One of the hardest parts of putting together a new budget each year for the Guilford County Board of Commissioners is trying to figure out how much money to give the schools.
On Monday, May 2, Guilford County announced that the commissioners will be holding a special work session largely to address that issue.
The board has scheduled the work session for Thursday, May 5, at 3 the large third-floor conference room of the county-owned Truist Building in downtown Greensboro – which is still better known as the BB&T building.
At the meeting, school officials will speak to the commissioners about the school system’s needs in the county fiscal 2022-2023 budget that the commissioners will adopt in June.
The official stated purpose of the work session is “to receive an update on annual budget requests as presented to the Guilford County Schools (GCS) Board of Education and the Guilford Technical Community College (GTCC) Board of Trustees.”
Chairman of the Board of Commissioners Skip Alston said this week that he’s eager to hear what the school officials have to say – and he added that the Board of Commissioners is trying to bring the school system up to adequate funding levels using a muti-year funding process with increases each year.
This ongoing conversation between the schools and the county will be affected drastically once school officials and county commissioners know the outcome of the $1.7 billion school bond referendum on which county voters just began casting votes. The result will be known on Tuesday, May 17.
At the long May 5 work session, the commissioners will conduct other business as well. The board will:
- receive an update on Guilford County’s property value reappraisal process
- review and consider American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding ideas
- discuss the Guilford County budget process for the 2022-2023 budget.
Here’s one sign COVID-19 is less of a threat than before: The meeting room will be open for in-person attendance by anyone who wants to come.
It can also be seen on Zoom by visiting and following the instructions.
In addition, the meeting will be livestreamed on Guilford County’s Facebook page.
Those with questions can contact Deputy Clerk Ariane Webb at
For starters, give them 75% of what they got last year. They’ll likely make up the difference amd more with all the free money Uncle Joe is throwing away. It’s time to start weaning this pooch off the teat. They’re empty & sore at this point.
Wean this pooch off the teat?? These are children. Our children. We have a moral responsibility to ensure that they have safe, adequate and habitable buildings to receive their public education in. We don’t attract strong businesses to a community, if you don’t make an investment in their future workforce…sit down, tired of your uneducated comments.