High Point University has been very active in conducting a lot of interesting state polls recently and the newest one provides some insights into how state residents view climate change.
One key finding from the study was that nearly half of those polled – 47 percent –said they see climate change as an emergency.
But not all of those polled see it that way: 39 percent said climate change isn’t an emergency and 14 percent didn’t offer any opinion on the matter.
According to data from the poll, “When asked which statement comes closest to their view about global warming, 35 percent of poll respondents said global warming is caused mostly by human activity such as burning fossil fuels. Another 20 percent said global warming is caused mostly by natural patterns in the earth’s environment while 26 percent said it is caused by both. Only 10 percent of respondents said global warming does not exist.”
North Carolina, like many states in recent years, has seen some unusually rough weather, and, according to the new poll from HPU, a majority of people in the state – 55 percent – responded that the extreme weather events in the US over the past few years are related to climate change.
Just under one third of participants said they don’t think there’s a connection, while 16 percent didn’t offer an opinion one way or another.
A large number of responders said that they sometimes take actions that they feel will help protect the environment and mitigate climate change. When asked what types of “environmentally friendly actions or activities they practice, 63 percent said they recycled newspapers, glass, aluminum, motor oil or other items. About 58 percent said they try to use less water at home, while 55 percent said they used re-usable shopping bags at grocery stores.
Here are some other findings from the poll:
- 44 percent of state residents responding said that they’ve purchased products specifically because they thought they were better for the environment.
- 24 percent of North Carolina respondents said they had at some point voted for or worked for candidates because of their positions on environmental issues.
- 20 percent said they had signed a petition supporting an environmental group or an environmental protection effort.
- When it comes to addressing climate change, 46 percent of North Carolinians said they believe the federal government isn’t doing enough, while only 18 percent think the federal government is doing what it should to address climate change.
And 10 percent think the federal government doesn’t need to be involved at all.
Yet the leading Republican presidential candidate thinks it is a Chinese conspiracy.
Sorry but being indoctrinated in to a false GLOBAL CLIMATE change isn’t what you should have been taught. You will never accept or know the real truth and will forever be enslaved to government officials. I’m sorry you will never know or have freedom to know the truth. Just a hint though ( even though you won’t believe it) Each and every climate change model has been changed to purposely show the climate changes they want you to see. It was even proven in world courts almost 20 years ago. However that information has been hidden away from you. Nothing in the last 10 years has changed and nothing will change in the next 5 years to prove climate change. NOTHING !
Climate change happens all through history. Our climate is not set by a clock, or manipulated like our govt tries to manipulate the economy.
What we have here is a whole lot of nothing. It is a method by which governments seek to control us. For example, EVs do not save the planet, at all.
All of science disagrees with you. But keep your head in the sand. It makes the world a prettier place at least.
All of science?
Door to door sales men don’t count.
How about successful small business owners?
9 out of 10 dentists recommend fluoride. The other one recommends drinking bleach and isn’t really a doctor. He is just ‘some’ guy with a YouTube channel.
Miller is right. He can see through the climate hoax and sees it for what it is: a massive effort to control us and subjugate us.
But you keep drinking the KoolAid, Chrissy.
Count me in that 10%! We’re already spending BILLIONS on other countries. We rank China, the world’s biggest polluter, as a third world nation, so that they don’t have to adhere to the standards other countries have, yet we spend BILLIONS & Billions of American dollars on imports from China.
The quickest and easiest solution is start demanding products made in the USA
As far as government involvement, remember Ronald Reagan “The nine scariest words: I’m from the government and I’m here to help “
Well, we can start by not buying anything made in China.
Bravo Smerican, you are one of the THINKING Americans. One who looks at something and weighs ALL the information trims out the BS.
And I have that RENALDUS MAGNUS quote on my wall.
These college students would have served a better job to our society if they had been telling them to read their Bible and start praying everyday. They don’t realize it but there is a God in Heaven who is in control.
Man will never do anything about the hurricanes that come or the other bad winds suchas tornados. As much as they’re making a certain faction of our population rich man’s will never have any control over.
A good example is Al Gore who has become filthy rich by investing in these promotions. In most cases these guys help setup these fly by night companies.
