The Guilford County Planning Board isn’t taking it easy at the start of 2022.
The board will have a very full slate of cases to deal with when it holds its regular meeting on Wednesday, March 9 at 6 p.m. At that time, the board will address everything from rezonings and easement requests to road closures.
Some of the agenda items include public hearings.
The Planning Board will hold its March meeting at the NC Cooperative Extension-Agricultural Center at 3309 Burlington Road in Greensboro.
The meeting will also be available through the virtual platform Zoom.
Among other business that night, the board will address the following:
- A road closure request for the approval of a “Resolution of Intent” to close a portion of Groundhog Trace in Rock Creek and Greene Townships – running southwest from Raccoon Run to the cul-de-sac of Groundhog Trace.
- A rezoning case for 27 acres on the west side of Liberty Road – about 950 feet south of the intersection with Cade Road. This request is to rezone two parcels from Agricultural (AG) to Public and Institutional (PI).
- A rezoning case for 1.5 acres on the north side of NC 62 East, about 215 feet east of the intersection of Randleman Road. This is a request to rezone the parcel from a Highway Business (HB) to Residential (RS-40.)
- A rezoning for 39 acres of land on the north side of Scalesville Road near the intersection of Lake Brandt Road. This is a request to rezone property from agricultural (AG) to Conditional Zoning-Residential, Single-Family (CZ-RS-30).
The applicant would follow various conditions such as limiting units to “Single-family detached dwellings.”
- A rezoning of 67 acres on the south side of Fairgrove Church Road at the southwest intersection of Brooks Lake Road will also be heard. This is a request to rezone property from AG, PI, RS-40 (and some unzoned land) to Conditional Zoning-Residential (CZ-RS-30).
Anyone who wants to speak at the board’s March 9 meeting will be given that opportunity.