Yes, I’d like to self-report my brother. He has a picture of my great uncle in a casket wearing a Confederate uniform with a Rebel Flag draped over it. I also want to self-report my first cousin. Her mother was a racist. If I can help out, who should I contact to do this self-reporting? I think the Communist Workers’ Party, which is affiliated with the Democratic Party, the progressive end of the Democratic Party, they should come after all these things. I think he also has some Confederate toy soldiers that he used to play with. Please, see if you can find out where I should self-report my brother and my first cousin. Thank you.
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I was just reading in the Beep in the Rhino where the City Council apologized for the Klan-Communist shootout. Is there nobody in Greensboro that can go and vote to remove these fools? This woman is the biggest racist that’s ever been on that board. Everything that comes about is racism is her aspect in the whole situation. I can understand why the mayor done what she done, because she’s from Connecticut. I was wondering where she was from. Apparently, everybody in Connecticut is a fool, and they send them further down. I don’t understand how they can apologize for something that happened 40 years ago. What has that accomplished? What’s it going to do for Nelson Johnson and the rest of them? It’s going to open it up where they can sue the city.
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It’s Monday, and people is not satisfied with the economy and President Trump ought to have their Social Security pay cut some. The news, Channel 8 News, is showing down in South Carolina there’s thousands and thousands people all sitting on the grass. The roads is full. Everybody stopped what they’re doing. They’re not working. They’re living it up. They’re having eclipse parties. So, if there is any better, I don’t know how it possibly could be any better than it is today.
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In the news headlines I heard an antifa alt-left activist say that he was going to protest Berkeley’s March against Marxism because he despises people who are intolerant of others. So he’s going down there with his billy club, mini flamethrower and brass knuckles to knock the stuffing out of those people who are intolerant of others.
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I was just reading the August 17 Beep. The very first caller that week complaining about Donald Trump talking about Obama and all of his problems he left. What you need to do is look back at Obama’s first term – first two, three years of his presidency, all he did was blame President Bush for every single problem that he could think of. And a little further down the page, there’s somebody calling in about John Hammer criticizing Obama for playing golf all the time but not criticizing Trump. Well, think about this. Obama went and rented or ran everybody off of a private golf course so he could play with his buddies. Trump goes to his own golf course and meets with other state leaders.
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To those who want to take down Confederate statues, I have this message for you. I am not a Neo-Nazi, a white supremacist or a KKK supporter. I’m an average American who loves history. When you see me, and I see you, you do not know what is going on in my mind. I’m one of the solid ones who will vote next time. Walk softly and carry a big stick. Esse quam videri.
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It seems like all the authorities in Greensboro attribute some of the murders over there to gang activity. Let’s all remember. Chief Miller, before he left for Greenville, South Carolina, disbanded Greensboro’s gang unit, gang enforcement unit from the Police Department. Chief Scott has not reinstated them. The gang unit was actually keeping up with the gang activity. The Latin Kings, including Jorge Cornell, were put away for many years. So maybe somebody needs to call the chief over there and say, hey, man, we need to get the gang unit back out there to keep up with these guys and lock them up before they murder some innocent people. Have a good day.
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The statues are coming down in some places. Has this put any more money in your pocket? Now, just what else do you want? You will never be happy. When people are forced to do something, how happy do you think they are? Careful what you wish for.
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Yes, I’d like to say a thank you to John Hammer for bothering to mention the great swindle charade being perpetrated by the Guilford County school system, if not the entire North Carolina school system. The very idea that the school system is so terribly underfunded that they can’t afford classroom supplies, or even toilet paper, for these poor children is absolutely absurd. You better believe they’ve got plenty of supplies in the administration offices. You better believe they’ve got plenty of toilet paper. This is all a charade. It’s a political stunt made in order to get people to think that the schools have so little money that they can’t even afford the basic classroom necessities for the children.
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For some calling, Donald Trump didn’t divide America in six months. Barack Obama did that in eight years. And that’s why President Donald Trump is the president of the USA.
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I wonder if you know anything about the doctor who helped us get Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. Last I heard he was in prison, and I think it is terrible that the United States did not insist on them letting him come out, or at least come over to the United States or something. Because that was really dirty. He helped us catch that monster. Then they just turned their back on him. .