In America we’re busting our buns to lower the carbon emissions but China,India and others could care less. All countries in world have to come together in order to make the decreases possible.
Why aren’t these real smart children going to these countries and asking them to cut their emissions.
Also why don’t they go to Washington and get the private planes stopped because they are causing footprints than multitudes of cars. Go where major problems are not in these small/ rural areas.
If you talk with people who know the weather, like meteorologist Joe Bastardi, they will tell you that we are well within the norms of what can be expected. As for “global warming” the earth has been far warmer and wetter long before humans. Not sure if the respondents to the survey are aware that Antarctica, North Africa, and much of the Desert Southwest were once verdant forests. The earth’s climate has been changing ever since the planet first formed. It’s part of a cyclical process, dependent upon many factors including the solar cycle, the amount of vulcanism (both above ground and beneath the oceans), amongst others. The truth is there is little, if anything, we can do about it.
And the others know there’s no way puny man can can cause AGW.
It’s indeed sad that 47% in the poll feel “climate change” is an emergency. I can only assume they are delusional Flavr-Ade drinkers who have bought into the ongoing scam to separate taxpayers from their money. Since 1969 when the existential threat was a rapidly approaching ice age to the existential threat of global warming to finally the idea of climate change( something that’s been going on for millennia) has been an “emergency”. In those 50 off years, not one of the hundreds of predictions have come to pass. The world is not overpopulated (population is going down) and the world is not starving. The ice vaps are still there- just ask the “climate scientists” who went to Antarctica to show the melting ice only to get trapped in the ice and having to be rescued. The polar bears are doing just fine, in fact since they were declared endangered and hunting them was banned, they endangering the residents in the far north.
It’s time to wake the sheep up….
Take time to study past severe weather in NC. I’m 83 years old and have experienced weather extremes for as long as I remember. As far as I can tell, there’s nothing about our climate that suggests a current crisis.
Fossil fuels have provided a wide array of advantages we enjoy as a way of life, most of which we would find difficult to dismiss in favor of more green energy. Fossil fuels are important to the future and should be treated that way.
Cry me a river of liberal tears! The only emergency is they just won’t shut up about it. Climate has been cyclical since the dawn of time.
Climate change has been here forever. I’m now 76 and was told by the old folks that weather normaly runs in a 7 year cycle 3 years too wet 3 years too dry 1 year just right! I’ve found that to be more right than wrong. If your
young enough to keep up with it for 21 years that will give you 3 cycles to compare and draw your own conclusions. This would be a good study for a college educated class to do, would keep them out of trying to change the way GOD made this world to work. Leave it in Gods hand he knows best!
Amazing how much science has to be ignored to be a modern conservative. I tell my kids, if a ‘some guy’ tells you the smart people in the room are the dumb ones and to believe him over ‘them’….you have found the idiot in the room.
Careful Chris, your smugness is showing.
Your nutter is showing as always. Guess which guy you would be in the figurative room. Hmmmmmm.
You’ be in a rubber room.
We seem to have defined emergency down to the point that a summer that is different from last year is now an emergency. Give me a break!
Too true.
There is no climate emergency, obviously.
Of course, they do. “Global Warming”/”Climate Change” was the gold standard agenda in elementary school, high school, and college for the last since the 1980s. They were taught that unless we did this and that, the world would be a sizzling cinder in 25 years. Of course that did not happen and they have jerked around the data some more and extended out that date. But if you think that is interesting, just wait until 25 years of the current gold standard agenda results are in. Men are not men, women are not women, men can get pregnant, and your heart surgeon excelled in “equity” but not necessarily in intelligence…..that poll will be truly amazing.
You just make stuff up to feel better about your ignorance? Noone ever said 25 years we would sizzle. Even today the greatest negative impacts are over 50 years away….but we would have to stop feeding the climate more CO2 today to not hit those marks which is sadly not going to happen.
