It’s probably pretty intimidating when a large group of sheriffs show up at your door asking for something – and you’re likely to be inclined to give it to them.
Well, a large group of sheriffs from around the state just got together on Wednesday, May 31, and showed up at the door of the NC General Assembly in Raleigh for the sheriffs’ annual Legislative Day.
Legislative Day is an opportunity for sheriffs in North Carolina to travel to the General Assembly to meet their legislators one on one, where they can make requests, shake some hands and discuss public safety issues and potential legislation related to their counties and their sheriffs’ departments.
Early in the day, the NC Sheriffs’ Association hosted the sheriffs, as well as other sheriffs’ departments staff from across the state. There was a very good turnout of sheriffs and command staff this year. Together, they discussed their priorities before meeting with the legislators. Some of the top legislative goals of the group were increasing punishments for fentanyl related crimes, getting help protecting power grids from shooters, hackers and other attackers, and bolstering recruitment and retention efforts of law enforcement officers.
Many county departments across the state are facing serious vacancy problems right now and that’s been a major concern of the Guilford County Sheriff’s Department for years.
After meeting to discuss legislation at the association headquarters in downtown Raleigh, the sheriffs in attendance made their way to the General Assembly for scheduled meetings with legislators.
Guilford County Sheriff Danny Rogers was one of those in attendance for the special day. Rogers, who’s known for his interesting fashion choices – such as purple cowboy hats – can be seen in the picture above bucking the long necktie trend and sporting a bow tie.
Another attendee was Orange County Sheriff Charles Blackwood, the president of the North Carolina Sheriffs’ Association.
He called Legislative Day “an important opportunity for North Carolina sheriffs to meet with their legislators and discuss the law enforcement issues which are most important to them and their citizens,” and he added, “We are proud to host this annual event and facilitate communication between the sheriffs and their legislators.”
Question is-will our legislators respond in a helpful way or are they just blowing hot air?
Sounded like a waste of time and money did anyone talk about slowing speeders or tail gaters their jobs should not be gaurding power stations the is the Duke energy job to hire their security not our already short handed sheriff’s department and this also should pertain to state and local departments
The term is “Sheriff’s OFFICE,” not Department. Sheriffs are elected officials, so therefore they hold that office, not department, just like Clerk of Courts OFFICE, Register Deeds OFFICE……