Guilford County announced on Thursday, Feb. 25 that it was offering a new tool to help county businesses stay informed about COVID-19 and to also let patrons know which businesses are complying with coronavirus safety guidelines.

 The brand new educational website – – provides local establishments with “guidelines, checklists, and resources to help businesses ensure they are taking appropriate steps to comply with local COVID-19 safety protocols and keep their employees and customers safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

In 2020 and 2021, during the year-long crisis, there has been all sorts of information and misinformation floating around and the rules for businesses have seemingly changed just about every week. The new website is being implemented so businesses can keep the COVID-19 facts straight and know what the rules really are.

Chairman of the Guilford County Board of Commissioners Skip Alston said this should be a valuable weapon in the fight against the virus.

“The past year has been a challenge for all of us,” Alston stated in a press release on Thursday. “Supporting our businesses in developing safe opening plans and providing resources for maintaining ongoing healthy operations are just some of the many things we can do to get back to ‘normal.’ We know it will take more time. Until everyone is vaccinated, and health experts say the pandemic is over, we all need to work together for a Healthy Guilford. We hope our business community will join us by taking the Healthy Guilford Pledge.”

Local businesses can choose to be added to a county database that lets residents know they’re complying with best practices.  That might help citizens feel a little safer when they visit a business.

Spanish and English “We’re on Board” signs, as well as “Thank You” flyers, are also available.

In addition, those interested in having their businesses profiled on the site can submit their story to a “Share My Business Story” page for consideration.