Good morning, Beep. Just watching some of the talking heads this morning. You know, Angela Merkel has really made a mess out of the once great and prosperous country. And she should be taken out of office and put on house arrest for all of the crazy views that she’s got about letting all these illegals into that country and having them wreak havoc, have everybody on their toes all the time when someone is going to run over us? When someone is going to kill my child? It’s craziness. She should be taken out of office. Merry Christmas.
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Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin were communicating using email, with Huma sharing the laptop with her then husband, the pervert Anthony Weiner. This was totally unsecure and the FBI has stated that US classified information was compromised as a result. By the Russians? Sure – and everybody else who wanted to hack the US secretary of state. And now Hillary and the liberals want to complain that her emails have become public, which depressed her vote total? Yes, my dear Democrats, your candidate has been exposed as a conniving, corrupt witch who secretly torpedoed Bernie’s campaign and who couldn’t be trusted with our secrets. She got outed precisely because she was so criminally careless. Now she complains that it cost her the election. Well, ain’t life tough? Just sign me off as An Independent Thinker.
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I’ve lived in Greensboro for quite some time. I’m trying to understand all the hype about northwest Greensboro and what it’s all about. I just don’t see it. I just don’t get it. I see a lot of airport noise. I’ve heard complaints of a lot of contaminated soil. I see a lot of congestion, and I see a lot of houses sitting empty under foreclosure. So we have an area where foreclosures are at an all-time high. Why would you want to live there? Because it brings your property value down. So I just don’t understand the hype of northwest Greensboro. Could somebody help me with this? I just don’t understand it. Someone has to show it to me because I just can’t see it. Thank you.
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Please explain to me how President-elect Donald Trump could help Americans when he denies American intelligence of true Russia’s working against America. Please explain to me why you – we have elected a president wants to go hand-to-hand with Russia, a known communist that don’t respect democracy. And, then, also, say that we are better off being friends of Russia knowing they don’t respect democracy. How do you explain yourself that you consider that president-elect denies Americas?
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Hack, hack, hack. Russia, Russia, Russia. Jim Comey, Jim Comey, Jim Comey. Hillary, will you, please take $4, run down to the Walgreens and buy you a mirror and look in it, and you will see why you lost. Ha, ha, ha.
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Well, another beautiful Sunday morning. I’m flipping the TV. MSNBC, what do you know? There’s Rev. Al Sharpton still on. I can’t believe it. I thought he was leaving for Canada when Donald Trump got elected. Has he not heard? Somebody needs to tell him.
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Well, this nation just keeps turning, and turning, and turning into the abomination of desolation, especially since the last year Obama has been in power, it’s definitely been abomination. Desolation means that civil rights are being destroyed on a regular basis. Thank heavens, he is going to be out of the White House. Amen. Keep your children close and your handguns closer, because this whole nation is going to hell, whether you are a man or a woman.
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OK, the Clinton Foundation is supposed to feed and clothe and do some more stuff for people overseas and a couple of other things. OK. We called up, and we asked the Clinton Foundation. We told them we were living on the street, that we were poverty struck, that we have no money for food. How can we apply to get a hold of a grant or get a hold of some money, or get some supported funds to live off of since we were basically living in a cardboard box in the middle of the street? Basically, the lady laughed. Apparently, if you live in the United States you’re not eligible or something like that. I don’t know all the details. But I thought it was kind of interesting. All these people, we have these veterans, homeless people living on the streets across America. We see them on the corners begging for money every day at intersections.
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Yeah, I’d like to find out if there is any organizations that will help veterans pay for their power bill, their water bill or their housing. If there is any such programs, and you’re reading this beep, call in at the next Sound of the Beep and have it printed next week where these veterans can get some help. I have seen so many veterans sitting on the side of these dang-blasted intersections just begging for money. And some of them are totally legit. Some of them are damaged, you know, have handicaps and stuff from where they served in these foreign countries and they come back. And when they come back, they’re not given housing. They have to go to the VA. Personally, I don’t really care for the VA, especially the one in Salisbury. But we need to find out if there are programs in place out there.
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Hi. This is one of the many Social Security people recipients. Obama sure has given himself a big legacy this time. I got $3 whole a month raise this time. That’s only a 0.003 percent increase. What a jerk this guy was. At least George Bush gave us 5.8 percent. That was record. That was a record. He kept us above the water so to speak. And this clown that’s leaving Washington, I swear. And he bought a house in North Carolina. I hope it’s near people who are on Social Security. Have a nice day. Thank goodness we got somebody in Washington now. Take care of yourself. Enjoy your newspaper. Bye-bye.
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I see where Barack Hussein Obama’s queen was on there with Oprah telling America how bad of shape we are in now that we got elected a real president. What happened to they take the low road, I take the high road bit? Where did they go there, Michelle? Y’all have a problem with that? I’m just wondering, since Obama started out his career with apology tour around the world apologizing to every Muslim that he could find, if the American people is going to get that same apology tour before he leaves office. Barack, are you going to fly around the country and apologize to every citizen in the country for what you’ve done to this country? Are you going to ride around on the plane and tell everybody how sorry you are for turning back race relationships 50 years?
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Just a comment on HB2, which I’m sure you’ve had oodles and oodles of calls over time. But it’s amazing to me that people like Susan Ladd and our new governor think that it’s fine for their daughters, granddaughters, nieces, wives, aunts, grandmothers to be sitting in a locker room with a male person that classifies themselves as transgender sitting there beside them. I just find it hard to believe. It just does not seem correct to me. Have a good day.
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Recently, someone called asking how to get rid of telemarketers. I don’t know that there is a way to get rid of them. But you can have some fun with them. For instance, when a telemarketer calls, when you get them on the phone, immediately ask for a pepperoni pizza with cheese and a six-pack of beer. There are YouTube examples on how to mess with telemarketers. The point is, waste their time so they make no money, and you can have some fun with it. Give it a try. Get back to us on how it works out.
