There is a very serious problem in America and beyond which has, apparently, hit Scott Yost particularly hard considering the coverage he has given to it in his columns. So, I am extending this advice, which should eliminate all his anxieties and depressions. When you have a cheeseburger with the cheese under the meat, turn your burger over and, shazam, the cheese is on top.
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I just read in The Sound of the Beep, a gentleman talking about how poor people are the most discriminated people in America. He goes on to say that the government should subsidize whatever they want. They should be able to live in any neighborhood, wealthy neighborhood, big home, eat in the finest restaurants. If they can’t afford it, the government should subsidize it. I got to thinking. What a great idea. Why don’t we all quit our jobs. Let’s just stop working. We will all be poor. But we can afford million-dollar homes. We can eat in the finest restaurants. We can get a new car every year. Heck, a new car every month. The government will subsidize it. What a tremendous idea this gentleman had. Why didn’t somebody think about this before?
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Hello. I’m calling about Sen. Thom Tillis wanting to pull the funding for the red wolves. I think that he needs to look in the mirror and start trying to get jobs for North Carolina and stop doing – trying to stop the funding for the red wolves. I think the wolves are pitiful. I am an animal lover, and I think we need to protect these wolves. I think that he’s got much more on his plate than dealing with this red wolf situation. He’s done nothing for North Carolina since he’s been there except take our money. I am not a Democrat, nor a Republican. I am an Independent. And I think when his time comes up that North Carolina needs to really look at him, and we need not to vote for him again, because he’s done nothing for us. And all he’s got to do is get up there and start talking about these poor red wolves?
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It’s Christmas time again. And as I sit here with my coffee and croissant, I just have to smile and appreciate the Austrians, and the Poles, and the three times they defeated Ottoman invaders of Europe.
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The Nov. 26 issue of the fish wrap had on the front page – a deadly serious problem, and how did we get there – about crime in Greensboro, North Carolina. Two weeks ago, they went ahead and they printed statistics of the murder rate: 34 out of the 36 people killed so far in the city have been African American. In the black community, many black people do not help police solve crime. They go ahead and avoid police officers at any cost. They do not help police at all. No wonder we have such violent crime in Greensboro. If the black community will go ahead and help law enforcement, it would be reduced considerably.
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Hi. I’m calling about all these senators that have been accused of sexual harassment, and they won’t step down, especially this Sen. Al Franken. You know, he’s waiting for the Ethics Committee to check into it. Why is he doing that? Because, you know, I understand that the other people – there’s no photos of them doing it. There’s just allegations against them. But there are photos against Al Franken. You know, there’s photos of it and everything. Why don’t he step down? The right thing for him is to step down. There is a photo of him just about touching a woman’s breasts. You know, how dirty of him. And all these Democrats that are for women. Really? You’re for women. I’d like to tell you, you know, I think this is ridiculous, and I think it’s time for Congress to be cleaned out. This is ridiculous.
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It is not the responsibility of the Duke Power customers to pay for this coal ash mistake. It is up to the stockholders of Duke Power to pay for the mistakes that Duke Power has made. Once again, it is not up to the customer to pay for the mistakes that Duke Power makes. That CEO down there, the lady, she’s trying to pull a fast one on all the customers, and everybody’s not dumb out here. I have two degrees, and I have three majors in business administration, accounting and economics, and 29 years as a corporate credit manager.
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Yes, I’m a High Point city employee. And this morning employees, such as myself, all department heads, etc., etc., received a memo from our city manager asking us to, please, attend the Demo Day, which is short for Demolition Day, which is the demolition of a building where the new baseball stadium will be built. They are trying to prove there is great public support for this project. And, so, they are trying to go behind the scenes and entice city employees and staff to show up so that when pictures are taken it will look like there was a great show of public support. Now, we haven’t been told we have to go this. But we are being strongly urged to go to it. And there have even been some incentives to various city programs offered. So, this is where we are now. This project has so little support that city employees are being gently coerced to attend a demolition event.
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Thank you, DOT, for fixing the bump in the road on Groometown Road. Years of patience finally paid off.
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In Donald Trump’s ego-building speech that he gave on Nov. 29, he made it clear to everyone that was there, and to every camera that was there, and every person that was watching TV, that this tax plan was not going to help him, his family or any of his rich friends at all. Although he stands to save over a billion dollars through the elimination of the estate tax. Now, you explain to me, anyone explain to me, how that is not benefitting personally from the tax plan. And I’m sure that all of his rich friends are going to benefit just the same as he will. Another blatant lie by Trump.
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Editor’s Note: I don’t believe Donald Trump will personally benefit from the elimination of the estate tax. His parents died some years ago and it isn’t proposed to be retroactive.
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What does offshore drilling in the Atlantic, personhood to fetuses and churches being able to endorse political candidates have in common? They are all little additions to our new tax bill that is most likely going to be passed. I’m confused on why a tax bill is not just a tax bill. Why are all these other little additions stuck in there? Is it because they knew they could never get those things passed on their own merit? So they have to add them in something else? They know they’re going to be able to pass. That’s dirty politics. And it’s an affront to anybody living in the US.
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Beep, how are you? I just saw the Kate Steinle verdict. America is going down. We’ve lost it. Let me ask you, if an American citizen commits a crime in San Francisco, will they protect me? Or do they only protect foreigners? I’d like to rob a bank, because the police can’t chase you anymore, and then go to California and you can’t get convicted. What a great, great place. Yep, America is going down quick. Thanks, Obama. You killed this country.
