The dim-rats in this country do everything in their power to destroy the economy of the nation when we have a Republican president. Chuck and Nancy have one thing: The tax cut is for the rich. Taxes are like labor and material to a business. They have to be regained in the price of the produce. The more you tax a business, the higher the price of their product. In a sense, you can’t tax a business.
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In regard to the grandmother whose 16-year-old granddaughter got the speeding ticket on Highway 220, just want to say, congratulations to the state trooper for giving her a speeding ticket. Wonder if she’d be upset and crying if perhaps he saved her life or someone else’s life from her being careless. If she’s not mature enough to obey the traffic laws, she shouldn’t be driving. Good job, trooper. Congratulations to the trooper for making our roads safer.
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You know, nobody cares anymore who investigates Hillary Clinton. You can investigate her until the cows come home. Nobody cares anymore. That doesn’t mean Trump is innocent. So he’s wasting taxpayers’ dollars investigating Hillary. She’s already been investigated for these crimes many, many, many times. But whatever. Nobody cares anymore. Trump is still guilty. This is just a diversion just to keep all eyes off of Trump. But he’s the one we’re waiting on. We don’t care about Hillary anymore.
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Editor’s Note: I care.
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Hi, I’m calling about Roy Cooper. The other night I was watching Spectrum News, and on Capital Tonight they had a guy on there. He was a Republican. And then they had the Democrat on there. And he was talking about Roy Cooper could not get nothing done because the Republicans were holding him back. Well, on his campaign speech, he said that he could work across party lines. Well, he’s not doing that. He’s hiding out in the governor’s mansion. You haven’t seen him doing nothing other than cutting ribbons at companies that have already decided to move here to North Carolina. I want to know, as a citizen of North Carolina, why isn’t he out here trying to get more jobs here? I mean, he’s doing nothing. Nothing. And he claimed that he could work across party lines. He could do this. He could do that.
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Hey, Beep. Congratulations to North Carolina A&T winning the black college championship. My only question is, say Guilford College won the white – is there a white college championship? I’m just wondering. And if say Guilford College did win it, would there be protests? But A&T won the black college championship and hats off to them.
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The trouble with the train at Northeast Park is that the track curves are too short.
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Good morning, Beep. Well, it looks like they’re digging up more and more dirt on Barack Hussein Obama. Y’all’s beloved president. He did a disservice to every American citizen, conservative, independent, Democrat, liberal, Republicans. He kicked us all in the creek. He should be brought up on charges. He’s not done a thing. He’s simply the worst president that the United States of America has ever had. Go Dems. Vote him in again. Next time he’ll be throwing dirt in your face.
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When it comes to sexual harassment, I think the issue will fade out just about as quick as transgender bathrooms. One deserves as much attention as the other. Southern Guilford here.
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You’re at it again, saying the poor do not pay income taxes. Have you looked at the tax tables?
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Obama was all about smelling good, and maybe growing some roses, and his swagger about talking so well. Trump doesn’t mind getting some dirt underneath his fingernails and raising some stink. Now that’s my kind of president.
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You know, I was in Wal-Mart yesterday, and I didn’t smell a single Trump supporter. Matter of fact, I didn’t smell anything. But I don’t understand why Wal-Mart isn’t standing up for their customers who spend billions and billions of dollars in their big box stores every year. Thanks, Wal-Mart, and thanks to the person that said that all the Wal-Mart shoppers stink. Just more pudding to be stirred, I guess.
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Greensboro city government is overridingly female. And I believe that the trouble with Greensboro has a lot to do with the distinct lack of leadership, vision and decisive action by Greensboro’s government, Guilford County’s government. It’s really – it doesn’t cut the mustard. There are too many middle-aged women in Greensboro’s city government and county government. They need to get with the program. Let’s get on with some business, people.
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Hi. I’m calling about all these senators coming out about Donald Trump’s sexual scandals and stuff. I think it’s a pity that these people have nothing more to do, these Democrats, than to call for Donald Trump to resign. He got voted in by the public. American people voted him in. And now all these Democrats, especially Bernie Sanders. I wonder what ever happened to his wife. You know, she was in all this scandal, this money taken. And they don’t never mention her anymore. And he’s sitting up there running his big mouth. He needs to resign. His tax thing is for the rich, it’s not for the poor or middle class. I just can’t deal with this anymore. You know, the American people are fed up with all these Democrats standing up there, holier-than-thou, wanting Donald Trump to resign.
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If I was a city employee, no matter what my job was, and my day started at 8 o’clock in the morning, I would check in, and I would leave, and I’d be gone for an hour, maybe an hour and a half, eating breakfast. Then I would go back to work. If my supervisor asked me where I was, I would tell them I had to go eat breakfast. If he told me to eat breakfast before I came to work, I would simply ask him, how come these other city employees, why don’t they have to eat breakfast before they come to work. Their shift starts the same as mine. Why are they allowed to leave and go eat breakfast, and taxpayers pay their salary while they’re doing it, and then go back to work. If one group of city employees can do it, everybody can. If they can’t, that’s discrimination. Thank you.
