Last year, Guilford County government and county voters made it possible for Guilford County Schools to get $1.7 billion in bond funding for school construction and repair.
Now, Guilford County Technical Community College (GTCC) has asked the Board of Commissioners to promise $11.1 million to build an Aviation Training Center on GTCC’s Cameron Campus near Colfax.
The commissioners have said yes.
Piedmont Triad International Airport (PTIA) has been attracting a whole lot of new aviation jobs with its 1,000-acre aviation megasite, and someone is going to have to train workers in aircraft related skills. GTCC plans to do just that on a proposed new campus to be built on the existing campus in northeastern Guilford County.
The $11 million and change from the county will just pay for part of Phase One of that project. The total cost of Phase One is $34.6 million and GTCC wants to see the additional $23.5 million come from the State of North Carolina.
Phase Two of the project is expected to cost an additional $22 million, which GTCC hopes to get entirely from Guilford County.
Recently, GTCC requested that the Guilford County Board of Commissioners authorize the Clerk to the Board to submit a form to the State of North Carolina stating that the county intends to give the $11 million for the Aviation Training Center project.
Current boards of commissioners cannot commit future board’s to any action – however, a letter expressing the intent of the current board is apparently all that’s needed to move the project forward at this point.
While the $11 million in county money won’t be needed until after July 1, 2025, the State Board of Community Colleges requires a “commitment” from the existing Board of Commissioners to provide local funds before it can authorize GTCC to proceed with the project.
Guilford County staff is currently reviewing funding options for coming up with the money.
Good Luck GTCC!!!!!
Money well spent with a clear payback. Something no one can promise from our current school system.