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Hello. I’m calling in regards to the beep that you have in this week’s Rhino Times. It’s about discrimination that people, poor people are the ones that are really discriminated against. That’s not true. I was in property management for over 30 years. Poor people are not discriminated against. Poor people have a lot of handouts. They get food stamps. They get Section XIII. They get WIC vouchers. They get all kinds of perks. When these people say that they need low-income housing in good neighborhoods, no, they don’t. They have Section XIII vouchers that they can get places with. The reason there’s not that many is because people that are on Section VIII get these houses and they tear the houses up. Not only that, they’re riddled with drugs. They’re riddled with people that don’t take of them. Not only that, they’ll walk off and leave the place.
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If Forrest Trump is so opposed to Islam and the Muslims, why is he over in Saudi Arabia, dancing with them and being buddy-buddy with them, and Jarod sneaking to Saudi Arabia? Is it because they do business with him he likes them? So, if you don’t do business with them, you’re a good Muslim. Is that how he thinks? It doesn’t make any sense. Impeach.
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This is what happens when you put men and women together in the workplace. Men and women are going to be attracted to each other. That’s only human nature. And it causes problems when you put them together in the workplace. When women stayed home and took care of the home and raised their families while the men worked, things were a whole lot better in this country. The problem is, women were not given credit for their role at home being as just as important as the man out working. And let me tell you, it is just as important. That’s what the problem was. They just were not identified as being an equal contributor to the relationship ‘cause they weren’t bringing in money. Well, money doesn’t make it important.
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Yeah, this is a message for anybody that watched football but has been so disgusted by the shenanigans in the NFL that they just turned it off. Try out Canadian football. I just watched the Grey Cup final out of Ottawa, Canada. It was great. It was outside. It was in the snow. The guys were really playing hard. It seems like the NFL these days, there’s more news about sexual assaults, PEDs, contract disputes and whining about Trump, kneeling for the anthem, etc. It’s disgusting. But Canadian football is like old-school football the way it ought to be played. Have a good day.
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Well, it’s the first day of December, and the big news is that Flynn is talking to Mueller’s people. And it looks like he’s going to implicate President Trump. But here’s the thing. Trump fired him for lying. The FBI, the Mueller, the only reason they got him in there is because he lied to the FBI. So they know he lied two times. And we’re supposed to believe anything he says now about Trump? Give me a break.
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Hello. I was recently touched on the arm by a local grocery store cashier. Never mind, she was attractive. But was this sexual harassment? Southern Guilford here. I just don’t want to be taken advantage of. Please help me understand the difference.
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This is for all the Trumpista out there. Mr. Flynn copped a plea. I smell treason. No one is above the law. Your man, Trump, is going down.
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This is for my Democrat friends, and I’ve got plenty of them. But they got blinders on. The last president, Barack Hussein Obama, was going to fundamentally transform the US, that’s what he said. They’re announcing now that about half of the planes that we got will not fly. Our military is the lowest it’s been since before World War II. Now, he was president for eight years. But he didn’t seem to care about that. And you voted him in twice. Two times you went to the polls and voted a Democrat ticket, because your granddaddy and great-granddaddy was always voting Democrats. You need to wake up and think about what you’ve done. If we do get attacked, it’s going to be real hard for us to defend ourselves. And one of the reasons is because Obama and John Kerry give Iran $150 billion in cash that could have been spent trying to repair these planes and build our military up.
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Never in the history of this country has news went against the president of the United States like these have: CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN – and the Greensboro news follow right along with every kind of stupid cartoon they make. I wonder if they’d run a poll and find out if they’re losing viewers. As a Republican, I wouldn’t dare watch them, and I can’t be the only one. If the economy continues to pick up like it looks like it’s going to, and they get this tax thing straightened out, does them people not know that their insurance won’t pay off on suicide? And that looks like that’s the way it’s headed. But this country, he’s trying to straighten it out. They give him North Korea. And I understand they’ve shot another missile over there.
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Hello. I’m calling about the City Council that is trying to get the downtown Greensboro thriving. Well, and they’re going to raise our taxes here in North Carolina. Well, I’d like to tell them, you know, down in Greensboro here, that what you’re going to do is have people moving out of Greensboro that’s paying all these high taxes, and you’ll have nobody here but the low-income people. Because you, the councilmembers, have got the taxes right now to a point where people can’t hardly afford their property taxes. Everything keeps going up, up, up, and nothing is going down, down, down. Not only that, the Police Department’s hands are tied because of Sharon Hightower up there. You’ve got the police leaving, and they’re telling you that the chief of police can’t do his job because of Sharon Hightower. And he needs to grow a backbone.
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Yeah, Donald Gump and North Korea president, they’re both bullies. Bullies don’t back down or give in. They just keep trying to outdo each other. But Donald Gump should keep his big buffoon mouth shut before he gets us all killed. And somebody should tell Roy Moore, they’re not Democrats making complaints against him. It’s Trump supporters. Not Democrats, Trump supporters. This fool should do the homework.
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What’s going on with BJ Barnes and the High Point Police Department. They went around closing down the fish games, and all these video poker places. They still have two on English Road in High Point. And there’s one on Market, actually, still functioning. But a friend of mine came here, believe it or not, from the Ukraine. And they ended up opening up one of these places and was making some good money. Then the county came in and said that they had to shut down and they could not longer do it. But, then, you’ve got all these other ones that are functioning around the county.
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Yes, you got a couple of people going around to the churches, getting the free food, going around to the food banks, getting the free food, getting all these boxes of food and, then, taking them and selling the food. Then you got people taking their little children’s urine to get the drugs, the methadone clinics. I don’t understand how these people are able to do this. They’re not working. The taxpayers are paying for all this. Yet they get everything free. Why is there not more tests done? Why is there not IDs checked to see what county you live in? They’re making money off of this free food, and they’re getting their drugs real cheap even though they’re on other drugs.