I agree with John Hammer’s Nov. 24 editorial regarding defunding NPR because of its liberal slant. And I’m a lifelong Democrat, a yellow dog Democrat. Listen to NPR all the time, agree with almost everything they say. But not everyone should have to pay for that. Republicans shouldn’t have to pay for it. The Tea Party shouldn’t have to pay for it. It’s just not right. This is about the second time I’ve agreed with John Hammer in 10 years. But, John, you are right on this one.
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So the mainstream media are shocked, shocked when Donald Trump says millions voted illegally in the election, but never even raised an eyebrow when Obama encouraged illegal aliens to vote. How does that work?
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This is to the cast of Hamilton and the way you disrespected our vice president. You’re just more trash that we need to get rid of in this world. And if that were my building, I would be bulldozing it down tomorrow.
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Yeah, this government race for governor has really been upside down, inside out, flip-flopping like crazy. Total nightmare. Still don’t know who the governor is right now. I tell you what, come by our address and pick up a Pat McCrory for governor sign. Take it home. Stick it in your front yard. Get it out there. Pat McCrory is your governor, and he will be your governor.
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Hello, Rhino Times, Reid, Guilford County. I made an observation. The USA woke up on the morning of Nov. 8 to realize there was all kinds of corruptions with Washington and we’re fed up with it. And the polls answer the question, how fed up? All right. This is Nov. 20. As a NASCAR fan, I woke up knowing there was corruption. And I hope, and my prayer is, on Nov. 21, NASCAR fans everywhere will wake up and realize how big the fix is in with NASCAR and these multi-team things.
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This message is for our illustrious outgoing president. Just go away, Barry, and keep your mouth shut while you go. We’re done with you. You kicked us all in the creek. Everybody got kicked in the creek. So, just go away.
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Just watching Barack Hussein Obama talking in Peru about how he’s going to be near the White House there, and he’s not going to hesitate to speak out if he sees some things. Obama, the American people had eight years of your baloney. If we enjoyed any of it, we’d put Hillary in office. You couldn’t even go out and campaign for Hillary or any other candidate so far. If I’m not mistaken, every candidate you campaigned for has failed to win their election. We don’t care what you think. We’re sick of you. We had eight years of your incompetence, your undervaluing the morals and values of America, and pitting one group of people against the other and going around the world apologizing to everyone and making idle threats to do absolutely nothing. You’re the biggest disgrace that’s ever going to go down in history as a president of the United States.
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Just wanted to let everybody know, Blue Cross and Blue Shield insures Guilford County Schools. They’re now going to try to charge us for anybody who is smoking. Well, at our school I have a bunch of obese people. Why don’t they charge for them? There’s a lot of people there that drink alcoholic beverages. Why don’t they charge for them? It’s discrimination. It’s all about discrimination and the insurance company trying to get more money. Thanks. Bye.
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Hi, Beep. For the ones that don’t want to live in this country under President Trump, I just want to say, why do you think he is so terrible? What is it? Give me specifics. Is it because you’re listening to mainstream media or are you doing your own homework? Do you know him personally? No, you don’t, OK. If he said dirty words, big deal. Put on your big girl panties and grow up, OK? He didn’t steal $6 billion. He didn’t kill four people in Benghazi. All he said was a few dirty words. Big deal. All politicians say things behind closed doors. All men say it behind closed doors. So, he got caught. You know what? We, too, say things like that. So, give me specifics on what you don’t like about President Trump. Why? What did he do?
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Pat McCrory is trying to steal the election. And he fought the North Carolina public. Roy Cooper obviously won and McCrory should shut up and go away.
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Hello, Beep. America was smart enough to elect Trump. They overlooked all the media hype and cover up of Hillary’s crimes and voted for somebody that could truly bring change to America. Our local fish wrap, however, did their best to get Hillary elected, and they failed. They tried and tried with all the negative ads and cartoons of Trump, but we saw through it, and we got a man for the job. And the paper now continues their quest to tarnish Trump. Almost every day I see cartoons of negative things about Trump and articles about Trump instead of getting together and trying to unite America. Wanting Trump to fail is wanting America to fail. And I think our paper needs to wise up and quit the biased reporting.
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Fox News is reporting that President Obama is going to hang around Washington and get involved in politics after he goes out of office, which in my opinion is the first time it’s ever happened since the 200-some years we’ve been here. Now, if he’ll just do that, that will absolutely destroy the Democrat Party forever. He is so self-centered he does not have enough sense that a lot of people voted for Donald Trump because of President Obama and the things that he put forth while he was in there. There is so many executive orders that’s been issued that the average working man doesn’t have any idea. If he will do that, that will destroy the Democrat Party. And I’ll be one to rejoice.
