There are a lot of people in Guilford County who need help paying their power bills and other help with energy problems and Guilford County government is forming a new outreach committee to make sure that everyone eligible knows about their options. Many of those in need come to the county asking for help, however, the new community outreach plan will get the word out that help with energy bills is available.
The committee will be made up of representatives from Guilford County social services, Senior Resources of the Triad, Greensboro Urban Ministry, various local churches and other relevant partner organizations. The committee plans to use tools such as mass mailings, community outreach in target areas and partnering with local print and broadcast media to make sure everyone is aware of the help from several programs.
The “Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program” is a federally funded block grant program made up of three different efforts – a crisis intervention program, an energy assistance program for low-income residents and one that helps weatherize homes.
There are also some programs that aren’t federally funded that offer help to the needy. One of those that many people in Guilford County are aware of is the “Share the Warmth” program offered by Piedmont Natural Gas.
The goal of the new outreach committee will be to “maximize the success” of all these programs collectively.
This week, the Guilford County Board of Commissioners plans to approve the formation of the committee to provide a “framework to assure that eligible households are made aware of the assistance available through these programs.”
In order to access some of the federal funds, Guilford County is required to form a committee that “creates the opportunity for county-level collaboration to discuss and plan how to effectively reach county residents to inform them of the services provided by the energy programs.”
Blah, blah, blah. Anyone understand this spread-the-wealth babble?
Why so negative…shouldn’t the less fortunate receive assistance when times take an unexpected negative economic turn? As a Christian, this makes perfect sense to me.
So chris since you’re forever boasting about your Christian side please tell us how much you’ve given to this effort or is this sorta like the tiny houses you and tuna were so hard up about. Still haven’t seen any with your name on them yet.
I donate approx. 10% of my income in total to both church and charitable causes that are close to my heart. I have been blessed with a good income and financial security so am happy to share what I can for those less fortunate.
I swear reading the comments often posted on this type of article….If we didn’t already have fire departments and somebody tried to pitch to you the idea right now, most of you would be like “oh so some idiot lets his house burn down and my tax dollars help get the flames extinguished FOR FREE????”
I’m now and have been a volunteer fireman for 32 years. I have no problem donating to the fire department
Wooooosh….right of Will’s head. LMAO
Not with money extorted from me. I choose to give to the charity of my choice.
Your excessive tax dollars at work. Has nothing to do with being a Christian or a non believer.
But Chris?? You said the economy is fine
Glad you are thinking of me. I never said the economy was ‘fine’. Just said that the economic think tank that determines if we are in a recession was logical in their not yet declaring a recession even with two GDP quarterly downturns. (please ignore the ongoing ignorance of Austin). Inflation is rough and many in our community lack the financial duffer to absorb the impact so a little help from those a little more fortunate is in order. Not Complicated.
Dominium Energy in Virginia has a program contained in monthly power bills that allows for donations to a fund that helps people who are having problems with paying their power bill. The donation is voluntary, and the amount of the donation is the donor’s choice. I do not know how the program is administered but at least it is not a government program.
The biggest reason to be negative about this “Outreach Committee” is that money will be wasted on hiring people who are administrators when the money is needed to FUND the actual programs that GIVE money to the people who need power, weatherization, and crisis intervention. There are plenty of agencies that have, for at least 30+ years referred eligible persons and families to these programs but there are generally not enough funds to provide the resources to help all the people who apply each year (I do know what I’m talking about as I’ve referred people and have helped people apply who have been put on waiting lists, and have been told there weren’t waiting lists because the waiting lists were too long, as in 2+ years).
There is a term used throughout the County/City, “no closed door”, that means any agency that comes in contact with a person who has a need is asked questions so they are referred to other agencies to help them get ALL the services they need. This policy has been in effect since around 1990 when I worked for the County. If there’s a breakdown in that process that’s on the training of employees, the agencies, social workers, hospitals, and crisis centers who are not doing their jobs. It’s not because “the people” who need help don’t know about the programs as they can’t possibly keep up with all of them since they change yearly based on government funding and the whims of special grants and interests.
There will never be enough funding for these programs to actually give the funds to the people who need them. The money always goes to the administration, researcers, studies, data gatheres, public awarness, community outreach, yet still the funds aren’t available to meet the needs of the people who want help. It’s disgusting. There is no reason churches, charitable groups, neighbors should have to buy fans in the summer, help pay for electricity in the winter, build ramps for the disabled, pay for a hotel room so a women and her kid don’t have to sleep in a car. There should be money available for this and the number to call for help is 211, just about everyone knows that without spending hundreds of thousands on “community outreach”.
Put me on the committee. I dare you.
Deborah Gregson
You could be describing any government program. As far as putting you on the committee, call and apply.
I’ll bet Deborah is the “wrong” color to get selected