The Guilford County Sheriff’s Department is trying to solve the mystery of the sudden disappearance of Samuel Juergen, a 15-year-old who went missing in a rural part of Guilford County near Summerfield. Juergon was last seen on Wednesday night, Aug. 28, when he was in the area of Lake Brandt Road and Scalesville Road.
The Guilford County Sheriff’s Department is concerned that Juergon is “possibly endangered” and, so far, there are few clues as to the cause of his disappearance or his whereabouts.
Officers in Guilford County have been in contact with officers in Rockingham County in an effort to track down the missing youth seen in the picture above.
Juergon is a white male with brown hair, 6’ 2” tall, weighing approximately 150 pounds. Anyone who has information on his disappearance is being asked to call Guilford Metro 911 or the Guilford County Sheriff’s Office at 336-641-3355.
The Sheriff’s Department did get a call from someone who had seen a youth walking along NC-150 alone after the disappearance – however that lead turned out to apparently be unrelated to the Juergon’s vanishing.