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Good morning, Rhino. Yes, I was reading about the old big mouth, Hightower, and the east side of Greensboro. Does she go on the east side of Greensboro down Bessemer Avenue, anywhere from Summit Avenue all the way down 70 where they want to build the animal shelter? No, they don’t want that. They want retail. Wal-Mart is going out of business. Come on down Bessemer Avenue to Central Carolina Warehouses, Ms. Hightower. Look at all the junkyards and chop shops. All up and down Bessemer Avenue you’ve got garages. Probably don’t have any license, you know, but they get by with messing up the east side of Greensboro. You don’t say nothing about that. Go on Bessemer Avenue, Ms. Hightower, and get on TV and something and tell what it looks like. I dare you. Bye.
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Unelected federal bureaucrats are currently slamming through new rules on everything from a total ban on airline cellphone use to protecting funding for Planned Parenthood to requiring two engineers on every freight train. I say rules because they are not duly passed laws, but they will have the force of law nevertheless. The outgoing EPA administrator is breathtakingly bold and shameless in directing her agency to push through as many of these so-called rules as possible before Donald Trump becomes president. Where is the constitutional authority for these faceless unaccountable apparatchiks to thwart the president-elect who has vowed that every new regulation will require the repeal of two old regulations? Our public sector parasites have become a fourth branch of government. I hope Donald Trump reminds them of their place – as our servants, not our masters. Just sign me off as An Independent Thinker.
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Hi. I’m calling in regards to the election about Pat McCrory and Roy Cooper. I think that it’s a shame that we’ve got voter fraud. When Barber stood up there with the NAACP, stood up there for Monday after Monday swearing that we did not have voter fraud, that this was black suppression, if we use voter ID it was suppressing the black vote. I think this is ridiculous for him to stand up there and now our voter ID has been rebuked. And now we’ve got all this voter fraud going on. I think that Pat McCrory needs to continue to press forward to get to the bottom of this, because we don’t need Roy Cooper as our governor. I think Roy Cooper is a disaster.
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Hello, Rhino. I’ve been calling the Beep for the past four years. Guess you could say it’s become a weekly tradition for me, whether my comments are printed or not. But in the past two issues I’ve discovered a caller is impersonating me using Hello Beep, Hello Reid, to start and finishes with the Southern Guilford County here. That is my line. Maybe it’s a coincidence. Maybe I should be flattered. At least their comments are intelligent. But I’m feeling a little bit used. Southern Guilford County and Otis here. PS: For all I know, this person also has an Otis. Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving.
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Call me back. Why are you yelling in my ears? You bit me. OK.
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Yeah, Steely Dan Fan Man. I completely agree with the letter to the editor about folks that don’t live here voting on local measures. Seems to me – and a prime example would be these college kids who come from wealthy places like Connecticut and New York and all that. And they come down here, and they’re going to be here four years, or six years, or something. Then they’re going to leave. And they should be made to retain an ID, in addition to a local ID and an ID from the university or the college, they’re going to say where they’re actually from. And they should not be allowed to vote for local elections. Anything that has to do with the state, or the city, or the county. Thank you.
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Hello, Beep. I’m a satisfied reader of the Rhino Times. I appreciate you guys. My question is this: Since when did Hollywood celebrities start becoming political experts and campaigning for criminals like Hillary Clinton for president? A lot of them didn’t even finish high school. For example, Jay Z and Beyoncé. And by the way, Jay Z has a criminal record. Thank you for listening. Bye-bye.
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You repeated several times in your Weekly Hammer that the reason the city did not annex land so a shopping center could be built on Lake Brandt Road was because of the objections of 40 or 50 families. And you said the major objection was first because it would have contained a pharmacy and, then, that trees would be cut. You conveniently ignored the real reason that the shopping center would be across the road from a school, and the objections were by far more than the 40 or 50 families. There were the parents of the children in school. There are other family members and friends. And many people, like me, who have no connection with the school but firmly believe that a shopping center across a road from a school is a bad idea. More than the 40 to 50 families you kept mentioning, there were perhaps thousands of us.
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Hello, Beep, and hello, America. Come January you know what just might hit the fan. And I don’t mean that in a bad way. Have a nice day. Bye.
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I sum up the 2016 election this way. Good triumphed over evil. Anyone who has a functioning brain should be able to conclude that, as my grandmother would say, today’s Democratic Party has gone off the deep end.
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I’m going to leave part of what was said in on last week’s Sound of the Beep. I did not realize there were that many uneducated people in America until all these protests started. Whatever happened to the best-qualified person instead of picking a community organizer like king Obama? Well, whatever happened to picking the most-qualified person instead of a guy with a hat? I mean, you’ve got to be kidding me. You are comparing Obama to something that I don’t think that you understand at all. Because, yeah, maybe he wasn’t most experienced. But I can guarantee you that Hillary Clinton in this election was definitely the most experienced. And both members that were running there were carrying a lot of baggage. So we’re going to find out.
