In the well-known song “Hokey Pokey,” you put your left foot in and then you take your left foot out.
However, in the ongoing narrative of the Guilford County Board of Commissioners – which could be called the “Mask Mandate Shuffle “– you put your COVID-19 protective mask on and then you take your mask off.
And then you put it on again.
On Monday, Jan. 24, the Guilford County Board of Commissioners – exercising its authority as the Guilford County Board of Public Health – gave notice of a meeting for the purpose of “reviewing public health metrics as it relates to COVID-19 in order to evaluate the option to repeal or hold the Board of Health rule related to the reinstatement of mask mandates implemented on January 13, 2022.”
On Thursday, Jan.13, the Board of Commissioners/Health voted to approve a countywide mandate that requires all people indoors at public places like stores and restaurants to wear a mask.
The board had made a similar move in late summer of 2021 and then rescinded that mandate in mid-November, before implementing a new mandate in January 2022.
The meeting will take place at 5:30 p.m. and the commissioners will hold the Board of Health meeting during the Board of County Commissioners’ regularly scheduled meeting.
The fact that the Board of Health has called another meeting makes it likely that the current mask mandate will be rescinded on Thursday, Feb. 3 – however, at that time, the board will assess current COVID-19 conditions and then make its decision.
The meeting will be in the Old Guilford County Court House at 301 W. Market Street in downtown Greensboro, in the large commissioners’ meeting room on the second floor.
Currently, the plan is to allow members of the public to attend the meeting in person.
Those who would rather watch from home can do so using Zoom on a computer, tablet or smartphone by visiting They’ll need to complete the webinar registration and select the option to join from the confirmation email they receive.
They can also view the live stream from the Guilford County Meetings and Minutes website at To watch this way, click on the video link for the February 3 meeting.
The livestream will also be available from Guilford County’s Facebook page.
In addition, the Feb. 3 meeting will be broadcast on Greensboro Television Network (GTN), which is Spectrum Channel 13, NorthState Channel 31 and AT&T U-verse channel 99.
Skip-the-Hyp unmasked while in the govt building. He doesn’t believe what he preaches. Neither do I.
Mebbe they can shuffle off to Buffalo, and entertain each other.
Irving R. Levine used to report about this. It was a short but frequent segment called “The Fleecing of America.” Generations have come & gone while such shenanigans continue to plague the taxpayers no matter the place or time.
Who’s on first ?
This is getting ridiculous. Simply a power struggle
It has been proven that a mask or being vaccinated will keep you from getting covid. Let people decide on what they want to do without government intervention.
I hope you were kidding…… it’s been proven a mask won’t keep you from getting Covid, but being vaccinated makes you more likely to be infected. Although I hope the wokies keep believing both work. I like it being so easy to pick out the morons while I’m out and about.
Yup. Found you easy peasy.
did anyone listen in the first place LOL? Maybe Skip knows 1) people are laughing at his mandate 2) many restaurants & stores for the most part are done with this crap.
I walked into two major retailers and a bank today. There were no masking signs on the doors.
Inside, most of the customers were wearing masks. But is their choice, not some power-hungry diktat Kommisar.
What we do with our bodies is one of the every-decreasing freedoms we have. I someone wants to behave in an unhealthy or dangerous pastime; what business is it of ours if you want to eat, drink, smoke, or base-jump yourself to death? If you are sick, you are obliged to distance yourself from others.
Or, we can all just stay at home 24/7. then we can just eat ourselves to death.
“Hey Preacher! Leave them kids alone!”
The meeting is nothing more than Skippy with more ‘smoke and mirrors.’ No way will they rescind the mandate. Wouldn’t surprise me if they somehow put more restrictions on Guilford County.
Cue the circus music…
Clown world at its finest, folks!!!
When clown cars pile up on the interstate…
Many more desirable health, economic and social outcomes could be achieved using a risk coding system that simply educates and allows FREE people (lol) to make adult choices about their own assumption of health risk and business risk.
We are not children, speaking of whom — Unmask our kids!
Gonna work hard to get these people out of office. They are almost as incompetent as the city council and that’s nothing to write home about. How did we, the people of Greensboro, get in bed with such fools as these people are. Certainly Greensboro has people with common sense. I can only pray.
Is it just me, or are these people the epitome of big fish in a small pond?
Not that I believe in masks or that I am in favor of mask mandates, but have the statistics really changed much over the last couple of weeks?
During the last mandate, I was confronted a few times by businesses about wearing a mask. Sometimes I complied (mom and pop deli), sometimes not (WalMart). This time around, no one has said jack squat to me. Many businesses still do not have up signs.
