Hello, John. Hello, Beep. Pennies are good for one thing. Throwing them in a fountain. However, if my wishes were to come true, I would want more than a penny’s worth. Now that I think about it, I see more nickels, dimes and quarters in fountains than I used to. Otis says hello.
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Can you imagine the furor if the Federal Bureau of Investigation had targeted the Clinton campaign based on a fabricated dossier created by a former spy of a foreign country that had been financed by the RNC?
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To all the Trump-haters out there. I would just like to ask you one thing. Is it comforting to know that you only have seven more years to look at him? Trump in 2020. Go, Donald.
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Yeah, I’m just calling in response to the person talking about eight years of Obama, the economy only grow over 3 percent growth or never did. What people don’t remember, or tend to forget, I think – I don’t think they forget. I think it’s convenient for them to forget is Obama inherited a huge mess left by Bush. People forget this. I don’t know how they forget it, why they forget it. I don’t – for the life of me, I don’t understand why Obama would want to be president, or anybody, following Bush with the mess that he left. Two unnecessary wars, lying to the country, a huge mess. He spent most of his eight years, Obama did, trying to clean up the Bush mess. So, I don’t know. What do you expect?
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Well, I just got my annual Medicare prescription drug summary. It says that of the $1,062 that I spent for prescription drugs this year, the insurance company paid $320. And I paid $842. But, wait, I also paid $687 for the insurance. So, I actually paid $1,520. Allowing for the $400 annual Medicare deductible, I paid $1,029, and the big Cigna coughed up $320. To give an example, I purchased a $10.35 prescription. The insurance company, Cigna, paid $3.35. I paid $7. The best I can figure is that this Medicare drug insurance is less than worthless. It’s only worthwhile if you spend well over $4,950 annually every year. What a racket.
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Hey, Scott. I think it’s time for one of your columns about how great Duke basketball is. Wahoowa.
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The way the Democrats are about this memo that’s supposed to come out, what they’re saying is Donald Trump had had the FBI to spy on the Hillary Clinton campaign and do all the other stuff that’s been done that they wouldn’t care if it was brought out or not. In other words, it’s OK if Donald Trump done it. They tried to derail the man before he ever run for president. The minute he opened his mouth and said he was going to run, they’ve been trying to get rid of him. They have throwed everything they could throw at him, and he still went in. And he needs to release this memo, and that way, maybe, the FBI can be cleaned up. There’s several people involved in this. I don’t think they’ve got that without several people knowing about it. And all of them need to be fired. I didn’t study much in school. I was wondering who was going to win the Southern 500. But at the same time, I got a little bit of common sense.
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Hi. I’m calling about the – I just saw it on the TV news where that CNN is getting death threats. They said it was because of some guy. And said it was fake news. You know? They’re blaming Donald Trump for the death threats. You know, I think this. CNN is nothing but a bully pulpit. Every time you turn over there to listen to their newscast, you hear Don Lemons over there bashing Trump, Anderson Cooper bashing Trump. All their anchors over there are bashing Trump. All their desks that they have on there are loud and bashing Trump and just irate about Trump. Nothing is positive about Trump. Nothing. Not one thing. But when Barack Obama was in office, oh, he could do nothing wrong.
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The caller from southeast Greensboro is right. Bike lanes that reduce four-lane roads to two-lane roads are ridiculous. The commercial arteries of our city are being clogged in the name of political correctness. Have you ever seen a single bicycle in the bike lane on English Street? Neither have I. But the traffic capacity of that important road in east Greensboro has been cut by over 50 percent as we all must now drive at the 32 mph of grandma, in single line, no longer able to pass. The city I grew up in used to have excellent broad thoroughfares that allowed quick efficient movement for its citizens across the whole city. But the same journeys that took 15 minutes in the ’70s now result in frustration, agony and, ultimately, a 30 minute waste of time as we all stare at empty bike lanes as we sit in a stationary column – a monument to the political whims of our leaders. The economic cost of congestion is massive, but not one that our preening local leaders worry about. After all, they’re saving the planet – by doubling our commuting time. Just sign me off as An Independent Thinker.
