There’s been a lot of discontent among many parents with the way Guilford County Schools has handled the pandemic.
That discontent ratcheted up a notch this week when one mother reported on social media that her 14-year-old son had been taken into a Guilford County Schools’ site for COVID-19 testing and was given a vaccine without parental consent.
According to the mother’s account on Facebook, her son plays football for a high school team in the Guilford County Schools system, and, recently, multiple players on the team tested positive for COVID-19. In order for the child to return to playing football, he had to take a COVID-19 test and get a negative result.
Her child, she stated, was taken to a testing site set up at Northwest Guilford High School – though the son is not a student there – and that’s when, the mother said, those administering the test stepped way over the line.
She said her son was, without parental consent, given the vaccine.
He “walked in for the covid test, but came out with a Covid vaccine,” the mother wrote in her Facebook post that went viral over the weekend.
“He was made to fill out a form while he was there, but of course [he] isn’t going to read the form before he fills it out,” she added. “He said before he knew it he had a needle in his arm. According to the clinic supervisor on the scene that called me back after I called the school irate, he does not need a parent’s permission for this vaccine.”
On Friday, Aug. 20, the same day the student was given the vaccination, NC Gov. Roy Cooper signed into law a bill that requires parental consent for those 12- to 17-year-olds to get a vaccine that’s being administered under the FDA’s “Emergency Use” provisions.
On Monday, Aug. 23, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine became the first COVID-19 vaccine to get full approval for use for those 16 years of age and older. That vaccine still falls into the emergency use category for those 12 to 15 years of age.
According to the mother, her 14-year-old son did not at any time state to school or medical personnel that he wanted the vaccine.
The supervisor the mother spoke with after the fact told her that her son had filled out the form permitting the vaccination.
“We are not an anti-vax family, but I refuse for an experimental vaccine to be given to anyone in my family without knowing long term side effects,” the mother’s Facebook post read. “How is a 14-year-old able to make medical decisions for themselves????”
On Facebook – and other social media sites – other parents who don’t want their child vaccinated, when learning of the incident, stated that they would now be on guard for – and will tell their children to be on guard for – overzealous medical workers or school officials who are too quick to see students vaccinated.
In Guilford County and elsewhere, parents have clashed over masking and vaccination policies – as well as on other major pandemic decisions, such as when to open up schools for in-person learning. That’s been true for school systems across the country but in Guilford County the conflicts have seemed especially intense.
One group of concerned parents, “Take Back Our Schools,” has been very vocal in its displeasure regarding multiple school system issues during the pandemic. Members of the group have been especially critical of Guilford County Schools Superintendent Sharon Contreras and the Guilford County Board of Education. This latest concern has made matters worse.
One mother, a supporter of Take Back Our Schools, said she has been appalled at the lack of response to parental concerns and said that it sometimes seems as though the school board works for Contreras rather than the other way around.
She also said she believed this latest incident had national news appeal.
School system officials have told the Guilford County commissioners and stated publicly elsewhere that the school system has been trying throughout the pandemic to address responsibly an extremely novel, difficult and costly situation with limited resources. In early 2020, the school system was forced to move over 70,000 students to remote learning on a dime. To this day, there is a great deal of division among parents on issues such as requiring masks or getting students vaccinated.
Janson Silvers, media relations specialist for Guilford County Schools, stated that the school system could not comment on a medical issue pertaining to a particular student and a medical provider. However, he added that the school system does work with various providers by allowing the use of some school sites for testing and vaccinations.
Silvers said school facilities are a good place for the providers to set up and administer services since school sites are often very well known among members of the community and are therefore easy to find.
On Monday, Aug. 23, as word of the incident spread, there was heated reaction from some other parents. “Disturbing” and “unbelievable” were just two of the words of many more used by parents on social media to describe the concerns.
Some parents told the Rhino Times they intend to help the family raise money for a lawsuit. Some blame the medical provider, some blame the school system, and some blame both.
