Greensboro Gasoline Sent To Maryland
Dear Editor,
So, it was interesting to see where gasoline stored in Greensboro was pumped to first when Colonial Pipeline tried to restart on May 11, 2021. Colonial still does not know when gasoline will be delivered to Greensboro, but they worked hard to make a special delivery to “Maryland.” The news media very quickly omitted the “place” in Maryland it was sent. But if you go back to early articles, you will find that place is Dorsey, Maryland. So, while we are struggling to find gas in Greensboro, you will be happy to know what little gasoline Colonial had stored in Greensboro was sent to His Fraudulency and fiends in DC. Yes, Dorsey is just outside DC on the way to Baltimore. Just another example of “just for me, but not for thee” treatment that continues to spew out of the left.
RD Hicks
How is this a Right or Left issue? You make it seem as if the Right doesn’t have the same issue. You lose credibility when you show your conservative bias. Speak the issue, not an assumed source of bias. Sad how everything has to be about making the other guys look bad more than doing what is right.
Be it known …Greensboro has the largest inland fuel storage facilities on the east coast. It has long been an anticipated target for the bad guys. Be it also known, these days when just about all is controlled by computers, including Colonial Pipelines, most operations of this nature have a “plan B”. Now, for your further edumacation … they, Colonial, have a redundancy built into the system, which happens to be manual operated values and pumps. IMO, this purported crisis or hack is merely a pretext for things to come … and it ain’t good. Ride a bike or better yet, get out and walk for a change.
They didn’t hack the pipeline, they hacked the billing system. Want to control a company? Control their flow of money not their flow of product. Imagine what it will be like when (not if) a large financial institution gets hacked?
You sound like a comic book writer, drawing your moustache swirling villains plotting their evil campaign against the “righteous” Americans. In reality, it’s just some people using their skills to make a few bucks – laws don’t apply to the powerful.
Numbsterd, same ol blathering of opinion and absolutely no facts. And that is a fact! Anti-American Libtard socialist. You truly are a POS! Sincerely your Captain
What is anti-American in that comment. Triggered much?
“In reality, it’s just some people using their skills to make a few bucks – laws don’t apply to the powerful.”
What happened to the time honored principle of “just do the right thing.”
Joe, explain to me what the “wrong” thing was. You may need to quote bible verses so I know you are super cereal.
Republicans as as a whole, are not much better! Proof’s in the pudding they’ve all made