Republican Party Finally Pushing Back Against Misinformation
Dear Editor,
The Republican Party is finally starting to push back against the “misinformation,” aka lies, the (National Socialist) Democrat Party and their flying monkey minions are dishing out.
They love to parrot the line about the economy is in shambles, people are financially hurting, unemployment is way up and it’s all the fault of President Trump and the Republicans. They don’t want to admit that up until the China virus (yes, I’m using his term because it originated in China and China allowed it to spread), the economy was on fire, unemployment was down on every metric, businesses were begging for workers, incomes were up, life in general in America was for the most part good because, for the most part, actions taken by President Trump in spite of the roadblocks thrown up by the ‘rats. We are hurting but we are also starting to come back.
One commenter here is obsessed with claiming President Trump killed 160,000 people (I think that’s the latest number) by mishandling the virus situation.
First, in a pandemic, like war, people will die no matter what you do. It’s a fact of life.
Second, you can only react to a situation based on the information you have on hand. The CCP with the help of the WHO intentionally hid and lied about the situation. These conditions are like trying to cross a room full of mines in the dark. And it doesn’t help that your “experts” were giving you bad advice as well.
Third, as soon as the situation began to become clearer, he immediately put in travel restrictions and was lambasted by the people giving you your marching orders, calling it an overreaction, xenophobic and racist,
Fourth, when he was calling for people to self-isolate the ‘rats, in particular the Wicked Witch of the West was telling people to ignore him and “come to Chinatown.”
It’s been the state “elected officials” that have been putting the restrictions on people and businesses. They claim to be using science as their justification, but the question is whose science. They cherry pick to meet their agenda of control.
Do we need to take precautions? Yes! There are reasonable actions we, as individuals, can and should take. But some servants of the people have used this to establish their own little fiefdoms with their bosses, the people, as their peasants.
To them I say get your knee off our neck.
Alan Marshall
I don’t think the decisions of elected officials to close or open parts of their communities is anywhere NEAR the same as a person being knelt on his neck until he dies.
This letter is incredibly insensitive and the reason many folks will continue to view you and your line of thinking as completely misinformed, racist, and an adversary to equality and justice.
You are an insulting piece of septic using the phrase “get off our neck, we can’t breathe” to equate the actions of a police officer that killed a human being as somehow similar to the decisions that elected officials have made about a bar or a gym opening up. Shame on you.
You aren’t listening, never were, and never will.
I am obsessed with making sure EVERYONE knows that this president through failure to mount even a minimal federal response is responsible for the death of 185,000 Americans and counting. The entire world had access to the same information as the “leader” of this country whether you deem that information as adequate, lies, etc. Please explain the numbers below. What did we have that the other countries didn’t??? Trump. Complete incompetence, Complete failure of leadership, Total Ignorance. His willful and gross negligence has caused the death of 185,000 Americans. I don’t care what bs excuses you give him. How come these numbers are not just minimally worse, but horrendously worse than EVERY OTHER country in the WORLD. I can’t believe you feel as he does “It is what it is”. I can’t believe ANYONE can think that it is OK that 185,000 fellow citizens are dead and didn’t have to be. You should be very, very ashamed of yourself.
6.0 US
3.9 Brazil
3.7 India
1.0 Russia
.6 Peru, S Africa, Columbia, Mexico
.4 Spain, Argentina, Chile
.3 Iran, UK, France, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia
.2 Pakistan, Turkey, Italy, Germany, Iraq, Philippines
.1 Indonesia, Canada, Ukraine, Israel, Qatar, Bolivia, Ecuador, Kazakhstan
>100,000 Egypt, Dominican Rep, Panama, China, Romania, Kuwait, Oman, Belgium, Sweden, Guatemala, Netherlands, Belarus, UAE, Japan, Poland, Morocco, Honduras, Portugal, Singapore, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Bahrain, Venezuela, etc, etc, etc.
185,000 US
123,000 Brazil
66,000 India
65,000 Mexico
42,000 UK
35,000 Italy
31,000 France
29,000 Spain
29,000 Peru
21,000 Iran
20,000 Colombia
17,000 Russia
14,000 South Africa
11,000 Chile
>10,000 Belgium, Germany, Canada, Argentina, Indonesia, Iraq, Ecuador, Turkey, Pakistan, Netherlands, Sweden, Egypt, Bolivia, etc, etc, etc
Love your article!!! Lets go ahead and add the fact that the CDC did a “death number retraction” earlier this week! Now they say that less than 10,000 people world wide have died form COVID that had no other health issues. Yet, we still have business that are shut down and are being told to continue covering our faces and breathing in our own CO2! The mask alone are creating more illnesses than COVID could dream of creating. The SHEEP need to wake up and just say NO!!!!!!
Yes, if you have underlying health issues this virus is deadly and yes, the cause of death on death certs list multiple reasons when a person dies. I would hazard a guess that the MAJORITY of Americans have at least one of the listed comorbidities. There are mulitple sources that also say the number of deaths are under reported (, cdc, Business Insider,, Keep drinking that turd juice sir. I hope your family stays healthy.
They could make similar claims for cancer and heart disease. We know that other factors increase your risk of dying from this disease. That doesn’t somehow make those people not count.
Some of the many possible contributing conditions with approximate percentage of Americans in parentheses: obesity (~50%), diabetes (10%), cancer currently or previously (hard to estimate but probably between 10-20%), heart conditions including undiagnosed (15-25%), unspecified dementia (2-5%). There list also includes having a cold, high blood pressure, and basically anything other than a perfect bill of health. To me, it’s amazing that 6% of the folks that have died were otherwise COMPLETELY healthy.
Reading and numbers aren’t your thing, I’m here to help.
@Math, numbers and facts don’t seem to matter much here. Only theories, political ads, and whatever phlegm comes from the bunker inspector in chief’s pie hole. And most reasonable people understand how accurate and reliable that is. If you were at his Wilmington rally or watch his twitter feed you would see his latest feat is inviting millions of his followers to commit Felonies by trying to vote twice.
Well Said Mr. Marshall, as usual you are spot on !!
Hey Alan Marshall,
Since you have all the answers to the misinformation that is being disseminated by the Socialist hoards, please do us all a favor and run for office.
Your analytical skills are a credit to the Righteous Right and it would be a shame to not represent your city and state. Be safe, don’t get the virus, and please get treatment for your lingering malady- cranial rectal inversion.
Hee, hee , hee
Well said Mr Marshall
Except your letter misses one obvious point, and that is it assumes all people have the ability and/or desire to make rational decisions and to think rationally in general.
Unfortunately my good friend, this is not the case today.
Agreed, and thanks for pointing out omission.