Many Americans might not realize it yet, but there is an election being held later this year in which several key local and federal positions will be determined. If you live in North Carolina and want to take part in the voting in November – well, you’re going to need to prove you are who you say you are.
Or, at least, you’ll need to have a good excuse as to why you can’t.
To that end, the High Point Public Library is partnering with the NC Board of Elections to provide a free information session to explain all about the new NC Voter ID requirements for the upcoming election which is almost certainly the most important and consequential election the nation has ever seen – or will see for years to come.
The event will be held on Thursday, September 12 at 6 p.m. in the Morgan Community Room at the High Point Public Library at 901 N. Main Street in High Point.
Nelson Masinde, an NC Board of Elections training specialist, will lead the seminar.
Before the voter ID law went into effect in North Carolina for municipal elections in 2023, voters could simply come up to an election worker and give their name and address. In November, however, you’ll once again be asked to show a photo ID when voting in North Carolina.
For most voters, that will simply mean showing their driver’s license – however, state election officials allow voters to use many other types of photo IDs for the purpose of voting.
And, if you don’t have a photo ID, you can still vote if you provide an excuse from a list of acceptable excuses.
If a voter doesn’t have an acceptable photo ID, they can get one for free from their county board of elections.
You can learn more about that at Get a Free Voter Photo ID.
Voters can also get a free ID card from the N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles You can find more information on that option under “No-Fee ID Cards” at State IDs | NCDMV.
Acceptable Photo IDs for in-person voting include any of the following that is unexpired, or expired for one year or less…
- North Carolina driver’s license
- State ID from the NCDMV ( This is sometimes called a “non-operator ID”)
- Driver’s license or non-driver ID from another state, District of Columbia, or a US territory (but only if the voter registered in North Carolina within 90 days of the election)
- US Passport or US Passport card
- North Carolina voter photo ID card issued by a county Board of Elections
- College or university student ID approved by the State Board of Elections
- State or local government or charter school employee ID – as long as it’s been approved by the NC State Board of Elections.
(Note: A voter 65 or older may use an expired form of an acceptable ID if the ID was unexpired on their 65th birthday.)
Any of the following, regardless of whether the ID contains an expiration date or issuance date, will also work…
- Military or veteran’s ID card (with photo) issued by the US government
- A tribal enrollment card (with photo) issued by a tribe recognized by the State of North Carolina or the federal government
- ID card (with photo) issued by an agency of the US government or the State of North Carolina for a public assistance program.
So, voters have a plethora of ways to prove their identity when it comes to voting; however, if you don’t have any of these IDs, anyone who wishes to vote will still be allowed to – with or without a photo ID.
According to information from the NC State Board of Elections, “If a voter cannot show photo ID when voting in person, they can still vote by filling out an ID Exception Form. If absentee-by-mail voters are unable to include a copy of their photo ID with their ballot return envelope, they can also fill out an ID Exception Form with their ballot.”
You can be excluded from the requirement if you have a “reasonable impediment” to showing a photo ID.
This means that something is preventing you from showing an ID. You’ll provide your reason by selecting from the following choices on the form:
- Lack of transportation
- Disability or illness
- Lack of birth certificate or other documents needed to obtain ID
- Work or school schedule
- Family responsibilities
- Photo ID is lost, stolen, or misplaced
- Applied for a photo ID but have not received it
- The voter has a religious objection to being photographed
- The voter was a victim of a natural disaster within 100 days before Election Day that resulted in a disaster declaration by the President of the United States or the Governor of North Carolina.
- Any other reasonable impediment. (If this option is selected, the voter must write the reason on the form. Perhaps “A dog ate my ID,” may work.)
The High Point Library seminar will no doubt cover some of this information.
Also, High Point Farmers Market is engaging in voter registration activities on Tuesdays at 10 a.m., Wednesdays at 5 p.m., and on select Saturdays at 10 a.m. – and throughout the day on September 17, which is National Voter Registration Day.
Market staff will provide voter registration packets to those who want them.
According to information from the city, “The civic holiday’s website,, lists National Voter Registration Day events across the country and includes comprehensive and state-specific resources on voter registration and voting more generally.”
