The Family Support Network of Central Carolina now has another feather to put in its public service cap: That organization is the proud winner of Guilford County government’s 2019 “Safety Makes Cents” award.
The Guilford County Child Fatality Prevention Team/Community Child Protection Team, which is part of the Guilford County Health Department, presented the “Safety Makes Cents” award – one that’s been handed out for 17 years in the past – to the Family Support Network at a recent meeting of the organization that helps provide various types of support to families with children who have special needs. The group has been working with families since 1985 in an effort to nurture their growth and development.
According to the Family Support Network, parents with special needs children want the same for their children that others want, but they often face additional challenges, such as “stress, social isolation, and financial strain.”
Because of those added pressures, families can become overwhelmed if no one steps in to help.
The Family Support Network of Central Carolina mission statement notes that the organization supports “helping families become resilient when facing a new diagnosis or illness by providing support, education and caring connections to those who have a child with special needs or who experience a stay in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.”
The recognition that goes with the “Safety Makes Cents” award accompanies a cash donation of $1,000.
Anyone who wants to nominate others to be the recipient of future awards should call Kim Herzing at the Guilford County Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health at 336-641-3723.
The Guilford County Child Fatality Prevention Team/Community Child Protection Team, which handed out the award, is a team that has one of the longest names of any branch of Guilford County government – especially when one considers that the full name is the Guilford County Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health Child Fatality Prevention Team/Community Child Protection Team.