Michael Wolff’s new book is salacious. I mean, it’s really astounding. It’s dossier adieu, version 2. I mean, the investigation by Mueller has uncovered no collaboration, no conspiracy between Trump and his administration and Russia. Zero. So now it’s back to character assassination and questioning the mental capacity of the president and mental stability. Well, Mr. Wolff, you said during the year you spent time with the president and his associates. And then, when you were pushed on the point, you said that in a year you spent three hours with the president. So, in the course of a year you spent exactly 30 seconds a day on average with the president of the United States and you’re able to write this book. Sir, you need to give up journalism, if you call it journalism, and go into psychiatry. Because you, and your ability to prognosticate and determine without a question of a shadow of a doubt the capacities of the president, that makes you a genius.
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Love your newspaper, but now that Tex and Shirley’s is closed, where’s the next closest place that we can find it? It’s hard finding it at Friendly Center. Thank you, bye.
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Editor’s Note: You can find the Rhino Times in the lobbies of area Harris Teeters and Food Lions, including the Harris Teeter at the Shops at Friendly. Or try the Barnes & Noble; they have Rhinos in the back right corner near the magazines.
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Hey, I’m just calling because I’m wondering people are so stinking lazy that they cannot return their buggies to the return buggy thing. They load their groceries up in their car and just leave the buggies sitting right there in the middle of the parking lot. The stores should put a stop to it. It’s stupid, and you just need to say, you darn people are lazy. Lazy, lazy. Thank you.
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Barack Hussein Obama was, unfortunately, in office for eight long years and never achieved 3.0 GNP in that time. He was, I believe, the first sitting president that was true of. Donald Trump has already surpassed that GNP mark in, technically, less than one year in office. Yes, local liberals and Obama worshippers, sometimes the truth does hurt, doesn’t it?
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There’s a recent article in the New York Post by Charles Krauthammer that everyone in America should read. It’s about Barack Hussein Obama and his shadow government, and his organizing group called OFA, Organizing for America, in which they have 30,000-plus members as we speak. This is the same Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Benghazi Clinton that sat and talked about a smooth transition of power whenever the election was held last year when they knew they were going to win. This man right here said he was going to fundamentally transform America, and he intends to do that through his shadow government. And if the American people don’t wake up and stop this foolishness, then our Constitution is in dire straits.
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Does the Rhino Times receive money from the Koch brothers?
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Editor’s Note: No, but if they want to make a donation we will gladly accept it.
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Well, it’s Friday, Jan. 5, and the book is out about Trump. If Trump’s crazy, I’d like to be as crazy as he is, or have the problems he’s got, as much money as he’s worth, as much money as he’s made. I’ve never thought I’d live long enough to see the day that the major news sources would try to tear down the country by tearing down the president. The opposite from success is failure. If Trump fails, the whole country fails. I assume what they want is like it was in 1929. That’s before I was born. But I understand they lost their jobs, and Hoover told them, we’ll put a car in every garage, a chicken in every pot. They lost the car, the garage, the chicken and the pot. But that has not happened in this case. This man has tried to straighten things out; and, so far, he has, against all odds. There should be some law against the news doing what they’re doing to the president of the United States regardless of what they think of Donald Trump.
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Hello, Rhino Times and Rhino nation. Happy New Year to all. This is just a quick comment. I’m sitting here freezing like everyone else. It looks like the Democrats have successfully cleaned up with the year 2018, and the weather. So, they’re all crazy. Once, again, I hope we can get through all this. Stay warm. And above all, have a very happy and blessed New Year. Good-bye.
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CNN, cannabis news network.
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Hello. This should come under the category of absurd news. Today’s news that the General Assembly is looking for funding to solve the GenX problem down in the Fayetteville area, Bladen County, with the discharge of the Chemours plant, which manufactures a chemical that is harmful and is in the water supply down there. The legislature is stymied that they don’t have any funding to take care of this problem. Well, it’s obvious, duh, that the Chemours factory that released the GenX into the water supply should be the person who funds the clean up of their deadly mistake. I can’t believe it. Bye.