Any questions you have regarding the Voter ID law seminar or the High Point library’s National Voter Registration Day activities should be directed to Julie Raynor at
Will these excuses for a lack of an ID also work in NC if a someone wants to buy beer? Buying a beer is an awesome civic responsibility though.
So I’m assuming since the DNC has started the ID checks have begun kind of double-sided coin isn’t it.
Isn’t the ID requirement to ensure that the person voting is who they say they are? How does mail in voting with copy of ID satisfy that requirement? Another government waste of money.
So the cheating has begun!!
The cheating never stopped.
The exceptions to photo IDs were probably the work of the NAACP, some other such organization and White liberals. My belief is that those who oppose a photo ID want to leave open the chance to cheat. The NC Board of Elections should return to one-day voting and paper ballots. Seeing and understanding the mess local, state and federal governments have wrought with extended voting and voting machines, it makes perfect sense to return to one-day voting and paper ballots. Those who oppose one-day voting and paper ballots want to have the opportunity to cheat.
You’re absolutely right TermLimits. That is something I have advocated for a while’
One day voting and paper ballots would take every bit of two months to count. And if a recount was needed, add another month or so.
No it wouldn’t! That’s the way we voted forever until the touch screen.
What BS. There is a fear that ID laws will limit access to voting for a small percentage of voters. Saying democrats want to leave open for cheating is BS and the kind of rhetoric that drives a divide in this country. You can disagree with the arguments against ID laws but not that one party wants to leave open ability to cheat. Which by the way doesn’t really exist given the audits and controls built into the current voting processes.
Conservatives just sound like a bunch of sore losers with this rhetoric. I hope you lose again.
IDs are literally free for the indigent. The fact that they are required to exist in modern society is another stroke against your feeble argument that ID requirements are somehow targeting minorities. Find me one person I’m this city who cannot get an ID. You cannot. Because they are free if need be. How incompetent are you implying that minorities are anyway? So dumb.
“Lack of birth certificate or other documents needed to obtain ID”
So this “law” is completely useless!!! Any non- citizen can vote in other words. Instead of ” free and fair elections” they are just a free- for-all
You said it, Sister !
There is no reason not to have voter ID. People must have IDs to bank and just about everything else. Why not voter ID? Do you want an honest election? I do. I go to the government home almost every week. They all have cars and ways of getting around. Why do Democrats not want voter IDs? I guess they want to cheat again.
Believe me when I say, there will be a group, with nefarious motives, that will take advantage of the multiple loopholes you’re posting Scott. Thanks for the update.
So based on the listing you gave Scott, the State of NC has a voter ID law but you can still vote if you don’t have one.
OK folks, what does that sound like to you? To me it sounds like our “elected representatives”, the people WE choose to represent US and work to ensure we have a strong, safe way of life, these “professional politicians”, both D & R, have once again managed to do the famous Politician Two-Step and make themselves look like they really care about We the People, when in fact it’s more about the “who’s going to take care of ME” mob.
How hard is this? Don’t talk about this “oh, you’re disenfranchising to poor and the minorities!” “Oh, you’re suppressing the black vote you ugly racist white man!”
But on the other side, I blame the majority of people (again D & R), regardless of race, sex, creed, religion, color, or any other cock and bull category you want to come up with (we are ALL human beings), for this incredible abortion we now call an election system because THEY LET IT HAPPEN! It’s the whiny, hand wringing, cable news watching, ‘somebody needs to do something’, non-voting majority that need to get off their fourth point of contact and get out and VOTE. It’s called a Representative Republic for a reason.
When you allow same day voter registration, when you allow “early voting” two and three months out from Election Day how do expect to have anything even close to a fair and proper election. My God, even an elementary school child can see the infinite number of ways things can be (and are, IMO) manipulated. How hard is it to put aside a locked, guarded room and store PAPER BALLOTS to be counted. Last time I checked, paper ballots don’t crash.
People can try to BS their way through this, but with this atrocity eating away at a key foundation to our way of life, something that millions down through history fought and died for, and adding to it this tsunami of illegal immigration taking place, providing the (National Socialist) Democrat Party with the army of mindless foot soldiers they need to complete their destruction of the American Dream, all I can say is God help the United States of America, because Americans don’t seem to want to.