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I’m calling about Bernie Sanders being on TV all the time talking about this tax bill the Republicans have put forth. Where is the Democrats’ tax bill to help us get down this debt that we owe? You don’t see them having anything. The Democrats have nothing to help the American people at all. All they do is get on TV and flap their gums. That’s all they can do. Also, too, I’d like to know, what happened to Bernie Sanders’ wife? She was in a scandal about stealing money. Whatever happened to that? You know, he’s asking Donald Trump to step down. Why don’t he step down? He is the biggest nothing that there is up there. He claims to be an independent. He’s not no independent. He’s a total complete Democrat. Why don’t he take that I after his name off and put a D behind it?
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Uncle Orson’s column on Dec. 14 on chain migration was interesting, but it only told, basically, one side of the story. He talks about how people that have opposition to chain migration, that is their confession of a fearful, prejudiced, hate-filled heart. Chain migration is probably more financial than anything. We’re talking about different times. He talks about coming from immigrants. When the immigrants that were my parents and his came to this country, they had to hit the ground running. They did not have the social safety net which included welfare, food stamps, health care, Section VIII housing and all that. Secondly, you have issues like the pipe bomber in New York City last week. He was reported to be a chain immigrant, a family member of a lottery winner, one of about 20 family members this guy brought in. Basically has no skills. So, basically, you could imagine most of them are on public assistance. Liberals seem to think that America can take in the entire population of every dissatisfied, minority persecuted anywhere in the world, which leads basically to anarchy.
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And to add to what I was just saying, the $1,000 I may get, I’m going to spend it. The $175,000 he’s going to get, he’s going to put it in the bank and put it in his pocket and keep it. He don’t need it. Guess who wins? You win, John. The great nation you believe in now. Think you have Trump as your president. I give up. I’m moving to Russia. I have to. They treat you better. Bye.
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Hey. I’ve been hearing a lot of chatter lately within the last two weeks. I’ve been hearing it online now at the offices that Tony Wilkins might be running for US Senate and Mike Barber might be running for the US Senate, too. And I’m just curious if anyone else has heard this. Because it’s a lot of – at first, I just thought it was just people that felt sorry for Tony Wilkins, wanting him to run for office. But there has been a lot of posting and chatting about talk about him maybe running for US Senate. And the same thing about Mike Barber. And I’m just curious. I know Mike is a Democrat, and I’m a Republican. But yet I’m still curious if next year’s race, I guess, the filing date is less than two months away. I guess we will find out if they’re going to run. But I thought it was kind of interesting.
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Editor’s Note: There is no US Senate race in North Carolina in 2018.
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This is for all you Trump supporters that think – that listen to Trump putting down Mueller, putting down the FBI, putting down the CIA. How un-American is he? But the only reason he’s doing that is because when it does come out about the money laundering and the collusion with Russia, it’s so you still won’t believe him. So, he’s starting now about all the corruption. Because it has happened – money laundering, Russian collusion. No telling what else. The only reason he made Jerusalem the capital over there of Israel is because a rich Jewish man paid him $100 million to do it. Look it up. So that’s the only reason he’s putting down Mueller and the FBI, because it will come out. Money laundering, Russian collusion and just setting you up to not to believe it.
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You know what? I’m registered as a Republican. I go to some of the Republican luncheons and gatherings. And everybody was panicking about how the Republicans just totally got skunked out in the Greensboro elections. I mean, they didn’t even make it through the primaries. I think Tony Wilkins is the only actual Republican to make it through the primary, and he still didn’t get elected. But, anyway, a lot of people running on the Republican ticket in the Congress and Senate races are a little bit spooked about this. I mean, look, this year in 2017, we just elected in Virginia a Democratic governor, you know? Everybody thought he wasn’t even going to get elected, and he walked right into office. Look at all the Greensboro seats that people just walked in the office that are Democrats. You know? The Republicans are going to sit down and look at what they’re doing wrong.
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Hello. I live in North Carolina and the City Council is going to make the citizens of North Carolina pay for these parking decks. Well, you know, our taxes are so high now that it’s very hard to pay for them. And I think for them to be voting without the input of the citizens of North Carolina on two parking decks is not fair. And I think that if they want these parking decks, they should take their own income and pay for them. Because we personally cannot handle no more taxes. Our property taxes are sky high. Everything in North Carolina is high.
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In our country, the people are supposed to be smart and highly educated, we have got some of the dumbest people in this country that I have ever heard of. Donald Trump is trying to keep us safe. And everything that he does, these news companies talk against him. I don’t believe that they got the foggiest idea what a nuclear blast would be. I don’t know, but I know more than some people, because I read up on it. I believe that they actually want a nuclear explosion in this country so they can kick Donald Trump. They kick him on everything he does. Barack Obama did not do one thing about North Korea to my knowledge to try to keep us safe and gave Iran $150 billion in cash and said they would have to wait 10 years before they could make a nuclear bomb. Ten years is not very long when somebody is about 40 to 50 years old. And a man at 82 years old, I might not be here. But them people want to kill us, and the news over here is trying to help him. Think about it.
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The Republicans passed the tax bill and the Democrats passed gas. Have a nice day.
