Now There Are Two
Dear Editor,
Well, Mark, you had a good run. Lots of news coverage as the first black lieutenant governor of North Carolina. And best of all he is conservative!
But all good things must come to an end and so it is for Mark and his awesome battle with the liberal Dems and RINOS in this great state. A new black conservative political hero has emerged. And it’s a female! And she doubled down by releasing a photo of her holding an AR-15! Yes!
Of course, Mark Robinson knows I’m kidding … I hope. He is a good friend whom I have the utmost respect for and admire very much for his beliefs and strength, in not just standing strong to his beliefs and positions, but also for his willingness to personally and publicly fight back and defend his positions and supporters.
But now he has a political partner in Lt. Gov.-elect Winsome Sears of Virginia. A conservative who is a black female veteran that appears to have the same attitudes and beliefs as Mark. And she’s armed! This is awesome.
All kidding aside, I believe this signals a potentially major shift in people’s attitude toward conservative politics and their level of involvement. I see this as a shift to a “we’re not going to take it anymore” attitude, and it’s about time. As conservatives we must stand not behind elected representatives like these two, but beside them as they tell the liberal/socialist-loving/anti-American left “bring it”! When these milksops start accusing you of things and calling you names, use my favorite reply – “and your point is?”
Mark and Winsome are setting the example real true conservatives need to be publicly emulating.
The key operative word here is “publicly.” We cannot and must not be concerned about expressing our beliefs and positions and then standing by them. I have seen too many so-called “conservatives” back down. Mark, and I’m sure Winsome, are examples of the people we need representing us. There are plenty of them out there and all they need is the encouragement and support of we the people.
North Carolina, vote Mark Robinson for governor, and Virginia, good on for electing Winsome Sears lieutenant governor.
Carpe diem.
Alan Marshall
Couldn’t have said it better. Both Winsome and Robinson are great examples of who we need in congress. We don’t need any more “Rinos” in public office, saying one thing to get elected, then caving in to the liberals to keep their seats in congress.
Funny you mention how people should not fear expressing their beliefs when it is the modern conservative that will shut you down, call you a RINO, and threaten your role in politics if you don’t support every conservative talking point (including the blatant lies).
The Rhino Times hasn’t shut you up yet, has it?
Cancel culture from Austin Morris. Classic!
Did I say they should shut you up?
Do try to focus – otherwise you just look stupid.
Speak away Chris. There is no cancel culture with conservatives. How many times did you see conservative students at various North Carolina universities shout down a speaker? It is the “left” who has their minions in purple hair that shouts down a speaker, turns their backs on them as a protest, etc. THEY are the ones who are afraid of dialogue. They also remind me of the brown-shirted youths who supported Hitler and smashed anyone who disagreed with him.
If the liberals in our country succeed in silencing anyone who disagrees with them, that will prove the point of conservatives who want more free speech, and liberals who only want “their” speech and ideas to be heard.
If so. . . . they are following the liberal playbook. . . . . like the shunning in some religions. I’ve never seen a group of conservatives blocking a speaker at a college, but the liberal “woke” generation goes “bezerk” and drowns out the conservative speakers. If they don’t like what they are hearing, they should leave, not throw temper tantrums like 5 year olds.
Right, Republicans just want to ban books they don’t agree with.
Disagreeing and trying to get someone voted out of office who doesn’t represent ones values is the entire point of elections. “RINO” is nothing compared to what people who support a moderate populist agenda that checks the power of big government, big pharma, AND mega corporations have been called. I get RINO’s call anyone who believes in a foreign policy lead by goals of peace and stability, and domestic policy which keeps both the government and big corporations from continuing to concentrate power in our once successful free markets (aka MAGA), all kinds of names. But, despite your assertion – MAGA isn’t “silencing” anyone. MAGA is winning because the policy outcomes are better for everyone. MAGA is winning on substance – RINO’s and leftist win only with censorship of their opposition.
No one from MAGA is “silencing” you. What we are doing is reclaiming the party from big government war mongering neocons like George W. If you have better policies that could gain popular support, then you have nothing to fear about losing public office or being on the receiving ends of jokes. Loosing support for your pro-war globalist aspirations is simply an indication the public has wised up to politicians who don’t actually hold conservative values running under the name of a party whose platform is free markets and limited government – and not a single person “silenced” you to do it.
Finally! someone that posts here with more typos and grammatical errors than me! Awesome.
You are right. No one is silencing me as I left the party and now think for myself instead of being a member of party that believes you have to be 100% in line with their narrow minded talking points supporting a failed business leader who tried to overturn a fair and free election.
Yes, there are indeed people who are more stupid than you.
Who woulda thunk?
Great letter Alan!!