This whole thing has gone one way too long (it never should have started) and it needs to stop now. Coronavirus is nothing new – it is the virus that causes the common cold. People who have died have died from the flu. No one is being reported as having died from the flu, because they haven’t tested for the flu in over a year and a half.
My wife and I “had covid” this past spring, but I’ve had colds in the past that were 10 times worse than this. I never would have even called in sick to work with this, it was so mild for us.
This parent is 110% right to be livid that her minor child received the vaccine with no parental consent. So what a bunch of kids tested positive for covid? They’re kids, who probably showed no symptoms and would have never known they had. We all carry around different viruses and bacteria that our immune systems keep in check, until our immune system is weakened through things like stress, or malnourishment. The flu kills hundreds of thousands of people each year, but we didn’t turn the world upside down, destroy businesses, and ruin the economy and livelihoods.
Many more lives have been ruined by the lockdowns and vaccines than have been by covid. Small businesses have suffered the most. Those small businesses who weren’t ruined by lockdown mandates preventing them from being open and making money, are now being ruined because they can’t keep or get people to work for them – the government is throwing taxpayer money at people who DON’T WANT TO WORK – thus they either have to run over worked skeleton crews, or they have to shorten their business hours, some being closed several days a week, in order to try and stay afloat. Meanwhile, big businesses like Amazon, and the big box stores (Lowes, Home Depot, etc) have not only survived, but they have thrived and made billions more than normal.
…and let’s not forget the companies who are making the most money from all this – the pharmaceuticals. Companies like Pfizer, who created these hokey vaccines, that don’t prevent contracting or spreading covid, have made money hand over fist, all at the expense of the taxpayers. Biden has even sent pallets of vaccines to other countries for free, on our dime. Does nobody find it suspect that the CEOs of these companies are the ones coming out and saying that not only are we supposed to have a double dose of the vaccine, but now they’re touting regular booster shots every few months. No thanks, big pharma. I choose to remain in the “control group”, so that down the road, there will be a clear indication of what long term side effects these things are going to cause.
I’ll put my immune system up against their experimental “vaccines” any day of the week.
It would be awesome if they would share with the public all of the side effects of these awesome vaccines. i know of at least 5 one is pretty serious.
So you don’t want to share you BS unskilled and ignorant assumptions either?
While forcing a vaccine on a 14 year old without parental permission should get someone fired and likely the school system sued…saying that Covid 19 is just like the common cold makes you a nutter of the nutters. Over 600k people have died even with all the precautions taken including an effective and safe vaccine. It is nutters like you that are causing hospitals to be overcrowded down in FL and parts of TX as well as other southern states.
Your immune system is yours but when you get a virus that you then spread to others that puts them in the hospital, you are menace to society. I pray for your friends and family that have to live around you.
Of those 600k PROBABLY two thirds were from comorbidity; ie: heart, a stubbed toe, car wreck, gun shot, etc. The rest has been proven to be faulty and the CDC posted it. But the MSM propaganda machine would never tell you that. They’d never tell you that Gates, Fauci, the WHO, CDC, and most funders are not govt, entities either. They won’t let you know that one of their own is about to executed in India for failure to inform the public about Ivermectin.
Now back to the other third of the reported deaths. Last year, the flu deaths, as reported by the CDC, we’re less than 1900. So, where did all the flu viruses go? Hmmmmm? The Sars covid 19 seems a reasonable guess. Draw any conclusions you wish. I have several lung disorders. I haven’t worn a face diaper since this fiasco started and have no intention of doing so. If they figure on jabbing me, it’ll have to be with a dart gun! It’s all BS!
It is like the common cold. I had it too. It was nothing. Took some nyquil, got some rest. It is like that for the OVERWHELMING majority of people who get it.
wake up. Turn off your teevee.
How do you nutters explain the ICU beds filling up across the southern US? Sniffles?
Just because your symptoms where mild and didn’t require hospitalization (majority of people with covid don’t require hospitalization), there are those that suffer greatly as a result of the virus but you Nutters must only care about yourselves.
My favorite are the conservative talking radio heads that get the virus. Some have sadly died before they had the chance to correct their misinformation. Hope the same doesn’t happen to you or your nutter friends.