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This is to the person that called in claiming to be a male saying that maybe we should not hire men, fire all the men and let women run everything. Well, my advice to you is, or my question to you is, rather, where would all the expertise and the leadership and the knowledge and the experience come from if you got rid of all the men? See, when the corporate world was made up of all men, we didn’t have these problems or these issues that we’re having today. Everything seemed to go pretty smooth. And the women came into the corporate world, some started sleeping around so they could advance in the corporate world. And now you have what we have today. Keep in mind, the jobs that women hold in the corporate world really serve no purpose. They don’t have any meaning or any usefulness. They’re just a job that was created for them so the affirmative action requirements can be fulfilled.
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An old man told me one time, and I never did forget it, a smart man will change his mind but a fool never will. You see the people in Iran marching up and down the street wanting food, and wanting rights. And you remember, Barack Hussein Obama gave that country $150 billion knowing that they sponsored terrorism, knowing that they said they wanted to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. He did it anyway. Now, you people, that’s Democrats and you’re a life-long Democrat plumb back to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, do you see how you should not be now? Do you see how that man was wrong? You voted him in two times, and he give it to them again on his way out. Not on his first term, on his second term. He is wrong. He was wrong for this country. And when it comes out, he’ll be the worst president this country has ever seen when all of it comes out. Remember that.
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Susan Rice, one of the figureheads of the Democrat Party, is criticizing Trump for backing the people, the people of Iran, in their protest. I thought the Democrats were all about people’s rights, civil rights, women rights and on and on. Oh, no. That’s right. For their party. Why can’t the liberals see that?
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I was just wondering who the genius person in the traffic department, or the state traffic department, that thought that we could make five lanes of Friendly Avenue after repaving in the five lanes, plus two bike lanes. They evidently did not take any math classes in high school or college, because you can’t measure those lanes out and produce the dead-man’s lane in the middle and two lanes on each side for cars, and then two bicycle lanes in the same space, the same width it was before. I hope we get that person fired. Number two, I think the city needs to charge all bikes that use those bike lanes inside the city limits of Greensboro a car-like fee of, just let’s say based on the value of your bike. If you are one of these expensive bikes, like a $1,000 bike, or $2,000 bike, or $3,000 bike, you should pay the same fees just like a motor vehicle pays to be on the road. And then you also have to pass a safety test.
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Billions of dollars for the Tanger center and beloved parking deck for downtown Greensboro. Extreme weather and water main breaks all over the City of Greensboro. Eight so far today, I believe, on Wednesday. Way to go, Greensboro. Spend your tax money well.
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Hello. I got a couple of issues here that I’d like to address. First, and foremost, I’d like to tell Fox News to take off this catty box, Jessica Tarlov, off of the news. She’s just a big mouthpiece. She’s a Democrat strategist. And they need to put somebody else on there besides her. Just to listen to her feels like nails going down on a chalkboard. I would love for them to replace her with somebody because I just cannot stand to listen to her. Also, too, I would like to tell the Democrats, stop trying to impeach Donald Trump. You know, we, the American people, put him in there, and y’all need to quit trying to impeach him, because it’s old. Number two, I’d like to say this to Matheny downtown. Trying to change downtown landscape down there, trying to get jobs and everything, I thought that was Nancy Vaughan’s, the mayor’s job. And all a sudden he’s trying to get jobs into North Carolina.
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I’m seeing a lot of people calling in and writing about Benghazi, and the fault is of – somehow it’s Hillary Clinton’s fault. Or Barack Obama’s fault. What about the bodyguard of ambassador Chris Stephens? Why wasn’t it his fault? When you are a bodyguard, and the person you are supposed to be guarding gets killed but you don’t, something is wrong. So, I’m just curious why everybody is blaming Hillary and Obama when it’s – the blame should fall directly on the bodyguard of the ambassador. He lived. He wasn’t shot. He wasn’t injured. Chris Stevens was killed.
