The City of Greensboro’s International Advisory Committee is especially welcoming area education leaders to its Thursday, April 18 online meeting, which will be held at 5 p.m.

The discussion that day will focus on community resources that are available to help youngsters with disabilities and their families.

Irving Park Elementary School Principal Kimberly Leighty, Exceptional Children’s teacher Elizabeth Truong, and English Learner teacher Mireya Beltran-Caro will join NC Beginnings Parent Educator Joan Burton to lead the conversation that will be centered around the resources available to families with children with disabilities.

According to the announcement regarding the virtual meeting, “The panel will advise participants on advocating for children, locating resources, and learning about individual education plans.”

You’ll be able to access the April 18 program on Zoom at (Meeting ID: 833 4422 0404).

According to information from the US Census, roughly 4.3 percent of children in the United States have some sort of disability.

Studies have found that families frequently have trouble learning enough about their child’s disability to allow the parents to support the child in the best way possible and locate the appropriate resources.

Established in 2008, the International Advisory Committee has a goal of working “to create a more inclusive Greensboro for members of the international community.”

 Made up of people whose national origin lies outside of America, the committee promotes “the perspective of the City’s international community to the Human Rights Commission and City Council.”

 You can visit for more information.