Whether you want to help run the City of Greensboro or just want to have something that looks good in your bio when you run for political office in five years – well, Greensboro’s leaders want you to apply for a seat on at least one of a wide variety of boards and commissions that now have open seats.
As of last week, there were 15 City of Greensboro boards or commissions that had openings or had seats opening up soon.
City officials stated this week that serving on a board or commission “offers a unique opportunity for meaningful involvement in civic life and a rare opportunity for public service,” and they added, “The responsibility is great, and so are the rewards.”
Only Greensboro residents are eligible to serve on the city’s boards and commissions – and some seats require members with specific interests or credentials. Other seats require members who belong to a specific organization or group.
Also, city officials are prohibited from serving on some boards or commissions.
In most cases, board members are “everyday residents who have a desire to make a lasting contribution.”
Here’s a recent list of boards and commissions with vacant seats…
•Board of Adjustment
•Commission on the Status of Women
•Community Sustainability Council
•Greensboro ABC Board
•Greensboro Criminal Justice Advisory Commission
•Greensboro Housing Authority
•Greensboro Transit Advisory Commission
•Guilford County/City Insurance Advisory Commission
•Guilford County Historic Properties Commission
•Minimum Housing Standards Commission
•Participatory Budgeting Commission
•Public Library Board of Trustees
•Redevelopment Commission
•Tourism Development Authority
•War Memorial Commission
For more information about the boards and commissions as well as how to apply, check out the following link:
Those who do apply should keep in mind that applications to serve on a board or commission will be purged after two years. At that time, applicants can reapply if they remain interested in serving but haven’t yet been appointed to a seat.
What you didn’t mention is Council’s rule about the race and gender requirements for thebCommittees. Though illegal, every committee nominee must go through Sharon Hightower’s racial test. Qualifications don’t matter. Only race and they say gender too. And it doesn’t hurt if you are a big campaign donor. Wake up out there!
And the next City Council elections are in 2025!
Hey Greensboro,
You need to create a few more Boards that waste city taxpayer money. Residents still have some money you haven’t gotten yet.
Take your local gummint back from the petty tyrant authoritarian statists !