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Hello, Beep. In the Tuesday News & Record I read that Trump’s national security strategy depicts China as combative rivalry on perpetual competition with the US. The next day in the same newspaper, I learn that North Carolinians are giving China $152 million to build their tire manufacturing plant in our state. The governor said that China knows we share their commitment to innovation, education and excellence. And state Republican Sen. Rick Horner says the plant is a terrific Christmas present for our state. So how is this a Christmas present make China our big combative rival? There’s got to be fake news somewhere in there.
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If this economy takes off like they think it’s going to, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi is going to be looking for a tall building.
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The Democratic Party and the Democratic voice has been reduced to just a few people in the back of the room making a few noises that nobody really listens to. The Democratic Party, when it comes to policy and law making, is just irrelevant now. Now that the tax plan has been passed, and people are going to see more money in their paychecks, they’re going to be reduced even farther. We’re well on our way to a one-party system. And I really can’t wait. The Democratic Party has stuck it to poor and black people for all these years trying their best to keep them down so they can give them their government programs and continue to vote for them. But America has woken up now, with the leadership of Donald Trump passing this tax reform so that everybody has a chance to make it.
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Can someone in the legal profession, please, explain to me how, why Hillary Clinton has not been charged with treason in wake of the ungodly, disgraceful, unthinkable uranium deal? Talk about collusion, this absolutely blows my mind. Oh, wait. Maybe it’s because she’s a Clinton and, after all, she should get a pass because she is a Clinton. Can you say national disgrace?
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I think it’s called the FCC. Somebody is in charge of the airwaves and what’s said, the reason you can’t cuss on them and do other things on them. Why they do not stop these news companies from telling bare-faced lies, and they know they’re lies. Now, one they’ve told this morning said they might have to come back to Washington if Trump fires Mueller. He hasn’t said anything at all about firing Mueller. But you’ve got shut-in people sitting watch the news all the time. It’s the only way they know what’s going on outside world. And these CBS, CNN, NCNB, all of them, is telling lies, bare-faced lies. And these people sit and taking it in. That ought not to go on in a democracy.
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My Christmas wish for the country this year is that by this time next year, God willing, CNN, MSNBC, Rush calls it something else, ABC, NBC and CBS will no longer exist. Hey, I can dream, can’t I?
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Hello, Rhino Times. John Hammer, you stated a couple of weeks ago that Trump would not benefit by the new tax laws and everything. He won’t benefit from it. No. He’ll just get richer. He give me $1,000 and give his rich friends $175,000. You can correct my figures if you want to, but aren’t the rich getting richer? I’m going to spend my $1,000. What is Trump going to do with his $175,000 in estate tax? He’s benefitted by that also. You see, he’s not benefitted by that. He’s going to benefit about that. So, John, I’m proud of your president. Because he’s not the United States president. He’s a communist president. Thank you.
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I’m calling about the caller last issue regarding his take on the cause of all this sexual harassment when he says, quote, since lawsuits are such a liability when a woman works there, because men can’t control themselves, maybe businesses shouldn’t hire women, quote. It seems to me like it ought to be just the opposite. If men can’t control themselves in the presence of women, then maybe the businesses shouldn’t hire men. That seems most logical to me. And I’m a male. What do you other readers think?
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Yes, the problem with the Piedmont Triad International Airport, which has now been renamed Central North Carolina International Airport, isn’t one of name. It’s one of cost. I know the people that operate the airport think changing the name is going to generate better ridership. But it won’t happen. I have dozens of business associates that fly in to see me here in south Greensboro several times each month. And they rarely fly in to the Central North Carolina International Airport. They fly into Raleigh-Durham or Charlotte, because either one of those airports for the same flight is about 20 percent to 30 percent less expensive. It turns out to be cheaper to fly into one of those airports, rent a car and then drive here than to fly in directly to the new Central North Carolina International Airport. They can change the name all they want, but until they do something about the extremely high cost of airfare from and to that airport, nothing is going to change.
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Well, you haven’t printed anything I’ve called in the last two or three weeks. But I’m riding – coming through Bessemer. I’m riding down Warehouse and Goldsboro Street. It’s nothing but a nasty, nasty illegal junkyard. And all the people on City Council to develop the east side of Greensboro, would somebody from Rhino Times please come out and take some pictures and put on your front page instead of a parking garage, something that really concerns Greensboro citizens and what they’ve done to Bessemer area. Just come over here and take some pictures and put on the front page. Put a little one on any page. I’d sure appreciate it. I just appreciate it you would print this. If I say something about Nancy Vaughan or the city councilmembers, you don’t never print it. Just come over here and look. There are hundreds and hundreds of junk cars. I don’t know if it is chop shops or what. There’s hundreds over here. No tags, no tarps on them or nothing. Come over here, please, and take a picture and put this in your paper so the City of Greensboro can see what you’re doing. Thank you.
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In continuation. Ms. Vaughan, since you are out and about in the city every day, why don’t you come up here and look at what you’ve done to Greensboro and what you’ve let happen? Come up here and look at Warehouse Street and Goldsboro Street and tell me that’s legal, and that’s what you want to do with Greensboro. Thank you.
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