If anyone believes there’s no difference in spending between having a Guilford County Board of Commissioners led by a Republican majority versus one led by a Democratic majority, then they should read on.
In the last four years, since the Democrats took over control the Guilford County Board of Commissioners, the board has increased the county budget by roughly $200 million, more than four times greater than the previous Republican-led Board of Commissioners did in the eight years controlling the board from 2012 to 2020.
In the eight years of Republican rule under leaders like Commissioners Jeff Phillips, Hank Henning, Alan Branson, Justin Conrad and Alan Perdue, the county budget increased by a total of $48 million, while, in half that time – four years – the Democrats on the board have quadrupled that amount of an increase in spending.
Democrats held control of the Guilford County Board of Commissioners for the first part of the century, when tax increases were seen in many years. Then, in December of 2012, Republicans won a majority of the board’s nine seats and they got the chance to finally call the shots.
The last Guilford County budget previously determined by the Democratic-majority Board of Commissioners was the 2012-2013 fiscal budget, which was adopted in June of 2012, before Republicans gained control of the board in the November 2012 election. The adopted budget that year by the Democrats totaled $587,512,243.
After the exit of some Democratic commissioners and the entrance of some newly elected Republicans, the Republicans took over the board with a majority, and that Republican board adopted its first budget. That adopted budget totaled $577,005,769.
That number is interesting because it was about $10 million less than the budget adopted by the just-departed Democratic-majority board.
That serves as a reminder that, while these days, the Guilford County budget only goes up and up and up, in a time long ago, budgets could actually be brought down by cuts and efficiencies.
The 2014-2015 budget – the second-year budget of the Republican-led board – came in at $588,294,608. That was an increase over the previous year, but one that took the budget just up to the level of the last budget adopted by the Democratic-majority board two years earlier.
In 2015-2016, the following year, the adopted budget remained virtually the same: $588,356,630.
The next year, the 2016-2017 budget came in just a hair over the $600 million mark.
Cut to the fiscal 2020-2021 Guilford County budget, the last one the Republican majority controlled. That adopted budget totaled $634,635,294. So, after eight years of a board led by Republican county commissioners, the county budget was about $48 million higher than when they took over control from the Democrats eight years earlier. That’s an average increase of $6 million a year.
During that eight-year period from 2012 to 2020, the Republicans never raised taxes. In fact, they lowered taxes and left the county with a tax rate that was less than when they took control in 2012.
Also, when the county’s Tax Department revalued all the property in the county, the Republican commissioners lowered the tax rate again to keep the county “revenue neutral” – that is, though housing prices went up, property tax bills remained the same.
Contrast that with what happened in 2022. During that year – the most recent countywide property revaluation – the Democrat-led board did not adjust the tax rate to compensate for the higher property values. The board kept the rate the same – which equaled a 14-cent tax increase per $100 dollars of assessed property value. That’s the largest tax increase this century by far and perhaps the greatest tax increase ever seen in the history of Guilford County.
After the Republican commissioners adopted a budget of $634 million in the 2020-2021 budget, the Democrats took over.
The first budget they controlled was the 2021-2022 budget, which totaled $675,520,000. That’s $41 million higher than the budget the Republicans left them with. So, in their first year in power, the Democrats raised the budget by nearly as much as the Republicans had in the previous eight years.
That budget also came in with a $35 million deficiency that took the county’s savings account – the fund balance – down from $128 million to $93 million.
In 2022-2023, the county budget increased from $675 million and change to an astounding $783,812,000. That $109 million increase in one year was a roughly $14 million greater increase than the Republican board implemented over their entire eight-year reign.
A lot of that was due to the fact that the Democratic board in 2022 had a tremendous $92 million windfall by revaluing county property at a time when housing values were through the roof – and the board didn’t lower the tax rate to compensate for the property value increases as the Republican board before them had.
The next year, the adopted 2023-2024 county budget grew again – it came in at $821,155,000.
Last month, Guilford County Manager Mike Halford brought his proposed fiscal 2024-2025 budget to the board, one that totaled $ 831 million. That’s roughly $197 million more than the budget level the Republican-majority board left them with four years earlier.
The final budget isn’t yet decided; however, by the time the Board of Commissioners puts in more spending in the next couple weeks, which it will, the new budget total will likely put the final 2024-2025 budget number at a level at least $200 million greater than the last budget adopted by Republicans four years earlier.
Which is somewhat staggering when you think about it, because, again, in four years, the Democratic-led board has more than quadrupled the increased amount in budgets than the Republican board implemented in eight years.
I assume most of that was just bloated spending increases across the board as Education is still poorly funded and that makes up a 3rd of the budget.
