Yes, this is just a comment for the gentleman that called into The Sound of the Beep in this week’s edition, and he said, quote, the $1,000 I may get, I’m going to spend it. The $175,000 he’s going to get, he’s going to put it in the bank and put it in his pocket and keep it, unquote. Actually, that’s not true. First of all, to get $175,000 out of this tax cut, you’d have to paying about $3 million in taxes. And furthermore, whatever cut the wealthy Americans get typically goes into the bank where it’s used to provide student loans, housing loans, car loans. The banks don’t have any money of their own. They use other people’s money. This is where it comes from. And this is why in so many other countries around the world, particularly socialist countries, there is no money for investment capital. The banks don’t have any money to loan anybody. But in this country, they do, because we have people that are wealthy enough to put money in the banks, and it’s there to loan money to everybody else.
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I met an emergency room doctor over Christmas who believed the British economy was in the tank after Brexit. He admitted to getting most of his news from NPR, poor fellow. On the last trading day of 2017, the London Stock Exchange hit a record high. British unemployment is the lowest it’s been since 1974, and exports have reached the highest level since 1988 under the boom created by Margaret Thatcher. And, of course, we haven’t even left the EU yet. The attempt to frighten the British people into voting to remain in the EU failed miserably. Our economy is doing just fine, and as we free ourselves from the regulations and red tape of the world’s biggest bureaucracy, the British economy will leave in the EU in its dust over the next decade. Then what will they say? Just sign me off as An Independent Thinker.
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Corporations and multi-millionaires will pay significantly less tax and their reductions are permanent. Many people in the middle class will have to pay higher taxes. And for those who get some savings, their reductions are only temporary. Yes, we have a government of the rich, by the rich and for the rich.
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Editor’s Note: I’ve read that 90 percent of the middle class will pay less in income tax. But we should know next month.
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Can someone in the legal profession, please, explain to me how or why Hillary Clinton has not been charged with treason in wake of the ungodly, unthinkable, disgraceful uranium deal? Talk about collusion. This absolutely blows my mind. Oh, wait a minute. Maybe it’s because her last name is Clinton and she should get a pass. Can you say national disgrace? God help us.
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Merry Christmas, Rhino Times. Sure do want to thank you for letting the public have their voices heard on The Sound of the Beep. It’s a sad time when we’ve got so many criminals in our government that are just trying their level best to brainwash anybody that will listen. And they want to do us any way they want to do us. And, yet, every one of them needs to have an orange jumpsuit, and every one of them should be thinking about their vote. Just look at the mess we’ve got. We’ve got Hillary and Bill Clinton who have stole millions and millions from us. You’ve got Comey and McCabe and the lady from the IRS, all of them are trying their best to get on our dime again.
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Yes, I’d like to wish the mayor, the City Council and the chief of police a $95,000 Merry Christmas.
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It’s funny to hear Donald Trump say that there has been this big war on Christmas and, you know, he says merry Christmas one or two times while he’s at the White House. Says, we’re going to be saying this again at the White House, like it hasn’t been said there in a while. And, then, to see a video montage of former President Barack Obama saying merry Christmas at the White House and at other different places on multiple occasions. Does that mean that Trump lies when he says that Barack Obama didn’t say merry Christmas? In fact, there is video evidence that shows that he does? Sounds like a lie to me. Or someone trying to mislead people.
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So a new bar featured a fundraising effort in aid of Puerto Rico on its opening weekend. Isn’t that just so progressive and politically correct? These businesses who presume to cajole their customers into the latest PC project do so at the risk of alienating people who do not like to be browbeaten or upbraided when they want a quiet pint, without a healthy serving of smug sanctimony – people who think for themselves, in other words. I know that I shall never visit that particular establishment. Incidentally, I would be more inclined to help the people of Puerto Rico, who are US citizens, if they paid federal income tax like the rest of us. Just sign me off as An Independent Drinker.
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People in this country need to think about something, especially a Democrat. President Trump has sent ships over there in case North Korea does decide to shoot a missile that we can take them out. What did Barack Hussein Obama do about North Korea the eight years he was in? I don’t think he done anything. Iran wants to destroy us, too, and everybody that’s awake and not in intensive care knows he gave them $150 billion in cash. And the first thing they done was start shooting missiles. The next thing they done was take our sailors off of ships and made them put their hands behind their heads. And John Kerry thanked them for letting them go, which is one of the most idiotic things I’ve ever heard of in my life. They said they wouldn’t get a nuclear weapon for 10 years. What’s 10 years to somebody that’s 20 years old now?
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So, you Trump supporters, you remind me of the Jim Jones followers. I’m sure some of you Trump supporters can read. So look it up.
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Most, maybe all Republicans who voted for the so-called tax reform will benefit financially from the changes. Enough said.
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Hi. I’m calling in about the American Cancer Society. They got an ad on the TV right now with this woman standing there with a scarf on her head. And this is not to offend anybody, but this is directly towards the American Cancer Society in this ad that they’re running. I think that it’s very offending to the people that have donated millions of dollars to this American Cancer Society for this woman to stand there and say she needs all this help, and all this. But she never says anything about thank you for what you’ve already done. There’s never no sign of gratefulness or anything about what the American people have already contributed to the American Cancer Society. I think that, you know, if they want to put out an ad, they need to put it out, thank you for what you’ve already done but we still need your help to continue to do the research on finding a cure for cancer.