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Being right wing is common sense. There is no common sense in being wrong winged – I mean left winged.
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Hello, Rhino nation, Reid and fellow citizens. May you all have a very Merry Christmas. I just want to say, nobody enjoys true comedy more than I do. I have lived my life with a God-given ability to laugh at bad times and keep on moving on. I love late-night TV. I love comedians. I am so durn tired of these comedians and their Trump bashing. I just watched the late-night show with the person that supposedly was close to Obama and, I mean, they’re saying America has no hope. And this is on a show that’s supposed to be comical. I don’t get it.
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Hello, Rhino and Reid. I’m just calling to state my Christmas wish. I just wish everybody understands the meaning of the season and everybody has a merry Christmas. And I also wish that the liberal media and the comedians will quit trying to do Trump bashing for comedy and just get lighter and make their comedy on life in general. I mean, the politics are over. Making threats on the Electoral College, it does nothing. Comedians have no business delving into that. So let’s just have comedians that are light-hearted and enjoy life and have the Christmas spirit all year long. And Democrats, get over it. Happy New Year, everybody.
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If you could contact Mr. Matheny with the city of Greensboro and find out why they dropped Christmas out of the Christmas parade and Channel 8 was a concert, holiday concert. They had no mention of Christmas in it. I find it’s not unusual. I think I know the answer, but I’d like to see your question to them and their reply. Thank you.
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Editor’s Note: It was the Holiday Parade long before Matheny had anything to do with it.
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I seen on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Michelle Obama was on there, oh, she’s so sad and so disgusted, so put out because Trump won the election. Now, she don’t feel like there’s any hope left. The poor thing. She just don’t feel like there’s no hope left. Well, they had hope in her husband, who was president of the United States for eight years. They got two girls that’s going to private school. They got all the money in the world, and they are well-liked around the world according to the liberal stations, especially Barack. And I don’t know what hope is that they want. I can’t understand it. They’re going to have security guards around them as long as they live. So what else do they want? If they want a Cadillac, or whatever, they can go buy it. They’ve got the money to do that with. I don’t see what she’s complaining about. Hope for who?
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Boy, I can’t wait for Barack Obama to be gone. I have never seen a president take so many flipping vacations in my life. Every time you turn around this man is playing golf somewhere. Germany gets bombed, or gets attacked by another terrorist, ISIS terrorist, and where is that clown? He is playing golf in Hawaii. It’s unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable. These Democrats have just lost their flipping minds. And you people that voted for those clowns, I feel very, very sorry for you people. You people are – you are the ones that are deplorable.
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I am sick to death of the people in the news media, especially the local news channels, avoiding saying the word Christmas. It’s not a Christmas parade; it’s a holiday parade. It’s not a Christmas tree; it’s a holiday tree. You don’t go Christmas shopping; you go holiday shopping. It’s not a Christmas miracle; it’s a holiday miracle. It’s not Christmas music; it’s holiday music. The kids don’t get a Christmas break; they get a winter break. I’m sick to death of it – a 250-year-long religious tradition in this country, and now we’ve got to curb it, and tamp it down, because a few might be offended.
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I’ve called in before. I definitely believe the reason that Trump went in is because of divine power. It’s Friday night, Dec. 23, and it just told how Obama has absolutely turned his back on Israel. The only friend that we’ve got over there. Anybody that has any feelings at all that thinks he’s a Christian is wrong. The man is a Muslim. He was born a Muslim, and he’s a Muslim today, and he’ll be a Muslim when he dies. He hates Christianity. That’s the reason he sat in Wright’s church and listened to him cuss America. That’s the reason he give all the money to Iran. Maybe when he gets out from up there they should ship him out of the country, but I don’t know if there is any way to do that. He should be sent off somewhere to an island where he wouldn’t ever hear the word Christian or America again. He’s a disgrace to this country.
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Hello. I thoroughly enjoyed the Christmas story by John Hammer’s father. I can relate, because my father was born in 1921. And I grew up hearing similar stories. Thank you, Dick Hammer, and thank you, John, for sharing this story. My father passed away in 1999. Not only did you bring a tear to my eye, you brought back memories I had forgotten about. Southern Guilford and Otis here. PS: I know people rarely disclose their name in the Beep, but I will tell you this much, my name is Paul. Thank you.
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I tell you what. Just sitting here on a Friday morning just channel surfing, coming across MSNBC. That’s a creepy bunch down there. I mean, I don’t know what’s in there. From me. Merry Christmas. Ho, ho, ho.
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Hello. Simple but true, people do more harm to each other than anything else I can think of. Otis says hello.
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Good Beep this week. Enjoy reading all these crazy comments and most people don’t know what they’re talking about. I am a Republican and didn’t like either candidate. But they pick on Obama. I tell you what. Bush took the Dow from 14,093 down to 8,776, which Obama inherited. Today it closed at 19,934. And my stock accounts are up 250 percent along with the S&P, the NASDAQ and the Dow Jones Utilities. And you might explain to your readers what this means. Tell them about the DOW, S&P and NASDAQ and Dow Jones Utilities so they will know what I’m possibly talking about here.
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What in the world is wrong with some of these women that you see around town? She’s driving. He’s riding passenger, because she has a job, the car and the insurance. He has nothing. And guess what he’ll have 10 years from now? Again, nothing. They go out to eat. She pays. But, of course, he takes the to-go box home, no doubt. They go to a movie. She pays. Or another good scenario is, whenever she drives her car to work, he goes, because he takes her car gallivanting around town all day while she’s working. And these women are nice, attractive, successful. Why do they want someone like that who is going to drag them down?