The shot is free, safe, and effective. Yes you can still get covid but your chance of hospitalization from the disease is greatly reduced. Until you nutters get woke to truth and effectiveness of science, the rest of us have to wear masks in public and now we are likely never to beat the virus.
But as always. Get your medical advise from you doctor. Not nutters in the comment section of the internet or facebook memes like zook, robert, and especially Tom.
You are a creep. You gratuitously insult those of us who disagree with you. We are mentally ill, apparently (“nutters”). Your character assassination continues by insinuating that we are so profoundly selfish that we casually and indifferently cause other people to be infected with a serious disease.
You are a hater.
I am going to indulge you and answer the question you posed, but I doubt I shall engage with you in future. You should return to Facebook.
The ICU beds are filling up because individuals who have been injected with messengerRNA “vaccines” (they are not vaccines in the conventional sense) carry a huge viral load in their pharynx, which they subsequently spread just like people who have Covid-19.
That is why the most highly vaccinated countries (Israel, Iceland) are fighting a massive surge in infections. Vaccinated people are shedding the virus everywhere and exacerbating the pandemic… and filling up ICU beds.
Understand now?
There are just as many, if not more, vaccinated people testing positive than there are unvaccinated. Before you start judging me, stop regurgitating the propaganda being spoon-fed to you by corporate media. The numbers in FL are nowhere near what the CDC and mass media are reporting. They’re lying to discredit a couple of governors who are actually trying to get there states back to normal.
If we were in such a real crisis, hospitals wouldn’t be firing staff just because they haven’t been vaccinated. Also, our southern border wouldn’t be wide open. …and we wouldn’t be importing thousands of Afghan “refugees”.
These vaccines aren’t helping anyone, but the pharmaceutical companies and the government bureaucrats who are in bed with them. Vaxxed people are still contracting it. They’re still spreading it. Just like it was “just two weeks to stop the spread”, these vaccines were “just get vaccinated”, “OK, you’re gonna need two doses”, “Oh, now you’re gonna need a booster”. and so on, and so on, and so on… And who’s telling us this? The CEOs of these pharmaceutical companies. Hello…? Red flag… Honestly, where’s it going to stop?
People need to be responsible for their own health and well being. Stop trying to turn my world upside down to accommodate your fears and insecurities. If you’re scared, stay home. Let everyone else decide what’s best for them.
This “one size fits all” crap is just that – crap.
Don’t bother praying for me and mine – we’re not your concern. You worry about you, not me. We just want to be left alone, but that’s not possible with people like you. You want to be all up in everyone else’s business and can’t leave anyone else alone.
That’s a lie , if it’s a scary pandemic how come no homeless people are dropping dead ? Wake up , no funeral homes are over crowed , no ambulances anywhere , you’re an idiot , also more people died in 2019 and 2018 than 2020 you fool ! Ck out agenda 21 I dare you , these are experiments on humans as guinea pigs those that have taken the jab have no chance of survival in less than 2 years ! Facts pure poison!
Blame everyone except the responsible individual. Even if the student didn’t know that he was signing a paper to be vaccinated (unlikely), he could have said NO when he saw the syringe with needle. I’m betting that he DID want the vaccine and knew what he was doing, but since his mother freaked-out, he’s saying he didn’t know what was happening.
Just another opportunity for someone to bring a lawsuit.
It’s a 14 year old kid! If my kid needs a Tylenol when they are at school, the school has to call and ask my permission or they have to have a form on file! There is no excuse however you choose to spin what this kid may or may not have thought…. THERE SHOULD HAVE BEEN PARANT CONSENT!! They absolutely have grounds for a lawsuit!! Unbelievable!
Guys. The whole point here is we live in a free country. Certain leaders including governors and superintendents are being given powers which are not being leveraged.Mandates are not laws. No one should be forced to do anything. We live in a country of choice. It is clear that none of the Guilford county board of commissioners, Governor and Superintendent wish to work with or appease parents or members of this community. Abuse of power and political domination is what Greensboro is ruled by. It will kill this town eventually. There is simply no way to stop the overreach of power until a big enough group calls them out !!! They only wish to please themselves and will continue to push the propaganda that supports they’re success.