Carpe Diem Brothers and Sisters. And I sign my REAL name proudly!
Everyone is ahead of me on this one. I would require definite proof of citizenship. No exceptions.
This is one reason why our current administration allows catastrophic illegal immigration. To flood the polls with faithful Democrat voters. Faithful in that they receive all kinds of govt financial assistance. It’s in the Democrat Playbook, which you can read online. Also read Saul Alinsky, which will make you very angry.
Yes! It’s ALL out of Rules For Radicals
The Democratic Party is going to steal this election with wholesale furtive fraud, just like they stole the last election.
Why wouldn’t they? it worked last time didn’t it?
Your next President will be a giggly little tart with the IQ of a rock.
We deserve better. Or do we? Jefferson said that in a democracy we get the government we deserve.
And we’re going to get it, good and hard.
It’s strange that the Left never talks about ‘gravitas’ in Presidential candidates any more, isn’t it?
More lies from Austin. Shocker. 2020 election was the most audited in US history and no mass fraud was found. Just a bunch of sore losers who don’t beleive in democracy..
Chris – Are you still here?
Get over me, and go away.
Stop telling your lies and I will. Not complicated.
You have been caught in several lies in these columns. I never have – because I do not tell lies.
(Remember calling me a racist, without evidence, and having to apologise? Remember citing a graph as evidence for your argument, which upon examination proved the exact opposite of your claim? “Ooops!”, you responded. LOL !)
You’re a pathetic little wanker.
And remember denying calling us”Moonshine swilling rednecks who like to hang out at the back of their pick-up trucks” – when it was right there in black & white?
Or claiming that you know how Trump’s attempted assassin voted in prior elections?
You are a chronic, congenital, consistent liar.
I have owned up to a couple of mistakes. Unlike you who wouldn’t even admit to being wrong when trying to say Hate couldn’t be both a verb and a noun. Lol
You are a child who rants, cries and calls other people names when you don’t get your way. Lol.
Best wishes.
Liar!you’ve been told before to stop your BS! The fraud in the 2020 election was not widespread it was very focused. Very coordinated and very focused. You are a fool Chris! And you are a liar but then again, you are a libtard. What a wuss you are. The guilt you carry must be overwhelming.what a rube!
In British English – which is the original and definitive form – “hate” is a verb (e.g. I hate you).
“Hatred” is the noun (e.g. I bear hatred towards you). It is perfectly clear.
I am not responsible for the bastardization of the language by foreigners.
I am correct, so there is no lie. Even if I were incorrect, it would not be a lie, just an error.
Try again, liar.
Show the evidence HONSETY. Bet you can’t. You are just repeating the lies told to you by the sore loser known as Trump. LOL.
I think Austin doesn’t like change. Maybe he should go Amish and ride a horse and buggy. LOL! Hate is both a verb and a noun (check out the dictionary). Hate is thick in the air whenever Austin enters the room because he Hates anyone that has a different view than himself. Especially if that those different views require him to change or grow in his perspective of the world.
Austin, if you read a dictionary, you will also find the different in the use of the work Hate as a noun and the word Hatred as a noun.
Hate is both a verb and a noun, describing an intense dislike or hostility towards something or someone. Hatred is a noun, specifying the feeling of hate, emphasizing a deep, enduring dislike.
Hate and hatred, when used as nouns, have the same meaning. The difference between them is that hate is also used as modifier (e.g. a hate campaign), while hatred is not used as modifier (as it would be in a hatred campaign).
Actually, Austin, I think re “get it good and hard” was H.L. Mencken…
Yes, but I didn’t attribute that to Jefferson, did I?
This is Mike wading into this conversation and I spirited one at that. Once again, Rhino readers prove they are decent, sharing folks. No name calling or hateful speech in sight. I would like to point out the extremely low level of false ballot activity, historically. It’s wrapped up in this Washington Post article:
“Minuscule number of potentially fraudulent ballots in states with universal mail voting undercuts Trump claims about election risks”
By Elise Viebeck
June 8, 2020 at 2:54 p.m. EDT
“As nearly every state expands its capacity for absentee voting this year, President Trump and his GOP allies have attacked the process as prone to rampant fraud.
