Guilford County Sheriff BJ Barnes said on Tuesday, Nov. 27 that Guilford County Sheriff-elect Danny Rogers is conducting a “bloodletting” – defined as an indiscriminate massacre – of the Guilford County Sheriff’s Department by firing a huge number of officers, including many who play key leadership roles in the department.
Barnes said this was clearly a politically motivated mass firing that’s a frightening development for the county because Rogers doesn’t know anything about running a Sheriff’s Department and, now, he won’t have many experienced leaders in the department to help him.
“It’s 27 and counting,” Barnes said of the number of Sheriff’s Department officers Rogers had fired so far.
Barnes said these are dedicated men and women who have served the county dutifully for years – whose only sin seems to be that Rogers perceives them as being loyal to Barnes.
Rogers is scheduled to be sworn in as the county’s next sheriff on Monday, Dec. 3.
Barnes said that, when he came in as sheriff in the mid-90s, he only fired two people, and in both cases it was for cause: One was a jailer who had a number of escapes on his watch and the other was an officer who’s misconduct made it clear they had to go.
Barnes said the fact that Rogers is getting rid of top administrators is especially foreboding. For instance, Barnes said, Rogers fired Major Jeffry Rollins, who now runs the county’s two jails.
Rogers fired many other key people as well.
“They got rid of the person who ran the administrative offices,” Barnes said. “She knows everything.”
Barnes pointed out that the head of the administrative offices, the head of the jails and the officer who oversees the sheriff’s officers in the court system will now all be gone. Barnes said Rogers was already “in way over his head” before the firings – and, now, Barnes said, with a lack of experienced officers to help run the department, the county is in real jeopardy.
“They’re not going to have a clue what to do,” Barnes said of Rogers and his new staff.
Rogers said Barnes’ concerns were completely unfounded.
“We’re going to be fine,” Rogers said. “We did send out letters to people since we are making a transition.”
He said those who are being let go needed to be.
“We believe our transition team did a great job of vetting people,” Rogers said.
“BJ Barnes had made it known that he was out to destroy me and my administration,” he said, adding that it would be counterproductive to have them remain in the department when he was a new sheriff trying to improve things.
Rogers said he wants to bring positive change to the department and he added that not everyone likes that.
“Change is always tough,” he said. “The new people will be a better fit.”
Rogers said he didn’t know the number of officers and other staff who were being let go, but he said this was a necessary move because those loyal to Barnes would have no doubt attempted to undermine him and his efforts to take the department in a new direction.
Barnes said it was especially despicable the way that Rogers was conducting a politically motivated mass firing right before Christmas.
Barnes also said that, when he was sheriff, he knew there were some officers who were backing Rogers and feeding Rogers information, but Barnes said he let those officers remain on the force as long as they did their jobs well and conducted themselves properly.
Having been through several corporate takeovers and transitions it is obvious Rogers is a fool. He just created a dumpster fire within the dept. staffing. His stupidity will show up in every action and process a county Sheriff’s dept. is responsible for. My prediction is he will be forced to resign before his first year is complete due to incompetency and cause.
This wouldn’t bother me so much if it had less to do with what is going on in City politics and more to do with County politics. Unfortunately, those of us who count on the Sheriff’s Department and excellent deputies to provide protection and support services in the County are being hung out to dry over the City/County century-long feud and it’s all because BJ played the “old-boys” card and figured he didn’t have to run a race in November because he’d never lose. Eventually, the City will win this fight and we’ll all be paying City/County taxes as we are annexed by the City and given inferior services on the outskirts because we’re the red-headed stepchildren who should all have protected ourselves long ago by being wise and becoming incorporated, but NO, people said it would never happen (thank you, Stokesdale, for listening to the crazy chick from California who sat in the fire station and warned you all those years ago!).
The city cannot involuntarily annex you. It’s against state law. The only possible way is if you asked to be annexed my
My, my! A political purge, from a guy who should NEVER have been elected sheriff.
I wonder how bad this disaster is going to be.