If they’re this bad while a majority of patriotic Americans take advantage of their 2nd amendment rights, just think how bad they would be if they ever manage to disarm us.
A minor child is not legally eligible to consent to treatment, such as vaccines. I am a provider and the only treatment children can consent to without parental permission in NC is contraception, abortion, and drug/alcohol counseling.
Well since the vaccine makes your pee pee fall off, isn’t it contraception?
Hey MORONS…why aren’t we hearing this in the real news?
As a parent, I understand the “mothers” concern and feel it should be addressed by Guilford schools to be sure there is a clear and legal path the schools should follow on an ever changing issue due to new scientific information every day. However that is not the only issue raised by her response. Other equally important and reaspnable concerns might be: 1. Is there a legal standard for when a medical professional can give an under 18 yr. olé medical treatment?, 2. Are these concerned parents raising the same concern about those adults that don’t get a vaccine or mask and thereby put the rest of us at imminent risk?, 3. Why don’t these two teens know how to read a consent form and/or realize their parents expects them to ask for their consent when getting medical treatment? As the saying goes, when you point at someone else there are 2 fingers pointing at you! It could be worse as in those places where indifferent school system, governors, politicians, etc. don’t offer shots or protections against Covid at all.
This should have NEVER EVER have happened. Now that it’s been done once steps need to be taken immediately to insure it doesn’t happen again. Talk about overreach.
Close all the schools! You won’t have to wear masks at home whether you’re vaccinated or just an idiot.
So, Sharon Contreras, and her newly minted contract, along with teachers and their unions plead Ames Culpa and that’s supposed to ease the wrath of an angry Mom? NOT
North Carolina does not have a teacher’s union. We aren’t allowed to…
I apologize for the typos — so I post it again with fewer typos.
Wow, Just WOW.
This is just the same old MO from the same old Guilford County School System and those who run it. It seems that they are determined to continue to run roughshod over everyone in their Socialist Progressive Way!
All our children are long gone and grown up to be competent adults, but this same type of attitude, namely that
“The State Government, in all its iterations from Raliegh to Guilford County, knows best”, and to hell with the children, parents, or teachers who do not agree to tote the Progressive line. This has been on my radar since our children were little in the 1980s. This is why we opted out of the system in the mid-80s and homeschooled our children.
This latest bit of crazed and obdurate attitude toward this countys’ children and parents is incredibly stupid and self-serving. No wonder there is so little trust in many of your leaders and government institutions. It’s all about power and about the money to be made with that power. It is all about them and not about the community as a whole.
As an aside but it speaks to the overweening attitude of our government leaders… I once asked a NC State Senator while visiting Raleigh with my family, “What was the purpose of the Public School System?” His answer was, “To train the next generation of mill-worker”. Yet when I asked if his children or grandchildren went to the NC Public Schools in their county, he became livid and physically booted [excuse me — firmly escorted] me and my family out of his office. I guess I touched a nerve! Ya’ think so?
I am no fan of over zealous officials bit teaching children about reading what you sign will not be taught by government agents. Parents teach your children well….
This is obscene.
This is child abuse.
This is government schools.
It amazes me the comments that the 14 year old should have read the paper, should have known what he was signing. The provider knew rhe boy was 14 and the parents permission was required….the question should be why did they even have him complete anything, the parent should be the one completing the consent form !
W you are exactly right! A 14 year old can’t sign a legal contract and be bound by it. Why would a medical waiver be any different? I’m assuming that is what he signed.
A scary tidbit: There is no such thing as true informed consent with these covid vaccines. For informed consent to take place they have to disclose the ingredients which are no where to be found on the packaging. An oversight, I think not. With all the places mandating these, it’s telling that the FDA, CDC, Moderna, Pfizer, WHO, The White House, & J&J are not.
That’s not how informed consent works.
