Aiding and Abetting
Dear Editor,
There are essentially three steps to illegally enter and remain in the US. First, get to the border. Second, cross the border. Third, get as far away from the border as possible.
Illegally crossing the border and remaining near it is like breaking into a store then sitting outside when the police arrive. Illegals are concentrated near the border. Law enforcement are also more concentrated there. Citizens and law enforcement are more likely to notice the higher concentrations. The further away the less conspicuous and the less likely citizenship status will be questioned by anyone. The further geographically removed the less likely judges will feel/notice negative impacts of the crime. Communities with fewer illegal entrants, fewer negative effects, are less concerned/aware of illegal entry.
According to recent reports, the federal government has been secretly transporting illegals to other parts of the country, away from the border. Likely, when a bus or airplane arrives, federal employees ask for volunteers to board. They are then whisked away. The faster this is done, the less noticeable.
Many of the individuals will be taken away from their appointed court sites. The federal government encouraged this. This provides illegal entrants an excuse for missing appointed court hearings. They will claim that since the government transported them away from the court site, that they are new to the area and don’t know its geography, the federal government prevented them from appearing. They didn’t know Portland, Maine, was thousands of miles away from their appointed Texas court hearing. Of course, they will not have resources to attend the hearing or know how to update their address.
The longer illegal entrants linger near the border, the more noticeable, and the less able, to hide the negative impacts. They sped up diffusion to hide the true extent of illegal immigration from media/voters. They didn’t just hide this from taxpayers, they hid it from statisticians. The number of illegal entrants is therefore much higher than estimates.
The executive branch isn’t just refusing to enforce legislation, it is actively participating in the law breaking. It is helping law breakers get lost among the populace to evade accountability. Basically, the federal government is trying to drive the criminal to a less suspecting jurisdiction, before the crime is noticed. It is using taxpayer money to conceal objective and subjective evidence to paint opposition as ignorant racists for expressing legitimate concerns.
Alan Burke
The boogy man fear mongering continues with misinformation and lies.
The administration does transport asylum seekers to other states. Often to be with or near known family members but also to spread out the families so one area of the country doesn’t carry the burden as many church groups nationwide help with immigrants as they work through the court system. They are not illegal and their court appointments are also spread out to balance the impossible case load of the underfunded court systems.
The Biden administration has also been recently been criticized for flying illegal immigrants to different cities to be sent back to Mexico. This is again to balance the workload of areas with higher concentrations of boarder captures. But I assume you support this action (as I do) as they are sent back to Mexico.
The idea that the current Administration ‘just lets illegals’ cross the boarder is absurd fear mongering. Yes, the Trump administration’s hardline rhetoric and at times actions, decreased the volume of illegals claiming Asylum. But the process for handling cases is largely the same between the administrations.
We need to fix the process around the asylum process to increase the speed of processing while also being sensitive to human rights. Sure, Biden and team can do a better job in messaging and holding a harder line, but they are NOT letting people in by skirting law or process. I guess the truth isn’t scary enough for you Alan. Tighten down your tinfoil hat and you will be just fine.
Talk about misinformation and lies. Where have you been? They ARE illegal! The administration does “just let the illegals cross”. Wake up. Fixing the speed of processing asylum seekers is not the problem. The problem is we have an open wound at the border and it is time someone stitched it closed! Stop drinking the Biden kool-aid. It will just continue to lull you to sleep.
How do you propose closing the boarder AB? A wall? They they climb, tunnel, etc… I think you are the one who has drank the Kool-Aid of a foolish and ignorant past president who couldn’t get reelect even if rigged the election. LOL
Immigration is how our country works. The idea of isolating us from the diversity of this world is ignorant and only proposed by people who fear those they don’t understand. Go hide in your corner and keep that tin-foil hat on tight.
I believe that to be legally seeking asylum, you are required to do it in the first country you enter after fleeing your home country. Therefore, only citizens of Mexico could seek asylum if entering America from the Meixcan border. So those persons from other countries entering there are in fact illegal.
Wow, didn’t know we had such as expert on international law on the forum! Can I seek your legal counsel please? I understand you know a lot about the asylum laws for every single country that is connected by land to the USA.
Nevermind I just googled it. There’s nothing about it having to be “in the first country you enter after fleeing your home”. So really, you’re just full of ^Austin Morris^.
QUIT JUST MAKING THINGS UP, we aren’t in church.
I’m not going to waste a bunch of time educating you when you could put the effort in for yourself, but here is one example between the US and Canada. It’s called the Canada-US Safe Third Country Agreement of 2004. One of the requirements of that agreement is that the refugee entering either of those two countries MUST make the claim for asylum in the FIRST country they arrive in. They cannot pass through Canada to get to the US and vice versa, unless they can make a validated Third Country claim. Similar agreements exist with other countries.
You use an example of a specific agreement with Canada to decry immigrants coming from Mexico? Hmmm. Literally all Trump tried to do was establish a similar agreement with Mexico so we wouldn’t have to take any immigrants (because you literally can’t get to the US from Central America by land without entering Mexico first).
Since you are too (lazy? much better than me? smart? busy?) to care to try to have a conversation and educate on your perspective – because I can’t research your opinion – how do you expect to foster conversation and influence my opinion on the matter?
OK let me guide you through it. Go to the US embassy website. Go to the embassy in Mexico. Read about third country visas. Focus on the paragraph that says:
A third-country national (TCN) is a citizen of a country other than Mexico who applies for a non-immigrant visa with their non-Mexican passport. Routine appointments for applicants not ordinarily resident in Mexico are not available at this time.
Focus again on that last sentence. Under routine circumstances, you cannot get a visa to enter the US through Mexico if you are from a country other than Mexico. You cannot pass through countries seeking asylum, just to get to the US. You seek asylum in the first country you get to when you flee your home country.
Alan this is a well planned method to disperse the illegals throughout the country so that they are not visible at the border. It is a simple “out of sight, out of mind” concept that the demons of the democratic party believe will aid in their power ploys. Who pays for these people’s lodging, food, health care, education? The taxpayer in the area where they are dropped. Who pays for their legal bills and provides child care? How do they earn a living? This is treason at its highest level and the current administration is to blame. Treasonous acts should be investigated, the guilty tried in courts where the taxpayers are the jurors and they should be sentenced, disbarred, removed from office and have all their wonderful lifetime percs invalidated. Only true Americans can stop this. It is a takeover by criminals and people who only want handouts. We already have enough of them in the US, we do not need anymore.
It’s also worth noting that these so called “asylum seekers” are not being dispersed to Washington, D.C. and if they truly are seeking asylum from religious or political oppression, and criminal violence, they may be in for a rude awakening as are those “woke” Americans that have been so quick to embrace the utopian promises of the Marxist narrative.
could you clarify what you mean when you say “in for a rude awakening”? It is exceptionally vague.
Oh, don’t forget that, coming soon to your local vacant American Hebrew Academy, will be several hundred illegals.
Any news on that Hammer?
This is the biggest and sickest act that Joe Biden has done to America.He promised to protect Americans and in reality he is destroying America.Is he in fir a big surprise when all these illegals vote R .Alll the time the Dems are counting on illegals to bail them out in the next election.Again Joe lied when he said I’ll govern those that did not vote for me!!I I will not stop fracking.1) he opened the illegal flood gates,started rounded up all conservatives that entered the House of Representatives,closed down all fracking and drilling for oil.Those are just 3.There are others that I did not mention.Help out Republicans and vote out these people.