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After reading the first Sound of the Beep after the election, it appears to me there is a bunch of sore winners out there, people that cannot take their candidate that they voted for, that they wanted to win, and actually talk about something good that he might do instead of still going backwards and talking about Clinton and Obama and everything else that’s messed up. If your guy got elected, why are you still talking about something else? Sore winners. And I believe Hillary had it about right after reading The Sound of the Beep last week that about half of the people that supported Trump are deplorable. It’s pretty easy to tell by what they call in and say.
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Elizabeth Warren is on Donald Trump’s case, talking about the people he’s hiring and this, that and the other, and one thing then another. What Trump should say is for her to come down to the hospital in Washington, DC, neutral, and get a DNA run and show us how much Indian she’s got in her. And put it on public television. I’d like to see that myself. Matter of fact, I’d pay for it.
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Yeah, Steely Dan Fan Man. I’m not for or against the LGBT community. It makes no difference to me. It matters not. But I have an idea, and I don’t know if anybody thought of it. There’s a song by Queen, and it was written by Brian May, who actually was the founder of Queen. And it’s called “Some Day One Day.” Somebody should listen to that song, because it absolutely describes what you all are saying. Like I said, I’m not for or against. It doesn’t matter to me who and what people are, because I am what I am. You know? But, you know, somebody should listen to that song. It would be a good theme song. It would be a darn good theme song. Thank you.
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Why didn’t the Democrats have a more honest candidate? With an honest person, they could probably have won the election. This is a great example of corruption. The Clintons bought their supporters. And their super-rich supporters attempted to buy the office. They, with the media, were almost successful. As I said previously, I was taught in college the best way to control a country is through the media. UNC poly-sci course 1968. Thank you.
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Congratulations to the citizens of Cuba. Fidel Castro, a monster, is gone. Now if they can get rid of his brother. I think they ought to take a vote to see if they want to be the 51st state. That would take care of this whole communist crud in our backyard once and for all. Once again, congratulations to the citizens of Cuba and all the people that that monster has brought sorrow to. You all have a blessed day. Goodbye.
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This message lasts two minutes. OK. Kid. The election is over, and I guess I can stop calling. There’s no point in it. But I want to tell you something. Elections are not about politics or policy anymore. We’re not living in post-racial America. We’re living post-political America. Elections have not had a darn thing to do with politics for a long time. And to talk right as exemplified by Breitbart and Steve Bannon, they realized a long time ago that politics have nothing to do with elections in the United States or Europe. It’s about race, religion and culture.
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Well, I see on the TV that Hillary Clinton has joined up with that Jill Stein. Don’t you wonder why? Money, money, money, money. They figured out another way now to scam the people out of a pile of money. And, so, she had to jump in there, because that’s all her and Bill Clinton is good for is to pile up money and do nothing for the country. I wish they all would just disappear, leave the country, go out there yonder with that Hollywood bunch and go, go, all of them to another country. Because I’m sick of them there Clintons, the Obamas and the Bushes. I’m sick of all of them. They’re nothing but troublemakers.
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Sunday, Greensboro news, Nov. 27, section B. Great big line. Are workers’ visas in danger? And it goes on to say that they think Donald Trump is going to send these people back. Then we get to Susan Ladd. Trump appeals to the worst in people. And it’s very obvious that she’s against him and goes on to tell about how bad it is that Trump’s got in. And if it was not for the obituaries, I would not be taking the Greensboro news. They talk about racism. This is the worst. It tells about how many hate crimes that has happened since he’s put in, elected. Seven hundred, I believe they give. The newspaper is going by the way of all the other big news companies except Fox. And it’s really going to be bad. They want him to fail. They don’t have enough common sense to know that if Trump fails, we fail as people. How little we learn.
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Hey, rank and file GOP faithful like myself. Lied to GOP faithful, of which I am one. I still have some hope for Donald Trump, but not looking good, people. Now he’s not going to prosecute Hillary. That was one of the main things that millions of people voted for him on.
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In Greensboro, we have all these different transportation companies, or so-called transportation companies, they have the sign on the door of the car, so-and-so transportation service, and they have personal license plates on the car, which means they do not have commercial taxi insurance. Where is law enforcement? Where is the City Council? Would they, please, stop sitting on their hands and do something about this? These people need to be arrested, and these cars need to be impounded. They call them gypsy cabs. They are using the taxi service to earn a living, but they’re not paying their dues. Taxi drivers pay anywhere from $2,800 to $5,000 a year just in insurance. The people with personal tags on the car are paying nothing.
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