We’re fully aware “that’s not how it works.” However, an increasing number of us are aware that is how it was intended to work and will not settle for anything less
You’re dead right, Just Sayin.
The Nuremberg Protocols have been universally accepted since WW2, and they require the Informed Consent of the patient. This is not possible when the patient – victim? – is being injected with a chemical cocktail that alters his DNA and whose near term side effects are unknown. The gullible people who have subjected themselves to the mRNA jabs are basically guinea pigs.
I expect to see a pandemic in the next 2-3 years, and it won’t be from the virus, it will be from the “vaccines” (they’re not vaccines in the conventional sense).
Huge auto-immune disease, impaired fertility, and a tsunami of strokes and other issues caused by blood clotting.
Just wait and see.
There are those of us who wish to avoid being vaccinated so that we can remain in the “control group”.
Well said.
Everyone in Guilford County that has a child in school ,the school system and the local school board and Superintendent are going to run roughshod over you and your child.They will lie to the parent and con the children/or scare them anyway possible to take their stupid shot .Children of all ages are not susceptible to catching the COVID.In some cases children may get COVID but it should a small number and they should be able to get over it quickly.If we as a community don’t get rid of these Democrats they are going to DESTROY NC and America.You see what’s happening in Afganstan and our southern border.Our President does not care about you or your families.Please all of Guilford County let’s come together and get all Democrats out of any office in city county and state.It is so critical.
I’m so sorry this lady’s son will almost certainly outlive her. Cherish your time with him, you’ll be gone soon.
I’d be more concerned that at 14 you know your child cannot read a form than that he received a potentially life-saving shot.
Boo. Hoo.
I am normally the more liberal pro mask pro vaccine voice here in these comment sections but wow! This, if true, really crosses a more than one line of inappropriate actions from our school leadership. They have certainly opened themselves to a lawsuit.
Welcome to the team
They shouldn’t need lawsuit money, there’s got to be some hotshot personal injury attorneys out there to take the case on a percentage.
Hope for the best, expect the worst.
Sue them into the groumd
The parents of this child should pursue suing the clinic who administered the vaccine, the clinic supervisor, school board and the school superintendent. The clinic supervisor should also be sued criminally along the the actual nurse giving the vaccine for criminal assault and battery on a juvenile.
These boards and individuals should be made an example of and made to pay a heavy penalty. The Vaccine being administered without parental permission is an intrusion into the privacy of the family and was against the law just signed by the governor of North Carolina.
I would take legal action against the Guilford County School Board. There isn’t a lawyer in this city that wouldn’t take this case on a contingency.No one has the right to give a Covid 19 vaccine to a minor without parental consent. I would want the paper work filled out and at least one parent with the minor.
Please quit saying the vaccine won full approval. It is no where close to full approval. It just extends the emergency use authorization and approves an agent not yet produced to be given with approval. This is highly rare in pharma world.
The original post on NextDoor reads like the parent is looking for someone to blame. It sure seems like the responsibility ultimately is on the parent – either accompany the child (into a place he’d never been before) or teach them to stand up for themselves. He had multiple opportunities to say “no” but didn’t. And there’s the possibility that the child wanted to get it against the parent’s wishes, too.
Did you read the article? The school system loaded him on a bus at his school and took him to another school for Covid testing due to his participation in sports. Then the medical team gave him a consent form and a vaccine. The person in the above post is correct about what can be done with children in NC medically without parental permission.
And for those of you saying the 14 year old should have known what he was signing or made a better decision. Have you ever raised a 14 year old boy??!! Their whole existence is based on NOT making good decisions.
Dad was too lazy and sat in the car playing candy crush while the kid went in and scored a vaccine under the nose of his crazy mom.
Why was the school even allowed to take him off campus to another site?!
Amen!!! You can’t take any kid off campus without a form signed isn’t that kidnapping?
I think some people have lost their minds this past year. Some people think they have more rights over other people. We still live in America where we still have freedom of choice. I can’t believe all changes that have happen the past year in our country. I think things are getting better and then something else happens!