Broken Nation Can Move Forward
Dear Editor,
How does this divided and broken nation move forward after the past four years of turmoil and discontent? There is a way but it won’t be easy and it won’t happen over night, but it can happen. The anger and distrust of government can be moderated by job creation and federal programs that provide an immediate lift for those struggling to pay bills and feed their families. By so doing, the negative energy can be redirected thus lowering the temperature and building trust and confidence.
President Biden knows and understands this and is taking steps to defeat the coronavirus and meet the economic crisis head-on. No president can do this alone. A key to success requires all of us to stay calm, thoughtful and fact-based and focus on reaching out to those in need thus creating a unity of spirit and a sense of caring, always putting others before self and country before political party loyalty.
So let us start doing our part beginning now.
Bob Kollar
Or we all act like a democrat by burning, looting, casting unfounded allegations of misdoings and in general create division and mistrust.
Bob, how can you accuse Democrats of casting unfounded allegations and misdoings and ignore the Republicans who push Qannon conspiracy theories or push false flag accusations about school shootings as house rep Greene does. And of course let us not look past Trump pushing the election fraud conspiracy theory where no evidence has been presented that holds up to even the most basic of scrutiny.
The real source of hate and distrust comes from those that have used it to gain power….i.e. Republicans. They even tried to over though a fairly elected president of the United States by storming the capitol and killing a police officer.
But you want to worry about some broken windows and trash bin fires from BLM protestors? Sure they are criminals and should (and have been) arrested. But at least they are protesting a real problem versus Republicans protesting a lie.
But you be you Bob.
Yep, just have the federal government throw the slop to the hogs and they will be happy, happy, happy.
More federal spending is simply not the answer to economic recovery. We are still, for now, a Republic. Simply adding to our great grandchildren’s burden will only buy votes from individuals with an attitude that they are owed something.
This country is hopelessly divided by the economics put forth by past and New Democratic Leaders who always say “I’m from the Government and I’m here to help “. Truth be told they really mean “I’m from the Government and I’m here to help myself.
This guy never ceases to amaze me. He wants a cumbaya period after four years of anything but, from the most anti American, divisive Democratic party in decades.
Where, pray tell, was your outrage when your golden boy increased the debt by 36% in four years?? Oh yeah, I forget, it only counts if it is done by a Democrat. Puhhleeze
So Bob was ok with the turmoil under Trump, but now we are supposed to “submit and obey”? By the way, Trump was responsible for getting a vaccine out in record time, not Biden, but I see Bob missed that. We are heading back to the tax and spend policies of the Obama years. Bob may approve of that, but I do not.
First vaccine available had NOTHING to do with Trump or our Gov, just sayin
BlahBlah, who do you think signed Operation Warp Speed? Who do you think funded it? I’ll help you here… it was Trump and the Federal Government respectively. Up and yappin when you should sit down and shut up! Thank you for proving once again (as if we need more) the liberals do not know anything about everything.
Bob Kollar, you’ll have to forgive me for saying this but you are an idiot! How do you dumbacrats hold your breath so long. You’ve had your head in your — for over a decade now. Did you really I mean REALLY think before you posted such bull? The great white dope has killed more jobs in a week than the China virus has killed Americans! All of the unrest the country endured the past four years was perpetrated and ENDORSED by your Democrat party! Don’t tell us real Americans that we need to wait patiently on the government to feed us and fall in line like you stupid socialist want us to! What we had was working great. Lowest unemployment across the board EVER! Yeah, I bet that sucked having a job to go to for you ignorant socialist. Wow! Paying your own way…. horrible. Might I suggest we real Americans here in North Carolina require an IID to vote like was VOTED on and PASSED! You liberal/socialist can’t scam the system if you have to have proof of who you are. BTW Joe Biden doesn’t even know where he is half the time so he can’t know much about anything else. Joe Biden is not now nor will he ever be my president! I don’t care what Alan Marshall says! The Biden Harris regime is a fraudulent scam committed by the DumbacRAT party. Crooks! Every damned one of them!
Typical: “The great white dope has killed more jobs in a week than the China virus has killed Americans!”
Let’s break it down….
“The great white dope” – race baiting? drug reference? at a minimum, juvenile name calling
“has killed more jobs in a week” – the only federally available unemployment numbers available during the Biden presidency are for the week ending Jan. 23 – the 4th day of his presidency. In that week, unemployment claims dropped by about 67,000 from the previous week. You seem to be talking about people’s thoughts about policy that might kill their industry, not actual jobs lost. Joe Biden did not fire anyone.
“than the China virus” – xenophobic still? typical.
“killed Americans!” – over 400,000 (that’s four hundred thousand) Americans have died from COVID-19. Even the most conservative of press suggests some falsehood of Biden slashing 50,000 jobs. That’s about 1/8 the number of Americans that have died from COVID-19.
While Joe Biden might not ever be “your” president, he is *THE* president. (That’s a period at the end of that sentence.)
