Think For Yourself
Dear Editor,
Let’s get real and tell the truth.
The coronavirus originated in the city that houses Communist China’s main biological research/warfare laboratory. The first US president to stand up to China has been deposed, the historic liberties of the West have been compromised, and Western economies crippled to the extent that only one major economy grew in 2020 – China. All this without firing a single shot, and with plausible deniability. Do you think all this is a coincidence?
The manufacturers of the COVID “vaccines” (they aren’t vaccines in the conventional sense) have been granted complete legal immunity from liability of any kind, including negligence. Does that make you want to inject their chemical cocktails into your body?
The federal government and their co-conspirators in the corporate media are clearly very, very eager to force you to be injected. Why is that, when the Chinese disease has a circa 99 percent survival rate? The Spanish Flu of 1918 was much more lethal. What’s going on here?
There are more COVID cases today than there were a year ago, when zero Americans were vaccinated. If the vaccines worked this would not be the case, would it?
Dare to think for yourself.
Austin Morris
Well, I dare to disbelieve your twisted logic and conspiracy theories.. A year ago there were fewer cases based on the basic FACT that the virus had fewer mutations and the transmission rate wasn’t as drastic as this year. It’s on a rampage and there remains many unvaccinated hosts to infect. Perhaps you need to visit/observe a local or regional hospital ICU, but, for the sake of the staff, make it virtual, please. I’m sure that if you could experience seeing a unit full of younger COVID19 victims, 98% of whom are unvaccinated, you might give pause to disseminating your misinformed views. EDP’s and ICU’s are filled and continue filling up to the detriment of non-COVID patients who are ill or in pain and often have urgent surgical needs that cannot be met because of the pandemic precluding routine care. (A dear friend just died as a result of this urgent surgical scenario). Wait times of 15-20 hrs is becoming the norm. You are kidding yourself and spreading conspiracy drivel that is neither useful nor kind to a fearful community. COVID19 is NOT a “bad cold” as I’ve heard you and others opine. Stay unvaccinated at your and your family’s peril. Our frontline Healthcare workers deserve our respect and admiration, not your unfounded unscientific opinions that are demeaning that make their jobs even more difficult.
Ray Sullivan MD
…and that’s why hospitals are so willing and eager to drive away or fire so many nurses who refuse to take the vaccine? All these nurses, who carried on for the better part of a year before the vaccine was available, and are still doing their jobs admirably are being forced out all of a sudden because they are not willing to put these multi dose vaccines and booster into their bodies. That’s making their jobs pretty damn difficult if you ask me.
If this “pandemic” were as horrible as everyone is making it out to be, and the vaccines were safe and effective, they wouldn’t need a marketing team and advertising strategies. We wouldn’t have upper level folks at Novant having Zoom meetings about manipulating case numbers to scare more people into taking these vaccines. If this had anything to do about our health and well being, our southern border would be closed. If these mandates that sleepy Joe recently mentioned were so important, they wouldn’t have excluded congress and their staff, nor the USPS. If they’re so important, wouldn’t you think they’d be the first ones receiving the vaccines?
How come natural immunity is so easily dismissed? A recent study in Israel has determined that natural immunity, acquired from exposure to the virus, is over 20 times more effective than the vaccines.
Why have the government, media, and pharmaceuticals spent so much time and effort trying to discredit safe and proven therapeutics like Ivermectin? India and Japan have used this product on a wide scale to successfully treat the majority of their case load. Could it be that no emergency use authorizations would have been allowed if there were already viable treatments available?
The left is all about “my body my choice” when it comes to killing an unborn baby, but all of a sudden, my body becomes state property when it comes time to decide what medicines I want put in it. (and for your information, while I am personally against abortion, I don’t think it’s the government’s job to go around telling people what medical procedures they can and can’t have. I believe it should be between the woman, the supposed father, and her doctor, and they’ll all have to answer for their actions one day when it comes time to meet their maker.)
We’re told to lock down and mask up to protect those around us, but then the elites turn right around and throw big parties and events, with no masks (until someone points a camera at them).
In my lifetime, I have never seen such government over-reach. The level at which our supposed representatives are so easily dismissing our liberties and freedoms, not just here but across the world, is unprecedented. These politicians who are trying to lord themselves over us are not our rulers.
