Remember The Children
Dear Editor,
Instead of Abigail Adams’ quote, “Remember the Ladies,” Lee Haywood would say, “Remember the Children.” Schooling during the pandemic is a preeminent issue he would tackle, but also he would never let child molesters off the hook as recent legislation in California has done.
Sex trafficking across our southern border, which has pervaded our state, Lee would do everything to stop. Furthermore the budget deficit would be uppermost in Lee Heywood’s mind; for example, Nancy Pelosi thinks if the Senate proposes $1 trillion and the House $3 trillion, that they should simply split the difference and accept $2 trillion. This sort of thinking is truly mindless and slaps children in the face every time since future generations must pay for the profligacy of their parents and grandparents.
Despite the trillions spent for COVID relief, Lee Haywood would try to show sensible restraint without venturing out into unrelated programs like supporting the marijuana industry. Money must be spent on what is truly needed, like unemployment benefits and keeping drugs out of the hands of children. All in all Lee Haywood likes to remember the children, truly protecting their futures.
Dr. Linda Lewis Cooper
Review Of Some Conspiracy Theories
Dear Editor,
So it’s about time to review some of what the (National Socialist) Democrats and their minions have so badly wanted to have the American people believe are conspiracy theories.
Russia, Russia, Russia: This one is partially right. The Russians were trying to involve themselves in our election. But the ’rats insistence that they were working with the Trump campaign went down in flames when their own handpicked Mueller Report showed nothing. In fact, when called before Congress and questioned, he couldn’t answer basic questions about the “investigation” he was supposed to be in charge of.
Additionally, let’s remember the fake dossier that was generated by a foreign agent, bought and paid for by the Hildabeast and the (National Socialist) Democrat Party. (But, but, but, President Trump was supposed to be the one bringing in foreign involvement in our elections.)
And by the way, there was this headline: “US funds aided 2015 campaign to oust Netanyahu, Senate probe finds.” The Obama State Department got involved trying to affect Israel’s elections. Let me say that again – the Obama State Department tried to affect the Israeli elections. Glass houses ’rats, glass houses.
Democrats trying to spy on and subvert the Trump campaign and ultimately the Trump presidency: When the lid on the DOJ involvement in our elections was ripped off the truth came out in the form of falsified documents being presented to a FISA court in order to try to turn members of the Trump campaign and presidency.
And now the latest: It seems that something like 27 members of the Mueller investigation mob suddenly forgot the passwords to their phones and caused them to “accidently” get wiped. And the timing was perfect because they are now the center of an investigation. But seriously, 27 phones that were subpoenaed for a criminal investigation get “accidently” wiped? I was born at night, but not last night. When I read this my first thought was the Hildabeast must have stock in Bleach Bit.
The (National Socialist) Democrat Party and their Socialist/Marxist BLM/Antifa allies want so much for the American people to believe President Trump and his administration is trying to destroy this country and they are the only thing preventing it. So in order to save the country, THEY have to destroy it first then rebuild it in what THEY say is a fairer model society.
Shades of Animal Farm!
Alan Marshall
Trump + His LIES + His FAILED leadership = 196,349 DEAD Americans. 3,149 are North Carolinian’s.
The Dereliction of duty by the current resident of WH, is the only fact I need to vote for ANYONE else. Not a one trick pony, just what I (my opinion) consider to be the most important statistic in this election. I will update it daily until election.
Lizzy! Get your mask on… blah blah blah.! Sick of your STUPID repetitive B.S.. blaming The POTUS for this virus unleashed on the American public by the Chinese with the hopes of getting their friend/business ASSociate elected to the people’s house as you socialist like to call it. Since you’re so in to the numbers tell us how many deaths comrade deblosio is directly responsible for! Tell us how it is that help (ventilators, a freaking floating hospital, countless medical personnel, masks,etc.etc.) were sent to assist the hardest hit (dumbacRAT ran) cities only to be refused and turned away in the name of politics. Tell us oh mighty stat master. Put the blame where it belongs the damned Chi-Comms and their buddy and yours… creepy Joe Biden. They sent this virus for you and Joe because MY President Donald J.Trump slapped them in their commy faces and told them they can’t screw our country any more. Since you leftist/Marxist antifa socialist hate this country so much why don’t you all head on over to Canada? How about Mexico… I know… CHINA! That way you rulers can make all your decisions for you since your obviously too stupid to make rational decisions on your own. BTW… they have the virus under control over least that’s what their stats say… LMAO. I guess if it weren’t for the coronavirus you would have voted for TRUMP based on your statement. Is that what you’re saying? TRUMP 2020?
@Capt, blah, blah, blah. Why don’t you quit showing your ignorance. If I had a gun to my head I wouldn’t cast a vote for the current lying tub o lard. By his own admission, he lied and mislead the citizens of the United States about the virus. PERIOD
But didn’t your pal Nancy P say “Come on down to Chinatown. It’s perfectly safe here.”? Didn’t she also pan Trump for closing down travel back when he first did it? I guess you need to rope her into your blame game Liz.
Lizzy, wow fat shaming! What happened to inclusivity? Not convenient at this time I guess. It amuses me how you Leftwing socialist constantly talk out of both sides of the digestive system depending on who’s listening, what day it is or how freaking unhappy you are. One thing about you boneheaded dumbacRATS that is consistant is that you are never happy and that is a fact oh mighty stat master. In the words of your comrade Deblosio after HE killed thousands…. they were gonna die anyway which unless you’re some sort of witch could be said of all of us humans according to my religion and I’m sure you’re against that. Hey Russia if you’re listening maybe you can find Hillary’s emails AND all the deleted information from muellers team of investigators so that WE THE PEOPLE can find the evidence that Lizzy seeks ( when she’s not quoting stats) to convict Donald Trump and get him out of the people’s house of socialism. BLAH,BLAH,BLAH she drones on and on….
To refer to oneself as a superlative seldom evokes a positive response.
Can you say “President Harris”?
Mr. Marshall, as usual you are spont on in your letter. The problem is that there is no convincing the voters who lean Left and Bow at the Feet of the Democrat Party !!! These people truly believe that the Socialists & Marxists of their Party will make everything better with more taxpayer money for pet projects and for more useless worthless social programs. Keep telling it like it is !!!
Kamala Harris is a prime example of how a person can rise to prominence by sleeping with a married man who was also one of the most corrupt politicians ever in California (Willie Brown, California Speaker of the Assembly). She is a person with no integrity and has no limits for achieving her political goals.
In truth, she reminds me of Hillary Clinton who would sell the United States to make a dollar if she could get away with it.
Lizzy, What Drug are you taking ? How can your mind be so twisted in this day and age. Maybe growing up you got to go to college and get edgeamacated by those really smart college professors, or you dreamt of those Unicorns too much !
Capt. Curt, I love your reply. Pure Common Sense ! Couldn’t AGREE more !!!
SEPT 17, 2020 – Trump + His LIES + His FAILED leadership = 197,364 DEAD Americans. 3,180 are North Carolinian’s.
The Dereliction of duty by the current resident of WH, is the only fact I need to vote for ANYONE else (of course there are the other 20,000+ documented false or misleading claims since his election you can take into account if you wish). The number of dead due to Trump’s incompetence is almost 27,000 more than the total US deaths from every war and conflict from 1775 until now with exception of Civil War, WWI, and WWII. Man, is he ever Making Annihilation Great Again.