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Yes, I agree with the person that said all the people in the newscast, Channel 2, 8, riding around inspecting the highways. My goodness, we went on highways to work in the ’60s, ’70s, ’80s in snow. I wish I had all the money they had in that gas money. You know, riding our gas just acting like a bunch of rich people. Well, you know what? It don’t matter. I agree with everything everybody says in The Sound of the Beep. You know, the times we’re living in now, people need to get saved and things would be a lot different. It’s not Christianity. That’s what it is, Christ. But riding around in all those cars. Yeah, new cars. I have an older car. I’m glad. I have what God gave me. Thank you.
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I just finished watching the State of the Union address. The Democrats sat there like bumps on a log. Nancy Pelosi looked like Mrs. Sourpuss. They applauded at almost nothing. They didn’t care about tax cuts or any accomplishments or any benefits or new industry. I guess they still want a liberal crook in the White House and higher taxes and no jobs and more regulations, etc. They didn’t even stand up for when Trump mentioned “in God we trust,” and only a few stood for the veterans and the mention of totally un-American. If you weren’t watching Fox, you probably didn’t see most of this, because I’m sure the other networks didn’t show the whole story. The other networks, if they don’t lie, outright lie about a lot of things, they lie by omission. They failed to tell you the whole story. So tell everybody, all your friends and relatives, and especially young people, they need to be watching Fox if they want the truth and the whole story. And God bless America, and thank God for Trump.
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Just a comment on immigration. I would like to ask the American citizens, how long? How long can we keep up the world? They keep coming into the US of A. But who is paying for everything? Schooling, medicine, everything. Someone, please, comment. Thank you.
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I wonder if all the diehard, godless, ultraliberal Democrats that want no wall built and essentially are OK with every Tom, Dick and Harry, as the old saying goes, coming across the border from Mexico, would still feel that way if they lived in southwest Texas, or southern New Mexico, or southern Arizona. I don’t include California, because, as we know, anything goes out there. I just bet some of them would probably rethink their position. A college friend of mine did live in southern Arizona near the border, and left after six months due to experiences that can’t even be printed here. Yes, it was that bad. Unbelievable.
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I was sitting here watching the news on Channel 2 about this Jeremy Hayes character that’s committed four assaults on different people from Seagrove, also in Guilford County. Then I see another one. He’s robbed a McDonald’s. As we come off on Black History Month, we will see the Black Lives Matter march. Again, I called in about black crime matters. Black crime matters is rampant. If a white crime was committed as much as this, it would be an uproar in the community. During this Black History Month, how about some of you black leaders that’s praising Black Lives Matters and all these other groups, put your attention to the black crime in our communities. We’re sick and tired of watching. It’s escalating.
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Good morning, Beep. Great State of the Union speech. The only sad part was the Democrats. Couldn’t even muster a smile. Poor, old Chuck Schumer. I tell you, the Democratic leadership isn’t much. If you’re a Democrat, you need to be looking for somebody that can pull your party out of the mud. Your party is going down fast.
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I just heard on the radio a CBS poll showed that 43 percent of the Democrats thought the speech that Trump made last night was good, which is really something considering all the news except Fox News is against him. How he’s done with what he’s done with everybody being against him, I do not know. I am not the brightest bulb on the tree, but I do know this: The FCC regulates speech and stuff on the airwaves. Talking about what they think of Donald Trump is one thing, but talking about the president of the United States is another. It should be stopped. I mean like tomorrow.
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As I was sitting here enjoying your paper, the question came to mind, is democracy destroying the republic?
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The only reason Trump is against the NFL and running his mouth about the football players is because he tried to buy the Buffalo Bills but they wouldn’t sell to him ‘cause he’s such a fool. Number two, you folks seem to forget all this information about Trump is not coming from Democrats, it’s coming from all Trump team members: Flynn, Manafort, Papadopoulos, Robert Gates. They’re the ones singing like little girls to Robert Mueller. So, stop blaming the Democrats. Use your head. Start using your head. Think for yourself. The man is a fool. Do your history. Go back 30, 40 years. See what kind of person he really is before he was president. Or is everything fake news? I mean, is it all fake news, too, about Manafort, Flynn, all that? Are they fake news, too?
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Greensboro area leaders are saying Toyota-Mazda loss has a silver lining. People that lived on the proposed site were forced to sell their land that had been in the family for generations. This site is not appealing. Drive down highway 421 near Dobson Lake and look at the swampland. Drive through the country roads where houses were bought. Some are standing. Some were torn down. And they’re old buildings that are on the proposed site. Also, lots of uneven land. Not appealing to an industry. All of this land was nice, beautiful rural country with homes that have been in the family for generations. Now there’s just 1,800 acres of land sitting there empty for several years. Really sad. By the way, the land is in Randolph County, not southern Guilford. And, originally, known as the Randolph Megasite.