Bob, so touchy feely, you almost creep me out as much as the perverted Biden’s. I’ve got a fact for you… you’re an idiot. Joe Biden doesn’t even know what he’s signing off on with his STUPID executive or more like excremental orders. He says so himself… “I don’t even know what I’m signing”then some commie in charge of his diapers yells… “sign it anyway” What the hell is that? If a nurse were to hear you saying that to your 78 year old grandmother you can bet the farm you’ll be speaking with a social worker and a lawyer pretty damned quick! How the hell could anyone trust that? Nah. You need to stop living in utopia and get back to reality.
Blah, blah, blah….more BS from the left.
This guy never ceases to amaze me. He wants a cumbaya period after four years of anything but, from the most anti American, divisive Democratic party in decades.
Does President Biden know and understand the economic and employment consequences associated with cancelling the pipeline and raising the minimum wage to $15/hour?
Bob Kollar…”last 4 years or turmoil and discontent”????? Our America was gaining strength & prosperity after 8 years of selling ourselves to the highest bidder and bowing to anti humanitarian sadly we’ll be back in the pockets of China..right where Biden, his worthless son and old cronies politicians want us. Sad time for America…God stay with us all
Haaaaa Haaaaa Haaaaa ROTF LMAO!!!! Just rich how effective that kookaid, I mean koolaid is.
Like everyone else here, Bob is entitled to his own opinion. He is right about one thing, the new President deserves a chance. A “honeymoon”, if you will. What with all the hostility, something President Trump never enjoyed.
When you get back from the land of Oz Bob Kollar, you’ll find we the people don’t want the current administration to “help us do anything.” Our real president brought this country out of the darkness and into the light. He showed us just how corrupt Washington, DC REALLY is and it is frightening! God please save us.
Yep, everything is so much brighter under that white sheet. So how much did he and his blood sucking offspring make off the country?? Corrupt, I believe that IS the definition of a Trump.
WickedWitch, I think you hit the second w when you actually where looking for the B! Anyways, what was said to imply anyone was a racist? You sacks of excrement aka demoncrats can’t stand on any real facts and always circle back to the weak old pity party cry….. racism! Division and deception… same ol same ol…nothing new from the socialist. Have you idiots thought about your economic status? Well as a former citizen of a corrupt socialist country in the news lately, you will NOT be upper middle class when the socialism you seek becomes policy. There are only two classes. There are the elite RULING class and then there is YOU and everyone else, the POOR! Your theory is flawed. My former country has motion elections too. The last election in my new country, as I am now U.S. citizen was just like my former home. It was a sham! You do not need to be very smart to look in a mirror and see what’s in front of you. I know what I saw and I feel like my freedom was stolen. Not one American should be happy about what has happened here! You may be wicked but you are no Баба яга!
Welcome to the 3rd world s___hole all you Leftists. You asked for it, you got it!!!
There were plenty of jobs that were elevating Americans from the bottom up before a 100 year Pandemic hit the world. I take no solace that the Biden Administration is “leading” America in the fight against Covid19. He is doing nothing different than what has already been attempted. The surge in cases and deaths is affecting those states that have the most severe mandates as well as those that were more open. Honestly, I thought Covid was over after January 20th. CNN took down the DEATH scoreboards that paraded across the screen every day during the previous administration. TV networks aren’t leading off every morning and evening with 5 minutes of pictures of hospitals and grave sights and numbers on top of numbers on another historic, unprecedented cases and deaths. Bob, here a fact for you. The pandemic will end with herd immunity and vaccinations. And NOTHING else. Unfortunately, you and your party can blindly claim credit, but this was all made possible by the leadership of the previous administration. The media promoting Biden’s “challenge” of 100 vaccines in 100 days. We are almost there on January 20th. And when AstraZeneca gets approved in 3 weeks, 1 Billion more….thats with a B, Bob, vaccines will be available. And NONE of this will have anything to do with Joe Biden or anyone else involved in the current administration. But you can polish up on your empty unity speeches and take the next four years to blame every failure of this administration on Donald Trump. Like Barack did with George Bush.
Before the pandemic hit there was also a team of public health professionals specifically with the responsibility to be prepared for this type of event. Also before the pandemic hit, Trump proposed a budget cutting medicine and science funding by billions, including $838 Million in cuts to the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Disease and $1.2 Billion to the Centers for Disease Control. When leadership of the biodefense group of the National Security Council abruptly resigned in 2018, they were never replaced.
When you say “this was all made possible by the previous administration” you have a point. Without their leadership, there wouldn’t be nearly as severe of a problem to overcame. They did make this possible! And, because of their ineptitudes, they made it possible for someone else to lead – someone that doesn’t think coronavirus will just disappear. Since last February, Trump had stated it was disappearing or going to disappear no less than 30 times. In March, in April, in June, following his own positive test, and on and on.
Line up for toilet paper. Let them take your hard earned money and give it to those who make babies to draw a check .get a free home,give baby daddy shelter to make more gov.funded checks. Go to Dr. Get diagnosed with cancer or your child and the gov.says come back in 2 years for a test. Ask anyone that immigrated from a communist block country. If you like socialism go to russia.or fascism read about it or go to a country who already has it. Apparently nobody is read their history books. They make it up as they go just to suit them.