What’s it All About?
Dear Editor
Every democracy invariably devolves into a bifurcation of right versus left. That’s because of the unending battle for power between the government and the governed, between the state and the people.
The power balance has historically been one-sided, with the state exercising almost all power and the people very little. But feudalism and our concomitant serfdom slowly gave way to liberty and republicanism, particularly when one nation rose up by espousing the radical notion that the people were sovereign, not the state. This unique nation pioneered policies of individual freedom, unfettered free markets, social mobility and strictly limited minimalist government. In today’s parlance we would say it was a right-wing country. It was a daring and radical experiment – and it worked! Those policies turned an undeveloped wilderness into the world’s greatest and richest superpower, in less than two centuries.
The politics of the Right sets the people free precisely because the political Right represents the people in the unending battle for control. The Left represents the state. The historic loss of monopoly power by the state has been fought aggressively by those who would rule us, those who crave power over others. They seek to legitimize their lust for power using the fig leaf of “democracy”, now that the Divine Right of Kings and simple oppressive violence have both been discredited. And so the Left worships democracy above all else. They can manipulate it so as to appear to lend legitimacy to what they do. In truth, democracy’s virtue lies only in the fact that it is the least inimical form of governance to liberty. Or as Winston Churchill put it, democracy is the worst possible form of government – except for all the others. Liberty is the goal; democracy is just a mechanism. Liberty is the ultimate expression of power being wrested from the state, and being held by the people. That is why the Left despises and derides liberty. Our current President only recently mocked freedom as he insisted you be forced to accept an injection of a chemical cocktail into your body – whether you like it or not. Spoken like a true tyrant, a true Leftist.
All modern Leftists take up for the state, against the people. They promote the power of the state, advocating for ever more rules, requirements, restrictions and regulations, all the better to control you. They increase the taxes you must pay whenever they can, effectively turning you into their slave for several months of the year. Notice that in any current political debate, no matter the issue, the Left always takes whatever position will empower or enrich the state, at the expense of the people.
If you have spiritual faith, you will be able to see this battle for what it is, when it is laid out for you. Liberty is God given. God gave us freedom because he does not need a planet full of automata forever conforming to his every wish, servile and genuflecting before him. That’s the Devil’s desire. God’s not that insecure. He gave us life because it is a gift in itself, intrinsically worthwhile, and he gave us liberty so that we might come to love him of our own free will, sincerely, and genuinely.
But what does the devil want? Control. He wants to make you his slave, to force you to bend to his will, no matter how debased and degrading it is. And so he works through the political Left worldwide to further his goals. Liberty is anathema to him. It must be destroyed. Any pretext will do, so long as you are less free today than you were yesterday. “If it saves a single life”; we must “save the planet”; we must get our vaccine for “the community” (Satan loves communism); and so on. If he can kill liberty with a death of a thousand cuts, he will. So he works through the political Left, using gullible well-meaning fools as well as the Machiavellian and corrupt who gladly embrace his goals.
Democracies devolve into Right vs. Left because it is the essential battle between good and evil.
The Right is good.
The Left is evil.
Austin Morris
Thank you Mr. Morris. Your point is further magnified with each action by the current federal administration.
God help us all, and God bless America.
Thank you, American Believer.
Our freedoms are not diety-given. They are PRIVILEGES granted by the state. Now freedom of speech isn’t, the right of assembly isn’t, self-defense isn’t.
Guess you haven’t read The Bill of Rights or the Constitution lately. Guess you are more occupied with woke and the alphabet extremists concerns than actual Patriotic duty to the US. Be prepared for the Red Wave a year this past Tuesday. It will go down. You can bet your ass
Biden has spent much time revoking President Trump’s accomplishments! Revoking what was working doesn’t seem to be working!
Because Trump had a no compromise approach to legislation he could drive change by executive order which is a far cry from the real work required to pass real legislation like the recent effort to pass the infrastructure bill.
Austin…….Well said. The Federal government will uses any means to expand its control and diminish the powers of the states and the liberty of the people. A potential solution is the Convention Of States initiative that would trim the powers of the Feds and expand the powers of the States. Another solution lies in having an enlightened electorate vote against and candidate who would reduce our liberty.
Thank you. I’m hopeful a Convention of States can be convened. I’m not hopeful our electorate will become enlightened.
Outstanding, thought provoking letter Austin. It definitely qualifies for inclusion in the “woke detox” curriculum. Carry on sir! Make America Free Again !
Thank you, James.
Again we have Austin covering the basic BS modern conservative talking points with no real basis of either example, data or facts. Such a good sheep for his Party.
Let’s start with the notion that the Left Lusts Power. I assume this means the right does not? All politicians lust power. The Right certainly has a strong lust as best illustrated by their dear leader’s attempt (which he failed at as usual) to overturn a free and fair election based on unproven accusations of fraud. If that isn’t lust for power…what is?
Now let’s cover your perspective of people versus state. The right only cares about individuals who follow them like sheep. All others? They only desire to suppress the individual. Much in the same manor they purge their own party members who dare to disagree with any party line talking point.
