Sliding Into Socialism
Dear Editor,
The federal government kicking in extra money for unemployment during the COVID-19 crisis did, to some extent, makes sense as a temporary form of assistance while the country came close to shutting down at the height of the pandemic.
The problem is things are coming back under control. We are getting back to some semblance of normality. Employers are trying to re-staff but can’t seem to find people. Why? Maybe because they are making more money on unemployment than they would if they went back to work.
More and more states are opting out of the federal assistance program and cutting unemployment payments back to what they were previously. As they do, people see they can’t keep up their lifestyle and are starting to return to the workplace. But there are still states that have not opted out of the federal assistance programs, North Carolina being one of them.
With the economy acting like it is, I can’t blame people, to some extent, for opting for the more financially secure path, but there are limits. And it doesn’t help when “Duke” Cooper won’t end participation in the federal program. I would love to know why, but to my knowledge nobody has asked him.
The Michigan governor has added another level to this whole thing, telling people if they go back to work they will still be able to draw unemployment, albeit at a lower rate, until the situation stabilizes. I’m sure there are limits on how much one can make before losing that extra income, along with a time limit. But the point is either you are working and earning a paycheck, or you’re drawing a check from the state. Some questions I have are: “Is there a time limit on this?” and “How much can a person make before losing the state check?” This is going to be interesting to watch.
In my opinion, this entire situation has given us a very small glance at what the extreme left would love to see happen, that being this country sliding into socialism. Fortunately, more and more states are opting out of the federal assistance program and I want to see how many of those are run by Republican majority versus Democrat.
2022 can’t get here soon enough.
Alan Marshall
Really? Printing the same letter twice just a week apart? Do you see how terrible this publication is yet?
You don’t have to read it, and you certainly don’t need to leave your snarky comments.
You don’t have to read my comments and you certainly don’t need to leave your pitiful responses to them.
Let’s face it, either Alan has Alzheimer’s and forgot he wrote the same thing 7 days previously or the Rhino is pushing his politics because it is desperate.
If it’s so terrible, why are you reading it? I’d get up and get out of the basement for some sunshine, or better yet, volunteer with a local agency.
Know what? Increase wages and people will get back to work. There’s no other way. Deal with it.
Stop giving away money and they will have to get back to work. As long as Biden continues to use a credit card without limits, most people will continue on their “holidays” since they are earning as much as they did when they were working. Reminds me of “Daddy Warbucks” giving out money to buy votes, keep people happy, no need to work, etc. . . .just remember who to vote for in the next election. Democrats call it “walking around money” and they hand it out in elections to get people to vote for them.
Several weeks ago, I sent Cooper an e-mail asking him to stop the Federal unemployment. Glad I didn’t hold my breath for a response!
So Alan doesn’t support single mothers or families who relied on school for childcare? School only returned 4 days per week for elementary aged kids. Or maybe people became wise to the idea that working for NC minimum wage and paying for afterschool care didn’t make financial sense.
Stop believing all the right wing talking points. The welfare queen pitch was a lie and people not returning to NC minimum wage jobs because they are lazy is a lie.
If labor shortages are due to generous unemployment benefits, then how do you explain the same situation happening in Mexico, in Europe, and in Australia? Labor shortages appear to be global and more likely due to a disruption caused from covid 19 that will indeed balance itself out. No one is necessarily going back to the same job so it takes time to get the balance right.
Unfortunately, our public education systems are only requiring a minimum of effort for promotion to each grade level and eventual graduation, thus rendering a minimum overall skill level for application upon entrance to the workforce. Minimum skills should have no expectations for maximum wages. However, anonymous sources have recently revealed that there is now a big demand for anyone that is bi-lingual and that jobs as translators will bring maximum wages especially those hired by Social Services.
Wtf is “maximum wage”. Quit making ish up.
No sense bashing other people for their comments. Everyone’s opinion is welcome here, even mine.
Apparently calling out lies is “bashing other people”? Nope, it’s calling out lies. It’s pointing out flaws in an argument. It’s questioning and not just accepting what others portray as truth. That’s debate. It’s nothing personal, how could it be? Everyone here is anonymous.
Hi Lemmie. I was referring to all the ugliness directed at other people. Not everyone is right or wrong about anything, all the time, or none of the time.
Alan Marshall has no idea what the definition of Socialism is, which makes the rest of his musings, amusing.