Making Sense Out Of The Senseless
Dear Editor,
On Election Night, Nov. 3, 2020, my beloved brother, Mark Freedman, was killed while leaving his restaurant on Dolley Madison Road. Our family’s shock, sorrow and questions continue to endure while his killer remains free. My brother’s murder was so senseless. If you know something, please come forward. If the information leads to an arrest, you will receive $20,000. It’s completely anonymous.
In 2021, senseless killings continue. So many Greensboro families are suffering as we are, yet the community is responding. Since my brother’s death, friends have formed a non-profit foundation, Mark’s Angel Foundation, to honor my brother’s legacy. The foundation is hosting a community golf tournament on Oct. 4, 2021, to raise money for the Crime Stoppers reward account and for local charities.
Another group, Mother’s Standing Against Gun Violence, a boots on the ground group of mothers who’ve lost their children to gun violence, as well as concerned community members, walk and canvass neighborhoods with Crime Stopper fliers, connecting with residents, encouraging them to share leads about crimes committed in the area. They walk often and on Wednesday, Aug. 18; they will walk for my brother.
If you have important information or you want to walk with us, call Crime Stoppers, (336) 373-1000. To learn more about the golf tournament and foundation, please visit
The community is coming together and trying to make sense out of these senseless acts of murder. Please join us. We need you. We need everyone.
Thank you,
Robin Freedman
I wonder which nitwit will be the first to try to point out that guns aren’t violent? Will it be “Wayne”, “Austin Morris”, “America Believer”, “Just Sayin”, or will someone new enter the fold? In reality, I’m guessing they’ll hush hush this time because they only shout their brand of MAGA when they are okay with outwardly being disrespectful to other humans and I don’t think they’ll feel that way regarding a White, male, small business owner.
Robin, very sorry for your loss and wish you the best in continuing the grieving process.
Juan, have you ever seen a violent gun? I haven’t either. You probably don’t like hammers, crowbar, ballbats and knives either. Want to ban manhole covers? They are occasionally used as weapons, but only by violent people. We don’t need gun control– we need criminal control.
Second place Wayne, second place.
We are not disrespectful to “other humans”, and your snide character assassination is completely unwarranted.
Unwarranted? Yet you predictably defended guns. Hmm.
If anyone wants to check the receipts there aren’t 5 less respectful users than “Austin Morris”. Literally used a woman’s grief to make their point about the 2nd amendment. So respect.
Juan, it’s really easy to appear brilliant. Just think of something really stupid to post and then don’t post it. You’ve already mastered the first part.
Oh dear, you really are going low, aren’t you?
If you want to actually debate the issue instead of slinging mud, go right ahead.
Gun deaths, just like vehicular deaths, overdoses, stabbings, you name it, are caused by the irresponsibility of the person in charge of them. A car driven into a crowd by a drunk or by a terrorist is no less deadly than a gun in an irresponsoble person’s hands. As far as homicide goes, people who choose to resolve a dispute with a weapon rather than seeking a nonviolent resolution are to blame, not the weapon, be it a gun, knife, car, baseball bat, or whatever. But keep blaming guns and ignoring the fact that irresponible people with low morals are going to keep doing what they’re doing. Take the gun away, and sure the convenience of killing by squeezing a trigger goes away, but someone who wants to kill another human will still have the means to do so. Focus on why people commit murder, not how. Solve the problem of “why” or at least address it instead of just taking the easy route and blaming guns,
Taking guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens is NOT the answer. You can ban guns all you want, but criminals are still going to have them and use them. Violent criminals are the ONLY people who benefit from gun laws, because criminals don’t obey the law.
Murder is already illegal. It doesn’t matter if someone is killed with a gun, a brick, a stick, a knife, or a car. The murder and overall crime rates are higher in areas that have the strictest gun laws. Think about that and ask yourself “Why is that?”. Look at the weekly shooting statistics in Chicago, where they have some of the hardest gun legislation on the books.
When you wake up one day (maybe) and realize why we have our 2nd amendment, you’ll be thankful for every gun in the hands of law abiding Americans. Remember, the 2nd amendment doesn’t give us the right to keep and bear arms – that right is bestowed upon us by our creator. The 2nd amendment restricts the government from infringing on that right. Our constitution was written by men who were at war with a tyrannical British monarchy, who could do anything they wanted to their unarmed subjects.
Instead of trying to teardown the greatest nation on earth, why don’t you move somewhere that has successfully removed their citizens’ abilities to defend themselves. Venezuela comes to mind. Currently in the news, Australia would be a good fit.
America – love it or leave it!!
I hope your brother’s murderer is found and brought to justice. Criminal violence too often goes unpunished in our society. Your pain must be ineffable and will never disappear, but I beg you not to jump to the conclusion that the answer is to invalidate the Second Amendment. If your brother had a gun would he have been able to defend himself?
There are more guns in America than people. This is not an historically unarmed country, like the UK. Americans have always been armed because the Revolution was made possible by our guns, and succeeded because of that. There is no putting the genie back in the bottle once he’s out.
The answer is not to support one of these silly well-intentioned anti-gun organizations.
The answer is to make sure you can protect yourself and your family as you go about your daily life.
Sad but true.
Good luck and God Bless.
And, Bob’s your uncle!
If Juan hadn’t posted his asinine remarks on here we might have thought he was an idiot, but he removed all doubt.
The funny thing is the “asinine” thoughts were just wondering out loud who would turn this person’s grief after her brother was killed by a gun (that’s right, it wasn’t the mans hand that killed him, it was the bullet from the gun) into an opportunity to talk gun rights.
And….. here you both are.
You are so open-minded, Wayne, as always.
Too true, Wayne.
I don’t even understand what his comment means.
Nobody does.
It’s just gibberish.
Hey Juan, your English is as tortured as your reasoning.
Buy a grammar book, and you might learn to construct lucid intelligible sentences. But you’d have to learn to think lucidly first…
Mi inglés es mejor que mi español. Pero, si quiere convertir esto en insultos personales infundados, eso es cosa suya.
Cer o ma, bach.
It’s great that we can disagree. But is not necessary to ugly about it. Try a reasonable alternative.