You further the cult of individualism when you toss God into your argument. Modern conservatives love to forget how Christ teaches us to shed our wealth for the benefit of the less fortunate. The right would have you believe that poverty is a choice and only the result of individual failure. Truth is that poverty is a very difficult circumstance to breakout of alone. Individualism is fancy word for selfishness which is clearly against Christ’s teachings.
Lastly let’s cover the idea that the Left is evil and the Right is good. Again, let’s use real world examples of evil:
– GOP Rep Upton received death threats because he supported the infrastructure bill…death threats are evil.
– Republicans hate any initiative that provides health care to the poor, unemployed, disabled or those for any other reason cannot afford healthcare. There is nothing more “evil” than turning your back on people who are suffering, especially when they are your neighbor.
– The Republicans deny climate change and demonize those who try to make a difference here. It is certainly “evil” to destroy or hurt the environment which stewards us all.
– Republicans gave the wealthy permanent tax cuts but the average American only received temporary tax cuts while also cutting their ability to file deductions (so actually increased taxes). That level of selfishness is certainly evil.
– Texas Republicans want to ban over 600 books that they don’t ‘Agree’ with…only those with evil intentions have ever burned books.
– MOST EVIL, Republicans attempted to over through a fair and free election using lies to drive their supporters to use violence to disrupt congress. Yup, that’s un-American, Un-patriotic and downright evil.
Truth is that it is neither the State nor the individual that is more important than other, but a good balance between the two. The balance shifts as crisis arises or one side abuses its powers. Open communication and honest dialog is all that is required to keep America Great.
You just don’t get it, do you? You are down in the weeds trying to score petty political points, after you’ve been exposed to profound and eternal truths.
I feel sorry for people like you. God help you.
What Truth’s Allie? As usual, Austin on shares opinions with little in the way of facts. I have seen what Trumpers consider truth and frankly it is lacking any honesty, integrity or morals.
This truth:
“For freedom Christ has set us free. Stand firm then, and do not submit again to slavery”.
Galatians 5:1.
Dear Chris , you are full of it. Death threats galore. I have received anonymous threats as well as my children for my public opinion. Why would they threaten my children some who do not agree with me. Twitter, Facebook cancel conservative voices daily. The Loudon school board gets the FBI to investigate a father who’s daughter was raped by an enlightened liberal. The church of climate change rules all. Do you really think the Chinese Russians Taliban go to bed worried about the climate. Until the activists get them involved it is fruitless- I sure don’t see them pressing the issue with communists. Do you know where the biggest pollution dump sites are? I’ll give you a hint- they’re all in communist countries.
You and your “activists” are either naive, ignorant or fully indoctrinated.
So your rationale is that since bad guys don’t believe in taking action against climate, we should be as irresponsible? What a childish point of view.
I can see a liberal with head in sand
Me too, Garry. That guy comes across as a petulant teenager; one who loves the sound of his own voice…. ad nauseam.
Brillant clarity. So few will understand. Thank you.
Thank you Deborah. I felt it was time to address the fundamentals. I try to lay out reality in the hope that the truth will hit home, and cause Leftists to begin to think for themselves. But you’re right that very few understand.
“You can lead a liberal to the truth, but you can’t make him think”.
Once one accepts that, Our Father is not and, never has been any sort of negotiator, ones faith becomes a relief from the onramps of villainy the devil sets upon us all with.
This former Marine is a, ” ruined lad”, vulgar and, expert at profanities. What’s true is that, this is and, remains, a source of personal shame I actively seek to amend my life of by daily, right living.
Any patient reflection upon our lives ,no matter the ruts we discover in ourselves, reminders are, given faith, in superabundance. Get busy living! It’s a draw your swords and, throw away the scabbards choice for grace and, contentment ain’t it? Depend on it, your choices belong to you and, your faith shall fortify your lives for some grins and, plain ole joy!
Redemption to all, asking for forgiveness encourages humility!
Love and, “keeses”
Brack Valentine.
P.S. I’ve never voted for a kleptocrat.
Well said Austin! To Chris, you need to read the Constitution.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, —“ The founding fathers clearly stated that our freedoms are endowed by our Creator ie God. Just one question I pose to you: if you were in peril and your life at stake would you not cry out to someone?something? God perhaps?? He is alive and well and I hope you find Him before it’s too late for you.
The left is trying to destroy America’s faith in God and it’s evident ever since they started removing God from our institutions starting from within the schools all the way to our legislative halls. The farther we remove Him the more we fall from grace and our nation struggles. I agree with Austin that the left is destroying our nation and trying to start with our freedoms endowed by God. They tell our children to believe in the government yet our beginnings plainly state that we were seeking freedom and yes freedoms that were God given. The people in charge were clearly meant to represent the people not their personal gains. How far how this country fallen from that idea! The left is just angry because people on both sides of the spectrum have said enough. As far as Christ saying “spread the wealth” as you put it that is incorrect. It also says he who doesn’t work doesn’t eat. Everyone is supposed to carry their own weight not depend on others to take care of them. It used to be an embarrassment to depend on others but the government has now convinced people that it’s okay to be helpless and contribute nothing and rely on them. The more people rely on the government for hand outs thr more power they have. Until the government begins to listen to we the people again I believe this country will rebel. As I’ve said before it’s just my two cents worth but that’s what this country is built on, our freedoms and one of them is speech.