Isn’t this absurd? And doesn’t it scream the ineptitude of these people that fancy themselves leaders(and boy they do)? I was so fortunate to leave for Florida three days after the latest mask decree. Florida is doing it right! Lower covid numbers, growing herd immunity, respecting and leaving mask and jab decisions to individuals. NOT harming children in schools psychologically or causing breathing problems from slow and daily suffocation. When in Guilford County or anywhere else, I don’t watch local, national, or cable news. I am so much better adjusted in life! When is this insanity going to end? When there are zero cases? That’s not going to happen. It’s cold and flu season! Do your objective research; think for yourself; make your own decisions. Don’t be controlled by these idiots who are trying so hard not to admit they’ve been so wrong and demonstrated such dysfunctionality! This next “meeting” will demonstrate that Melvins Crue is operating(like most political gangs), like ships without oars or rudder.
You’re doing it right, Danman! Too many people think they’re well informed, or informed at all, because they watch the “news”. They’re not informed, they’re propagandized.
To be informed, one has to get away from the propaganda, gather actual facts, and think for themselves. Not enough people do that these days, and this gives rise to the empowerment of government officials to rule over us.
Kudos to you for tuning out the propaganda!!
“There’s no news in the truth, and no truth in the news.”
Bravo! I agree with you Danman 100%!
The Board of Commissioners/ Health has no power to enforce this ridiculous mandate. They can legally only enforce laws or other acts that have been passed as legislation. This continued overstepping of power is going to lead to lawsuits before all is said and done. People need to start looking up the surety bonds these people as elected officials hold and consider a suit for illegal mandates being enforced.
You’re right. These people are pathetic, and drunk on power. They love being a big fish in a small pond because it gives them some kind of emotional gratification. It assuages their insecurity.
Fundamentally, they’re just sorry losers who can’t make it in the Private Sector (i.e. the real world).
But hey! Now their orders must be obeyed at all times! Jawohl! Zey must be so very important… !
Good point! But if they don’t have to power to enforce their diktats, why hasn’t someone taken them to court?
If the readers and editors of this publication spent 1/10 the time discussing public education, civil infrastructure, transportation. economic development, zoning and urban planning as they spend on a few square inches of cloth and .6 ml of vaccine serum, this town would be a mecca for multinational companies and international tourism. Time moves inexorably forward, leaving old ways and ideas in the dust. Adapt to the demands of 21st Century life or become another outmoded backwater of provincialism poverty and abandonment, like Afghanistan or West Virginia
Tuna,do you not know where you’re at? This is the South…I repeat the S-O-U-T-H. If you desire to live in a high tech area with millions of people, then I suggest you move to New York, LA, Chicago, etc. The people that are born and raised here are more than happy with our small town… otherwise, we would leave like you should. If this city makes you so miserable, why do you stay??
Or he could move to RDU. Jusy sayin
You know. High growth in STEM and Tech jobs. AND they beleive in and support science versus Facebook memes for their research!!!
Chris, I’m not going to waste my time arguing with you, but to set the record straight, I am not on Facebook… never have been and don’t plan to. Since you are such a science geek, you should know better than to assume anything.
Absolutely! And bless his heart too!
This was in response to LPO since I share his sentiments!
Apparently, you’re new to the Rhino Times. People here have been discussing the issues of –
*public education – (to merge or not to merge City and County Schools, testing scores, white v black kids in schools, school violence, SRO officers, teacher pay, teaching to the test, curriculum, snow days, superintendent hiring, CRT, school safety, budget and bond requests, all colleges and universities in the area have had additional building and funding for expansion of programs and transportation…)
*civil infrastructure – (PTI improvements added runway for FedEx, expanded for Delta, Comair, the new tower currently under construction, announcement soon on TRACON facility; Cone Hospital expansion; 1-73, 840, expansion of major roads throughout the city; new condo/apartment/housing throughout city and county; GSO annexing into unincorporated County; additional fire and EMS bases built, new police department built, new EMS maintenance facility built, new Sheriff’s department and jail built…)
*transportation issues – (see above re: roads, air travel, and roads; expansion of city bus routes, electric buses, wider availability of college and university buses, PART serving the TRIAD; that trail from the mountains to the sea that goes through everyone’s backyard, bike lanes, sidewalks being added inside the city {some road issues are state issues not local ones}
*economic development – (there are currently three new huge companies coming to the Guilford County area to set up businesses that have been or will be announced since the first of January; {AT&T, Kodak, Wrangler, Cone Mills, Burlington, Guilford Mills – are some of the businesses we used to have before a Democratic president sent them away with bad policies}; Fed Ex, Timco, The Fresh Market, Cigna, Freightliner, County and City government; growth of universities and colleges, growth of population requiring growth of services, growth of social/cultural venues like Science Center, Tanger Center, baseball park –
Our businesses and people were doing a lot better at the beginning of 2020 economically, socially, financially until the pandemic became an issue. Shutting everything down for the next two years and limiting all of the above areas of commerce, social interaction, personal interaction, economic interaction has had a huge effect on the direction this area was headed. It’s not only affected the people and businesses ability to function or thrive but it’s also affected people’s ability to just get along civilly as human beings. The “few square inches of cloth and .6 ml of vaccine serum” have stopped our growth, have depressed the people of our area, have locked us into our homes and out of our places of business and social gathering, have cost us billions of dollars, have proven to us that relying on local help and support is far more important than depending on the assistance of other countries and governments that don’t like us because we are free to choose how to live our lives.