But a Washington Post analysis of data collected by three vote-by-mail states with help from the nonprofit Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) found that officials identified just 372 possible cases of double voting or voting on behalf of deceased people out of about 14.6 million votes cast by mail in the 2016 and 2018 general elections, or 0.0025 percent.
The minuscule rate of potentially fraudulent ballots in those states adds support to assertions by election officials nationwide that with the right safeguards, mail voting is a secure method for conducting elections this year amid the threat of the novel coronavirus — undercutting the president’s claims.
The most recent high-profile case of ballot fraud took place in North Carolina, where the results of a 2018 congressional race were overturned amid an investigation of alleged absentee ballot tampering by a Republican operative, who was charged with felonies in an operation that is still under investigation.
A 2016 pilot study found that the system could identify potential cases of improper voting by analyzing states’ voter history data to detect whether individuals voted twice, in multiple states or on behalf of a deceased person. States are responsible for distinguishing between administrative errors and potential fraud.
After the 2016 study, 112 cases of potential fraud out of about 11 million ballots cast in five states were turned over to law enforcement authorities, or 0.001 percent, according to states’ public announcements.
Sixteen states participated in the study of the 2018 general election, but not all have released their figures. Those that have include two all-mail states: Colorado and Washington.”
Thank you for considering this angle. Keep up the spirited debate!
Who believes that WashPo anymore? What did the Washington Examiner say?
How about all the proven cheating in numerous states? Videos of folks stuffing “drop off” ballot boxes in the wee hours? The ” mis programmed” computer systems? The folks who ” moved into” Georgia and registered their addresses as a mail box at the UPS store? Numerous other proven examples of cheating were revealed in the weeks after the 2020 election. D’ nesh Desousa made a documentary movie about some of them. But the Dems and MSM kept up their denials. From Rules fo Radicals: ” Tell a lie often enough and folks will believe it “. Motto of today’s Democratic party!
Undetectable voter fraid is pretty easy. I am hesitant to explain the details, but since it’s already happening, why not lay it out for you….
Step 1, look up voter registries in a specific voting district.
Step 2, check each person’s voting history for that district online. This is public record, so it’s super easy to do.
Step 3, target the registered voters in the district in question who have not voted in the last several years.
Step 4, go vote as those people and say you lost your ID.
100% undetectable unless the actual voter shows up and tries to vote, but they won’t since you’ve already determined that they are an inactive voter. So none of your studies are going to detect this type of voter fraud, and it’s so easy to do that I guarantee the Dems are doing it. Don’t be naive, Mike.
How many times could you pull that off before poll workers recognized you? LOL. Pretty weak plan there Don.
Or do you think you would get away with recruiting a thousand people to fake their identitiy without rating you out. LOL
give it a try. Bet you fail before you get a single vote made.
not complicated.
Thanks for encouraging me to commit a felony, but I’ll pass. Nor am I advocating that anyone try this. I am simply pointing out how weak our system is. And how exactly would I fail on the first try or even the tenth try as long as I changed sites? When I voted in the primary this year, all they asked me for was my name and address. I said those two things, presented no ID, nor did they ask me for it, and was voting within seconds. You’re right, it isn’t complicated. Not complicated at all. I mean we are only deciding the fate of our nation. I have to jump through more security hoops to buy a beer.
Besides, this is not one lone vigilante doing this dum-dum. It would take a team of people working in unison to do it for it to have an impact. But you get a single busload of 50 people to go hit 10 voting sites in one city and that’s 500 votes in a few hours, which is easily the margin of victory for most local elections. (If I recall, Mary Kay won by only a few dozen votes.) Now multiply this effort on a county, state, or national level and it starts to make an impact.
This isn’t even taking into account your favorite method of voting, the “super secure” mail in ballots and the digital means that certainly exist for a small team of people to implement. Shame on you and anyone who doesn’t feel that our election system deserves to be more secure than buying a cigarette.
I am simply pointing out how weak your idea is and that even in a basic system it wouldn’t work. You also ignore the audits and controls within the current systems that help catch the few that do attempt to commit fraud. The idea that a non-citizen would risk committing a federal crime and being deported to cast one single vote in an election for example is silly.