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Hey, I was just going through town in Greensboro. You know, I’ve seen all kind of cars that don’t have any tags on them, or they got paper tags with no numbers on them. These people don’t have any insurance. I’d just like to know how these councilmembers, and the Police Department, all you police officers and the Sheriff’s Department would feel if somebody running around with no tags, no insurance, probably no driver’s license would run into somebody in your family and maybe hurt them. I hope they don’t. But how would you feel if you saw somebody with no tags on the car and they’re running into some people kin to you and hurt them? How would you sleep at night? I don’t think I would sleep too good. And it’s just going – the police, BJ Barnes, and all you foolish councilmembers, how do you feel if somebody with no insurance would hurt somebody in your family, and you could do something about it, and you didn’t do it? I’d feel pretty bad. I hope you can live with it. I couldn’t.
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America can see that the Democrats that are in office would rather spend their time trying to impeach the president than to move the country forward, and bring help and tax relief and good policy to the American people. These people are in denial that Donald Trump won the election. And going into the new year, these same people are still denying that Donald Trump won the election. They just will not accept it. They continue to obstruct, and they’re dead set on keeping the country from moving forward any way they can. The American people did not put them in office, and do not pay their salary, for them to spend all of their time trying to impeach the president. To the Democrats out there, I’ll tell you this, America is watching.
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In your editor’s note to my call to the Beep, you said you have read that 90 percent of the middle class will pay less income tax after the so-called tax reform. Assuming that is true, 10 percent will pay more. Do you realize how many hundreds of thousands of middle-class taxpayers will pay more? Have you read anywhere that any of the rich will pay more?
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You know, after reading the Jan. 4 issue of the Sound of the Beep, it feels like I live around a bunch of jerks. It’s just cruel things after cruel things about Democrats. And let me tell you something. 2018 is coming. 2018 is coming. Watch out.
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About illegal immigration. We don’t need a wall to stop it. We can put on all news media, if you are not here legally, you have 60 days to get out of the country. After 60 days, we will start checking IDs. If you are not legal, we will take you into custody. Fingerprint, photograph and take a blood sample for DNA testing to identify you if we have to. If you are caught illegally, we will never give you citizenship for any reason. We’ll then give you a death sentence and send you home. If you come back again illegally, we will execute you in 30 days. We do need a wall to stop drugs and crime from coming into the country.
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This is for the caller that said the wealthy would put their tax cut in the bank. I disagree. They already have all the money they want in the bank. They would not want to put more in there that would earn interest of something like only .03 percent. They will invest that additional money in such things as stocks, bonds, startups and real estate. Also, you said banks don’t have any money. They do. If they didn’t, how could they send dividends to their stockholders, pay executive bonuses, make contributions, add to their reserves, etc.?
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It’s a real shame, and almost criminal, what Uber has done to the taxi business just in this town. The City of Greensboro let Uber operate, because they have sacrificed public safety to be technology correct. The taxi laws are put in place to protect the consumer. But, yet, they’re overlooked because of Uber and Lyft. It’s just not fair. Uber is a company built nothing but on deceit. Uber drivers lie to their insurance companies. They don’t tell them they’re driving for Uber because insurance company will cancel them in a minute. They’re being deceitful and the whole company is built on lies and deceit. And I can’t believe the City of Greensboro, and every other city in the country where Uber is legal, has sacrificed public safety to be technology correct. It’s just not right. Uber drivers pull in, pick up fares. They’ve got personal tags on the cars. No for-hire tags. No taxi tags. Just personal license plates. And if they’re in an accident, the insurance companies are not going to pay.
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Hello, Beep. Well, another happy day in Greensboro. So far, just today, since I left my house, I’ve seen people flying through some school zones, ran through red lights, speeding, doing stupid things like turning left when they should be turning right, going out in the middle of the road and turn around another stoplight and go back the other way. And the Police Department won’t do nothing about it. The chief of police should resign. He ain’t got the nerve to run Greensboro. He should quit.