Inflation On The Way
Dear Editor
It seems that every week I get some piece of junk mail from the AARP, plus their magazine full of ads. Life insurance, car insurance, Medicare insurance, other senior-targeted stuff. Most all of these items can be purchased elsewhere with better terms, and at less money. Or you can buy it at the same price yourself, without the endorsement. The AARP doesn’t do a thing for me except to sell my name to “third parties” who, in return for kickbacks to the AARP, are allowed to use the AARP name as a “seal of approval.” Very like the “Good Housekeeping” la-di-dah. Their endorsement don’t give you jack.
I have been careful not to give them my phone number. I have no idea how I would be further pestered if they had that info. By the way, if you haven’t blocked your phone ID, do so. But even if you have blocked your ID, a call to a toll-free number is not blocked. Avoid using a toll-free number, get a land line number if you can find it. I will try snail mail to opt out.
We’ve received our Care Act checks and are expecting another windfall soon. Most are getting fastened to the government teat, so it is actually difficult for our representatives to vote against these giveaways. If our representatives vote against it, they stand a good chance to lose their next election. So much for two parties. We are getting even closer to that $10,000-$12,000 guaranteed income. With all the other welfare goodies, I’m pretty sure we are well past it. Can I get a free phone?
Where does the money come from? Certainly not from receipts. Literally, they just print it, or send it electronically. So, what’s the problem? Have you looked at what anything costs today? Even food, which we have plenty of, is more expensive. My favorite burger joint is asking $5 for a bacon, egg and cheese biscuit. Such a deal. Figure out what half a strip of bacon, one egg and a speck of cheese costs, 1 ounce of flour. $1? Less. But wait! When the $15 an hour wage bill passes, then it would cost the restaurant $150 to pay 10 people for one hour, x hours open. What do you think your over-priced mini-biscuit will cost then? It’s called inflation. Runaway inflation in such countries as Weimar Germany and Venezuela destroyed everyone’s cash, savings, jobs, everything. It’s starting here. Now.
So much for small business, and the middle class. Not many employees will collect $15 and hour and leave a benefit for the employer. That is why big business will support a $15 wage. Small businesses, like for example a Subway franchise, will see their employee costs soar. Pretty soon, the big-box retailers will run everything, and we’ll all be wage-slaves. Big Business + Big Media + Big Government = Big Brother.
Miller Forester
Another Legitimate Question
Dear Editor,
There is growing violence in Asian communities across the country. There is also growing violence in non-Asian communities across the country. Is the growing violence in Asian communities due to racism? Or is it caused by the defund movement escalating violence? Are Asians specifically being targeted by non-Asians? Or is growing violence spreading? Is biased media mischaracterizing violence as racial in order to attack one political party in support of another?
Seeing these videos is heart breaking. However, are all of these different race non-Asian perpetrators really Donald Trump supporters? Did Trump calling COVID-19 the Chinese flu, or scientists labeling it based on geography where first identified, really cause these acts? Or, should we hold individuals accountable for their individual violent acts? Is it too convenient to excuse results of failed policies on racism? It could just as easily be violence from surrounding neighborhoods spreading. We live in a diverse society. If violence increases, an increase in mixed race violence will likely occur. We deserve real solutions instead of simplistic “racism” excuses. This increases anger and division. It increases misunderstandings. If violence wasn’t caused by racism, addressing racism won’t reduce violence. Biased media needs to stop rushing to judgment because it matches individual political ideology. It could be racism or defund violence spread. It could also be that racism is easier to act out violently due to failed defund the police policy.
We also need to stop fighting stereotypes with stereotypes. I support Trump. I don’t support everything he does or says. No human is perfect. We do not agree with everyone every time. However, I do support labeling the virus based on geographic location. Lyme disease is not racist just because a few stupid people might think all people who live in Lyme, Connecticut, spread Lyme disease. The communist dictatorial government of China should be held accountable. Many are logically concerned that renaming is politically motivated to divert attention from the source. The vast majority logically agree that individuals of Asian race and Chinese heritage should not be attacked by stupid violent and or racist individuals. We also should not label every individual wishing to hold the Chinese government accountable, including the president, as racist due to the acts of a few idiots. Two wrongs are wrong. Understanding works both ways.