Conservatives are just sore losers and created the idea of mass fraud to cover up the fact that their ideas for the future are NOT in line with the majority of Americans.
No, Don has pointed out just one mechanism by which Democrats steal elections using fraud.
You haven’t said at all how it wouldn’t work. A team of dedicated people could easily vote as actual registered but inactive voters and there is absolutely no way your “audits” would catch it. All it takes is the time to look up names, voting locations, and addresses. Other than you shouting “Audit”, how is anyone going to get caught using that method?
You are so dumb it’s hard to have a debate with you dude. So here is an example:
I went to voter registry and found Christopher D. Bradsher. Last voted on November 2020 (so I would not vote as this person, since they are too active), but had the date of last voting been more than two cycles ago, that person would be a viable candidate. Then I simply look at where they have to vote, which is Pleasant Grove Elementary School in Alamance County.
On election day, I show up there and say, ” I’m Christopher Bradsher. I do not have ID because I lost it. I live at (the address I found in a 10 second Google search, but I won’t put Bradsher’s info out here like that).” And tada, I’ve just cast a vote that cannot be audited, because I’m using an actual registered voter’s information. And since ID isn’t required, even if something goes wrong, I simply walk away and I can’t be identified.
So please tell me with specificity how this would not work? And I never said anything about non citizens. I have no idea where you got that from, projected racism I assume.
CHRIS, Well dumb nuts, since English Science and I’m sure math are not your strong suits let me help. In just Guilford county alone an individual socialist commie such as yourself could vote at 8 separate polling stations. Hmmmm… see if you can figure out how much harm that could do in a national election. I can’t wait to read your really stupid reply. Ha ha ha
That’s hilariously stupid! See no evil. Hear no evil. Speak no evil.
Oh my! Watch out Chris, there’s a new contender for most gullible libtard in the Rhino LTE comments column. MIKE! Welcome aboard dummy!
Thanks for a thoughtful and detailed comment. The political landscape has become so polarized that anything from The Washington Post is immediately dismissed by conservatives (not without merit), just as liberals scoff at anything from Fox News. That the article’s author is trying to resurrect COVID as a pretext for wholesale mail-in voting just adds to the cynicism. Are they still banging that drum? Because that was the excuse for negating so many legal safeguards against fraud in 2020, which caused the cloud of suspicion about the outcome.
I’m sorry Mike, but I’m not buying what The Washington Post is selling.
Conservatives don’t like facts if they don’t align with their personal bias. Since they are in a cult, they believe anyone outside their organization is lying as that is required for them to believe the lies their dear leaders tell them. The big lie about election fraud is the best example there is. So many have destroyed their companies, legal careers, and public images pushing this big lie and have yet to have a shred of valid evidence of any mass fraud.
Trump lost fair and square and is just to big a loser to admit his lose and learn from his mistakes. Losers lose. Not complicated.
Leftism is a global cult. It demands the unwavering unquestioning obedience of its followers.
In this country that means that we are expected to believe that Biden’s administration has been a wonderful success, and that he even deserves to be put up on Mount Rushmore. And that inflation was “transitory”.
And that the border is secure.
Yeah, right.
Millions of people swallow it, though. They call themselves Democrats.
First off, the article you reference was written in 2020. It was published in the very liberal Washington Post. The article was free of important information like the methodology used to arrive at their slanted conclusion. ERIC was used in collection of data and is no more than an electronic voter registration driver that serves states who are foolish enough to join. Less than half of states are members. I wonder what states have such lazy Board of Elections that they do not monitor their own elections without the use of a liberal and biased organization. As for me, it does not take a genius to understand that the use of mail-in ballots is ripe for fraud and cheating. For generations, we had voting on the “Tuesday next after the first Monday in November.” This is statutorily set by the federal government for general elections of federal elected officials. So, why do we have early voting? Because a large population of Democrat voters are lazy, and because the Democrats need the extra days to convince Democrats to vote. Early voting can be fixed by NC declaring election day a Civic Holiday. There would be no excuse for not voting when given a 13/14-hour voting period. Return to one-day voting and paper ballots.