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It is Feb. 1. In the eve of the memo summarizing the FBI’s use of the dossier and FISA access. James Comey tweets, all should appreciate the FBI’s speaking up. Well, I guess Hillary Clinton appreciates you speaking up. You’re attempt to exonerate her before the facts were in really was speaking up Director Comey. And if you actually think this is an era of McCarthyism, then you need to step back and take an objective look at everything. Because the average man in the street, most of us, look at the FBI as playing politics.
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What was the name of that political party that used to be Demo something? I think it started with a C. Oh, yeah, Democrat. You know, that party that’s been reduced to just a few noises in the back of the room that no one listens to. I remember now. Have a good day.
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Yes, I’m calling in reference to Channel 8 news report yesterday evening. The parkways and the national parks, about the locks being cut off and having to be replaced and causing a big problem and everything, wanting you to call when you see one open everything. But at the end of the statement, they made a statement that – Channel 8 did – made a statement that it cost $600 to $700 to replace a lock. And if that is so, I would love to be their supplier and I could make several thousand dollars profit on a lock. But this is what they said on Channel 8 News. I would like for it to be checked into.
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Newsflash, Democrats. You did lose the election. How did you lose the election? You put a billion dollars into a campaign with Hillary Clinton. She lost the election. Hillary Clinton paid $12 million to the DNC to get them out of debt and basically bought the primary, and so sorry for Bernie Sanders. And Hillary lost the election. Donald Trump comes in and he beat a rack of career politicians on the Republican side. He beat Hillary Clinton, the less candidate, and they say if Trump loses, be careful, because his supporters will riot in the streets. Well, it turns out the Democrats riot in the streets. And now the media still can’t get over the fact that they miscalled it. And now everything is propaganda from the left. There’s no truth in it. The dossier, the attack on Trump, there’s no truth in it at all.
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Yeah, I saw in some other counties there are two Republicans to file for Congress against Ted Budd. And according to the Democratic headquarters in Guilford, there is already four candidates that have already started submitting to run against him. And there is two Democrats that are running against Walker, and one Republican. I just found that kind of interesting. Apparently, Republicans and Democrats are both filing for those seats. It’s going to be an interesting race.
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Editor’s Note: Filing for the 2018 election opens on Feb. 12.
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Hey, Beep. This is southeast Greensboro calling. Normally I comment about the southeast side of Greensboro. Now I’m going to the mountains riding on 40, heading to Winston-Salem. One, two, three, four, five lanes of roads. And there are black and white lines is patchy. It’s graded up weird stuff, and I’m riding in the middle of the daytime. This is the trashiest road that I’ve come across. It’s – the lines are marked – this is just stupidest as crud. There’s no lines – where’s the – oh, here we go. We got some black pavement. But that’s between – I’m just speechless over this road conditions back there. If it was raining or wet conditions, I’m scared.
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Southeast Greensboro again calling about the roads just riding 40 westbound. I forgot to mention, or I should have elaborated that besides there’s no lines on the road, it’s all grooved and patchy and potholes. The lines are white. When the sun shines on it, you can’t see it. It’s – I don’t understand why there is not more accidents on this crazy road. Where is the money going? Here we go, a big old bump. These roads are messed up. Wonder what’s going to happen when they go into Forsyth County? Maybe I’ll call you back next week with Forsyth County report, because Guilford County roads are not safe at all.
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Yesterday was a good day. Go down Yanceyville and this white SUV come flying by me on the right hand side. And I looked up, and here come a city police officer going north. Didn’t even bother to make a turn around and go after that person flying in a 35-mile-an-hour zone. I got a good idea. Why don’t the police officer just come in the morning to their shift, get your car, go back home, watch TV. And if somebody needs you, they’ll call you. That way we don’t have to pay for y’all’s standing around in the parking lot talking and wasting gas sitting with the heater going or the air conditioning in the summertime. I went down McLeansville Road, it’s been last week now, maybe two weeks ago. And there was a sheriff sitting there asleep. His head laying against the glass.