Just heard on the news that Alcee Hastings paid $200,000 out for a sexual harassment case. Not Alcee Hastings, the public, the people of the US paid $200,000 for a sexual harassment case. These people that have done this should be sued, and we, the people of the US, should be paid back with interest for every little thing that they took out of that account. The account, the sexual harassments account, should be done away with. No more free rides on such mess as that. Thanks.
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The superintendent of the Guilford County Schools should have called the schools out early when it started snowing. And how many school bus wrecks did we have? Three or four? The superintendent should resign. She’s incompetent. Thank you.
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On Fox News I see Gloria Allred, the big high-dollar lawyer from California, with this lady that said Roy Moore molested her back in 1977. And she was crying about that. My question is, has she been crying for 40 years? That is a long time to cry about that. And the next thing, did her mother not tell her at 16 years old to be getting in the car with grown men? Something about this don’t add up. Why didn’t she come forth before now? I wonder what politics her people are.
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So Nikki Haley declares that women who make charges of sexual harassment against men deserve to be heard. As far as I’m aware, nobody was arguing that they should be silenced. But if they want to make their allegations international news and destroy the reputation of their target, then they should submit to a lie detector test. Fair enough? Hillary Clinton actually believes that such women even deserve to be believed. So I guess Paula Jones, Juanita Broadderick, Kathleen Willey and all the rest of Bill’s victims were telling the truth after all, right Hillary? Just sign me off as An Independent Thinker.
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Yes, this is in reference to Donald Trump would not benefit personally from the elimination of estate tax. To a certain extent, you’re right. But when he dies, his kids would benefit. So, really, your narrative about this is misguided. And Donald Trump’s kids would benefit from the estate tax when he leaves. So, don’t misuse the public trying to get your point in when the facts, the true facts, are not there.
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I would like to see the alternative for the situation here at Old Battleground, Lake Brandt, Cotswold area to be that, for one, we reopen the block, Old Battleground Road. That was never – there was no reason to ever block that off in my opinion. And that would alleviate much of the traffic through much of the neighborhood areas around here. That seems to be the number one alternative of solution. I understand from someone in a position of authority with Greensboro that NCDOT refused to connect Old Battleground through this area again.
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To the lowlife that recently helped him or herself to my silent night Christmas yard tag near Irving Park School, I hope you really enjoy it this holiday season. Just remember, this is the season for giving, not stealing.
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I’m calling about the little 3-year-old girl that was killed by the live-in boyfriend. I’ll address this to all the women out there that think that they have to have a man in their life. Is it so important that you have a man in your life that you’ll bring a common thug, a thief, a criminal into your family, into your most precious possession, your little children, endanger their lives? You women need to wake up. If you got someone in your family that you can look up to, you need to do that and get some advice before you bring these thugs and criminals into your life or your family. It’s a pitiful statement. Look at these little children. You’re living in a home with somebody that’s on drugs or dope and a criminal. There’s nothing worse than a common thief and a liar and a thug. But, yet, you think so little of your little children that you’ll bring this trash into your home.
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I read with interest the Weekly Hammer about the Greenway. It ought to be renamed the green backer way. Totally ridiculous. Just think how many coats and shoes and baskets of food, how $36 million could have provided for the homeless and destitute without having its ego built in downtown.
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In the Nov. 30 Rhino Times, Piedmont Triad Film Commission Executive Director Rebecca Clark states that Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri went to Georgia, the state of Georgia to be filmed. The movie itself states that it was filmed in North Carolina, and Dale Pollock with the School of the Arts says it was filmed in the Sylva area. Also, to Orson Scott Card, wasabi peas can be bought anywhere. Wal-Mart sells them. And, also, Dan Stevens, who he refers to about the Dickens film, had a major part in Downton Abby shown on PBS. Thank you.
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Isn’t it funny how NPR, national progressive radio, can analyze and expound upon the president’s use of a crass vernacular word for weeks and months but can hardly bring themselves to mention the half-dozen of their own staff who have recently been fired for actual sexual misconduct?
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I can’t believe all these Trump team members are going to prison and getting in trouble with the FBI for fake news. You Trump supporters go buy your MAGA hats and your Trumpy bears. They’re going to need some money for lawyers.
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The Democratic Party is without a doubt the political party of yesterday. They just about don’t even exist anymore. I called it the coastal party. Just a few states around each coast. That’s all they control. And that’s for now. It’s probably going to get worse for them. Once the tax reduction has been passed, Americans are going to see how Donald Trump and the Republicans are going to move this country forward. Now, the Democrats and the people who hate Donald Trump sit on the sidelines and complain and gripe and whine and moan all they want while the rest of the country moves forward. Like I said, the Democratic Party is the political party of yesterday.
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The wall. It’s going to be big. It’s going to huge. You’re going to love it. Keep out the Huns and all their cousins.