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Anybody that the fourth grade in school was their senior year has got enough sense to know all the monument stuff is about rebelling against the Republican Party and the Republican president. If Hillary Clinton had won, you never would have heard a word about it. Some of those statues have been there over 100 years. Nobody said one thing. They can’t show me anything that’s really caused them any kind of physical hurt or mental hurt. But yet they want them taken down. It’s just a way to keep this country in turmoil, and it’s working in some cases. The monuments ought to be left up. That ought to be the end of it. Period.
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The liberals who are running our universities and public schools would be happy if we replaced the Confederate statues with monuments to Lenin, Karl Marx and Engel, three good communist heroes. That would satisfy them. Have a great day.
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Yes, we need to leave statues. It is history. And I would say, why not add some civil rights statues? And all of this fighting and fussing that everybody is doing, I don’t see one single person trying to offer anything back to Native Americans.
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I just heard on the radio, NPR, I don’t know if that’s one of the ones that you don’t believe is fair, that President Trump is asking for a billion and a half dollars, a billion with a B, for a border wall with Mexico. Isn’t this the wall that he promised that Mexico would pay for during his campaign? Now, you were all over President Obama with the insurance. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, so forth. Are you going to be the same way with President Trump with this? This is going to cost me, all of our taxpayers, a load of money that does not need to be spent. I don’t understand his thinking. But this is something he promised the American people would not pay for. And he’s saying he will shut down the government if it is not approved.
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This is Your Old Bessemer Boy. Just reading all the comments in the Beep. It’s always enjoyable. Lot of angst out there. Just want you people to know, it’s all good. Please, try to figure it out. Try to love each other. Hey, high five to anybody who has ever jumped off the top floor of the Toller’s River Lake 1960s. Maybe bought your first pair of Chuck’s at Coble’s Sporting Goods. All you old-timers out there, much love.
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Steely Dan Fan Man. I’d like to know why this Blitzer and Bradsher in Rockingham County, why they’re only charged with misdemeanors. Seems to me that seizing hundreds of thousands of dollars from the public, which should be a federal felony, and on another note, it seems to me, again in Rockingham County, which seems not to be worth their salt, why is it taking this Mickey Snow so many years to go to court on this child sex thing with the teenage girls? It seems to me that they’re just waiting for him to die so he won’t have to do any time.
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Just a follow up. This Cindy Blitzer, the wife of one of those district attorneys, if she’s having two people do her nursing studies for her, that means that when she graduates nursing school, she’s not qualified. That ought to be a federal felony, too. Because my old lady was a nurse for 39 years. And let me tell you, she was a dog-gone good one. And I don’t take that stuff lightly.
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Nelson Johnson is lying when he says he was stabbed by a Nazi on Nov. 3, 1979. He was injured when he grabbed on to a chain link fence with both arms and refused to let go as police tried to pull him off of it. The fence cut his arm and bloodied his hands. But this was clearly shown on TV at the time.
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Once, again, the NFL has blowed it. No football for me again this year.
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You know, everybody is so anti-Confederate nowadays. I think it’s kind of hilarious. Just like I’m a Republican. I go to Republican gatherings. I do not live or go to the Guilford County meetings. The meetings I go to are out in Davie, Davidson, Forsyth, other counties out there, Salisbury. And you’d be surprised how many Republicans say, ah, we don’t have white supremacy. We don’t have Klan members. I got news for them. You’d be surprised.
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Hi. I was reading the August 17 issue of the Rhino Times, Under the Hammer column. I’d like to let John Hammer know that he hit the nail squarely on the head with his comments about the swamp creatures in Washington. And that is 100 percent true and accurate portrayal of what’s going on up there. And I really, really, really wish that somebody would blast the drain out of that place, because we really need to get the swamp drained. Thank you
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Mr. Trump threatens that he will shut down the government if Congress doesn’t authorize the money for the border wall. Maybe he could lie down in the supermarket and hold his breath until he gets what he wants like my 5-year-old. The difference is, I don’t let my kid get away with it.
