For decades, when Greensboro and the surrounding area weren’t doing all that well as far as economic development, places like the Highway 421 corridor south of Greensboro seemed like they might remain largely rural forever.
However, with the coming Toyota battery plant and the other companies locating at the megasite to support the plant, that stretch of highway between Greensboro and the megasite has become the subject of intense focus for the City of Greensboro, Guilford County government, local developers, the economic development community and plenty of other stakeholders as well.
And it’s now a major concern of those who moved to a rural part of the county to get away from development.
That’s one reason why, on Thursday, April 11, at 6 p.m., hundreds of concerned residents packed into Forest Oaks Country Club to discuss the Highway 421 Corridor Land Use Study and the future of the area. The main purpose of the discussion, which was led by Southeast Guilford Community Foundation board members, was for the affected community to come together and have a meeting of the minds so the group can address the City of Greensboro in one voice when the time comes.
It’s not just the residents and the city that are talking about the corridor. The future of the corridor came up at the Guilford County Board of Commissioners 2024 Retreat in March and the county is expected to have a lot more to say about the matter soon.
The Guilford County Board of Commissioners approved a development plan for much of the area in question in 2011, but a new updated plan from the county is expected to be presented in a month or two.
The City of Greensboro is asking for input, and those who want to weigh in on the matter can do so with an online Survey Monkey questionnaire at
That survey ends on Thursday, April 18.
Property owners who moved to the rural area to enjoy the tranquility of a natural environment are now telling stories of developers coming up to them and asking to buy their property.
One Facebook poster in a group concerned about the future of the corridor expressed the sentiment of many people who live in the area – and of those who live in and in a lot of other rural parts of the county as well.
The poster wrote, “Maybe I’m in the minority, but I grieve inside when I see trees and even forests cut down and farmland and fields massacred in the name of ‘progress’ and ‘housing and jobs.’ It all screams TAX REVENUE to me. We moved to NC, in part, to get away from so much building. Maybe it was a mistake? Every day, I feel myself growing furry and orange and adopting the name, ‘The Lorax.’”
The times they are a changing…and not necessarily for the good
Don’t worry all the development will be in Randolph County, Why are city and County officials being asked to weigh in? I thought liberty was going to be the new bastion of growth!
While I was in the area, I decided to look at the Toyota construction. It was not easy. Driving south from Julian on old 421, you could see a lot of the construction thru the cleared areas near 421. Absolutely massive, so it seemed for miles. I pulled over to get a close look on foot. At the south end of the development were parallel runways which appeared to be suitable for jets, incl commercial jets. Entry areas from old Julian rd to the airport were blocked. So were two entry roads from old 421.
I was curious to see if there was any development from there down to Liberty. Nope. I expected Liberty would have some housing and business developments. Not a thing. Liberty looked like a ghost town, in all four directions. Returning on new 421, I did notice a place just before old Julian airport road, where you can pull off to the right, and walk up the hill to see the construction site.
Considering the politics in Guilford County, I am not surprised that Toyota moved south. Maybe we can get some commercial flights out of the new Julian Regional International airport?
Randolph County’s taxes are SO MUCH LOWER than Guilford County and Greensboro. Smart developers will go there. Greedy developers that don’t care about the actual market needs will try to buy up Guilford County and annex into Greensboro….. houses will not be affordable. If they were to be realistic, oh that was a dumb statement…..When and Who will stop the continued intrusion into our primarily rural areas. I see Lee Street, etc….but Snow Camp and wonderful areas like that must be protected. The history is rich there. Southern Guilford and southern Alamance Counties must be protected.
The taxes in Randolph County almost doubled last year, I pretty sure we could all guess why. I agree, in years past the tax rate was considerably lower, those days are gone.
‘The Lorax.’”
Hey, county and city don’t give a rip about how you feel. It’s the tax dollars they want from you to spend on continued wasteful projects that don’t benefit anyone but them and their personal pet projects. Wake up!
Go on to You Tube and search about the construction of the Toyota Megasite. It is long but it is interesting. AMES construction co.
Some people will complain about anything! People need to understand that the United States as a whole is only a 200-300 years old and quick development is bound to happen literally anywhere given the opportunity. If you want to live somewhere with nothing around you, go move to West Virginia or Kansas…….
It’s always “not in my backyard”, but dont seem to mind in others “backyard” so they can take advantage of the product…
I live extremely close and want no part of 422 becoming an interstate but no amount of complaining will help when lawmakers and government officials get a sniff of added tax revenue
Because you want to live in the country other property owners should not be allowed to develop their land?
There used to be birds and bunnies and trees and fields where YOUR house is now. Tear it down and plant trees there and be less of a hypocrite.
The Toyota site is bringing good paying jobs to this area
Some sorely needed since most manufacturers went to China in the pursuit of profits.
Of course the area around it will grow up. Our children and grandchildren will have more ways to support themselves. I’m glad.
Walter you and Ingutz are both ignorant
we must remain aware of the impact these kinds of manufacturing plants have on the environment. we will see alot more industrial development in our area because we have more water than other places, our taxes are lower and we have land that people see as something to “develop”. I feel sad to see massive amounts of trees cut down, wildlife displaced, water contaminated or used up. There should be more regulations in place regarding safeguarding our environment and PLANNED development, not just helter skelter.
A very smart man wrote many years ago, that there would be another Civil War in America….they ask for your land now, but are prepared to take it if need be….sad.
The growth of the Triangle and Charlotte were bound to catch up to the Triad. It’s happening people so live with it. Instead of people crying about the prospects of a more sprawl in the countryside, now is the time to push for more dense development in Greensboro and surrounding areas. That way the city is more sustainable and country people don’t have to worry about sprawled development (that brings in new people that don’t look or think like them). It’s a win win for everyone: the urban areas are sustainable and affordable while the county gets to maintain some of its rural nature. Even if pockets of dense urbanization pop up around the factory, planned properly it still would allow for more green space buffers for the illusion of being in the country.
Time to muster the Julian militia!
Wow, what a bunch of clowns, birds and bunnies and trees aren’t the issue here. What everyone needs to understand is this is entirely a move by the City of Greensboro to collect more taxes and grow much bigger. That’s not a typo, City of Greensboro is developing the plan with the assistance of a company from Texas, even though the land targeted in the city plan is not city land, its Guilford County land. They even said it would be beneficial because it would grow tax revenue,
This plan is a precursor for ANNEXATION !!! If you want to live in Greensboro, just bury your head in the sand and let the City of Greensboro annex your property.
What everyone better start thinking about, is electing new County Commissioners who represent county residents and aren’t simply a rubber stamp for the the City of Greensboro. we need to keep the City of Greensboro in their box and out of the county.