Anyone who wanted to see a repeat of the nearly year-long epic battle the Guilford County Board of Education engaged in before seating Republican Michael Logan in a vacant school board seat would have been disappointed when they watched the Guilford County Board of Commissioners casually and coolly seat new District 6 Commissioner Brandon Gray on Thursday. Oct. 19 in a split second on a unanimous vote with no discussion.

Gray didn’t get a chance to speak much during the short meeting but, afterwards, he told the Rhino Times some of his most immediate priorities.

“I decided to focus on houselessness,” he said, “as well as making sure our county employees are being paid a wage that’s keeping up with inflation.”

Guilford County Schools is also in luck because the current board of Commissioners – that is already madly in love with the schools – just gained another huge school advocate. Gray said one top priority of his is “just stepping in where Raleigh is forgetting our schools – and picking up the slack there.”

Gray said he’d had a lot of time to think about his plans because he had met with Chairman of the Guilford County Board of Commissioners in March of this year and expressed his plans to run for the District 6 seat next year.

“He knew I was planning on running.” Gray said.

Gray said county staff had already begun showing him the ropes earlier in the week even before he was officially seated Thursday.

“It was a lot to take in and staff has been great,” Gray said.

He also said, “I am looking forward to working with my colleagues on the Board of Commissioners. There is a lot happening right now in Guilford County and I am excited to be a part of this progressive community.”