Less than 3% of nurses are unvaccinated. As I strongly believe ‘my body my choice’, I also believe employers have the right to establish clear job requirements. Not complicated.
Natural immunity is not ignored but it is clear through recent studies that not all people with a past positive covid test have developed sufficient antibodies for immunity. One study stated that it could be as high as a full third of positive covid tests. Other studies have shown the vaccine to therefore be far more effective at reducing reinfection rates by over 2x. Not complicated.
We have not been told to lock down in a long time. We are simply asked to mask up indoors in public places and continue social distancing as much as possible. The vaccine is the best way to put this behind us. Not complicated.
Lastly, nothing is more frustrating than people saying that this pandemic is ‘no big deal’ and that it is a liberal conspiracy of over reaction. If over almost 700k dead (yes that number is accurate), even with the controls that were in place and even with a good number of people vaccinated, even with improvements in treatments, let’s you say it is no ‘big deal’ makes you an awful person.
Not Complicated.
That’s quite the rant, Mr MD (we noticed you wanted to get that in twice).
First – don’t put words in my mouth. I never said that Covid was no more than a bad cold. With a survival rate of 99% it’s more like a bad flu. Right? And please don’t play the “I care” but you’re an evil uncaring Republican schtick. Healthcare workers always deserve respect – as do people with whom you disagree. Character assassination through innuendo is unwarranted and churlish.
Second – I am endangering nobody by remaining unvaccinated ( and I resent your implication that I am therefore selfish and cavalier towards the wellbeing of others. You’re trying to equate the unvaxxed with drunk drivers, in order to demonize them and pressure them into complying). I caught the Coronavirus in February, spent two days bedbound, took a fortnight off work while I was infectious, and am fully recovered. And I’m 60 and overweight. Each March I donate blood to the American Red Cross and their testing confirmed that I had high levels of Covid antibodies in my blood. So I have natural immunity. I can neither contract or transmit the virus. I suggest you presume less about the medical history of a complete stranger. It’s unprofessional.
Third – “twisted logic & conspiracy theories”? How so? I simply laid out various facts and then asked pertinent questions. This letter is an attempt to prompt people to think for themselves, rather than drinking the KoolAid that is so forcibly being forced down our throats. If you really want to debate, why don’t you try answering the questions?
And one of the facts you must deal with is that there are approximately FOUR times as many Covid cases in the US today as there were a year ago, despite about 60% of NC adults being vaccinated, for example.
Alternative scientific and medical theories are suggesting that the massive viral load in the pharynx of people vaxxed with mRNA vaccines is causing them to shed the virus profusely. That’s why the highest vaccinated countries like Israel and the UK are struggling with a tsunami of cases.
Fourth – These sentiments are certainly not “drivel”. Anyone can see they are pointed, pertinent, lucid and logical. My real crime in your eyes, and those of your ilk, is that I dare to challenge the conventional wisdom and the most massive propaganda campaign in American history. Even more sinister, the propaganda is evolving into coercion, demonization of those who refuse to comply, and other aspects of totalitarianism. I suggest you pick up a copy of Solzhenitsyn’s “Live Not By Lies”.
Who knows, you might begin to think for yourself…
Amazing you open with a criticization of his using his MD designation. He isn’t spreading ‘conventional wisdom’ as you say. He is literally spreading QUALIFIED wisdom. Versus your google searches and youtube propaganda that has politicized bias.
I hope others have more sense to listen to their personal doctors about what is right for them versus us unqualified nutters bickering in the comment section or a conservative website.
But you be you with your drivel.
The pompous doctor is clearly endorsing the conventional wisdom.
And the balance of your remark is indeed “drivel”.
You need to get out of your parent’s basement and put down those video games.
Call it like it is. The Rhino is publishing this. This is The Rhino’s willingness to spread misinformation while hiding behind the veil of “1st amendment” and not being held accountable for promoting lies that cause harm to others. Austin is just a sad pawn that thinks it matters.
Ain’t free speech a b*tch?
That’s not free speech. Learn how rights work someday.
You are literally an anonymous internet troll that will never be held accountable for what you say. Fire away boss. We all know you’re just a loser hiding from real confrontation to stir the pot because you are scared of non-white, non-christians, or non-Americans having any semblance of power in this world.
There’s nothing less american than your white supremacist stance.
Wow, what an idiotic screed. Somehow you take a debate about Covid make it into the, usual, brown and black folks, white supremacy nonsense. Just surprised you did not include Climate Change to the typical litany of imbecility that your ilk traffic in.
I’m not scared of you, you obtuse, shallow minded, race fixated, reality detached fantasist.
You’re so insecure in your racial identity that you turn a COVID debate into a pretext to level the charge of “white supremacy”. You’re pathetic.
Ray, I appreciate you posting your info so everyone knows they are getting an uniformed doctor driven by police science rather than biological science.
You can’t vaccinate 330 million people, much less almost 8 billion globally, by waiving a magic wand. The virus mutates rapidly. The shots are failing not because of the unvaccinated, but because they don’t creat t-cell antibodies as traditional vaccines like polio and measles do.
It’s not just that there is more spread today, it’s that increases in spread are correlated with increases in vaccination rates. That is the fault of the vaccinated. How exactly do the unvaccinated, who are at risk of all variants, drive the spread of variants impacting the vaccinated? They aren’t. That’s silly. The more you vaccinate during an outbreak, the more hosts than can only spread the vaccine resistant strains. If this were not the case then having 70% to 80% of the population vaccinated would cause a decrease, not an increase, in infections.
Our southern border is wide open to people not vaccinated. All you advocate are today’s yellow stars. The people in Germany in 1930 were as convinced of their righteousness as you are, and they were just as wrong then as you are today.
I’d take an unvaccinated and likely immune healthcare provider over no healthcare any day – well, I’d be better off with no healthcare than your care, but most physicians and nurses are simply more intelligent, caring, and skilled than you.
I know where you can stick your 1930’s attitude. Luckily the young are rising up over you silly brainwashed tyrants.
If ‘dare to think’ for yourself means ignoring the danger of covid and refusing a free and safe source to protect against said virus? I am ok letting leaders in public health as well as my personal doctor advise me of what is best for me and my health. Hence I was happy to have the vaccine in order to protect myself and my family.
But you be you.
And good luck to you.
I expect a surge in autoimmune diseases over the next 2-4 years, along with illnesses associated with microscopic blood clotting, including stroke and heart problems.
I hope I’m wrong.
Why in gods name would you think you are right?! Your gut instinct? Your years of medical study and research? Why in His name would anyone listen to you? Did you watch some youtbue videos of a rogue doctor or some random talking head?
How has the conservative party come to be he party that believes science is as corrupt and biased as they are?
I have had to leave the party not because I have different foreign, fiscal or domestic policy….I have left because I believe and trust the collective medical science professionals, climate scientists, and astrophysicists (no, I don’t believe in Ken Hamm’s literal definition of Genesis that the earth is only 10k year old).
But you be you. Doubt, hate, and divide.
I doubt what is doubtful.
I hate nobody.
I do not divide people; the Left does. Spare me the character assassination.
And you need to familiarize yourself with the concept of circular reasoning. Going around and around with the same contentions does not make those contentions true. You must be taking a leaf from Goebbels’ strategy of telling a big lie, and telling it often. The sheep normally accept it. Enjoy your grass.
If you see peer reviewed data and science is a lie, that makes you a fool. Kinda like the fools who believe the Big Lie about voter fraud with no validated evidence. My favorite of how modern republicans are fools is how Trump was able to raise millions of dollars under the promise to fund the fraud investigations. Instead he pocketed the money, stiff his lawyers and continues the lie for his sheep to follow.
Why would you think you are “right” when you’ve been wrong for 18 months? Facui has a history of disasters and blocking treatments that went on to become he standard of care (Bactrim). Neal Ferguson bigger more frequent wildly inaccurate flubs. He’s caused every hysterical overt reaction in the last 2 decades in the UK. John Ioannidis has a long history of being incredibly accurate. Yet you believe the former and ignore the latter??? How dumb.
Actually the blocking of treatments is to wait for studies to be completed and validated. The vaccine received an exception to that rule once monitoring was put in place given the worldwide urgent need to contain the virus. What is amazing is that those that love the yell about the vaccine being experimental (it no longer is)…are also most likely to jump on quack cures such a horse dewormer.
The beauty of science is its reliance on peer review. No process is perfect but don’t use the early comments on an unproven unpeer reviewed treatment as framing the author as a liar after the treamment is later approved….they are waiting for data and broader input as a key component of the learning process.
Not complicated. But you be you.
Suddenly the Leftists here want to talk about “white supremacy” and Donald Trump!
Is it just me, or are these people pathetic?
When they see they’re losing an argument, they always deflect and digress.
It’s their MO.
I am hoping the Rhino Times will fact-check this astounding collection of disinformation, junk science, conspiracy theories and outright lies. Publishing such dangerous BS without any due diligence is completely irresponsible. But then again, it IS the Rhino Times.
What lies?
What Austin wrote is just his opinion, just as what you just wrote is your opinion. The Letters to the Editor section is for people to express their opinions, and the Rhino doesn’t think they were put here to think for us.
The left has tried and tried to paint conservatives as Nazis, dictators, tyrants, etc., but it’s those on the left who are the first ones to jump up and champion such ideas as censorship. Everyone on the left wants to protect everyone else from wrong-think, but I suspect what they really want to do is protect everyone else from the truth, or protect everyone else from thinking differently than they do.
If you have facts in opposition to Austin’s opinion, share them with us. But just claiming that what he has said is false, does not make it so. It’s up to everyone to think for themselves, and to decide for themselves what to believe.
Stating scientific findings that lack study and verified data is misinformation. Misinformation is very different than being a liar. The real challenge is that misinformation has some basis of true so is much harder to spot when the ‘facts’ are still under study and will continued to be refined.
For example, saying that the vaccine isn’t safe (as if that is fact) because some guy ‘thinks’ it might cause long-term issues is misinformation. The truth is far more complex and takes some trust in the community of scientists that oversee its development, testing and monitoring. In the case of the vaccines, the long-term impacts are accepted as low as the mRNA method has been used for over a decade in other vaccines (such as ebola vaccines) and has shown no long-term effects and has actually proven to be a safer methodology that introducing low douses of the vaccine itself.
Heck, the truth is so complicated that I may very well have not gotten the above statement perfectly accurate which opens up the misinformation nutters to point and shout and jump up and down with overly simplistic criticism.
So I trust my personal doctor who made clear the long-term risk of the virus believed to be much greater than any potential side effect of the vaccine based on early control studies conducted. He made clear that risk is not zero….but very very small. So great. I trust my doc and I got the shot. It’s her job to understand the complexity in these kinds of decisions.
I fear that the politicization of public health is the greatest evil issued by a political party in the history of US. I will likely never call myself a republican again.
You’re not fooling anyone, buddy.
You never were a Republican.
Well I imagine if one buys the nonsense broadcast by the Bolshevik Media, WHO, CCP and our Government {The King of dis/mis information} then anyone questioning the origin of the Virus, the highly inflated numbers, the incentivising and monetizing of a diagnosis, the fear mongering then one might be considered a conspiracy nut by a certain element.
Given the history of the US Government’s actions such as the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, the CIA releasing biological agents in the NYC subway system, their LSD experiments with unsuspecting victims, marching Marines and soldiers near A-Bomb tests in Nevada and Utah telling them is is safe would be considered “Conspiracy Theories” at that time by the likes of these three commenters. To say the Jab is safe is certainly misinformation There have been a number of injuries and deaths directly caused by the shot.There is a good reason why the FDA takes years to determine adverse effects of any or drug or vaccine It is obvious that Covid is very serious and can be lethal, but to attack people who are cautious about the possible long term effects of the shot is asinine. Even DR Robert Malone who developed mRNA has reservation. Just curios if the commenters take issue with the millions of parasites flooding the country via our Southern Border and are virtually untested for Covid being deposited all over the USA? I wonder what the percentage is that have Covid, 50%, 80%?
John Hammer, are you going to fact check and refute the many bogus statements in Austin Morris’s letter? Yes or no.
Hey Buddy – you’re the one who claims my letter contained lies. It’s up to you to back up your bullsh*t.
Why don’t YOU attempt it Amberg?
People need to do their research. The shot is an experimental drug not approved by the FDA. It says that on the vial. Go search America’s Frontline Doctors on Duck Duck Go. Listen to what they say about the shots. Everyone needs to make up their own minds. People that don’t want the shot should not be criticized.
America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) is an American right-wing political organization known for spreading misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic. They present no data, studies, research or any even have practical experience even treating COVID patients. They are the worst of those spreading misinformation.
Yes, presenting public health information without peer reviewed research and supporting data (or in these folks case, practical experience) IS misinformation.
You can always find what you want to hear from some other idiot. Yes, even some people who wear white lab coats can be idiots. That is why science requires peer review as part of their professional journals.
But you be you.
I only wish to note a few things that deserve attention on the subject of the ChiCom. created virus. Recent revelations of vast numbers of Healthcare workers from Doctors to Nurses to CNA’s are leaving their jobs or being fired over requirements of vaccinations. Dr. Sullivan has every right to express his learned opinion and so does Dr. Fauci who seems to be all over the place every time he opens his mouth via the mainstream media. However, neither has the right to to assume that every reader of this most excellent website is ignorant enough to allow the Gov’t. or anyone other than there own personal healthcare professional to help with their decisions. With the Flu season at the doorstep, many people will be eager to get the annual vaccine and a significant number will get the flu anyway. Covid is not the flu as has been duly noted but those who have been vaxed are still getting the virus. And many unvaxed for either have not been sick either. Some are our most appreciated healthcare workers and first responders. All things considered, as individuals we all have an obligation to ourselves to address what we can do in taking care of our health. Diet, exercise, and spiritual considerations on a daily basis are essential!
Amongst all those who assail and attack the sentiments expressed in my letter, have you noticed that none of them actually answer the questions contained therein?
They demur and deflect. They rant and rage. They spew bile. They insult and malign. But they do not answer the questions. That is because they are afraid of the answers. All Leftists have a reality perception problem. Their creed (Marxism and its variants) is an article of faith, and so any challenge to it is treated as heresy. Any repudiation of their cult is an outrage and blasphemy, which explains the rage they direct at apostates.
Socialism is just a rationalization for envy. That’s why the Left attracts spiteful, envious, angry people.
I know; my mother was a lifelong socialist (but my dad was great).
If you’re over 70 and overweight I’d suggest you accept a non-mRNA jab (NOT Pfizer & Moderna). Otherwise these unproven chemical cocktails represent a real threat to your long term health. Look it up.
And…. dare to think for yourself.
To whom did you address the questions? They were rhetorical as only a letter to the editor could offer rhetorical questions. You aren’t asking for answers, you are trying to preach because the Rhino allowed you to have a microphone.
Stop pretending you are open to dialog. It’s a disservice to actual free speech.
No. No. I don’t know. I don’t know. No. Are those the answers that now make my reply “valid”. Did I follow instructions enough for master?
If your answer to the first question is “no”, aren’t you endorsing a “conspiracy theory”?
Try to keep up.
Don’t care where it came from….the vaccine is safe and works…..the virus is dangerous and continues largely due to misinformation from people such as yourself….exemption from liability is standard given the early approval and now even more critical given all the nutters slinging BS about the virus and the vaccine.
There. Fully addressed your BS.
“Do you think all this is a coincidence?”
Poor Chris thinks that the answer to that question is “Don’t care where it came from”.
As I said, Leftists refuse to answer questions because they’re afraid of the answers. Also, they’re just not very bright. And additionally, they prefer to insult and attack the messenger than debate the message (“nutter”, “your BS”).
Pathetic. Just pathetic.
Fighting ignorance like yours everday!!
Say it three times. Then turn around twice.
That makes it true!
Chris, you keep lying about switching political parties when all the BS you spout screams life long libtard socialist sheep. Why don’t you STFU. Try to be an American and let people decide for themselves. It’s a little thing called FREEDOM!!! Oops, I offended the socialist snowflakes. Who are the scientist we’re supposed to believe, Tony F’ouchy? He has flipped his script more times than the great white dope Joe Biden has sniffed little kids. I say RESIST the government authoritarian rule and destroy the socialist party. As for where this man made virus came from, it was Dopey Joe Biden and General Mark Milleys comrades the communist Chinese. Unlike you stupid and when I say stupid I’m not only referring to Chris but all of you ignorant SOB’s that voted for the Bumbling/Horror 2020 regime but most especially all of you dolts that scammed the system.
Here a question for you commie Chris, what has the bonehead Joe done since taking over the office of the presidency that you would consider to be a success?
I voted Republican until the party chose Trump. I couldn’t vote for Hillary of course so I left the president choice blank. I didn’t vote for Biden as much as I voted against Trump. I am and always will be a Coolidge conservative just as Regan was.
I am educated and believe in the scientific method. The idea that science is ‘out to get you’ is the dumbest thing ever politized and I refuse to support or be a member of a party that has politized public health as Trump has.
I do think for myself. Unlike republicans today, which if you don’t following the talking points to the letter, you are called a rhino, libtard, etc… In other woods, you have to be a sheep to be a member of the republican party and I refused and am therefore a registered independent.
I have been a reader of the Rhino Times since it was a handout on on the corner of the bar at The Rhino in downtown Greensboro. I hate to see that it as become an anti science rag but I will continue to point to the truth where the Repubtards talking points are leading it’s sheep off the cliff.
But you be you.
You’re a moron. You clearly do not think for yourself. You are a sheep. You can’t even spell Reagan. You have no concept of what Calvin Coolidge was about. You believe, like so many of your ilk, that you are “educated” and therefore “smart”, so we must agree with your opinions. If you really want to get into “smart”, you are an effing imbecile. Oh you’re top 10% intellectually alright, but you think you’re top 1%. You don’t even know what that universe looks like, and I’m at the bottom of it.
You deny you are a sheep, but you endorse the PC conventional wisdom in every post you make. You could not be more of a sheep.
I too have been reading The Rhinoceros Times since it first became available at The Rhinoceros Club. I was a member. I liked John Rudy, and he liked me.
You have no understanding whatsoever of the scientific method. It involves extreme disagreements, various hypotheses an competing contentions. You only swallow the consensus and believe you’re a genius.
You’re a wanker.
Austin Morris the Republican’s sheep towing the line on conservative party conventional wisdom as if he has done anything more than follow the alt right YouTube rabbit hole as his ‘research’. What a joke.
I use rationale thought reading summaries scientific analysis with clear supporting data. You follow talking heads on YouTube and think you are original. Yes, I am a part of the conviential wisdom…as in majority of people with common sense to trust experts or as Reagan (spelled it right this time) said “Trust but Verify” I have and vaccines are safe, masks are perfect but help, and nutters who disagree with data back science because they are just angry ugly people.
Since you think for yourself…what Republican talking point do you disagree with?
I believe an aggressive approach illegal boarder crossing is effective and that Biden’s soft language on topic has caused an unnecessary rush to the boarder that Harris is not qualified to handle. Trump had this right in principle.
I believe tax cuts for those making under 150k per household will lift the economy but we need to more aggressively tax the wealthy and large corporations by closing loopholes. Both Trump and Biden are wrong in the tax policies.
So…….angry Austin….where do you disagree with Republicans…or are you a sheep?
1. I’m not angry. You are.
2. Buy a dictionary for God’s sake. Your inadequate command of English is laughable (I really didn’t get past your first line without laughing. It’s “toe the line”, not tow the line, Einstein). And I’ll skip the rest of your solecisms, save for mentioning that they clearly display the level of your intellect.
3. I disagree with the GOP on very many issues. As examples, I believe abortion should be legal in the first trimester. I am against the death penalty. I believe the war on drugs is an affront to individual freedom. I believe prostitution should be legal. I could go on, but I’ve demonstrated my predilection for independent thinking. So your baseless assumption that I’m a knee-jerk Republican is as absurd as every other claim you fabricate. And I never claimed to be a Republican anyway, did I?
4. “Yes, I am a part of the conviential (sic) wisdom”. You certainly are. It’s kind of you to admit that you are indeed an intellectual sheep, even when your ignorance is on full display.
You’re a joke. Stop embarrassing yourself in public. It’s pitiful.
Ok. Not angry. Grumpy then. LMAO
As reported today by Sarah Knapton in the Daily Telegraph (2021/9/21), the Wuhan Institute of Virology was altering bat coronaviruses to adapt the cleavage site of the spike protein, so it would become extremely infectious in humans.
More worrying still, a World Health Organisation whistleblower (who understandably wishes to remain anonymous) claims WIV is trying to do the same thing with MERS, a virus with a 30% fatality rate. If they succeed in enhancing its human transmissibility, Covid will seem like a walk in the park.
This is all reported in the prestigious and respected British Daily Telegraph, not known for trumpeting conspiracy theories.
After reading this debate over a vaccine I can’t help but think how far people have fallen. The initial opinion was to merely say don’t go blindly into a situation that you are uncomfortable with. Common sense period. Don’t put blind faith into science because honestly they only see one side of things. Take the world for example; Gods creation or Big Bang. No scientist was around to see it and no Christian was around to witness the creation, so which is right? If I believe my Heavenly Father created this world what’s it to you? Did I see it? No. Did I see the Big Bang? No. So no the scientists do not have all the answers and we have to make personal choices for ourselves. Don’t patronize someone for their beliefs and don’t belittle someone because they don’t agree with you. It’s an opinion and honestly in this country we are allowed to have one. My forefathers did not die in vain for us to have our voices silenced on anything. The state was made to “think for yourself” so why get all angry and pissed off because someone told you to use your common sense. Take it for what it’s worth and make your decisions for yourself and let everyone else do the same without being sanctimonious and condemning. I choose no vaccine so does that mean I’m wrong for making a personal choice? No. And at the end of the day who is anyone to judge me? Only my Father in heaven gets that privilege, no man on earth. Go live your life the way you want to and let everyone else live theirs. Don’t you have enough to worry about in your few days on this earth rather than getting pissed off about what decisions someone else has made for themselves? Life’s too short go enjoy it!
Well said, Nom de Plume (love the pseudonym). You’re essentially endorsing liberty. It’s sad that there are so many totalitarians in America, but they are in the ascendant and they will succeed in destroying America as we know it unless we fight hard.
It’s a battle for the heart and soul of this country – and it’s going to be a close one.
Ta! And I like the name too 😉 Here’s a thought;
“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan
It is not the job of our government to tell the people what to do, it is supposed to protect us. I would say that by trying to force people to take a shot is an extreme overreaching of their job. We the people need to stand strong and do what we need to do to preserve our liberties and freedoms. Hence the agreement with the original poster to say “think for yourselves”
Thank you.
Don’t confuse scientific theory such as Big Bang which comes from theoretical physics with Vaccines which comes from research based science using controlled studies and large observational data sets. As you said, no one saw the big bang. But many people can see the observational data sets from research scientists and therefore it isn’t if you believe them or not, its if you believe in their methods of study or not.
Also don’t confuse those that share opinions as if it were fact. They are the worst of the covid misinformation spreaders. Some even have MDs and PhDs. But you if you don’t have data, you don’t have a REAL opinion.
Not complicated.
Ahhhh you’re one of “those” people…a baiter (someone looking to argue). Well by definition alone Webster’s says this about the word opinion: “a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter.” It didn’t say whether an opinion was “real” and didn’t quantify whether one was or not. So back to my opinion, let people make their own decisions based on whatever they want to make their decision on and leave them alone. Who is anyone to tell me what I need to do or not need to do? Do you pay my bills in this life? Are you married to me? Are you my parents? I’m going to with no to answer these questions so therefore I will make my choices for me and no government or other person has that right or privilege. Being from the South we have a saying which is “bless you’re heart”. Live your life and let others do the same without feeling like you always have to tell people what to do. An ounce of sugar attracts more flies than pile of crap….or do I need to back that up with scientific data? Lol! Just go enjoy your day and I will do the same! Don’t let someone who has made a decision for themselves steal your joy in life. Go, be happy!
And yes I see my typos please forgive the mistakes
He’s not just a”baiter”, he’s a blowhard and a bore. Big time.