More lies from Chrissy.
The US spends more money per student on education than almost every other country in the World – and gets the worst results.
When I arrived to attend UNC-G I was shocked at how poorly educated the American kids were, and at how jaw droppingly facile the courses were. I’d done more advanced and challenging work as a 14 year old in the UK.
Government schools are basically abusing the kids so the “educators” can enjoy their sinecures and gold-plated retirements.
Note the word assume that clearly makes this an opinion. Comparing cost per student without also comparing local cost of living is naive on your part.
For example, a better way to evaluate spending per student across economic boarders is to use % of GDP. In the United States, education spending falls short of benchmarks set by international organizations such as UNESCO, of which the U.S. is a member. The nation puts 12.7% of public funding toward education, well below the international standard 15.00%.
But you be you.
You have not even attempted to refute any assertion I made.
Weakly, you fall back on the fact that you just assumed…. and you know what they say about “Assume” don’t you, Chrissy?
Do I need to tell you?
Lol, why bother. I was sharing an opinion and backed MY opinion with data so still like my opinion better than your opinion.
Weird you call my opinion a lie.
But you be you.
“Education is still poorly funded” – Chrissy.
It’s a lie, which is why I called it a lie.
You lie all the time.
Google “International education spending per student” and the first response is from the OECD, the organization of developed economies.
It describes how the average spending per pupil in OECD countries in $11,000 p.a. with a high of $25,000 per annum – in THE UNITED STATES.
Education in this country is not poorly funded, it’s over-funded.
Chrissy, you must back up your opinions with data and facts, not just spout asinine assumptions that fit your prejudices.
Do try harder.
Education spending is still bloated. I’m guessing you don’t remember the Guilford County and Greensboro City school merger and how much money it was going to save. Still laughing about that one.
One-third of the county budget for schools? Do more research, Chris.
He lies all the time, Term Limits.
The truth is closer to half the entire budget, but he doesn’t want to admit that.
He just lies.
All the time.
Conveniently failed to mention how republican led boards only benefit a choice few while cutting budgets for programs that are already struggling to help those that need assistance the most. Republican led boards are a niche governing body who only cater to the haves and the have more.
Outstanding article! The far left sure knows how to waste your tax dollars. Keep up the great work Scott and pray voters wake up!
Tax…spend…spend…tax…tax…spend…spend…tax…tax…tax…spend…spend…spend. Is there a better reason to keep this Board in power for the next 50 years??
Seems you missed some obvious considerations to shed light and not just heat.
What was the money spent on? Why?
How does this compare to other cities of similar size and economic status and quantity and quality of services, etc.?
There is no limit to the greed of the Parasitic Sector.
The Productive Sector toils to create wealth, and the Parasitic Sector just takes it like a mugger in the street.
And Marxists claim that capitalism is greed ! No, government is greed.
“Atlas Shrugged” – LOOTERS
Projection is the M.O. of the left.
Yes, I agree.
Do you remember how the USSR used to call the West imperialist as they rolled their tanks into Budapest, Prague, and Kabul?
And to this day, they accuse us of doing what they are really doing.
I’m amazed how many Ostriches are running wild in Guilford County. The County Education System continues to operate above its budget and our children are failing further behind. I am retired, and I have seen no increase in any service from our County or City, in fact, crime is up, basic service fees have outpaced inflation, and the only pension and wage increases I have seen are in the government sector.
Thanks for voting with your head in the sand.
I really think many City of Greensboro, City of High Point, etc citizens do not have any idea that this impact them as well as those that still live in the County! This County group has gone along however they want for years. People get out there and speak. Our animal shelters will be overloaded so that schools can be funded. Look for school resources within the schools themselves. Look for waste, overspending but Skip has been elected for YEARS and YEARS saying the schools are the most important thing. TROUBLE is that he has NEVER TRULY LOOKED AT SCHOOL SPENDING! He just accepts whatever is proposed. THATS NO LEADER FOR THE WHOLE OF THRE COUNTY. EITHER SPEAK UP NOW OR NEXT ELECTION. Skip thinks he runs the world and he doesn’t.
Vote NO for the tax increase that will be on the ballot come November.
It’s what Democrats do. Tax and spend, then spend more – and more – and more. They have NO fiscal responsibility.
This is actually great news. If they just cut all the increases in the last four years by 10% they would have the $20 Million per year they want for increasing teachers’ pay. No need for sales tax increase that nobody wants.
Not a problem. 46 said we have more money to spend.
To be fair, 831MM is about the same as 634MM by the time Joe Biden got done demolishing our dollar value.
This is called journalism 101.
At the next elections, this info should be on every local conservative’s platform. A plank at a time.