You’re right that the Left makes government its God. The most leftist regimes always try to destroy Christian religion (and the family) and make the people worship the state. Orwell saw this clearly. Karl Marx himself had an interesting history with satanism.
And it’s true that those who wish to enslave us will try to destroy our independence. So they create a populace that is dependent on the state, and they try to cripple an independent middle class. And that is exactly what they are doing.
Evil is alive and well – and thriving in the political Left.
Why do conservatives believe they have a lock on faith in god? A big part of my turning away from the modern conservative movement is that it doesn’t support Christs message. Clearly the modern conservative (as Austin clearly points out) is based on a selfish view of individualism that lacks any empathy for others. If anyone is moving this country away from Christ’s message it is the modern conservative.
I will remind you that most poor are working poor. But you go ahead and hide behind your uninformed view of God and let the adults run the country.
Nobody claimed that republicans have the “lock on faith in God” as you put it. This is, however, from the News-Times paper dated August 2019:
“The DNC’s message to those who believe in God evokes The New York Times headline of Jan. 9, 1966, “God is dead,” and the April 8, 1966, Time magazine cover in red letters on a black background asking (and replying) “Is God dead?”
To the DNC, Christians are dead.”
So yes I think democrats are mainly less faith based and rely more on themselves and own self promotion of their self believing intelligence. They tend to talk always about science but never listen to all science, only people who advance their agenda. The conservatives in my opinion are more forgiving of ignorance but make no mistake, they have had enough. The left is upset because the right has finally decided to get back to grassroots and tell the socialists and Marxists and communist supporters that we will not go gently into that good night but we will fight for our God given freedoms. As a side note if you let other people determine your level of faith then I feel for you and will say a prayer for you.
You’re right, Nom de Plume, but that’s the M.O. of the Left. They put words in your mouth, expressing assertions you never made, then they argue that point instead of the point you were actually making. They use these “straw man” arguments because they can’t argue against what we actually said – because they know we’re right.
Chris the Moron does this all the time. In fact his attempt to refute the central message of my letter boils down to a series of petty complaints that Trump and his supporters are imperfect. Talk about missing the point! But then, he can’t debate the point, because he knows I’m right. So he argues against something else.
It’s a classic Straw Man argument.
Your letter lacked any backing facts to argue with other than your standard right wing ignorant giberish of an opinion. I shared facts.
You said Left lusts power but ignore Trump’s attempt to overturn a fair and free election. What evidence of lust for power do you have or can you refute Trump’s lust for power?
Or you still just calling people that disagree with you names like a 4 year sent to the corner to wear his dunce cap?
Philosophy rests on reasoning, not empiricism.
And it’s funny how my letter got so many compliments, isn’t it? Your comments…just scorn and ridicule and derision.
You are quoting headlines from 1966? Really?!
I guess it is like how it is said that ‘Not all republicans are racists, but all racists are republicans’. Or using your words…Republicans are a little less tolerant of others of different color, religion, or life styles.
What is this ‘Other Science’. Are you talking about the 1 of 10 dentists that doesn’t recommend florid toothpaste? Or maybe it is the science that says horse dewormer curse covid? Yes, democrats favor the science of the 9 out of 10 instead of the 1 out of 10 when it comes to public policy. Sure the 1 out of 10 can be write sometimes….but they have to make the case within the scientific community before it can become public policy.
But you be you.
Oops before you correct me I should have written Declaration not Constitution. Sorry I didn’t proofread before hitting send
Chris, you are a hoot!
“Chris the Blowhard” has developed a child-like fixation with me. He chimes in to try to contradict everything I say. If I said 2 + 2 = 4, he would dispute it.
He clearly has psychological and personality issues.
All you can ever do is call me names. Can’t counter the argument their your dear leader Trump lusts power more than any Democrat. You can lead a modern conservative to the truth but you can’t fix stupid.
Your contentions are so fatuous they don’t merit correction.
Says the conservative Sheep to the individual. LMAO
LMAO indeed.
That vernacular is about your level.
And by the way, when someone calls you “X”, calling them “X” back just makes you look childish, like a Kid who says “You’re a stupid idiot too!”.
But then, you have the mentality and maturity of a child, so I shouldn’t be surprised.
I notice that no one attempts to refute the list of evil that comes from the conservative movement? Sad really. Go ahead, tell me Trump doesn’t have a lust for power that Austin accuses (with out any backing of example or facts) democrats’ of having.
You are barely capable of making a comment without mentioning me by name. I should feel flattered, but I’m not, because you have the maturity and intellect of an adolescent.
Go ahead and have the last word – no matter how inane.
That’s what kids do, isn’t it?
Good letter
Thanks Julee!
I received a lot of kind words & compliments on it, and a little snide carping from the usual suspect.
You can’t win ’em all.