Alan Burke
The Dem. mantra of tax and spend has morphed into spend and tax while distracting and destroying. Just another tenet of the Marxist Critical Theory to achieve the woke revolution.
There is no need to be angry with anyone who disagrees with you. How else would you learn how other people feel?
My concern about the other opinion is I have heard it before .It was stupid then and it’s stupid now. Everyone in America should be up in arms because of the way that our so called Educational leaders are pushing a stupid agenda about BLM .When did American education pick an agenda to teach than the ABC’s .This is the Democrats philosophy to keep our young one’s dumb so they will not be smart enough to disagree with Democrats.Also Joe Biden wants to bring in 11to 20 Million people from Soth of our border to replace all the blacks that are migrating to the Republicans.THE DEMOCRATS WANT to have enough people they can Promise to give everything to so they can keep them under the Democrats control.Isn’t that a ripoff.Over the years the black race has been beholden to Democrats because they had been promised so much EXCEPT the Democrats never delivered. That’s why Trump said follow me and I will help you .Look at the unemployment rate’s of America,they were all the best in history.And then there was a wholesale screwup in voting .Please look up the video that ‘The my pillow guy’put together about the voting last November.How could a guy win an election with out going to all states and campaigning.At least 3/4th’s of the months he was in his basement.When he spoke he only spoke to max 55 people at one time and most of the times the people were in their cars.What a Joke!!!
It’s a bit of a chicken and an egg thing regarding inflation. Raising minimum wage is actually a response to uncontrolled inflation and not the other way around. The problem with the AARP generation isn’t the terrible magazine and ads, it’s that they largely got the benefits of 10% growth every year almost no matter what and they didn’t realize that infinite growth isn’t sustainable. Well, people still expect to see 10% growth but there isn’t real room for more productivity and use, so we fib a little and pretend like we are growing and create a logical argument to justify our interpretation of numbers that support that continued, permanent, and infinite growth.
The funny thing about your argument with that $5 sandwich is that it is all perpetuated on (what I assume you believe) the right of a company to make as much money as they can and want. It doesn’t cost $5 because that is the market price, it costs $5 because that’s how much money they want to make from that sandwich. Increasing minimum wage is going to be very complicated, but I’ve yet to hear any ideas (other than some form of “tough love”) from the right about how to elevate our impoverished.
And for Alan: I think you mean ex-president. Why do you think we should name diseases based on geography? Just because it was easy and convenient for Lyme disease? (I genuinely appreciate the cue to google the history of Lyme disease, which actually is not geographically linked to Lyme, CT but that just was where it was first described in our modern history). The history and origins of viruses and bacteria are incredibly complex. We don’t call cancer the Egyptian Curse. We don’t refer to smallpox as the Indian Dot Disease. And we don’t refer to the measles as the Middle Eastern Measles. Each of those would somewhat reflect the origins of those diseases. Further, the ex-president referred to the disease as the “Kung Flu” and “China Virus” for political reasons, not for geographical accuracy. That last guy in office didn’t give a WHOOT about a disease that has now killed nearly half a million people in the United States – he cared about his political protection from his own criminal behavior. Sowing discord through division was his strategy to win. He lost. Joe Biden is the President, don’t forget that.
“Increasing minimum wage is going to be very complicated, but I’ve yet to hear any ideas (other than some form of “tough love”) from the right about how to elevate our impoverished.”
You need to take a course in Economics and learn about the laws of supply and demand. Try reading from books by Milton Friedman such as Capitalism and Freedom, Why Government Is the Problem (Essays in Public Policy), etc.
