Jeron Hollis is well known to reporters and government officials across Guilford County and he’s about to get even more well known.
This week, Hollis accepted the role of “managing director of communication and public engagement” for the City of High Point.
Hollis will assume that role beginning on Monday, Feb. 1.
In the new position, he’ll have an extensive role in the city’s government – with many of his duties being public-facing ones that will keep him on the local news and in front of area reporters. So, in some respects, Hollis will be the new face of the city.
As his new title suggests, he’ll oversee all aspects of public relations, marketing and branding for the city – and he’ll also take the lead on all “media engagement and diversity, equity and inclusion efforts.”
In addition, Hollis will continue the current role he has in community engagement and outreach programs, and he’ll take on some special assignments from the High Point City Council and the city manager.
In recent years, Guilford County government and many of the governments of the cities and towns in the county, have been paying more attention to how their local governments engage with the media and the public. For years, Guilford County government, for instance, had no one at all to handle public relations and public engagement, but that was a priority of former County Manager Marty Lawing who convinced the Board of Commissioners to create the position.
High Point has also been putting more emphasis on that function.
Hollis, who’s been with the City of High Point since 2012, was a prominent figure in Greensboro city government before heading to the southwest corner of the county.
He has worked in local and federal government for nearly 16 years, including a stint with the City of Greensboro’s Public Affairs Department.
Hollis holds a Masters of Public Affairs degree from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
In addition, he has worked as a “district liaison” in the US House of Representatives.
Who says black are oppressed? They’ve completely taken over our educational and government systems.
Are you serious steve can’t you see this country is racist really have you not heard of “systemic racism “ that’s our country if you’re black then you’re automatically oppressed all white people should have to bow down anytime they see a black person never mind the fact that their own people sold them into slavery.
Steve,I think you must have hit the nail on its head.If you go to the court house or any other government building you will see the majority minority people.And these people get fired up when 1 minority has sot by any black or white policeman is the shooter.In every cas minus one the person shot disobeyed the policeman’s order.Also for each black shot there are approximately 30 whites shot.When you run as a group rioting and looting and killing people then the Democrats who are in charge overlook all of that .Please reference Portland,Oregon and Seattle,Washington.As a reminder; the last Sherrif was white and had been for 15-20 years .The locals decided they wanted a black,whose credentials were not up to be a sheriff. All our boards in the city and county are run by 75-80 % minority.Does that make all of us real comfortable or not ?
Right! It is done intentionally with malice and intimidation. You gain a foot hold anywhere and then shun and partition the white employees until they leave or transfer. I have see this firsthand.
I must say that most minorities that I have met are human beings just like anyone else in this country. They want the same things (and more so) that we do. Talk to people, you will find that this is true.
Recently, we had a death in the family. So at 3-4AM, I started calling funeral businesses. Finally, I went to see one off E. Wendover. The entire staff was black. They were kind and helpful, they handled the details for me. Never a word about race. If I need this service again, I will call them.
The LEFT, the Media, BLM, etc. have preached the big lie so much that some people atually believe it. It spreads like a virus, there is no cure for it except avoidance.
We are all in danger.
This is just a created position to eat budget dollars.
Designated liar.
Government waste on municipal scale so elected officials can coordinate their lies.