Climate is a complex topic so not at all surprise that modern conservatives don’t understand a risk that is about long-term impacts on a large scale that is hard to comprehend at a micro level. You know, like people who confuse changes in the Weather with changes in the Climate.
chris, chris, chris…35 years ago when I was in HS I had a Biology teacher that was a Zero Population Growth, the earth will be a giant ice ball in 25 years whack job and was pushing that crap on the students. Last time I checked we still have seasons and I’ve made several trips to some VERY warm climates.
I guess I give you too much credit for having a modicum of common sense.
You can identify this half of the population by the masks they (still) wear, the Ukrainian flags on their homes, social media, and vehicles, and those ridiculous “In this house we believe…” signs in their front yards.
I’m still waiting for “The Coming Ice Age”….
As usual you misrepresent information. Paint me shocked.
I misrepresent nothing.
In the 1970’s the prevailing scientific consensus was that we would experience a mini ice age within ten years.
That was the confirmed science! Ask anyone. TIME magazine even had a cover featuring a huge iceberg!
You’re wrong, as usual.
My earlier point exactly Austin
Now you are just making stuff up…..what a loser.
Another trick of people who love to promote misinformation is
that they grab a fringe theory or small ‘one off’ and use it to discredit a group of people or idea that they disagree with…
Austin shows us again how he likes these tricks…. During the 1970s, only a handful of climate scientists believed climate would cool (only one guy thought it was possible for a potential of an new ice to start in any sense of near-term) while the vast majority (over 68%) in the 70s believed climate would warm….
Clearly climate science has advanced since the 70s. But don’t let truth and facts distract you Austin. You be you.
Remember the old adage about wrestling with a pig…you both get dirty but the pig loves it
It is a shame that the younger generations have been drinking the kool aid, so the propaganda is working and they are buying it.
I’m old enough to remember all of these scares!
It’s not science, it’s 50 years of political BS:
In the 60’s, it was oil would be gone in 10 years
In the 70’s, it was another Ice Age in 10 years.
In the 80’s, it was acid rain would destroy all of the crops and forests.
In the 90’s, it was the Ozone Layer would be destroyed in 10 years.
In the 2000’s, it was the glaciers would all melt.
In the 2010’s, it was the East Coast and West Coast would be under water from rising sea levels in 10 years.
In the 2020’s, it was Biden who said fossil fuels and internal combustion engines cars would end the world.
None of this political scientific fear mongering ever came true, but they all did raise taxes every time!
I agree with you Phillip.
Since climate scientists who support there is a serious climate danger to the world and the evidence is clear there consensus of climate scientists supports their is in fact a global climate crisis, that needs to be addressed immediately.
But there is a more serious problem and that is the climate scientists who support their is an emergency, WILL NOT DEBATE CLIMATE SCIENTISTS WHO DISSENT IN A PUBLIC FORUM ANY WHERE AT ANY TIME.
Why? Several reasons, the Scientific evidence of climate change is not in their favor, and they know it.
In a honest debate between the two sides the dissenting scientists would win hands down. The second reason is CLIMATE GATE , that has not been fully explored and investigated or reported on by any news agencies. Climate gate for some reason slid into darkness, just as NASA was caught committing a felony
Malfeasances of temperature degrees in a climate change report that was published on their website. Then Russia climate scientists where caught sending in temperatures reports from there weather sites
That were used a few years before. So you my neighbors may want to do your on research and not rely
On our government or media to bring you the truth. That climate change is a fraud to be used as a emergency/crisis in order for our federal government to have more control over our lives 365 days a year.
With us mostly the middle class and poor , drastically changing our way of life not for the good. Socialism is what it amounts to and I am not buying. The Electric vehicles is another fraud, I not going into fully for sake of time. But one hint, if our nation was covered with solar panels and wind turbines, the power generation would not be sufficient to fully support the nation’s power grid’s 365 days a year, Including the electric vehicles. The cost of a kilowatt would spike so high just are heating bill, will cost as much as a small house payment Be sure the wealthy citizens Such as those whose income total is over 10 million dollars will live as they do currently just as our politicians will. One last thing, I viewed a video of one
Of our national senator’s bragging that she drove to Washington from out of state in her electric car and it only cost $6.00 dollars. But said nothing about what the cost of electricity in the future will be,as more electric cars hit the road the rising demand will cause a kilowatt of electricity to rise exponentially.