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My microwave wants to know how Donald Gump and his traitor team can be in so much trouble with the law when it’s all fake news. My microwave just wants to know that answer. It’s talking to me like Kellyanne Conway.
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Hi. I’m calling about Robert Mueller, the FBI investigation. I think it’s time for him to step down. He spent so much taxpayers’ money for nothing because there’s no collusion. There’s no proof of any at this point in time, and he’s been in there ever since Trump has been in office. It’s been Russia, Russia, Russia, and there’s no proof of anything. And I think that with all the scandals going on with the FBI and everything, I think it’s time that he step down, that American people, we need proof, transparency, and we need honesty from the FBI, and we’re not getting any of that. And not only that, look at Flynn. I mean, he’s getting charged with lying to the FBI. What about Hillary Clinton? She lied big time to the FBI, and Comey, he covered all that up. This is a double standard. If you are a law-abiding citizen, you don’t get the same respect from the FBI that Hillary Clinton does.
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Hello, Beep. I’m just wondering if Mr. Orson Card was the San Mateo Bearcat. Because once a Bearcat, always a Bearcat. You don’t see very many Bearcats on the East Coast. Thank you.
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If all the woman and girls came forward that have been sexually molested, there would not be enough courts to try the cases. If all the men came forward that had sexually molested, there would not be enough prisons to hold them. If all the liars in Washington came forward, there would be no one left. The last one out would have to turn off the lights.
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Them good old Democrats are eating their own now. Go, Democrats, go. Just building up that resume. Just to think, it’s so bad that the people of Alabama may elect someone who has offenses against him. It’s a terrible situation for the Democrats. Go, Democrats, go.
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Some Democrat lady on TV was talking about all these people that are having sexual affairs, maybe President Trump ought to step down. Where was she at when sex was being carried on in the White House by a Democrat? Where was she at then?
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I’d like to emphasize; Hillary Clinton is a traitor. She has committed treason of the United States of America. So has Bill Clinton. So has Obama. So has Holder, among other people up there. They’re traitors and should be punished by being put in prison at least 40 years. Being a traitor to our country, being treasonous is against the law. It’s a criminal act and should be dealt with appropriately. And our wonderful president, Donald Trump, has done a good job eliminating the swamp. He should have said eliminating the low-grade characters in our government. In other words, the cesspool of our nation. The Democrat Party is, in my opinion, the syphilis of America. So long, neighbors.
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BJ Barnes, get a life. You’re closing down the fish games. They can’t have the video games, but every mom and pop convenience store or service station in Greensboro has three, four or five machines that they’re playing. Do you think that they’re paying out cigarettes, gas and merchandize when people get $200 or $300? Get a life, BJ Barnes, and leave the video machines alone.
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Yes, I’d just like to thank the government for our big Social Security increase. I got 2 percent. Then, by the time they got through raising my Medicare, I actually got $2 extra each month to spend. I don’t know what I’ll do with it. But it’s great. And I just happen to think about if I was part of the government, I could set up on the City Council and get myself a 60 percent raise. Most retirees I hear that work for a living through their life is living off of something between $11,000 and $13,000 a year. And them people sitting up there with all this money, they’re living off more than that, besides working on the job making $20,000 a year for doing nothing. I’m sure glad they could do that for their selves. Hope they enjoy it. Goodbye.
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I was reading this morning where I see a leftwing liberal talking about Donald Gump in the news, making fun of him. And the other fellow jumping on him about North Korea. If you remember, Barack Hussein Obama played games with the North Koreans just like everybody does for the last 16 years. They’ve let the Kim grow his nuclear weapons stock over there. Nobody has done a thing about it, especially Barack Hussein Obama. All he could do is run around the world and bow down and kiss the hand of every Muslim he could find. And for you left-wing liberals that hate Trump so badly, why don’t you call your stockbrokers and tell them you want your funds frozen back to the November election.
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I just finished watching the movie 13 Hours about Benghazi. And I’ve come to the conclusion that everyone, Obama, and everyone that was in his administration should be forced to sit somewhere in a big auditorium somewhere and watch that movie with all the survivors that were in the movie, and the people’s family members, and explain to them why they didn’t help, why they didn’t send air support.
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Hello. I’ve got two subjects that I’d like to talk about today. One is the DACA immigrants. I’d like to tell the Democrats, if you shut down our government over these DACA immigrants, I think you would be making the biggest mistake of your life. Because these DACA immigrants do not have a right to be here in the first place. And I would like to tell the DACA immigrants that they need to quit protesting, because it’s not helping their case at all. Secondly, I’d like to say this about the FBI. You know, American citizens are not dumb. We may not have went to Harvard, but we know what’s going on. We see corruption. We know what corruption looks like. And the FBI, Mueller’s team, is full of corruption.
