The Guilford County Board of Commissioners got a taxpayer funded trip up to Washington DC earlier this week to attend the National Association of Counties Legislative Conference, and one of the highlights of the event was getting to see the president who came and addressed the group of county officials in attendance.
One of those, Democratic County Commissioner Kay Cashion, used her commissioners’ comments time at a Thursday, Feb. 15 Board of Commissioners meeting to say that Biden, despite recent reports, was impressive, alert and at the top of his game.
Cashion said Biden was coherent, clear, on target, and had some good jokes and got an “enthusiastic” response from the county officials in the audience.
As everyone knows, media outlets and others have raised questions and concerns recently about Biden’s cognitive abilities and his gaffs, and pointed out that he is the oldest president the country has ever had.
Cashion, who also has some age on her and is still unquestionably sharp, said there was no indication of cognitive decline in the president for those who saw him that day.
“I think some people were shocked given what’s been on the news,” she said.
The audience, which was of course made up of both Democrats and Republicans, enjoyed the president’s speech, she said.
“He was very well received,” Cashion stated at the commissioners meeting, adding that he “got a couple of laughs” from his jokes.
During the speech, the president talked about the need to have all Americans working together.
“That’s America – that’s what you do,” he said.
He also joked that he started out as a county councilmember but went to the US Senate because overseeing a county was too difficult a job.
The president spoke for about 15 minutes at the conference.
Anyone can judge for themselves how he did by going to YouTube to watch the entire speech at
Yeah right. A tack that’s been hit on the pointed end by a hammer. Ms. Cashion sounds like she as “sharp” as biden is. What a joke.
TRUMP 2024
I recently saw a quote “1 out of 3 Biden supporters are just as STUPID as the other 2”
So very True as I read Kay Cashion thought Biden was “sharp as a tack”
What a Joke!!!! LMAO!!!
One tack to another!!
And you wonder how and why Guilford County is circling the cesspool drain?
It is amazing how some politicians think that we are all idiots and will drink whatever kool aid the serve us. I am an independent voter and to tell me our president is sharpe as a track is crazy I feel sorry for him
Hahaha this is the best joke I’ve ever heard
Kay Cashion is a DEMOCRAT; they stick together, especially when it comes to telling lies. I guess all the video I’ve seen of Biden completely lost and/or confused, was made by AI.
I now officially question Kay Cashion’s need for a cognitive test….
I find it plausible that an almost 90 year old politician would find an 81 year old politician to be pretty solid.
You left out the word “tic” before the word tack
And you wonder about Greensboro?
Ha, ha,ha, ha, ha….!
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha…!!!!
Well. Ole Joe Bidet must’ve gotten a fresh delivery of cocaine to the “cubby drop” and did his meeting before the “sundowner syndrome” set in. If commissioner Cashion thought he was on the top of his game, then I would think the voters consider her a complete syncophantic politician with poor judgement next time she runs for re-election.
I guess I’ll keep believing my lying eyes….
LMAO….they flock together. Thanks for the humor!
Cashion, who also has some age on her and is still unquestionably sharp, said there was no indication of cognitive decline in the president for those who saw him that day.” Isn’t that how cognitive decline works? You have some good days and bad days, or parts of days?
Since Cashion is an at-large commissioner, it should be easy to defeat her in 2026 with a solid opponent. Republicans must put forth better candidates. This cannot be done by hoping a good candidate will step forward, but a concerted effort to find that candidate. If Cashion thinks Biden is “sharp as a tack” based on one 15-minute speech while ignoring his overall performance, Cashion’s votes as a commissioner should be called into question. Her head is too easily turned.
“Her head is too easily turned”
It’s bobble head like you see in stores. Says what the democrats want her to say.
I understand your verbs and pronouns. LOL!
One thing Democrats are really good at is supporting their team no matter what. They always put their party first and America second or last. So it’s not surprising that Cashion is defending a President we can all clearly see is suffering from severe dementia.
At this time of his president he has given a 1/3 of the amount of appearances and interviews as the last two preceding presidents. Regardless of his mental state he is not fit to be in front of the media or the world the way he needs to be.