Guilford County has a whole lot of major projects to pay for right now and it could have a billion or so more in expenses if a likely school bond referendum passes in 2020.
The Guilford County Board of Commissioners, dominated by five Republican commissioners, has continuously refused to raise property taxes; however, on Monday, June 10, commissioners in both parties seemed open to another type of tax increase – a hike of a quarter-cent or a half-cent on the sales tax in Guilford County.
The subject was addressed during a discussion on school funding at a Monday work session in the Blue Room of the Old Guilford County Court House in downtown Greensboro. Chairman of the Board of Commissioners Alan Branson brought up the matter in a question to Guilford County Manager Marty Lawing. At the meeting, Branson stated several reasons why the sales tax increase might be an appealing option and he asked the county manager how much money a one quarter cent increase it would raise.
“The last time we looked at this, the projection was somewhere around $16 million to $17 million,” Lawing said.
A current bill in the NC General Assembly – that may or may not become law – would allow counties to implement a half-cent sales tax for funding schools or other programs if voters approved the increase. That would presumably raise about $35 million a year in Guilford County.
However, voter approval is no easy task – several times before county voters have rejected a proposed sales tax increase.
According to Lawing, counties currently have a limited ability to implement a half-cent sales tax increase: Under the current law, that can only be done to fund transportation projects.
Money from a quarter-cent tax increase, on the other hand, could be used for any purpose.
Lawing told the board, “I do believe a sales tax somehow plays into additional school funding in our future.”
He added, “I don’t know if it would be approved or not.”
Branson also said it made sense.
“I know there are a lot of counties paying more than Guilford County residents in sales tax,” he said. “For me, that’s a fair tax for each and every individual that’s out there who buys goods – and it would help us fund some of these shortfalls we face.”
No, no, no! Conservatives must not do the work of Democrats for them! When I came to NC (1983) our statewide Sales Tax stood at 4%. Every time the Left gets power they raise taxes. Maragaret Thatcher called it the ratchet effect, because conservatives never summon the political will to repeal the damage. As for aiding and abetting in raising the tax burden, well, she’ll be turning in her grave.
Just say no to tax hikes – if you value your seat.
Dear Commissioners,
Please read the comments below, and reflect on them. You’ll get the message…or you’ll get thrown out.
Faux conservatives are being defeated everywhere; here in the US by Trump, in the UK as Theresa May is forced out, in Italy by the League and Five Star movement, and in the former Eastern bloc countries of the EU who are trending right.
The Bushes, McCains and Mays of the World are history.
If you repeat their mistakes you will join them.
The good citizens in Guilford County is DOOMED!!! We don’t have a chance. Lets just give up. Before long the rich people in Greensboro will not even be able to pay their taxes either. Any city has to have a healthy tax base to survive. Maybe all the criminals moving into Guilford County will be able to take over the City and control this horrible situation.
They can’t find waste to cut? They don’t even try. Oh, we are so “sorry”. They are sorry alright. Very sorry.
NO, NO, NO. School money was going to be solved with the lottery. Where is all that money going? No tax hikes. I’m voting Independent as long as GOP politicians support issues like this. Each one of you who vote for this will lose my vote next time around.
Our commissioners do not care about what the citizens of their districts want or don’t want! They are going to do whatever brings them money. Guilford County is a greedy county. This has been shown numerous times by allowing unwanted businesses to build anyway and saying the majority wanted it when it was proven they did NOT! They get the tax revenue from each one! So, to you commissioners…. there is your tax money!!! Get it from each of those unwanted, unneeded businesses out in the county that you approve against our wishes!!
But, regardless of what the people want, they are all about that money! People need to get out and vote no to tax rate increases or any rate increase that comes out of the taxpayers pockets and vote for someone who truly represents their needs! Maybe it’s time for a new board, city and county! Especially county!! We deserve someone who cares about us, not their glorified money!!
Lets change the name of our city from Greensboro to Greedyboro. If the spending continues at the rate is has this past year we will all be going to the poor house before long. We don’t have to buy from local businesses, we can always order on line. Lets hope that everyone who is voting for all these increases in spending is voted out of office at the next election, its our only hope.