All I hear about our newly elected sheriff is that he is a “godly man”. He is only taking out his hatred for the previous sheriff by taking away jobs from staff he thinks were only committed to B. J Barnes. Taking away careers and leaving their families without income, benefits, retirement. That is not a move the god I know, would be proud of. His “transition team” Steve Parr, Greg Fox, Steve Chandler, etc. This are former deputies that hold grudges because of discipline and demotions that they received. The people that voted for change should not want these bitter individuals have anything to do with this new administration. Please remember the citizens of Guilford County are closely watching. The majority voted for a change and whether or not anyone agrees it is the way it is, but this transition team is running the show and this is dangerous knowing who these individuals are.
Im guessing you are the same ppl who voted for Trump. Just remember, those same reasons you dont want Rogers in are the same reasons we didnt want Trump.
Idiot, I can guarantee the people that voted for Rogers are the same ones that voted against Trump. Sheriff Barnes was a Trump supporter. Get you your act and your facts together before you show how stupid and ignorant you are! …SMDH
I guess you will see. Are you upset? Too bad there is nothing you can do about it.
Why do they keep interviewing Barnes??? He’s not the sheriff anymore sooooo why???? Let Rodgers do what he think is best for the county!!! Hell Trump almost has the country in a civil war and absolutely nothing is being said!!!
BJ Barnes is the Sheriff until Monday, Dec. 3 when Sheriff-elect Danny Rogers will be sworn in and become Sheriff Danny Rogers.
All I see is alot of white ppl mad that the new black sheriff is here …. Bye bye! ….good to know he’s kicking these crazies out of dominant positions over us ….and imma greensboro native
Your a complete dummy. if you believe the stuff you commented on. So sick of the race card!
He fired multiple black leaders in the Guilford county sheriffs department as well.
Great news. Finally draining the swamp #MAGA
Sheriff Elect Rogers is doing the right thing, its natural to make change. The wise thing is always to change the old if you want to move forward, firings are normal when a new sheriff comes in.
Rogers is a crook and always has been. Barns didn’t fire but two people for cause when took over. I’m glad that I don’t live in Guilford County or Greensboro anymore. Moved out due to corrupt government.
Other than their political views why were they fired? Let see some transparency……
Just sitting here…SMDH!
All I can say is ,” The people that elected him, are going to have to live with him. Sheriff Bartnes did a great job, and I have my thoughts how this clown got elected.
The Trump administration, did the exact same thing…to the Obama administration. But I bet you didn’t have a problem with the firing. -Advice: Next time Vote.
I’m sure he will make a Fine Sherriff!
Congratulations Sir
Mr. Yost I have a question for you and the RhonoTimes. I haven’t seen or read a single word related to the racial incident that involved two Northwest High School students. Or any mentioned of the School Shooting threat that occurred on yesterday at Northwest High School that was racially motivated. Why is this?
Instead you’re reporting on issues that are not relevant to the majority of Guilford County Citizens. Correct ne if I am wrong. The Guilford County Citizens voted this month for Danny Rogers to be Guilford County new Sheriff. Lets focus on the issues that are relevant to the majority. Racism, Gun Control, Education, etc. There are so many. Please pick one
“Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends. We’re so glad you could attend, come inside, come inside”!
Get ready for the PC BS to begin! I’ve read the man’s CV and it’s a joke… get ready for poor service and public upheaval… guaranteed the firings are all about race and this will be reflected in his administration… Good Luck Guilford County
I am so sorry for these employees and their families, especially that this happened right here at Christmas. Rogers has made a grave mistake and it will certainly backfire on him. I was in management 20+ years and an Operations Auditor for four years and I can tell you the worse thing a new manager can do coming into a new job is to fire people before he even starts. It is an extremely ignorant decision and shows not only poor judgement but a total lack of leadership experience. It is imperative that a new manager coming in gets the lay of the land and fully understands the dynamics of his organization including the duties, job performance and contribution that each employee makes before he makes any changes. Rogers will regret his decision and most likely will resign or be kicked out of office within the first year.
You always get the government deserve when you don’t search out the facts before you vote. When you vote on emotions instead of records you pay the price. Too bad for BJ Barnes he was a great sheriff for Guilford County. Rodgers want last 2 years. Too Bad!
It’s a New Sheriff in Town‼️ except it‼️ just like we the people had to live with Barnes and Hege for many years doing wrong towards people just because they had higher authority but, You see it’s someone higher then all and that’s God… Always remember Storms don’t last Foreva and God seen fit that their time was up. It’s nothing wrong wit change these people already did the destroying.. Mr Rogers is about to elevate Us!