hypocrisy of Nancy Pelosi to be noted. The other day she comes out and says that she wishes Trump the best. And much success. Give me a break. That’s all the Democratic people have done on the left is try to bring him down in every aspect of his life and work. They, Stephen Colbert, Bill Maher, Kathy Griffin with holding a fake head, the Shakespearean play, the Hamilton play when they insulted Pence in New York. And then, of course, the latest shooting by this Democratic nut job. OK. There is so many far-left people on the left now. They’re becoming, in my opinion, a scary communist-socialist party.

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When I read in your June 1 edition with your boast of having logical thinking, I chuckled. An example of why appeared just a week later in your June 8 edition where you said, it made more sense to exempt newspaper carriers from being considered employees when the papers were delivered by boys on foot or bicycle. I delivered papers by bicycle when I was 12 years old. I did not own the route. It was owned by a man who paid me to deliver the papers for him and he made a profit from it. So I consider I was more of an employee than an adult who delivers papers today by car or truck on his own route.

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Editor’s Note: Unscrupulous people always find a way around the system.

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First of all, I’m not a clown. Second of all, I do pay for their breakfast with my tax dollars. I’m not saying I don’t respect them and respect their positions. I’m not saying that. I’m just saying they shouldn’t be able to go to work, have to be there at 8 o’clock and then leave and go eat breakfast and go back to work. Nobody else that works for the city that has an office job downtown can show up, punch in, leave and go eat breakfast and go back and get paid for it. They should eat breakfast on the way to work, or before they leave the house, like every other person that has to show up at 8 o’clock. That’s all I’m saying. But the person that called me a clown, I see that I’m talking over your head, and you can’t understand what I’m saying. Mine and your tax dollars pays these people to abuse the system.

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As a Ph.D., doctor of psychology, who has treated the emotionally and mentally ill for 30 years, I must warn that this sociopathic hatred from the political left of our nation must stop. Their behavior is vulgar and violent. It will lead to national strife. We must all work together for jobs, national security and liberty. Thank you.

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As the City of High Point continues to acquire property for the baseball stadium project downtown, property owners with land in the project area are turning a nice profit. Two individuals, in fact, family members of one of the sitting city councilmembers, have just recently sold parcels to the city, netting themselves a tidy profit. Now this is not necessarily illegal, nor was the sitting councilmember legally required to recuse himself in the vote on the project taken over a month ago, as it is not his property directly. But he did not make it known to the public, nor did High Point’s only city newspaper, which seems to be quashing every possible reasonable question and possible opposition of this project. I believe the citizens should be aware that this has taken place. Consider yourselves informed.

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This is regarding the firefighters. They’re on a shift and on call 24 hours, including weekends and holidays. They have to prepare and buy their food. The city does not pay for it. Anytime they are away from the station, they are with the truck and have their radios. Maybe if they saved your life, or your home, this would not be a problem.

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Comments on the June 15 beep. The judges that overturned the travel band can read and understand the Constitution and federal law. Mr. Trump’s order wasn’t in contradiction of both. The Republicans hate the poor, the working class, immigrants and any church but their own, and Liberals. The Democrats hate prejudice, narrowmindedness, those who would sell the common assets to line their own pockets. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Mr. Colbert, Mr. Fallon are entitled to make fun of the president. That’s what we are all about. Still less than one-half of the votes, popular votes, were for Mr. Trump. But, luckily, we live in a federated republic where the states elect the president, not the people.

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I have two comments. One about Congress. The reason that you’re getting shot up there is because people are fed up. You’re going up there, you congressmen and you congresswomen, and you’re not doing your job. You’re just sitting up there taking taxpayers’ money, and we’re not seeing nothing being done, the American taxpayers. And we’re setting out here busting out tails working two to three jobs trying to ends meet, and the only thing we’re getting is mouth service. Number two …

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If Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have dug a hole for their selves and putting themselves in it, why does Donald Trump want to dig a hole and put his self in a hole along with them? Please, somebody, tell him, leave them people alone and get on with what he said he would do or not do. He needs help. Somebody, help him, please.

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Every time you turn on the TV you hear these liberals bashing our president. It’s really gotten out of hand. They will not stop. It’s escalated to a point to which none of us have ever seen. Now there’s even someone in New York with some sort of play, and they show the president being stabbed or attacked in some way. People actually go watch this. The people who are putting on the play and who are in charge of it, who have created this, are sick and demented. The people who go watch this are just as equally sick and demented. This really needs to stop. Donald Trump won the election fair and square. The people have spoken.

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Ol’ Man Rockingham here. The FBI is going to be put in charge of this shooting up there in Washington, DC. I guess they’re going to find out that the man had no real intent or he didn’t have any bad wishes and just pardon him altogether. I guess that’s the way it works up there in them Democrat Parties.