Oh hey, let us not forget “If you are an illegal alien” you also can vote! Washington DC just finished making into a Law. So subtefuge is wide open for business in the US of A! Good Grief what is this country coming to?
Simple actually bring a photo ID or don’t vote Not hard to understand. I’m 70 years old I’ve had an actual ID since I was 16. If want one you can get it
Thank you Rebel
I was so concerned with the Stein campaign ad claiming that the Robinsons daycare center, which they apparently owned and operated for a couple of years from 2005 to 2007 – seventeen (17) years ago – was found guilty of endangering kids. I repeat, GUILTY OF ENDANGERING AND ABUSING CHILDREN. So, I did the same Google and chat-GPT search that any concerned citizen can do (thanks to Artificial Intelligence).
I found a lot was said about not properly completing an employee report. But as to endangerment claims, with scary video shots of electric receptacles hanging loose from a wall, and toddlers standing in the dark, this was all I could find;
“The ad also cites allegations of issues with lighting, water, and heat in the facility. Those (anonymous) allegations were made in an (anonymous) complaint to DHHS but were not confirmed by the inspector’s report.”
In short, 17 years ago the complaints were considered false by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services highly trained and professional inspectors checking out the daycare facility.
Hmm. If I were writing a complaint against Josh Stein and his wife, who conveniently holds a political job with NCDHHS with the ability to search records that the rest of us would find sealed from public access; then I would say that they were lying to us.
And an irony here is that, because the Robinsons have made themselves public figures, they can no longer do what any of us would do; sue the Steins for everything they have.
Your implication is that Anna Stein searched the NCDHHS records to gain information that might be hurtful to Mark Robinson’s campaign. If that is true, legal action by NCDHHS should be taken against Anna Stein. Remember, Josh Stein is from Washington D.C. What better place to learn how to sabotage your opponent than at the feet of your lawyer father. I don’t care how long Stein has lived in NC, the stench and dirty tricks of Washington cannot be washed away. Stein’s desire to become governor of NC is merely a steppingstone to a higher office, he hopes. Based on Stein’s past actions, it can be said that he favors medication abortions, opposed NC’s 12-abortion ban, supported Obamacare to the extent of writing a brief with the US Supreme Court in support of Obamacare, and finds warm and fuzzy the idea of felons voting. Look at who has endorsed Joshua Stein and that will tell you all you need to know: Skip Alston, Rabbi Fred Guttman, Durham Committee on the Affairs of Black People, and the North Carolina Association of Educators to name a few. Joshua Stein calculates everything he does to get to his ultimate prize, President of the United States. Stop him by voting for Mark Robinson.
You’re right, TL.
Stein is a hard Left operative.
Don’t forget that Robinson also failed to pay taxes, spoke on banning abortions even after paying for an abortion when it was an issue for him personally, not to mention his rhetoric against jews, women, and LFGTQ. Candidates that promote hate should never win office. Gald to see Robinson tanking in the polls.
The only candidates who support “hate” are anti-semites like AOC and the Leftists who disparage white Americans, and assail the European culture and values that have made America great.
It used to be called The Protestant Ethic.
Chris, when you grow up to be an adult you will realize you were lied to by your cult leaders like lying Josh stein. You’re the perfect example of a libtard…. You kick and scream about abortion rights unless it’s someone you were told to hate. OH NO! Leftist commie Chris hates someone! Oh my! Silly libtard you’re supposed to be soooo tolerant of everything and everybody. And the borders secure, Biden not a crook (or a traitor) Kamala is competent (insert idiotic laughter here) Tim is a war zone veteran (instead of a coward) Bill Clinton didn’t have sex with that woman, miss Lewinsky, and the Kenyan dream wasn’t a Indonesian citizen. P.S. my Kommie Kamala Kampaign check is in the mail. Bunch of Marxist! You too dumb dumb!
First Term limits. Then background check, law enforcement and financial such as number of bankruptcies filed in previous 10 years or significant liens or back taxes unpaid. Law enforcement and financial background check of significant other or immediate family. Medical physical including basic mental acuity. Possible conflict of interests between candidate or their immediate family members personal/business interests and the responsibilities of the position the candidate will interact with or oversee if elected. These should be the least requirements.