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The stock market hit 80 record days in the year of 2017. It has never done that before. A lot of people have their 401k’s have doubled and tripled. There are more millionaires made in the country in the year ’17 just off of the stock market than ever before. Unemployment – 17-year low. The enemy overseas is all but destroyed. People are going to now take home more money in their paycheck starting in February. So, tell me, what is the problem? And what was the name of that political party that used to have a little bit of a voice? It was Demo-something. I can’t quite remember. But I think they’re gone, aren’t they?
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It is Wednesday and I am watching the Fox8 News at noon. Their meteorologist just predicted some dangerously cold temperatures on the way and then said, there’s less chance of any winter weather coming. Jeez. How cold does it have to get before they think we have winter weather?
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President Donald Trump has an approval rating of a whole lot higher than what the media is reporting. When you go to work and people are talking about Donald Trump saying, he’s crazy, he’s a racist, I would never vote for him, etc., etc., etc. Keep in mind these other people that are voting for him. He has about a 90 percent approval rating in this country. And when people say they don’t like him, and they’re not voting for him, don’t believe them. Because they already voted for him. And they will vote for him again. The man is doing an excellent job as president of our country. The Democrats can’t stand him because he’s being so successful. They’re jealous of him and jealous of his family.
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How dumb can the City Council be to buy a lot for a parking deck and hotel and not use any of the attorneys or managers or assistants to check out a clear deed for it? Now they have to take it by condemnation. So dumb. I guess that tells you about the City Council officials. Plus a lawsuit.
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I see on Fox News that this South Korea says that North Korea might be willing to talk. If they do talk and try to tone this thing down and get back and start acting like somebody’s got some sense, I wonder if the Democrats will give Trump any credit for that? They haven’t given him credit for nothing so far. And said the polls that they run, the people didn’t even want a raise. And my understanding if these Democrats get a raise and don’t like it, they can send it to the US Treasury. They’ll take it. They don’t have to take it and carry it home with them. They can write a check and send it back to DC.
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This is for all you people that can’t stand Hillary Clinton for some reason. She’s not the one investigating Trump. The Republicans are investigating Trump, not the Democrats. Not Hillary Clinton. Robert Mueller, the FBI, CIA, they’re all led by Republicans. So, hush up about the Democrats. Or learn the facts. Please, learn the facts.
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I’m calling about Sheila Jackson Lee using the race card about the airplane seat that she took from this activist lady. I just think that, you know, she is just a racist altogether. Everything that comes out of her mouth is geared towards racism. And not only her, but Maxine Waters, Oprah Winfrey as well. And I just think that it’s time that these people step down. They have constituencies that are white, I’m sure, in some of their districts. But they just use this race card to a point where it’s getting very old. And I’m sure that white people are very tired of it. It’s time that they stop trying to divide this country, especially her. Sheila Jackson Lee has done nothing but spew hate since she’s been up there in the House side.
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Well, the New Year is upon us. Let us move back to a little bit of the news items in 2013, ’14, that has just been decided. The headline is, Oregon Court Rules Christian Bakery Must Pay $135,000 to Lesbian Couple. That’s the title. Oregon Court of Appeals upheld the decision to force two Christian bakers to pay $135,000 to a lesbian couple who said they felt mentally raped when the bakers declined to make a wedding cake. Well, in this era of Trump fiscal responsibility, I say, follow the law. But if you must pay $135,000, try to do a GoFundMe page and then have your attorney deliver that money to the couple. Have them sign the receipt, but pay them in pennies, please. Pay them in pennies. New Year’s resolution.
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Donald Trump needs to handle the Democrats – or should I say democruds – in a different way. He needs to move all of them’s offices out of Capitol Hill to another location. Give them a desk, four or five colors of Play-Doh and let them play with Play-Doh all day and, you know, maybe make shapes of former presidents, animals, buildings, things like that. Let them do actually what they’re qualified to do. Because they proved that they cannot run the country. When we had a Democratic president and Democratic House and Senate, it was horrible. Nothing got done. When Donald Trump gets elected, the next day the stock market started rising, and at one year later, it hasn’t stopped.
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Merry Christmas, Beep. Yeah, I was just coming down Yanceyville. This policeman come out of a subdivision, come up Yanceyville, people running stop signs, coming out of them apartments. Took off at the light. Everybody is flying. He’s behind them. I’m running 35 like I’m supposed to be. Then he takes off flying. He can’t even catch the people in front of them. He’s running probably over 50 in a 35. Then he took off at Cone Boulevard flying again. It’s just the way they are. They break the law as much as anybody now. And this is to the editor where I called in last week. You finally printed something. I appreciate it. But he said about being on the computer. I don’t own a computer. Don’t know nothing about a computer. I read everything in the paper. I’ve been doing it for a long, long time. And if you print it, I read what I’ve called in about. But I don’t know anything about computers. I’ve been loyal to read his paper, every piece of it, every week. I get one every Friday. So, tell him that, please.
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