You may choose to live in a fancy multinational place of international tourism but those are the places that emptied out first and fastest when the pandemic started and headed for the country. Places like SF and NYC became ghost towns with coyotes roaming the streets because they were afraid to be together with their neighbors. They didn’t care about anyone but themselves so they went to the provincial places where there was space to be safe.
We may be provincial backwater people, but we’re hardworking people who take care of our own and neighbors, aren’t afraid of hard times, keep going when things get tough, figure out how to respond when there’s not much to work with, and know not to depend on the government to rescue us from a disaster. We’ll never be like Afghanistan because we will never be caught behind enemy lines unless we intend to be. There’s a lot of space in this country for all kinds of people. I dearly loved growing up in California and miss it, but I have freedom in GSO I’d never have back in SF so here I’ll stay.
Yeah, but don’t come here for the discussions of science. Many a nutter here in the Rhino times comment section. Just waiting for some nutter to tell me man and dinosaurs lived together because of some guys read on the Bible said it HAS to be so.
chris maybe you should read the Bible if you can read. You and fishbreath want to make fun of the “imaginary friend”up above. that’s up to you one day you’ll be sorry but that’s on you two ignorant liberal socialist morons both of you please pick up your tickets at the exit gate. And don’t look back
I am shocked that Will is a creationist!!!!
I actually sit on the board of my church and attend weekly Bible studies. But the amount of science you have to disbelieve to think man and dinosaurs lived together and that the world is only 10k years old is staggering.
God created us all. The Big Bang fits well with the Bible. Just not as a literal read as nutters want you to beleive.
Why are you picking on West Virginia you ignorant liberal socialist
chris I do believe Gods created all things big and small but I have to say I also believe in the Darwin theory because you and tuna a perfect examples of something that has crawled of of something. Have a blessed day.
But the few square inches of cloth and .6 ml of mystery ingredients being thrust upon me are a direct infringement on my fundamental rights and the other issues are not as of yet. IF they begin to step on the toes of freedom I’m sure people will let them know. Otherwise keep fighting patriots!
You certainly have the right to be an idiot.
And yet Chris you never fail to insult and name call when you have nothing else to say. Please consider maturing before you respond. Seriously are you like 5 years old?? I won’t be lowering myself to your level of tit for tat name calling, I’ll simply say bless your heart
Please watch Senate Testimony from yesterday (link below, testimony starts around 40 minutes). I sent to Skippy. It sure would be good if someone asked him why he isn’t pressuring Cone on if they have screening in place for the 10% of Black males who face an enormous risk of both vaccine injury and poor Covid outcomes due to a KNOWN genetic predisposition that Cone thus far appears to neither screen for nor customize treatment in response to. I thought Skippy cared about the Black community? (Watch from 1:35-2:15). Clearly he doesn’t – It appears the only people Skippy and his minions really care about are adult woke, scared, gullible, small minded weaklings. They’ll harm children and dehumanize the service class as long as those weak, woke, ignorant, and comically uninformed adults demand it!
The only people Skippy and his minions care about are Skippy and his minions.
What joke. You know this is be gonna biased when the lead in states “World Renouned Doctors”. When in truth most where academics. None had any ‘evidence’.. they had doubts and some asked very good questions. All of course slanted to Ron’s anti mandate event they were being paid to speak at.
…also noted in the transcript that most cavioted their statements very carefully to avoid legal liability….”while we know the vaccines are safe…. we should still be asking…..”
Just paid mouth pieces with unsubstantiated concerns and no real information….no actual studies they led themselves, or peer reviewed analysis of pandemic data… speculation and fear mongering to fit an agenda.
Funny how conservatives only trust the very minority number of doctors that say things they WANT to hear. Regardless of that doctor’s actual experience in studies of virus, vaccines etc….
@Gary Elrod, either you are severely misinformed about masks and “vaccines” or you are lying. Neither one prevents getting or spreading Covid. You can live in la la land as long as you want, but you don’t get to make up facts out of thin air.
No one can claim that the mRNA vaccine stops transmission of the omicron variant. Studies show It clearly mutated from the original strain of the virus in a way that allows it to infect even the fully vaccinated. But…the vaccine does help fight if infection and greatly reduces risk of hospitalization. Which is key to public health to avoid overstepping hospitals.
Anecdotal story….friend had to fly up from FL for skin cancer surgery as hospitals in FL struggled with staff being infected and out of work. He came to Duke in Durham. No problem Durham has mostly followed protocols without all the public protest….because…you know….den edumacated types.
chris watch Seinfeld you and George sound the same “Yada Yada Yada” same stupid crap just shut up and go live in a tiny house with tuna
All this mud-slinging accomplishes nothing but to make everyone mad. This is exactly what our politicians want – “divide and conquer”.
Anyone care to debate based on fact?
I like to discuss facts. Line em up! Must show sources.