There are those in government (democrats, liberals, etc) who want you to come to them with your complaints so they can push the $15 an hour agenda. That will last a few years if approved, but it will also sink some smaller businesses. Ever been to a McDonalds lately? Notice the self-serve kiosks? That’s due to labor costs and one way of eliminating the salary costs is to let customers place their own order, and pay for it with a card.
Also, why go to the store (which costs more because of the brock and mortar of using a building to buy something) when you can order it delivered at a lower cost.
The best thing the government can do is get out of the way.
Joe, from the right, demonstrating my point. You aren’t offering an idea of how to elevate our impoverished – you are literally saying “do nothing”.
Joe, here’s an idea… get up and stop depending on others working to pay you for not working. Take that stupid diaper off your stupid face and stop running from the man made virus that has a mortality rate of 0.5% among the most vulnerable or the target group… those of the older wiser,more capitalist age group. The not woke generation. GET OFF THE GOVERNMENT DOLE and be a productive TAXPAYING CITIZEN instead of a burden to your community. Stop paying and feeding these drug and alcohol addicted bums and kick them back to the liberal cesspools they were sent from like NY City! Defund Michelle Kennedy and her interactive socialist center! There’s you some advice. As for elevating these bums how about a swift kick? That will most certainly give you an uplifting feeling. If not try the elevator at the unemployment office. Whichever method you choose getting up is the first step in elevation!
You must be the proud benefactor of generations of whiteness.
Covid-19 has
UK variant
South African variant
T F, maybe you can’t see past your libtard nose. You have by your own words discriminated and placed blame on an entire generation! I’m sure your publication of socialist weekly has all the articles you enjoy. You also have called into question corruption of the duly elected president of the United States Donald J.Trump. Recounting the same fake phony illegal ballets wouldn’t change anything but verifying signatures and ELIGIBILITY TO VOTE would . Now about your $15 min. Wage… ask any small business owner or the folks who opened up a restaurant recently prior to the CHINA VIRUS and they would tell you genius that they CANNOTafford to pay their meager staff that amount. Prices have gone up due to the CHINA VIRUS and these companies are barely hanging on and idiots like you and the great white dope want to drive them out of business completely. It’s called socialism; depend on your government for everything. Stupid idea that always fails. Let’s move on to the corruption you brought up. Let’s start with Uncle Sniffy going on video bragging (he’s a boastful dolt!) about quid pro quo in Ukraine. If that’s not enough let’s talk about the millions of dollars being funneled to joe through his pediphile son Hunter. Joe’s old buddies the chi-comms brought us this wonderful (lab created) virus that essentially ruined a thriving economy. Sounds like election interference to me. Wait! Didn’t the intelligence community tell us during the 2020 election that interference AGAINST Trump was detected and was being committed by China, Russia and yep Creepy Joes terrorist supporting pals in Iran. Hmmm… I wonder why Russia would do that to Trump? That’s right there was never EVER any collusion with the Russians by anyone but Hillary Clinton and the DNC. Hillary is another corrupt criminal dem that gets a pass on treason and violations of corruption and the espionage act. Let’s not go this far and not mention the complicit corrupt mainstream media which is nothing more than the propaganda wing of the socialist/Marxist democrat party. And the most complicit and corrupt socialist media giants Google, Facebook, and Twitter. All guilty of election interference. Blocking anyone who so much as put Hunter the molester Biden in the search bar. All the networks saying it was RUSSIAN misinformation knowing full well it was not. There is corruption in our Government and that corruption and the rhetoric of the socialist along with the lack of real investigations into the cheating in the poll counting facilities and ballot harvesting is what led to the violence at the capital. As for holding someone responsible for things getting out of hand that all falls on Nancy wicked witch of the west Pelosi and Count Chuckula Schumer. Both of these corrupt life long crooks were briefed on the intelligence and did not accept the offer for ADDITIONAL SECURITY. You’re an idiot T F and when the mob comes for you I hope you get all that you deserve and then some as a true socialist should. Don’t be woke… wake the hell up! Oops… can’t fix stupid!
Enjoy the next four years, bub.