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Hi. I’m calling because I read an old issue of Rhino Times from July 6, 2017. And the weekly Hammer headline was “Audacious Council Wants Healthcare for Life.” I just want to check the facts on this. Because I was unaware of it, and I feel like a fool if it’s true. The Greensboro City Council gave itself a 60 percent raise last year? And city workers only got a 3 percent raise? And, then, secondly he said that in June 20 the council voted to petition the state legislature to give them health care for life after leaving office. I want to check on those facts. Could you, please, respond and tell us if that was true and if it was reported anywhere else except the Rhino Times? I’m so glad I read it if it true. Thank you.
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Editor’s Note: It’s true. You can check the minutes of the City Council work session on May 23, 2016, available on the Greensboro website.
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I’m calling about Gov. Roy Cooper trying to take down the statutes here in Greensboro. I just got something to say to him. Before you start moving statues, whether it be day or night, I got something to say to Cooper. You were voted in by the hair of your chinny, chin, chin. And the thing I’ve got to say to you is, you need to let the public vote on this. Because you do not own Greensboro, North Carolina. You were voted in by a very sliver. And the only way you got voted in was because you bad-mouthed Pat McCrory during that storm, Matthew, you know, while Pat McCrory was dealing with the storm, Matthew, you were bad-mouthing him. And that’s the only way you got in. And they even had to do a recount, because they wasn’t sure of the votes. You only got in by a sliver of a count.
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My grandfather, my mom’s father, is 98 years old. He is a Republican. He’s also an exSS-Gestapo from Germany. He wore a black uniform, and he sent plenty of Jews to their death. But, anyway, he now lives in Knoxville, Tennessee. He’s known. People know who he is. He doesn’t hide his history. At his age, he says he’s going to die any day anyway. So, he doesn’t try to hide. But his point was this. He said, let them tear those statues down. He said, when he was in the Third Reich and was a SS-division officer, they went around, Hitler did right before they claimed power. They executed politicians that were from the previous empire.
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When will this racism crud stop? First, the left is destroying history by demanding removal of statues. Now they’re accusing the USC horse as being a symbol of racism. Will they now demand the removal of the statues of Washington and Jefferson who owned slaves? One group is wanting to destroy the George Washington Memorial and blowing up the carvings on Mouth Rushmore and Stone Mountain. The Taliban did the same thing in Afghanistan by blowing up centuries old statues. I wonder if they will now want to take Southern names out of the history books.
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Duke University, shame on you. In the middle of the night you take down a statue of Robert E. Lee. Don’t stop there. Don’t be guilty of half measures. You’ve got to start taking down the statues of Jefferson, George Washington, and George Washington Duke who owned slaves, whose fortune is built on plantation cotton and tobacco. Duke, what are you doing?
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Hi. I’m calling about the Hillary Clinton video that she come out with that the news has been talking about her book that’s coming out Sept. 12 about what happened. They’ve been talking about little bits and pieces that’s coming out about the book. And she said that Donald Trump was a creep, that her skin crawled because he was breathing down her neck and everything else on the stage. And I’d like to ask her, what is her husband? I mean, if Donald Trump is a creep just because he was standing at his podium when they were on stage at that talk, when they were talking, and they were debating, what is her husband? I mean, he was messing with that intern. So what would you call him? A predator?
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Thanks for bring the News of the Weird back to Rhino Times. Appreciate that. And to continue the conversation to the editor of the paper, he says that he understands and gets his things from different things he reads. Now I would like to ask him one thing. How do you spin your stories? Now, the News of the Weird, is that fake news? Or what you’re writing, is that fake news? And the things that are called into the Beep, can you convince them to read like you read, form their own opinion?
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Yes, why does the City Council think they need a big raise and insurance? People like Wilkins and Hightower should get a job and quit living off the taxpayers’ money. The council should be on a voluntary basis rather than a fixed salary like they’re getting, and wanting insurance the rest of their life. We need to put a stop to it and don’t vote for those folks.
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The City of Greensboro should be forced to pay Wray’s attorneys and back pay for all of the years that they caused him trouble. Wray was one of the best police chiefs that Greensboro has had in several years. He deserves every penny he can get, because Mitch Johnson and Hinson was the ones that started all this mess and didn’t have a leg to stand on. But they won.
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Well, I just traveled the new I-73. And DOT, I don’t know where your head was, but you give us four radius curves and no banking. Come on, guys, get it right. It’s not that hard. Either give us hard radius curves so we can maintain our speed, or give us good banking on these exits and entrance ramps. Come on, it’s not that hard.