Guilford County has already opened a brand new shiny Animal Shelter that the animals inside no doubt greatly prefer to the old shelter.

However right now the county is focusing on making some improvements there that will benefit humans.

On Tuesday, Aug. 23, Guilford County put out a request for bids for construction companies wishing to make various improvements including things like adding a storage facility and putting in sidewalks.

The project is expected to cost less than half a million dollars so there will not be a public meeting to open the bids, however, the county is still obligated to use the lowest responsible bidder for the project.

According to the request sent out by the county “The Contractor is to provide all required labor, tools, material and equipment machinery, tools, apparatus means of transportation and labor necessary to move existing irrigation lines, existing electrical, grading/leveling the site, pouring a four-inch concrete pad for the storage building, buying and installing a 20X40 storage building and pouring sidewalks as explained in the attached scope of work and specifications.”

A non-mandatory pre-bid virtual Zoom meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 30 at 10 A.M. Bidders may join the ZoomGov Meeting from a computer, tablet or smartphone.

There’s also a non-mandatory site walkthrough that will be held on Wednesday, Aug. 31, at 10 A.M. Potential bidders will meet outside the front entrance at the Animal Shelter at 980 Guilford College Road in Greensboro.

Bidding documents, drawing, and specifications are available for viewing on Guilford County’s Vendor Self Service automated bidding system at

Questions concerning the bid process can be emailed to the Purchasing Department at

Respondents or their sub-contractors have to be licensed in North Carolina to perform all of the required work.

According to county officials “Participation of minority-owned and women-owned businesses is encouraged,” and a bid deposit isn’t required for this project.

Guilford County reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities.