Natural Immunity Should Not Be Ignored
Dear Editor,
President Biden announced dramatic steps to “encourage” COVID-19 vaccination. State governments have constitutional authority to require vaccinations. The 1905 Supreme Court decision in Jacobson v Massachusetts set this precedent. However, natural immunity was not considered in that case. This is because smallpox was incredibly lethal to every demographic, especially compared to COVID-19.
The risk-reward balance was much different in that case. In growing numbers of research, natural immunity to COVID-19 provides greater protection than currently available vaccines. It is true that we don’t know how long this natural immunity lasts, but we also do not know how long vaccine immunity lasts. We do not even know if boosters work. We do know that COVID began inducing natural immunity many months, almost a year, before vaccines were available. So, depending on the research design, countless enrollees in research were infected much earlier, for much longer, than those receiving the vaccine.
Until specifically designed time comparison studies are conducted, we have to assume that since COVID was circulating before vaccination became available, that natural immunity lasts at least that much longer than vaccine induced immunity. If the early infected lost protection, they still would be included in the math of many current research designs, watering down the benefits of natural immunity compared to vaccination. If you take those early infected out, assuming they lost immunity over time, the later infected would have been even more beneficial than vaccination. Natural immunity should be considered in policy making.
Many public health advisors have vocally recommended punishing vaccine holdouts. There is no need for prior infected to pay for weekly COVID tests. There is no need to force companies to force employees with natural immunity to receive COVID vaccination. From everything we know, those with natural immunity are less likely than those vaccinated to become infected. So, an effective policy mandating testing would force all individuals, especially those never infected receiving vaccine, to receive weekly testing. Weekly testing is nothing more than punishment for defending science.
There is no need, no proven benefit, to force someone to receive a vaccine, to become susceptible to vaccine side effects, when they already survived the disease.
Alan Burke
I don’t believe the most recent science on this subjects agrees with your assumptions.
A study just published in the journal Emerging Infectious Disease found that 36% of those who had had Covid-19 didn’t have antibodies against the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in their blood. Not to mention the possibility of a false positive covid test. (not sure how common that happens). In addition, the CDC also released a study run in Kentucky that showed those that had covid but didn’t receive the vaccine, were more than twice as likely to be re-infected as those that were vaccinated.
But as always, talk to your doctor about what is best for you. Ignore the unqualified back and forth online between people like me and Alan.
Is your “most recent science” The same science that says a girl can be a boy or a boy a girl just by deciding to? Is it the same “science” that says men can get pregnant and give birth? Is it the same science that says there an infinite number of genders? Of course is isn’t, but it is pushed by the same wackos that believe all that insanity. Anyway, the “most recent science” will change next week, or sooner.
Deflect much there Wayne? Science does evolve as more and more studies are conducted or population data become available over time. That is how we learn and get better and advance technology like mRNA vaccines. It’s ok if can’t keep up. Just don’t use that as excuse to remain ignorant. Alan asked a very fair question that a lot of people are asking. I note two specific studies that counter his thinking. Maybe he will look into them and grow some himself.
Best wishes.
Why do we need a political person telling people in the US when to wear a mask and when to get a shot.These same people are doing everything possible to TAX us like crazy and treat us as if we are totally dependent on the government.I am sure there are some sicko ‘s that look at our government as their savior.I remember President Johnson in early 1960’s sad that I will make sure everyone will have a “chicken in every pot”. This was the start of Poverty in the Us with blacks and whites.Around this time blacks were self sufficient in all aspects of life.They had their own section of town with schools,post office ,doctors and stores with minimal poverty.Then our wonderful go decided that we need to Integrate everyone and everything in America!!!!
We could have achieved the same results if we had started with mixing all children in kindergarten.Then the second year we do the same thing repeating this process until a total mix through high school.But no the government said throw all students together AND utter Caos erupted..The stupidy that is going on in Washington today with the Ignorance of the current administration is at the highest pitch EVER.Only our Lord in Heaven will be able to solve this catastrophe.
“There is no need, no proven benefit, to force someone to receive a vaccine, to become susceptible to vaccine side effects”…for a virus that is 99.5% survivable if a person has no co-morbidities, does not wish to have a vaccine at this time, nor should they be made to have weekly testing done unless they are symptomatic. Science doesn’t support anything else. It’s that simple.
You should sit down with the family of those that have had extended hospital stays or lost a love one. Or have coffee with the doctors and nurses that are dealing with all the unvaccinated patients in ICU. Or even worse, join a doctor as they tell the family of an unvaccinated patient their love one died alone.
Even with all the precautions, advancement in treatments and of course the vaccine. Almost 700k people have died. And you say that is no big deal? Thank goodness we have leaders of our state and country that care more about our fellow Americans to think differently than you do.
Be safe.
And you should sit down with the families of those who have been killed or severely debilitated by the various “vaccines”.