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Holidays best wishes from the Seal in McLeansville to all Rhino Times and its staff members and family. I just want to say it sounds like a new wonderful animal shelter director. And let’s all get behind him and try to keep somebody. He’s very good, he sounds like. So, let’s not lose this one.
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I think it would be very interesting to mate Al Franken and Harvey Weinstein to see what would occur. Perhaps a little Frankenstein.
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The people that believe Barack Hussein Obama was the second coming, and there is people that believe that, do you realize how wrong it was on his way out the door to give Iran $150 billion so they can sponsor terrorism to harass Israel? Do you realize what a mistake he made? He knew what he was doing when he done it. His daddy was a Muslim. And he’s going to make it hard for me to believe that he’s not a Muslim too. Just think about that when you get ready to go to the polls next time they put a Democrat thing for you to vote.
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I would like to address a real problem with the entity known as Greensboro Housing Authority. Until 12 year ago, after I lost my health, and my job, and my home, I didn’t have a need for affordable housing. Since I’ve been living in it, I have discovered that they are nothing but a bunch of big bullies. We received a letter yesterday afternoon. State tenant landlord laws, and I’ve researched them, require a 48-hour notice. Getting a notice on Friday afternoon that you have to be at a 10 o’clock, or a 2 o’clock meeting on Monday, and your failure to attend can result in a termination of your lease, is not only illegal, it’s immoral and unethical. They don’t allow anything for those with disabilities, for the elderly and infirm. I right now have the flu. I’m contacting every civil rights organization over the weekend by email and by faxing them copies of this bullying letter. They’re nothing but a bunch of big bullies who sit on their big behinds and hand out flips constantly.
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I was speaking to you about Greensboro Housing Authority. I hope, I sincerely hope, that you all are not among the elitist snobs who think that you are better than people who have to live in assisted housing. And that you will assist us in standing up to bullies. We have commercials on TVs trying to teach our children to stand up to bullies. Well, they need to be led by example. So, we adults need to stand up to bullies, all bullies. And anyone who threatens someone with the loss of their home if they can’t make it to a meeting that they weren’t given proper time so that they could make arrangements to get to, or if they’re sick, or if they’re disabled and can’t get to. This needs to be addressed. It’s gone on for far too long, far before I ever had to use these services. Because I’ve talked to residents who have been here much longer than I have. And it’s gone on – as I said many times.
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You know how it’s interesting how people forget that people are just beasts? Good example. A friend of mine lives in Howard Coble’s house. Do you know they still get Christmas cards and all types of stuff wishing Howard a merry Christmas? And they even get mail from other places that they probably shouldn’t be getting mail from. But it’s kind of interesting. Now it’s a renter house. It seems like if you really want something interesting, just like, for example, Mark Walker’s old house. I’m pretty sure he gets all types of mail over there by the airport. You know, I’m sitting there thinking, I wonder how many people have moved into homes that congressmen and senators used to live in that they’ve moved out of to a bigger home, because they’re going to get paid so much. What the heck, we’ll just get a bigger house. And, then, the people that move in get all that mail.
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Take away my monuments. Demolish my historical sites. Replace my history with your history. But no matter how hard you try, you cannot deny the fact that I exist. Southern Guilford here.
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It would be very simple to force Uber out of Greensboro or out of North Carolina. It would be very simple. All you would have to do is have the insurance companies check the bank statements or tax returns of their drivers, of their insured drivers, and the ones driving for Uber, they will cancel their insurance. See, Uber drivers do not inform their insurance companies that they are using a personal car for commercial use. And when insurance companies find out that they have a driver driving for Uber, they cancel their insurance. So, it would be quite simple. It would be quite simple. Just have the insurance companies check the bank statements or tax returns of their insured drivers. And when you see they’re using a personal car for commercial use, like Uber drivers do, simply cancel their insurance.
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Hello, Beep. Well, went down to the coast this weekend, down to the North Carolina coast. And I spent some time down there for a while at some shops and stuff. We were coming back, I didn’t come the highway, I came up through the little small towns like we used to. And everybody does the speed limit. If it’s 25 mile an hour, some of them they’re going to run 25. Thirty-five, because you get a ticket. And it was fine until I got up to where Martin Luther King takes over at 421. And it’s like a different world. People speeding, running red lights, all the way to my house. Then I got on Yanceyville. Same thing. Speed limit don’t mean nothing. Red lights don’t mean nothing. Crosswalks don’t mean nothing. I think they should get on the bus to all the City Council people and the chief of police and go down to the North Carolina coast and ride back and check and see how to run a town. And I think if they don’t want to do that, we should change the name of Greensboro zoosboro. Because you got a bunch of animals here that don’t know how to drive or care what they do.
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Continuing. The reason I didn’t mention Nancy Vaughan, the mayor, ‘cause she’s too busy seeing how good a job, she’s out in the city every day, see how good a job she does running Greensboro down. Thank you so much. Y’all have a good day.
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